GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 2

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Earlier in this thread, there was a discussion that LG had a door jamb that gave further support/security to the door in her apartment. Assuming that the email by LG about the break-in was legit, would the door jamb have stopped someone from coming in who had a key? I am not familiar with those devices, but would be curious if that was what prevented the intruder from coming in. LG would have to have been in the apartment to secure the device on the door and it probably would have been at night.

Hogue and Hogue are considered to be two of the best criminal defense attorneys in Georgia. They are in Macon. Don't know anything about Buford and I practiced in Macon for years. His website seems to indicate that personal injury might be more of his focus.

]Please take note from this article, the family doesn't recognize McDaniel as a friend. He showed up to her grad party uninvited.

As a female, I do not care how skinny my male neighbor was, if I trusted him, I would tell him that I was scared, that someone tried to break into my apt a few days before the weekend. IMO and from some trusted sources, did Lauren not tell McD because she thought he could be the one who had tried to break-in?

And in my opinion, I had lots of acquaintances in school that were on the same teams and clubs and in positions within these organizations, but that did not mean we liked each other or even much but tolerated each other just for those organizations.

I am not sure of the wording of the 'break in" email. It may have been in the vein of a complaint and glad she was moving, or it may have been a real fear comment. We don't know without reading it. So, she may not have mentioned to anyone outside of the email.

I don't doubt they weren't very good friends. My point was that he wasn't the recluse we keep hearing, and he was more involved with his community than we have been led to believe.

No one who knows him, even from his high school days, has come forward bashing him. If he were a creepy little guy, I would expect all the people who ever laid eyes on him would be screaming from the rooftops they knew it was coming. I would like to know what he was like then.

I would like to know who did this. If it is SM, I want to know. If not, I want to know.
Originally posted by PsychoMom
I am not sure of the wording of the 'break in" email. It may have been in the vein of a complaint and glad she was moving, or it may have been a real fear comment. We don't know without reading it. So, she may not have mentioned to anyone outside of the email.

I don't doubt they weren't very good friends. My point was that he wasn't the recluse we keep hearing, and he was more involved with his community than we have been led to believe.

No one who knows him, even from his high school days, has come forward bashing him. If he were a creepy little guy, I would expect all the people who ever laid eyes on him would be screaming from the rooftops they knew it was coming. I would like to know what he was like then.

I would like to know who did this. If it is SM, I want to know. If not, I want to know.

I agree with you we all want to know but please remember the Craigs list Killer, no one believed he could do anything like that. His fiancé swore up nd down he was beautiful inside and out. Friends even created a fbook page to declare his innocence. I agree everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but please remember it is so easy to be fooled. . Philip Markoff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IMO, I do not believe that email was real but I do believe she was afraid and there was a possible break-in.
I agree with easily being fooled, but I need to hear more facts. There is a lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda going on, and I don't see those as fact. I would hate for him to be convicted because everyone thought it must be him since he lived so close and was a little different. If they have hard evidence, or even ANY evidence, I might be more convinced. I am not saying he didn't do this. I am saying I haven't heard enough evidence to sway me yet. It is still up in the air, and many who live in the community know this. The fear is still there. Until it is resolved, the fear will remain. My bigger concern is the real killer is wandering free in the area looking for the next victim. If they can nail it down to SM, that concern goes away.
I know probably nobody here has the answer to this, but here's a question I have.

Are there other empty apartments in that complex, and have those been searched? SM gave permission for LE to search his apartment, but has LE requested permission to search any of the other residents' apts?
They have searched and sealed 3 apartments from what I have heard. SM's, LG's, and the one beneath her where the tenant was moving out the week she was missing. I think they may have gone through some of the other empty apartments, but I do not know about the ones where someone may be living.
They have searched and sealed 3 apartments from what I have heard. SM's, LG's, and the one beneath her where the tenant was moving out the week she was missing. I think they may have gone through some of the other empty apartments, but I do not know about the ones where someone may be living.

I know LE have to have probable cause to get a search warrant to search your home, unless you give them your permission. I wonder if there are people who would not give permission to search.

I just have such a fear that the rest of poor Lauren is hidden in someone else's apartment or a home nearby or even one of those abandoned buildings in the downtown area. They seem to have narrowed this down to SM & those 3 apartments, and so far all we're hearing about are the stolen condoms & the master key & them saying he's not a suspect in a murder, only a POI.

