GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 3

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Givsmetheshivers said:
Darn this site! Am I the only one that wants to make a dry erase board with a timeline on it like they do on Law and Order and try to figure this out?
You mean you don't have one? ;)
I don't mean to make light of the situation, but I think you'll find you're not alone.
I honestly can't think of something more funny than deciding to kind of punk your classmates in law school by wearing chain mail at random. It may be adolescent but it's also just plain awesome. JMO.
Now, if he did it with no sense of irony or humor that's another story...

I am married to a nerd who knows even bigger nerds. If I saw him do this I would get this humor, but then be really sad that he thought the mainstreamers got the joke as well. Terrible.

I just want the breaking into the apartments to be a sort of Phantom of the Opera situation. I want him to have stolen condoms because he was too shy to possibly buy them himself and he thought because some girl was coming over to study that he might need them. I want him to have honestly forgotten that he was given that key by some lazy maintenance person. I want to believe that his interview was just the ramblings of a super confused neighbor who would have done ANYTHING for Lauren and the other tenants.
I get that vibe here as well.
I got that vibe from Jeffrey Dahmer during his trial when I was a little kid but who knows how much of that was a side effect of thinking he was handsome...but as I got older and really studied Dahmer, I felt a great deal more sympathy for him than I ever did the even better looking Ted Bundy, who I feel virtually zero sympathy for.
When someone commits crimes essentially because their loneliness is a warped and vicious sort, and you can see it written all over their life, it's hard not to feel for them.
It is the mercy we show the most grievous violators of our society's values that determines the value of our society, I believe that.

Wow, we already shared that we've had kind of the same reaction to SM, angelaanalyzes, and here you 'fess up that you had much the same reaction to JD that I did (though I was an adult), something that a lot of people I discussed it with back then didn't understand -- and Bundy has always affected me in a very different way. We must have similar "meters" running.
Due to the fact that SMD talked so much to the reporter during that interview, not just answering questions but elaborating on what he knew, I can't help but wonder if one reason his attorney has not been anxious to get a bond hearing is because he feels like his client is better off in jail, away from the media, and not spilling out everything he thinks & knows ... at least until the FBI evidence comes back.

It's like he's a wild card, for the attorney at least, because he doesn't know what he might say to the media. And you know they'll be trying to interview him if he gets out.

<emphasis mine>

And, if he's not the perp, LE and Buford might well still not want him out and about giving interviews
But it doesn't mean a person died the day their body was discovered. The coroner will have a good idea about TOD. I agree GIVESMETHESHIVERS, that is really open, I said the same thing, who did NOT hear screams or grunts or see someone moving stuff or cars moving around? How did SMcD or the old lady donwstairs not hear or see something?? It's probalby quiet there at night
I hate to go back to this since it was already discussed, but some previous posters suggested he might have had mental issues. At the least he seems socially awkward. I wonder why such a person would have wanted to become a lawyer. Luckily I don't have too much experience with lawyers, but it seems to me you would have to have an outgoing, somewhat aggressive personality to be a lawyer (especially a prosecutor). It seems like if he were really quiet and socially awkward, he would have picked a different profession where he didn't have to interact with so many people.

Just something I was wondering about. I don't know him or what his personality is.
Back in Thread #2 I posted a link and a quote where one of the investigators stated that due to the stage of decomp that it seemed as though she had not been deceased very long.. There was discussion about it.. So this latest quote would actually be the second inference made about her not having been deceased for too long at the time the torso was discovered..

Will have to look to find the quote and link but I am certain that it was stated earlier as well.
Back in Thread #2 I posted a link and a quote where one of the investigators stated that due to the stage of decomp that it seemed as though she had not been deceased very long.. There was discussion about it.. So this latest quote would actually be the second inference made about her not having been deceased for too long at the time the torso was discovered..

Will have to look to find the quote and link but I am certain that it was stated earlier as well.

