GA - Marsha, Erin, & Chris Edwards, Murder/Suicide, Atlanta, 21 August 2019

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To me there is no definitive profile of who will murder their children, and then themselves.

If the murderer lives only a very small minority are found criminally insane whether it's the father or mother who murders. Most are not mentally ill when they did these murders. Imo

The reasons only make sense to the ones who do these things.

However it very common for the murderer to be happy around the same time they are plotting to do murders/suicide. I've read it's because they know it's coming to an end soon. The trips were done to make it appear everything was fine.

I'm not the least bit surprised it was another mom who has done these unspeakable acts. To kill ones own children is a very selfish narcissist act. Imo.

Here she could have felt her two children had successful lives of their own as productive adults, egotistical feeling offended by thinking she was no longer the center of their attention anymore.

I detest these type of parents who think they have a right to murder their own children as if they were mere material objects they owned, and could destroy.

The two children may have had a closer relationship with their father as well so there may be a petty jealous vengeance aspect as well behind murdering their two beautiful children.

She had a choice to end her own life. She didnt have any right to murder their 2 children before doing so.

Imo, she did so because she knew there would be neverending pain, suffering and forever loss to all who deeply loved them both.

I wish she had been like many moms who murder their own children, and failed in the suicide.

That way their father, and all of their loved ones could see justice served in a court of law against this child double murderer.

Imo, She knew she would be in prison for the rest of her life, so she took the cowardly way out.

She was bold enough to murder both in cold blood, but too cowardly to face the justice system.

That’s assuming that she did in fact murder her children and then commit suicide...
The daughter was leaving to go back to college the day they were found.
I've seen an article that the son and his friends were hanging out at the house while the mother and daughter were in Italy.
I don't know of the son lived there or was house sitting.
I see if I can find it.
"He and his friend went to a Braves game on Sunday. Afterward, they hung out for a while at the Edwards family’s townhouse."
THE LATEST: Edwards children remembered as high achievers and even better people
I'm leaning towards a history of domestic violence.
EE has some info on her Facebook.
Also of note, ME's mother died in October of 2018
(In article)
That adds another layer of stress on the mom if she was responsible for the murders, if she was experiencing depression etc...
Do we know what caused her mother's death? I know 2 different families where one of the parents have Huntington's Disease. The worst part for the parents is knowing they might've passed it on to their children. I'm not saying this is the case here but nothing else makes sense to me.
Do we know what caused her mother's death? I know 2 different families where one of the parents have Huntington's Disease. The worst part for the parents is knowing they might've passed it on to their children. I'm not saying this is the case here but nothing else makes sense to me.

That could certainly make sense. Good thought.
Hi Gngr!

May I ask what you mean when saying you are leaning toward domestic violence? Has there been any information about domestic violence by any family member?

Or do you mean maybe behind closed doors she was a mommie dearest to her two murdered children?

I'm just trying to understand how DV fits with her motive to murder both of her children.


Imo, I'm leaning more to her feeling she was losing her grasp on her adult children. WDK, but she could have been obsessively controlling all during their lives, even into adulthood.

They both sound like wonderful children who had such promising great futures.

But they were adults now, and may not have wanted to live in Atlanta forever where she lived.

Hadn't her ex husband also remarried? I may have that mixed up though.


Neighbors have reported there was no indication of violence between the mother and children.
I guess it's what is not being said...
Because it is still an ongoing investigation.
This is what they are having to work out.
There are rumblings about what type of weapon was used.
Cobb County PD isn't commenting on the case at all.
This happened 4 days ago.
I'm sure an autopsy has been done, yet no official report has been made.
In fact, nothing has been answered at this point regarding the facts of the case.
People have just assumed that it was a murder suicide, when there has been no ruling on that yet.