Wouldn't you think someone familiar with the law & criminal investigations would have demanded a search warrant & also would have "gotten rid" of the master key if they had just dismembered a body & cleaned up a murder scene .... and put the body anywhere besides right outside the door? That's like a neon sign saying to police "Here she is, look right here."

When, oh when are those FBI reports going to be back??
Let me second what Southern Gal said. His attorney is a great guy. I have known him all my life and I have no doubt he is just doing what he is supposed to do. From what I have read he is just representing him on the burglary charges so if it escalates to more than that, maybe that will change.
I know LE have to have probable cause to get a search warrant to search your home, unless you give them your permission. I wonder if there are people who would not give permission to search.

I just have such a fear that the rest of poor Lauren is hidden in someone else's apartment or a home nearby or even one of those abandoned buildings in the downtown area. They seem to have narrowed this down to SM & those 3 apartments, and so far all we're hearing about are the stolen condoms & the master key & them saying he's not a suspect in a murder, only a POI.

Wouldn't you think someone familiar with the law & criminal investigations would have demanded a search warrant & also would have "gotten rid" of the master key if they had just dismembered a body & cleaned up a murder scene .... and put the body anywhere besides right outside the door? That's like a neon sign saying to police "Here she is, look right here."

When, oh when are those FBI reports going to be back??

Some of the concerns you have are bothering me at this point also. I can only surmise that this was either not a planned murder and what we are seeing is a result of frenzied disposal and clean up or that they have the wrong person.
I initially found his interviews strange and condemning to say the least. As the days pass and LE is returning to collect more evidence it is alarming me that they haven't found or announced to the public that they have their POI. I feel like they have taken out alot of evidence and nothing is coming back conclusively pointing directly to SM which in a crime this messy should have been found. Nothing, not a hair, a fingerprint, dna, or fibers. Nothing to connect the murder to SM? LE is trying hard but he cleaned up so well they can't nail him? Then why leave the body right there in plain sight, like a neon flashing light? And the keys? It is odd, yes it is. Something is off, something is missing. Has someone set him up or is he just the perfect fall guy?
I think the public deserves to know asap
Since these two pictures were taken on different days...

Is it possible that on the day her body was found, there was a trash can located at the base of the tree in question, which contained the torso? Are the trash cans placed on the same side of the building as the cordoned-off tree? The trash cans, I think, would tend to get moved around a lot. Perhaps the killer even placed the trash can under the tree before retrieving the body from inside, to make his disposal of the body more covert? LE was drawn to the spot by the stench.

This article was written on July 4th Destini.
In addition to Giddings’ apartment, police went back through the apartment below hers as well as the entire complex, police spokeswoman Jami Gaudet said in a news release Sunday afternoon.
I also found this in the same article linked above ...
Another neighbor, Neil Spencer, lives in an apartment with his mother one floor below that of Giddings and said he’s seen police working during the night on the case.

While he described the situation as “horrible,” Spencer feels safe with the police in the area. In any case, he plans to stay alert.

“I hope whoever did that, the police will find that person and bring closure for Lauren’s family,” Spencer said.

My Question:
It was my understanding from previous discussions on WS that Ms Spencer and her son lived in the apartment directly below McD and that the apt directly below Lauren's was the apt that another student (?) was in the process of moving out. How can this be if Neil Spencer, the son, lives directly below Lauren's apartment?
Earlier in this thread, there was a discussion that LG had a door jamb that gave further support/security to the door in her apartment. Assuming that the email by LG about the break-in was legit, would the door jamb have stopped someone from coming in who had a key? I am not familiar with those devices, but would be curious if that was what prevented the intruder from coming in. LG would have to have been in the apartment to secure the device on the door and it probably would have been at night.

Hogue and Hogue are considered to be two of the best criminal defense attorneys in Georgia. They are in Macon. Don't know anything about Buford and I practiced in Macon for years. His website seems to indicate that personal injury might be more of his focus.

Yes. A key wouldn't open a door with one in place correctly.

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I know probably nobody here has the answer to this, but here's a question I have.

Are there other empty apartments in that complex, and have those been searched? SM gave permission for LE to search his apartment, but has LE requested permission to search any of the other residents' apts?

This article was written on July 4th Destini.
In addition to Giddings’ apartment, police went back through the apartment below hers as well as the entire complex, police spokeswoman Jami Gaudet said in a news release Sunday afternoon.
I also found this in the same article linked above ...
Another neighbor, Neil Spencer, lives in an apartment with his mother one floor below that of Giddings and said he’s seen police working during the night on the case.

While he described the situation as “horrible,” Spencer feels safe with the police in the area. In any case, he plans to stay alert.