I knew someone mentioned this a while ago. So I went searching.
Here&#8217;s your post starting the discussion
And here you linked the article
I guess 4 days isn't long anyway if that's what the article meant about the body not being deceased long, but I would think it would be really really risky to hold someone in bondage there for a few days before (the actual murder)unless it happened somewhere else and later dumped back on premises (which has been debated)

I thought maybe the torso was preserved in a freezer (I've mentioned before) for a day or two until the perp got rid of the other parts and then was wiaiting for the right time to discard the torso (Thursday as trash pickup occurs) whcih is bigger and not as easy to move without being noticed,( I've read others have done such with the torso). So that could mean she only appeared to be dead a day or two but the stench was there on Thursday right? So she'd been there or somewhere decomposing 2-4 days anyway (if the torso wasn't preserved before dumping) I would really hate to think she suffered like that, I hope it was quick for her sake and her parents who must imagine all kinds of things that their daughter went thru. I pray they discover something soon
I can vouch it is a quiet area. Even when my daughter and her friends had parties, it was still low key. More for talking than for rowdiness. I have stayed there overnight several times myself and commented how little outside noise there was. The fact that even the downstairs neighbor heard anything that stood out makes me wonder if she were, in fact, outside and downstairs.

As in, perhaps she had a friend call her to come downstairs for a minute. Or even come up to her door and ask her to come look at something he or she found and had in their car. She would have easily bounded down the stairs to see, and then she was gone. That could explain the questions about the second car. Very plausible. Get her down to the car, and while she is looking in it, taze (sp?) her and be gone.

Nothing in her apartment would be amiss, and possibly no fingerprints if they simply knocked on her door. If he or she parked in the back, as some have suggest a car may have been, it would have been less likely to be seen. And parking in the back wouldn't be that unusual depending on which way they were coming from.

As for law, remember not all lawyers are up and defending cases like Franklin & Bash. Some do contracts and rather boring court cases. Big dreams are a goal for a lot of people, but reality of what they do isn't always what you think it will be. I can could have a goal to be a supermodel, but I seriously doubt at 40+ years old and in my shape that it will ever actually happen. Just because SM had big goals, it doesn't mean he really expected his reality to end up there.
I don't see the info up on the 13WMAZ web site yet, but the 5 p.m. "early news" just ran a story about emails being sent out claiming that parts of other bodies have been discovered and that there is a serial killer in Macon and claiming a police cover-up. Had the Bibb Co. coroner on, denying all this, he says he feels confident that LE will get the person responsible for LG's death.
Just to be clear...we are talking about the places where poo goes, right?!

No, not at all - they're most likely talking about the drainage pipes that run under the city. They are for storm water runoff. You can actually drown in there if a flash flood comes up while you are in it. I remember playing in those as a kid.
The Walmart that appears to be closest to the Barrister Hall is open 24 hours.

We shouldn't jump to conclusions yet about TOD. When a body is found and exact TOD cannot be determined, the death certificate will show the date found as the date of death.

Determining date/time of death could be made difficult by the remains being refrigerated, possibly frozen, soon after death, if that actually happened. It could account for the coroner's statement that she had died recently, or hadn't been dead long (can't remember exact words right now), which is relative, anyway.

I agree Bessie.

In addition, reporters are notorious for switching up wording in a news story. Particularly when a case drags on for any length of time. I don't think this latest twist on words from the reporter deserves any special merit. We know the refrigerator was removed and taken to the FBI Lab for testing. With the few other facts we know to be true; last seen, last electronic communications and discovery of her body. It seems logical to think Lauren's torso (I cringe at being so blunt) may have been placed in the refrigerator for a short period of time. It would also be the largest and most difficult portion to easily conceal and take away from the apartment.

Making sense of the senseless without facts is difficult. I have confidence in LE. To think they are holding McD on the burglary charges while still looking for the real killer is not probable.
After seeing the mass email exchange he had with students at Mercer regarding the political hypothetical construct he proposed and sent to the student body for feedback [he was basically insinuating Obama is a communist], I do see the possibility of Narcissistic traits [not because I disagree with his take on Obama, but because he was only in school for 3 weeks of his first semester when he sent out this mass email, very provocative and some say immature, to even upperclassmen]...he's a cocky guy, but from his writing he also seems either not to appreciate/realize the range of possible reactions he would elicit [perhaps he isn't good at reading social cues] or not to care about the possible reactions, although he seemed sufficiently outraged after being insulted over and over again.

regarding the traits I've emphasized in your post, reminds me that I also wondered about something along the lines of Asperger's Syndrome with SM -- not, let me be quick to say, in connection with him possibly being a murderer, but in connection with some of the behavioral oddities
I don't see the info up on the 13WMAZ web site yet, but the 5 p.m. "early news" just ran a story about emails being sent out claiming that parts of other bodies have been discovered and that there is a serial killer in Macon and claiming a police cover-up. Had the Bibb Co. coroner on, denying all this, he says he feels confident that LE will get the person responsible for LG's death.

