GA - Marsha, Erin, & Chris Edwards, Murder/Suicide, Atlanta, 21 August 2019

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Hmm...a phony life pretending she was on some "rich housewives of some city" show. The façade of a fake life takes a lot of props and perfect kids. It's true her children were trained from a very young age to bolster their mother's image. You can see on fb that they bolstered Mom all the time. I bet they had something to do with that business award Marsha got. I didn't think it was all about empty nest syndrome, but I can see her children were absolutely crucial to the image she wanted to show the world. I guess there must have been some anger and entitlement going on in her mind to do what she did.

Everyone here has said something that seems to ring true about her situation. Normally, we might not feel we know about this woman, but she had her whole façade of a life on social media before blowing her "gift" children away. Did she really think we'd be impressed by her travels and overlook her final acts? MOO, it was sick, weird, and heartbreaking.

While I don't think they threatened to expose her, I do think the adult children were fighting to have more freedom away from her. I get the feeling she felt they were her possessions. Who knows, maybe she was constantly planning trips and vacations for them or they showed some resentment at her intrusions? Other things in their lives were starting to take away her importance with them. Her children could no longer supply her with enough to keep her image. Not to mention, she may have felt her ex ruined her life. Hmm... there must have been some deep seated anger under all those selfies.

Good morning!

You've made excellent points, and so have all of our other posters in this forum. I've enjoyed them all. So thank you to everyone who has contributed.

Imo, individuals like this mom live a very shallow minded life.

Instead of deeply thinking about the things they do to weigh if its genuinely the right thing to do in the best interest of everyone's simply selfish decisions based solely on what puts themselves in a better light regardless of all others.

Everything they do throughout their lives are about THEMSELVES only for in truth that is the only one they care about.

As long as the ones in their lives does their bidding they will be accepted, and allowed to remain as long as those rules are in play, and followed.

However, once any of their many victims dares to step out of line, and become individuals having individual lifes there will be hell to pay. This will happen whether they are murdered by their abuser or whether they live having to deal with them.

Mental health professionals have long advised victims who have had this type of toxic individuals in their lives the only way to getaway from their grasp is to have NO CONTACT at all with them ever again in any manner.

We have seen these type of ruthless individuals on many shows about them, and the grave harm they do to families. Many are monster mother in laws or monster daughter in laws. Yet if you watch in horror like I do, the common denominator is they all feel entitled to ruin their families lives. To their abnormal dysfunctional thinking they are always right, and everyone else is wrong. There is simply no way to reason with any of them.

There again always playing the victim instead of the horrible abusers who are ruining countless families by their abnormal domineering power, and control no matter how old their children are. They never release their own children from their grasps, and never will. Imo

I think her two children knew many deep dark secrets they had never told others. Sadly it's so common for victims to protect their abusers which are inside of their family.

Perhaps she felt all those darkly held secrets would become known if the children had their own personal lives involving others who really cared deeply about them. Those they knew who truly loved them where they would feel comfortable expressing all of the abuse they had endured most of their lives at the hands of their mom.

If that became exposed then they would know all of the fake persona she had always projected was just that. FAKE.

Please make it stop!
Another family gone. :(

Some mothers are near saints. People who knew Sabrina Rosario, 29, say she was the Light for her four growing sons. She had to get a retraining order, but it did not save them. The father shot Sabrina and all the boys, then shot and killed himself. One of the boys, Ezekiel, survived and is fighting desperately for his life.

“She was a light to her children, and did not let that darkness hit them,” Albright said. “She was always loving, always caring, always happy.”

Please let me share this tragedy here and ask you all to say a prayer or hold in your loving thoughts a 9 yr. old boy, Ezekiel Valdivia, fighting for his life. His mother is gone, his brothers are gone.

Evil pride takes over people that do this to their children and they can't see anything but themselves.

‘Light to Her Children’: Family Remembers Victims Killed
Just to let you know--
Nine year old, Ezekiel Valdivia, passed away last night. He's with his brothers and his mother now. Maybe not the Dad.

I don't believe the one who steals the lives of others gets to be with them on the other side.

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