“I hope whoever did that, the police will find that person and bring closure for Lauren’s family,” Spencer said.

I expect the garbage cans were left in their normal spot in order for them to be picked up that day. If they had been moved around, it would have roused suspicion more. The fact the cans were noticed that day could be because the body was recently placed there, or it could be because the initial call didn't cause a lot of concern yet, and the officer didn't notice it. I believe the first call came at night, so it would have been cooler, maybe even damp. The coolness and dampness of the night could have made the odor stay closer to the cans. Perhaps the first officer was a smoker, or had a cold, or anything and didn't notice the odor for that reason. In the full heat of the day, the odor rose to a level where it was noticed.

Again, these are simply based on observations from years of living in Georgia. Not to be graphic, but the deer on the side of the road doesn't smell as strong at night as it does during the day. I have no idea if it rained during that time. Rain could have have kept a lot of people from paying attention because the odor would have been tamped down and easily shrugged off if you weren't looking for something.
Here's a theory: SM is not the perpetrator of this horrific crime. He is an accomplished student, who after 19 years of school... the last 3 grueling law study preceded by LSAT study & passage... continues to attend an intensive week of bar exam prep and practice testing and to display in his video interview his same Mayberry decent character that he has always shown for 25 years. He is not an actor or mentally ill or a criminal. Examine the entire video, not just a 3 minute excerpt. Psychopathic dismembering murderers rarely begin with zero violent crime history. Where is the evidence, not conjecture, but the irrefutable evidence that he committed actual burglary? That his possession of a master key equals his guilt of killing and dismembering this innocent girl? Lauren Giddings respected the American justice system and committed her life to studying it and participating in its process. But our justice system is a sham and none of us are protected by its process if it is not respected and followed: innocent until PROVEN guilty. Consider the dishonor we do this particular victim if her neighbor and classmate is ruined and found guilty by public opinion while the actual murderer escapes to commit another such act. I do not know who committed this nightmare but our system must be allowed to work with as much absence of inflaming and confusing potential jurors as possible. Please post based only on KNOWN FACT. Thank you for your great vigorous discussion:twocents:
Casey Anthony's verdict IMO proves that public opinion's means squat.. As it should..

I don't see discussion of anything other than responsible and in the realm of possibilities.. I believe that everyone here involved in these discussions has the utmost of respect in their posts.. But this is a website where theories and possibilities are discussed.. That is what takes place.. Adult discussions about criminal cases... Sometimes horrendous cases such as this one..there are no outlandish, wild theories being thrown out.. That is not allowed..
This article was written on July 4th Destini.
In addition to Giddings’ apartment, police went back through the apartment below hers as well as the entire complex, police spokeswoman Jami Gaudet said in a news release Sunday afternoon.
I also found this in the same article linked above ...
Another neighbor, Neil Spencer, lives in an apartment with his mother one floor below that of Giddings and said he’s seen police working during the night on the case.

While he described the situation as “horrible,” Spencer feels safe with the police in the area. In any case, he plans to stay alert.

“I hope whoever did that, the police will find that person and bring closure for Lauren’s family,” Spencer said.

My Question:
It was my understanding from previous discussions on WS that Ms Spencer and her son lived in the apartment directly below McD and that the apt directly below Lauren's was the apt that another student (?) was in the process of moving out. How can this be if Neil Spencer, the son, lives directly below Lauren's apartment?
Stephen Mark McDaniel considered Lauren Giddings, his neighbor and Mercer law school classmate, a friend, his mother says.

Glenda McDaniel said her son does have friends and is not a “lone wolf” recluse, as he’s recently been portrayed in media reports.

During law school, Giddings was president of Mercer’s chapter of The Federalist Society. Stephen McDaniel was vice president, his mother said.

On one occasion, Giddings was unable to attend a Federalist Society meeting in Washington, D.C., and she asked McDaniel to go in her place.
The family had seen McDaniel at a graduation party thrown jointly by the Giddings family and another law student’s family at the Fish N’ Pig restaurant in May.

McDaniel attended the party. Although both students’ family members and friends were at the party, it seemed to family members that McDaniel was there uninvited, Mann said.

He said Giddings was always kind to McDaniel.
Stephen McDaniel’s aunt, Melody Rucker, called the entire episode “totally bizarre.”

“We can’t believe it,” Rucker said.

She said her nephew is “one of the nicest, smartest people that I’ve ever known. ... We’re all very, very upset. Of course, we’re upset about the girl. But it’s like a dream really, because Stephen is just the straightest -- never been in trouble, never. ... I’ve never heard him say a cross word to anybody, very mild-mannered.”
Giddings' father said he had met McDaniel a few times.