COBB COUNTY TOWNHOUSE SHOOTING: COBB COUNTY FAMILY KILLED: Family of prominent Atlanta surgeon found dead inside Vinings town

"Cartall said that as far as she knew, there was no turmoil within the family.
"From our knowledge, no malice," Cartall said. "Between the children, nothing like that. They just seemed like a normal, happy, cool family."
"Some said they just didn't believe Marsha Edwards would kill her own children, and that something didn't add up."
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Neighbors have reported there was no indication of violence between the mother and children.
I guess it's what is not being said...
Because it is still an ongoing investigation.
This is what they are having to work out.
There are rumblings about what type of weapon was used.
Cobb County PD isn't commenting on the case at all.
This happened 4 days ago.
I'm sure an autopsy has been done, yet no official report has been made.
In fact, nothing has been answered at this point regarding the facts of the case.
People have just assumed that it was a murder suicide, when there has been no ruling on that yet.

Wouldn't both of the potential scenarios you've alluded to--a mother murdering her children as well as a father/ex-husband murdering his ex-wife/children--be considered "domestic violence"?

I haven't read anything yet in the mainstream media regarding the state of the relationship between the deceased woman and her ex-husband, but suspect that if we had a little insight into the timing and motivations of their divorce (and into their current relationship with one another), the motivations behind this dreadful event might become more clear.

Until then, I feel obliged (by Websleuths'-"victim friendly" terms of service) to consider the apparently-grieving ex-husband/father of the deceased yet another victim of this crime, at least until proven otherwise.

Do we know what caused her mother's death? I know 2 different families where one of the parents have Huntington's Disease. The worst part for the parents is knowing they might've passed it on to their children. I'm not saying this is the case here but nothing else makes sense to me.

I appreciate your input towards possible motive. It would be so much easier to believe she did it to spare her children from a gruesome illness. Then it would, at least, make some kind of sense.

Sometimes I might get a hinky feeling from something I see on a person's social media, but... I looked real hard for any tiny clue that this could happen and found nothing. She liked off the shoulder dresses is all I noticed. It's so hard to believe. She just got back from Italy. She had a wonderful summer. She was so grateful and proud of her grown, successful children. What's the story on the divorce, I wonder? It doesn't feel right to accept she did it.

I really hope someone will share something that will help us understand what her thoughts were to do such a soul crushing act that will forever haunt the people left living with the memory.
This is a very disturbing incident and something is off. I guess my main question is, did they find the weapon?
They couldn't have called it a possible murder/suicide without a weapon found at the scene.
She could have left a note?
That has not been confirmed by Cobb Co. yet.
There is so much we don't know.
They have released very few details.
The funeral service is on Wednesday.
* for the record, I am not looking at the ex/father as a suspect.
All 3 of them, the mom and both kids were involved in the media.
In every article posted there is a lot of information about how all of the family members were involved in many aspects that could be controversial.
In my opinion this could have been a murder made to look like a murder/suicide by someone not related to the family.
It could also be that the mother did it.
I find it hard highly unlikely from a mother who was not only very successfully in her own right, but in recognized as one of 100 women of 2019 for her service in Atlanta. I don't see depression or mental illnesses affording her that award.
Also keep in mind the dad was close with the Mayor of Atlanta and also involved with the Atlanta housing authority.
My main issue (in my mind) is that the daughter was supposed to be headed back to college that same day.
The son didn't show up for work and his dad was called.
If mom didn't do it, someone knew a lot about her children and their schedules.
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I'm sure I read she lived in a gated community. I guess there might be CCTV to prove that no-one else entered the home? I do think that she did it. It's shocking but it happens. I feel the holidays were a final trip and farewell in her (I'm guessing) disturbed mind.
Hi Gngr!

May I ask what you mean when saying you are leaning toward domestic violence? Has there been any information about domestic violence by any family member?

Or do you mean maybe behind closed doors she was a mommie dearest to her two murdered children?

I'm just trying to understand how DV fits with her motive to murder both of her children.


Imo, I'm leaning more to her feeling she was losing her grasp on her adult children. WDK, but she could have been obsessively controlling all during their lives, even into adulthood.

They both sound like wonderful children who had such promising great futures.

But they were adults now, and may not have wanted to live in Atlanta forever where she lived.

Hadn't her ex husband also remarried? I may have that mixed up though.


