GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 4

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If McD was excluded from many of his fellow law students' social activities and then Lauren was thoughtful enough of his feelings to invite him to the pre-graduation celebration, I can see where he might have misinterpreted Lauren's friendliness. I wonder if even McD realized she was in a serious relationship, considering her BF lives in Atlanta? McD probably didn't see the BF around very often and LG wouldn't have appeared to be in a relationship with anyone at Mercer (she wasn't) so, heartened by LG's cordiality toward him and feeling pressured by the knowledge they would soon be parting ways, maybe he began to pursue her aggressively. Too aggressively. Anyway, I can see a possible motive IF the killer is McD, whether or not her death was accidental or intentional -- even premeditated.

If the killer did have a romantic obsession with LG, I wonder if he kept her torso because he was abusing it (sexually)? I'm not sure that would constitute necrophilia, as Angelanalyzes speculated as a possible motive, since it wasn't death or corpses he was obsessed with (IMO), but with LG herself. If he had made his romantic intentions known to her and she resisted, he may have seen her death as his only hope of having a relationship with her.

I'm just not feeling SMD is LG's killer. I feel police may have wasted precious time in his apartment trying to find anything that could tie him to this. I can't be sure, and I will be the first to admit I was wrong, but I have extreme doubts about SMD's capability to do anything of this sort and function afterwards. It's my impression that he wouldn't hurt a fly and would probably try to bury a bird if it hit his windshield and died. I just have an overwhelming vibe about him that says he's not our man.

If McD was excluded from many of his fellow law students' social activities and then Lauren was thoughtful enough of his feelings to invite him to the pre-graduation celebration, I can see where he might have misinterpreted Lauren's friendliness. I wonder if even McD realized she was in a serious relationship, considering her BF lives in Atlanta? McD probably didn't see the BF around very often and LG wouldn't have appeared to be in a relationship with anyone at Mercer (she wasn't) so, heartened by LG's cordiality toward him and feeling pressured by the knowledge they would soon be parting ways, maybe he began to pursue her aggressively. Too aggressively. Anyway, I can see a possible motive IF the killer is McD, whether or not her death was accidental or intentional -- even premeditated.

If the killer did have a romantic obsession with LG, I wonder if he kept her torso because he was abusing it (sexually)? I'm not sure that would constitute necrophilia, as Angelanalyzes speculated as a possible motive, since it wasn't death or corpses he was obsessed with (IMO), but with LG herself. If he had made his romantic intentions known to her and she resisted, he may have seen her death as his only hope of having a relationship with her.

Unless I heard it wrong and read it wrong Lauren had asked him to attend other things and he refused. This was a first.
I'm just not feeling SMD is LG's killer. I feel police may have wasted precious time in his apartment trying to find anything that could tie him to this. I can't be sure, and I will be the first to admit I was wrong, but I have extreme doubts about SMD's capability to do anything of this sort and function afterwards. It's my impression that he wouldn't hurt a fly and would probably try to bury a bird if it hit his windshield and died. I just have an overwhelming vibe about him that says he's not our man.


I'm not convinced that SMD is the killer either. LE had to check it out because he was a POI and the vicinity of the body. The apartments seemed like the right place for the murder to have occured. SMD is different.

He yelled and cursed when he played video games. How many men yell and curse when they watch a ball game. He looked for kittens in the bushes so now he's into killing animals. I looked for kittens in the woods next to my house because I like cats and didn't want them to go hungry. He's immature and wears strange clothes to school....probably on black Thurs.

Lauren seemed to like him in spite of his differences. Everyone has him in love with her. Where is the evidence?

I think the jury is still out on this. He didn't date. Was a loner. Maybe he doesn't like girls maybe he does. Maybe he's more into video game, getting through school and is too shy to approach a girl.