"I would describe him as very average — didn't speak a lot, kind of awkward," Bill Giddings said. "He seemed to be a light-weight, kind of a bookworm."

Above are just a few comments that depict McD from differing perspectives. LG's family didn't seem too impressed with him. The comments about the party and McD's silence and awkwardness suggest that LG's family consider McD a social misfit. His family, on the other hand, views him as a young man with impeccable character and social graces. Of course, it's not unusual for the family to overlook the flaws of their loved one, and we know their assessment isn't accurate since he has admitted to burglary.

McD, in my opinion, is fairly sociable and was generally well-accepted by his peers. But, he seems to have some idiosyncrasies that may have caused an uneasiness among his classmates. Considering LG and McD's involvement together in the Federalist Society, I'm inclined to think LG went out of her way to make McD feel included in the Mercer Law community. Maybe McD misinterpreted LG's kindness, fueled by his mother's comments (I'm not blaming her; her comments are typical of a mother), and he began to imagine a deeper relationship between them. That could certainly make LG begin to feel uncomfortable around McD.

IF McD is responsible for LG's death, maybe it was the unintended consequence of an advance he made toward her that was rebuffed. I can imagine LG trying to reason with McD while McD growing more persistent until they begin to tussle. Suppose in the scuffle LG hit her head or something happened, resulting in her death. At that point, McD would have panicked and even been guilt-stricken.

I wonder if McD has a friend who attends the medical school? Maybe McD called him, and the friend helped to dismember the body. The torso, though, he couldn't bear to part with immediately. Whether or not McD is involved, I wonder if the perp did have an accessory? Unidentified DNA at the scene may be complicating matters for LE.

All just speculation, but I hope something will soon break in the case so there can be justice for Lauren, answers for her family and a sense of security for the community.
Has anyone noticed that while rotating his head fully left and right and raising upper extremity overhead close to camera for several minutes in bright sunlight that there is not a single visible laceration, abrasion, bruise, swelling or redness visible on SM - on the very parts of a perpetrator's body most likely to be injured when facing their victim while committing murder and cutting the body up? A sharp weapon such as a knife was probably used at some point and repeatedly to dismember multiple large joints of a muscular woman. Blood makes knives slippery and dangerous for the attacker. A sword in one fell swipe? Perhaps but these questions are examples of what a prosecutor must overcome to convince a jury to convict such an unlikely defendant. How likely a gun was used? The Spencers were home and have given statements to reporters. Why would they not mention hearing a sound that could have been a gun shot? SM would not likely have the physical strength to strangle a 6 feet tall 27 year old athlete even with a device. The camera/reporter crew evidence of his skin being near a knife.
This article was written on July 4th Destini.

I also found this in the same article linked above ...

"Another neighbor, Neil Spencer, lives in an apartment with his mother one floor below that of Giddings and said he’s seen police working during the night on the case.
While he described the situation as “horrible,” Spencer feels safe with the police in the area. In any case, he plans to stay alert.

“I hope whoever did that, the police will find that person and bring closure for Lauren’s family,” Spencer said."

Ok who is this guy Spencer who lived with his mother in the same complex? Has he been checked out thoroughly by LE?
Has anyone noticed that while rotating his head fully left and right and raising upper extremity overhead close to camera for several minutes in bright sunlight that there is not a single visible laceration, abrasion, bruise, swelling or redness visible on SM - on the very parts of a perpetrator's body most likely to be injured when facing their victim while committing murder and cutting the body up? A sharp weapon such as a knife was probably used at some point and repeatedly to dismember multiple large joints of a muscular woman. Blood makes knives slippery and dangerous for the attacker. A sword in one fell swipe? Perhaps but these questions are examples of what a prosecutor must overcome to convince a jury to convict such an unlikely defendant. How likely a gun was used? The Spencers were home and have given statements to reporters. Why would they not mention hearing a sound that could have been a gun shot? SM would not likely have the physical strength to strangle a 6 feet tall 27 year old athlete even with a device. The camera/reporter crew evidence of his skin being near a knife.

The views shared on this crime thread are both opinions from the posters and facts from LE reports made available to the public. No one here professes to know all the answers - if s/he did they would not be here. And certainly none of us knows 100% who committed this crime. <modsnip> In the meantime, as we proceed with our subjective discussions, we eagerly await the objective analysis of the FBI forensic report.
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