I know I had serious empty nest syndrome after my son left home. In this case both her children grown and gone, and she had also lost her marriage. Maybe she felt she’d lost everything, alone in the world, abandoned.
But to murder her two children really, really, really blows my mind. Idk, I just don’t know.
Imo, I do believe this case will turnout just like LE suspects, and it was a double homicide/suicide.

No one is immune from doing these things just because they are prominently known or had sucessful lives.

Imo, I believe this woman felt she was alone, and nacisstically highly resented it.

Everyone in her life was moving on without her.. She was not.

Another poster mentioned this woman's own business. Which is a great question. Imo.

There may be something going on there she may not have wanted revealed if still alive. So I do hope LE does fully investigate her own business to see if something was happening there as well she may not have wanted her children to know about.

Her children were highly successful adults moving on with their own lives, and so had her ex husband who had remarried.

I don't find anything off with the preliminary finding. Even after further investigation the findings will remain the same. Imo.

What I find even odder if it was their father who had committed cold blooded murder of his two children then taken the cowardly way out it wouldnt even be questioned.

Yet, we have seen countless cases right here, and on the news where mothers have brutally murdered their very own children.

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Imo, I do believe this case will turnout just like LE suspects, and it was a double homicide/suicide.

No one is immune from doing these things just because they are prominently known or had sucessful lives.

Imo, I believe this woman felt she was alone, and nacisstically highly resented it.

Everyone in her life was moving on without her.. She was not.

Another poster mentioned this woman's own business. Which is a great question. Imo.

There may be something going on there she may not have wanted revealed if still alive. So I do hope LE does fully investigate her own business to see if something was happening there as well she may not have wanted her children to know about.

Her children were highly successful adults moving on with their own lives, and so had her ex husband who had remarried.

I don't find anything off with the preliminary finding. Even after further investigation the findings will remain the same. Imo.

What I find even odder if it was their father who had committed cold blooded murder of his two children then taken the cowardly way out it wouldnt even be questioned.

Yet, we have seen countless cases right here, and on the news where mothers have brutally murdered their very own children.

Could there be an actual reason, more than depression, if she did do this? A scandal she didn't want her children to have to deal with after her death?

Breaks my heart to read some of those young friends fb posts that are struggling to understand how this could happen.

This case shows me I can still be fooled and I can still be shocked, even after years of following cases.

We don't have enough behind the scenes information for me to just accept that she killed her children and then herself. Is there nobody she confided in? Please, I think the public needs LE to supply a few more details to support that this was murder/suicide.
Imo, I do believe this case will turnout just like LE suspects, and it was a double homicide/suicide.

What I find even odder if it was their father who had committed cold blooded murder of his two children then taken the cowardly way out it wouldnt even be questioned.

Yet, we have seen countless cases right here, and on the news where mothers have brutally murdered their very own children.


SBM: I don't always agree with your posts @oceanblueeyes, and that's ok - but this one, I do. You shared this sentiment perfectly.

That said, regardless, the ripples of this tragedy reach far and wide. Very very sad. May something good come from this, some how, some way.
I assume she did it or law enforcement wouldn't be saying otherwise. It's not like they are going to fail to investigate a prominent family who is friends with the mayor. BUT it still strikes me as odd because we've seen no reasons so far. And, no, I don't assume every parent accused is guilty. I see parents kill small children a lot. Adults? Not so much. Well functioning adults with no financial problems? Where do we actually see that a lot?

Even the recent mom in Texas who did this was clearly not a stable woman. Nothing was stable in her life from sexual partner, to parents of her children or finances. The only thing similar was she wasn't living in a trailer. Her kids were younger as well. All I can think is mom was motivated by dad remarrying. And if that's the reason then killing her adult children was almost certainly to punish him and makes her an extremely hateful narcissist.

You can't convince me this woman believed her children were truly better off dead than without her. I think women can delude themselves over that with small children, but adults? Nah. She spent their entire lives preparing them to be fully functioning members of society and they were doing that successfully apparently and were both legally adults.

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