All I'm saying is he might be innocent. They might be keeping him in jail for his protection as much as anything else. jmo

If it turns out that he did commit this heinous crime, I'll stand humbly before everyone, red faced and abashed.
If McD was excluded from many of his fellow law students' social activities and then Lauren was thoughtful enough of his feelings to invite him to the pre-graduation celebration, I can see where he might have misinterpreted Lauren's friendliness. I wonder if even McD realized she was in a serious relationship, considering her BF lives in Atlanta? McD probably didn't see the BF around very often and LG wouldn't have appeared to be in a relationship with anyone at Mercer (she wasn't) so, heartened by LG's cordiality toward him and feeling pressured by the knowledge they would soon be parting ways, maybe he began to pursue her aggressively. Too aggressively. Anyway, I can see a possible motive IF the killer is McD, whether or not her death was accidental or intentional -- even premeditated.

If the killer did have a romantic obsession with LG, I wonder if he kept her torso because he was abusing it (sexually)? I'm not sure that would constitute necrophilia, as Angelanalyzes speculated as a possible motive, since it wasn't death or corpses he was obsessed with (IMO), but with LG herself. If he had made his romantic intentions known to her and she resisted, he may have seen her death as his only hope of having a relationship with her.

You have no basis to say he may have "misinterpreted Lauren's friendliness" and things like that. Even though you're being hypothetical, i think it's wayyy far fetched...jmho...
Other interesting things in that video-

Kaitlyn asked Lauren's friend to go into her apartment and check on her that night.

Mercer Security went to the apartment that night at 10:00, but found nothing suspicious. Kaitlyn called 911 after that and MPD also came to the apartment that night.
snipped for space

Wow. Hold on a second.

1. In the narrative report written at 12:52 AM on 6/30/11 (this was just after midnight on Wednesday, so it's early Thursday morning now,) Ofc Descoteaux wrote that he was dispatched to LG's address in reference to a Missing Person. (This must be the 911 call that Kaitlyn made, and I would assume she had already spoken with her parents to determine if they had talked with LG. If she had spoken with her parents, they would know that Kaitlyn was calling 911 and I'm assuming they would be awake, alert, upset, ready to travel to Georgia. LG's father actually did state that he was already in his car, driving toward Georgia on Thursday morning when he rec'd the news that a body was located at the complex in Macon.)

2. Ofc Descoteaux is MPD.

3. If Kaitlyn's info is correct, and Mercer Security went to that apartment at 10:00 PM on the evening of 6/29/11, who called them there & what Campus Police Officer responded? His name? I want to see his written report.

4. Here's why it's important: In the narrative by MPD, Officer D. states that after attempts to contact LG's parents at 2 different numbers, he was unable to make contact.
(Where were the parents? Surely Kaitlyn had spoken to her parents. She wouldn't allow the police to file a missing persons report and NOT be in communication with her parents about it. Usually a mother is the one to jump in and call in all the forces if she thinks something could be wrong with her child, so why was Kaitlyn doing the calling if LG's mother was aware? Even if the parents were with Kaitlyn, why didn't they answer their phones when the police officer called them on 2 numbers? If LG was missing, wouldn't they want to jum on all calls? If they were asleep at 1 AM, why were they not awake and concerned with Kaitlyn? I want to know where the parents were and if the Mercer Police were there at 10 PM, the parents of LG should have been notified then, according to Mercer's policy on missing students, but most definitely by Kaitlyn herself. But wait..there's more.)

Ofc D. also wrote that he was unable to get an answer on the boyfriend's number when he called.
He then wrote the following:

"SGT Copeland contacted the On-Call Persons Detective and Det Bridger was assigned the case. Det Bridger made the call not to respond to the scene and just complete the report and he would follow up on the case.
(I believe he left out the word Missing in front of Persons when he wrote his report, but I typed it just as it's typed on the report. )

Detective Bridger is Mercer Police, according to their website. So why does this report make no mention of Mercer Police already being there FIRST?

And why does SGT Copeland call this Mercer Police Detective Bridger and he decides to NOT RESPOND TO THE SCENE? Why does the report fail to state that Campus Police were already out there at 10 PM, just 3 hours earlier? Why did Bridger not disclose that so Ofc D. could write that in the report? If Bridger did not know this, why not?

Mercer University Police Department's website states they are there 24/7 and never close. Here's the link to their policy on Missing Persons, as well as other very helpful information:

"The Mercer Police Department is a service-oriented department. Officers are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition to routine patrols, the Department provides an escort service at night for those students or employees needing to go to other areas on campus and for those arriving late from evening jobs."