The public is getting antsy around here. The comments on and just make me roll my eyes. I hope the announce something substantial in the press conference tomorrow to quash all the rumors going around.
Okay I had not heard there was a suspicious other vehicle. I dont' think SMcD did it. He was sending her text and emails about the upcoming camping trip? His car was seen around back, so you are saying that is nothing out of the ordinary as others have implied otherwise
(You wrote:The fact that even the downstairs neighbor heard anything that stood out makes me wonder if she were, in fact, outside and downstairs), so you mean that maybe the lady neighbor wasn't home at the time or was inside if Lauren was lured into the other (suspicious) car that has been mentioned. Well if so, then that would imply the killer wasn't from the complex and then brought the torso back. Which doesn't seems like a lot of trouble to me but it does confuse the LE.

But If McD was hasty in his disgarding on wednesday late night or early morning Thurs would seem to make better sense, but there's a lot of other things brought up that doesnt' point to him at all.

He has one car, correct? So it would make sense that nothing took place onsite at Barrister because there was nothing immediately damming that got anyone arrested for immediately and there was nothing suspicious heard or seen, but apparently that car that LE inquired about to his mom.

So it would suggest as you say, she was lured but someone brought the torso back, and now they are looking at McD who might be innocent instead of looking hard for some psycho seriel killer or mass murderer. Myabe it was some initiation, she being so nice, someone may have pretended to be lost but go out there at night alone not knowing them? Oh mercy. Even if it is quiet there, dont' approach someone's car you dont' know, EVER....JMT
Is it something you can share here?

I agree. We need to make our own conclusions about the tone. And we need to know the reasons behind it being sent. Mass email to his class as part of an assignment, or random email to strangers for no reason. And was it an accidentally 'respond to all' instead of just 'respond.'
Okay I had not heard there was a suspicious other vehicle. I dont' think SMcD did it. He was sending her text and emails about the upcoming camping trip? His car was seen around back, so you are saying that is nothing out of the ordinary as others have implied otherwise
(You wrote:The fact that even the downstairs neighbor heard anything that stood out makes me wonder if she were, in fact, outside and downstairs), so you mean that maybe the lady neighbor wasn't home at the time or was inside if Lauren was lured into the other (suspicious) car that has been mentioned. Well if so, then that would imply the killer wasn't from the complex and then brought the torso back. Which doesn't seems like a lot of trouble to me but it does confuse the LE.

But If McD was hasty in his disgarding on wednesday late night or early morning Thurs would seem to make better sense, but there's a lot of other things brought up that doesnt' point to him at all.

He has one car, correct? So it would make sense that nothing took place onsite at Barrister because there was nothing immediately damming that got anyone arrested for immediately and there was nothing suspicious heard or seen, but apparently that car that LE inquired about to his mom.

So it would suggest as you say, she was lured but someone brought the torso back, and now they are looking at McD who might be innocent instead of looking hard for some psycho seriel killer or mass murderer. Myabe it was some initiation, she being so nice, someone may have pretended to be lost but go out there at night alone not knowing them? Oh mercy. Even if it is quiet there, dont' approach someone's car you dont' know, EVER....JMT

With her phone and all inside, I have no doubt it was someone she knows. But, I do think they got her away from the area where it would be easily noticed. Around back is another parking lot. You can access it if you turn in the back road. Not all that unusual if coming that way anyway, but less likely to be seen by most traffic. I don't think the gang thing makes sense. That isn't normal gang activity. But, someone she knew could get her out to a car for minute. Even by saying, "I know you are moving soon. I have something for you out in the car. Come on, I'll show it to you." And she leaves everything and walks right out the door with the person. She only plans on being gone a second and she has a key right outside.
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