The big problem I have is , if Mercer Security/Campus Police were out there at 10 PM, why was the policy on Missing Students not followed? (Was it because she had graduated and lived off campus? So what, she's not important anymore to Mercer?) And where is the report about their visit at 10PM? And why did Det. Bridger decide not to respond when contacted by MPD?

And last but not least, WHAT TIME were all the friends there, going over to the law library looking for LG? (Mercer's 10:00 visit? or midnight visit by MPD?) When was it that SMD said he and "JOE" were in LG's apartment and "JOE" plugged up LG's cell phone and looked at it to see her calls or to see that email she sent? What time was that? Was SMD doing this with the police officer present? I ask because of this:

Ofc D. wrote this in his narrative at 12:52 AM:
"The victims cell phone was on her bed with a dead battery. After turning the phone on we were able to tell that the victim has not called or sent any messages on the phone sent last Saturday evening."

So who is Joe and did the officer instruct him to plug the phone up so they could look through it? The officer should have cleared the property and not let anyone touch anything. This compromised so much.
I'm still trying to figure out how looking at kittens made him an animal killer and a murderer here. If that is how it worked, I know a lot of people who would be on a killing spree. I am not saying he is innocent. I don't know he is. I have to wonder, though. He doesn't strike me as physically being able to do something like that, much less emotionally able to do that. Maybe wishful thinking, I simply see too many kids I have known over the years in his eyes, I guess.

And I need evidence that points in his direction. Not that Jeffrey Dahlmer or Ted Bundy did it, so he must have, too. Or he dresses weird. Or he collects medival junk. I know a lot of people who do that, too. Or that he preferred to not socialize much from what we are hearing. He probably had his circle of friends, though it might be much smaller than hers.

Not because he ended up with a key that fit other doors somehow. Could have been an old manager's laziness, or a slip up where he was given a master key instead of a regular key. Happened to me at an old office I worked at. My office key opened every door in the building. Very convenient sometimes. But we have nothing saying if it was that kind of key that he knew it. After all, he may have never tried HIS key in anyone else's door. I have heard it mentioned others in the those apartments ended up with master keys, but I haven't seen it verified. I guess it is much cheaper to copy the same key 24 times than to make 24 separate keys (or how ever many in the complex X2 for each one).

Or even that he reportedly admitted to stealing 2 condoms nearly 3 years ago. Who knows what that was about? Scavenger hunt? Dare? Stupidity? Evil criminal mind preparing for a future murder?

I need to see something linking him to this particular crime before I call out the lynch mob. I have yet to see anything indicating he was a bad person. I can't imagine for his very first bad thing, he butchers his friendly neighbor and manages to cover up all the evidence while attending a class daily knowing people will be looking for her. He had to expect people to be looking for her by the very next morning. For people to wait as long as they did is a surprise. She was popular and involved. You would expect her to have things scheduled daily with someone.
I'm not convinced that SMD is the killer either. LE had to check it out because he was a POI and the vicinity of the body. The apartments seemed like the right place for the murder to have occured. SMD is different.

He yelled and cursed when he played video games. How many men yell and curse when they watch a ball game. He looked for kittens in the bushes so now he's into killing animals. I looked for kittens in the woods next to my house because I like cats and didn't want them to go hungry. He's immature and wears strange clothes to school....probably on black Thurs.

Lauren seemed to like him in spite of his differences. Everyone has him in love with her. Where is the evidence?

I think the jury is still out on this. He didn't date. Was a loner. Maybe he doesn't like girls maybe he does. Maybe he's more into video game, getting through school and is too shy to approach a girl.

All I'm saying is he might be innocent. They might be keeping him in jail for his protection as much as anything else. jmo

If it turns out that he did commit this heinous crime, I'll stand humbly before everyone, red faced and abashed.

Great post! I am familiar with people with differences and have wondered myself if SMD has Asperger's. I have a relative with Asperger's Syndrome, which is on the spectrum of Autism, but this relative is NOT violent due to this, he's harmless, totally and completely. Drives the speed limit, very matter of fact, tender hearted to the point of getting a bit teary eyed if someone raises their voice at him. Not coordinated enough to ride a bike and most describe him as "quirky" and "different." Yep, sure is, but he's not a killer or a bad guy. He's just not made up of judgemental junk and deceptive ideas and practices like many people are. He's very black and white, very literal and if you tell him to break a leg, he didnt always know that also meant, "do a great job!" I saw a lot of similarities between him and SMD as far as mannerisms and I picked up on a quirkiness that was familiar to me. It doesn't mean SMD has Asperger's, it just means that my relative is similar in his behavior. He is also a gamer, he went through a long hair phase, wore all black, etc. However, a killer it sure does not make!!!!!

We are a very judgemental society and folks like Nancy Grace do not help people move beyond that in any way. People like her breed ignorance. I hope for the sake of everything good and sacred in this world, she will not pre-judge SMD and lead the public blindly down the road of burning him at the stake for any of this. The boy is harmless and if he was looking at kittens in the woods, I would be hard pressed to not believe he was looking at them because he was trying to figure out if they were ok, hungry, possibly if he could keep them as pets, anything but hurt them. My relative with Asperger's loves cats and it's been commonly reported by many with Asperger's that cats are their favorite animal and they treat them very well! My relative treats his cat like royalty, so it almost makes me want to cry to think that maybe SMD wanted a kitten for a pet to keep him company. Again, doesn't mean SMD has Asperger's, but people need to see both sides.

I will defend SMD because i simply don't believe he harmed anyone or anything. I don't care if there was a master key in his apartment. It could have been put there by anyone. After all, it would open HIS door too.
I'm still trying to figure out how looking at kittens made him an animal killer and a murderer here. If that is how it worked, I know a lot of people who would be on a killing spree. I am not saying he is innocent. I don't know he is. I have to wonder, though. He doesn't strike me as physically being able to do something like that, much less emotionally able to do that. Maybe wishful thinking, I simply see too many kids I have known over the years in his eyes, I guess.

And I need evidence that points in his direction. Not that Jeffrey Dahlmer or Ted Bundy did it, so he must have, too. Or he dresses weird. Or he collects medival junk. I know a lot of people who do that, too. Or that he preferred to not socialize much from what we are hearing. He probably had his circle of friends, though it might be much smaller than hers.

Not because he ended up with a key that fit other doors somehow. Could have been an old manager's laziness, or a slip up where he was given a master key instead of a regular key. Happened to me at an old office I worked at. My office key opened every door in the building. Very convenient sometimes. But we have nothing saying if it was that kind of key that he knew it. After all, he may have never tried HIS key in anyone else's door. I have heard it mentioned others in the those apartments ended up with master keys, but I haven't seen it verified. I guess it is much cheaper to copy the same key 24 times than to make 24 separate keys (or how ever many in the complex X2 for each one).

Or even that he reportedly admitted to stealing 2 condoms nearly 3 years ago. Who knows what that was about? Scavenger hunt? Dare? Stupidity? Evil criminal mind preparing for a future murder?

I need to see something linking him to this particular crime before I call out the lynch mob. I have yet to see anything indicating he was a bad person. I can't imagine for his very first bad thing, he butchers his friendly neighbor and manages to cover up all the evidence while attending a class daily knowing people will be looking for her. He had to expect people to be looking for her by the very next morning. For people to wait as long as they did is a surprise. She was popular and involved. You would expect her to have things scheduled daily with someone.

I agree 100%. Thanks for this!
I'm just not feeling SMD is LG's killer. I feel police may have wasted precious time in his apartment trying to find anything that could tie him to this. I can't be sure, and I will be the first to admit I was wrong, but I have extreme doubts about SMD's capability to do anything of this sort and function afterwards. It's my impression that he wouldn't hurt a fly and would probably try to bury a bird if it hit his windshield and died. I just have an overwhelming vibe about him that says he's not our man.


We may tend to base our conclusion of innocence on a person's accomplishments or kind personality or because we do not think that person is capable of committing the act of murder. At which point, it is important to remember there is no logic to murder.

There is no logic to this heinous crime of taking another human being's life, and so it is very difficult for our minds to understand how anyone could commit murder, especially when it is someone we least expect. A really nice person can live next door, and then out of the blue, it happens. And we ask WHY. But there is no logic to provide us with an answer. At which point, it is very difficult and sometimes impossible for us to comprehend because there is no logic to wrap our mind around.
To add to our disbelief is when we consider: "How could anyone dismember another human being?"
Again, there is no logic.

On the other hand, we can evaluate the facts that we do know which are: Lauren's torso was found outside at the crime scene of Barristers Hall Apts where over 200 pieces of evidence has been removed by LE, including a refrigerator, plus, the next door neighbor, McD is in jail for two burglaries at the BH apartments.
Don't forget McD also had a Master Key.
Don't forget not one other name has been released as a POI.

Phillip Markoff AKA Craig's List Killer:
(already posted upstream: repost)

Philip Haynes Markoff (February 12, 1986 – August 15, 2010) was an American medical student who was charged with the armed robbery and murder of Julissa Brisman in a Boston, Massachusetts hotel on April 14, 2009, and two other armed robberies.[ The media have referred to the Brisman murder as a "Craigslist Killing".....

Friends, neighbors, and former teachers expressed shock and disbelief at the charges.Some of his friends set up a Facebook group entitled "Philip Markoff Is Innocent Until Proven Guilty......

McAllister at first issued statements affirming her belief in his innocence. She described Markoff as "beautiful inside and out" and stated that he "couldn't hurt a fly.".....

Great post! I am familiar with people with differences and have wondered myself if SMD has Asperger's. I have a relative with Asperger's Syndrome, which is on the spectrum of Autism, but this relative is NOT violent due to this, he's harmless, totally and completely. Drives the speed limit, very matter of fact, tender hearted to the point of getting a bit teary eyed if someone raises their voice at him. Not coordinated enough to ride a bike and most describe him as "quirky" and "different." Yep, sure is, but he's not a killer or a bad guy. He's just not made up of judgemental junk and deceptive ideas and practices like many people are. He's very black and white, very literal and if you tell him to break a leg, he didnt always know that also meant, "do a great job!" I saw a lot of similarities between him and SMD as far as mannerisms and I picked up on a quirkiness that was familiar to me. It doesn't mean SMD has Asperger's, it just means that my relative is similar in his behavior. He is also a gamer, he went through a long hair phase, wore all black, etc. However, a killer it sure does not make!!!!!

We are a very judgemental society and folks like Nancy Grace do not help people move beyond that in any way. People like her breed ignorance. I hope for the sake of everything good and sacred in this world, she will not pre-judge SMD and lead the public blindly down the road of burning him at the stake for any of this. The boy is harmless and if he was looking at kittens in the woods, I would be hard pressed to not believe he was looking at them because he was trying to figure out if they were ok, hungry, possibly if he could keep them as pets, anything but hurt them. My relative with Asperger's loves cats and it's been commonly reported by many with Asperger's that cats are their favorite animal and they treat them very well! My relative treats his cat like royalty, so it almost makes me want to cry to think that maybe SMD wanted a kitten for a pet to keep him company. Again, doesn't mean SMD has Asperger's, but people need to see both sides.

I will defend SMD because i simply don't believe he harmed anyone or anything. I don't care if there was a master key in his apartment. It could have been put there by anyone. After all, it would open HIS door too.

You know, ASPERGERS is HIGHLY possible, I do have a relative with what appears to be this, but a very very social person unlike SMcD but he was no hermit it seems.

WOW do we have a big heart or what? lol. That is sad thinking that he may have wanted a kitten for company....... (

I think he was in a state of SHOCK in that lineup when he was first arrested. Some said he commented he "had to sit down" on one interview, that's anxiety, whether guilt or innocence........distraught adn then shock. He probably wished he could have helped her
I am heading down to Macon next week. It is the beginning of the month before the start of classes. A lot of people will be moving in and out of houses and apartments. And I just discovered that my daughter's new apartment is on the other side of the law school. She is only moving about a block from here. I thought she was moving further than that. Makes me want this to be solved so much more! If it is SM, I hope they have it all to nail it down. I don't think they do, so it makes me nervous.

On a side note, if I can (and my husband doesn't freak out), I will try to get a few more current photos of the area. Hopefully, I can get some shots of the back parking areas and the back alley. It might help with some perspective when thinking about the layout.
I'm sure you're right but we are all speculating all kinds of outlandish scenarios imagination can run wild too! I think she'd probably caught wind of the fact that people were looking for Lauren and she just wanted to "check."

SOrry there, everyone keeps bashing Boni and SMcD without cause. Maybe I'm too naive but I have dealt in rentals before and I dont' think I would have been afraid of McD, all Landlords arent' nice as we all know but they can't afford to be crooked however as we all know, SOME are.
One thing I keep wondering about: If SM is the perp, and if he was "clued in" that people were starting to look for Lauren -- by the landlord's note, the friend's visit, or whatever -- that makes sense. But how in the world could he have gone on the assumption, to begin with, that they wouldn't come looking for her even sooner than they did??

Maybe as long as he had the remains in his apt. or being-vacated apt. (if he did), he felt relatively safe. Maybe, if it's him, he DID hold on to parts of her body for whatever reasons (per angelaanalyzes theory and other similar ones), then figure his "safe time" was running out and start distributing the remains to various bins.. but "searchers" happened to show up right in the middle of this, putting him a lot more at risk than before he started the distribution?

Was the bottom apartment fully vacated? I was under the impression that the person who had moved out was coming back for the rest of his or her things at a later date. That would make it very risky to use that apartment or would make that other former tenant a POI.
Was the bottom apartment fully vacated? I was under the impression that the person who had moved out was coming back for the rest of his or her things at a later date. That would make it very risky to use that apartment or would make that other former tenant a POI.

There has been a lot of guessing the downstairs tenants were not coming back until a certain day, but we don't know. All I have read for sure is that tenant was in the process of moving out all of their items during the week LG was missing. To me, that makes them a POI. After all, they had a nearly empty apartment, and they would be moving things in and out without drawing any additional interest. They could also have some unusual noises in their apartment if they were taking down furniture and packing up boxes. But, a lot of people seem intent that only SM could have used that apartment, even though we know the tenants still had items in there and were reported to be moving during that week.
I think the best way we can get more insight into SM is to review the emails that he sent to his classmates to find his online personas. In the emails that Agelanalyzes posted, SM mentions "Alteria". Based on a basic Google search, it appears that Alteria is an RPG game:

Maybe we can use some of the other words he uses to find other connections to him:

Andre Kirpochev
Kirotan Valley
true-born “Son of Liberty”
I think the best way we can get more insight into SM is to review the emails that he sent to his classmates to find his online personas. In the emails that Agelanalyzes posted, SM mentions "Alteria". Based on a basic Google search, it appears that Alteria is an RPG game:

Maybe we can use some of the other words he uses to find other connections to him:

Andre Kirpochev
Kirotan Valley
true-born “Son of Liberty”

I found this:

The main poster is named 'MU', which may be short for Mercer University, and he signs off with 'Mark,' which is SM's middle name, I believe. 'MU' also has legal significance at Mercer, meaning ambiguity.

Note: SM was at Mercer from 2004-2011. Before that, he was in ATL.
Thanks, and --this is so strange -- now it's there for me, too. the whole long interview. But I swear that when I first went to the link, the video was a much shorter one, just an excerpt from the long interview, and the whole part about Lauren/Stephen, about Kaitlyn meeting SM, etc., was not in it... weird. The whole thing that played when I first went to the link wasn't more than a couple of minutes long at the most.

Guess everybody will think I'm nuts or really incompetent now ...but for real, it happened!!

No, the same thing happened to me.
I found this:

The main poster is named 'MU', which may be short for Mercer University, and he signs off with 'Mark,' which is SM's middle name, I believe. 'MU' also has legal significance at Mercer, meaning ambiguity.

Note: SM was at Mercer from 2004-2011. Before that, he was in ATL.

I like where you're going with this and other words used in that email. But MU appears to be the first and last initials of a person living in Germany. The MU user has a .de email and .de website and an address in Germany.
I like where you're going with this and other words used in that email. But MU appears to be the first and last initials of a person living in Germany. The MU user has a .de email and .de website and an address in Germany.

I did not catch the initials part, but did see the Germany address--but, I did not think that was dispositive for someone into roleplaying like SM.
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