GA - Marsha, Erin, & Chris Edwards, Murder/Suicide, Atlanta, 21 August 2019

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DNA Solves
The products offered look like they'd generate more revenue. Bone Putty! Of course, if it's a one person company and that person travels often it may limit income.
That website seems like it is a front for something, or possibly just a placeholder/template site. All of the descriptions and wording seem really off. How strange. MOO.
ETA: At least it wasn't lorem ipsum, that always freaks me out lol.
I don't think that it means much but that business does show up on the Georgia Secretary of State website with an Established date of 2015 IIRC.
I don’t doubt it was a legitimate business, I guess I just have questions. Do we know for sure there was only one employee, who I suppose would be ME ? The business not only sells equipment, but also services .

The services sound a lot like what I used to do, which was work as a liaison, for the insurance company and with the patient, to facilitate their medical treatment and expedite, ideally, their return to gainful employment. That business in itself would be time consuming, especially for one person. And she traveled a lot. I’m not sure how one could run a successful new business and not be working a whole lot of hours.
The companies that do this type of service hire nurses and sometimes social workers, and psychologists. Is it possible she was contracting this work out, thus they wouldn’t be considered an employee?
I don’t doubt it was a legitimate business, I guess I just have questions. Do we know for sure there was only one employee, who I suppose would be ME ? The business not only sells equipment, but also services .

The services sound a lot like what I used to do, which was work as a liaison, for the insurance company and with the patient, to facilitate their medical treatment and expedite, ideally, their return to gainful employment. That business in itself would be time consuming, especially for one person. And she traveled a lot. I’m not sure how one could run a successful new business and not be working a whole lot of hours.
The companies that do this type of service hire nurses and sometimes social workers, and psychologists. Is it possible she was contracting this work out, thus they wouldn’t be considered an employee?

She only made 200k in gross profits per year. I don't know how she could have afforded all of the things that she did even if her residence was paid for and she received alimony. She appeared to live very well off. JMO.
She only made 200k in gross profits per year. I don't know how she could have afforded all of the things that she did even if her residence was paid for and she received alimony. She appeared to live very well off. JMO.
I know. Could she have had a large divorce settlement she had been living off of. Or assets that had been liquidated that allowed her lifestyle? Iow, I think there had to be money from sources other than her business, especially given her frequent travels. Perhaps all of that was coming to an end.....
I know. Could she have had a large divorce settlement she had been living off of. Or assets that had been liquidated that allowed her lifestyle? Iow, I think there had to be money from sources other than her business, especially given her frequent travels. Perhaps all of that was coming to an end.....

Would her daughter's age affected child support or alimony? I am not familiar with how the 'well off' settle those 2 things.

Was she an actual medical doctor that could treat patients?

My guess is that it was all coming to an end. It would help to know why tho.
I could not find any record of her being a certified Medical Doctor.

Does anyone know? I have read this thread but I missed it if it has already been answered.
I could not find any record of her being a certified Medical Doctor.

Does anyone know? I have read this thread but I missed it if it has already been answered.
Apparently she wasn’t licensed. At least I can’t find her name listed and I’ve tried several times. To search click the Find a Doctor link in top right hand corner. Then enter her name and the state.
Federation of State Medical Boards
Apparently she wasn’t licensed. At least I can’t find her name listed and I’ve tried several times. To search click the Find a Doctor link in top right hand corner. Then enter her name and the state.
Federation of State Medical Boards

She wasn't a licensed doctor.

Who was Marsha Edwards? The well-known woman suspected of killing her two children before taking her life

Prior to launching her own company, Edwards worked as a sales consultant for Biocraft for just under five years.

She also lists herself as a partner with her ex-husband’s practice, Atlanta Neurological and Spine Institute from 2004 to 2014.

Edwards’ education experience on LinkedIn includes a medical degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport and a bachelor of science from Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge.

Are they saying that she worked (as a partner) at her husband's practice til 2014 THEN at Biocraft for 5 years prior to starting her company? I don't understand how that could even be possible.
LaborDayRN, I wondered also if something big was happening that made the mother feel she was losing something crucial and couldn't go on.

I wish I could answer your questions, but I wasn't able to get a handle on the children's independent lives. It wasn't clear if they lived with Mom or had their own places. Erin said married naming someone on left side in intro of her fb, but that person didn't seem to still be part of her life at present. Sorry, don't know if the son had a significant other either, but maybe someone else on here knows more.

IMO, her children looked up to her or so it seemed. Perhaps they were somewhat proof of her accomplishments. She, for some reason, couldn't leave them alive to go on without her. It's unexplainable to me.

Erin Edwards

Imo, when either parent of both genders, murder their children they are full blown narcissists who feel entitled to take out the children they brought into the world for whatever reason.

A common saying I've heard all of my life is when some moms say to their children 'I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.'

I admit I've cringed when hearing it said even if said in gest, but it's always said by mothers, which I have always felt strange... since male fathers also are involved in some manner when conceiving any child.

It does give a glimpse of how many of these killer moms thought though, and the entitlements they felt when murdering their own children.

Imo, she looked at her 2 grown children as mere extensions of herself.

Therefore when she decided to take her own life she considered them both as only material possessions she owned.

During her life, and their own they were accepted by this killer mom because they put their mom in a much better light for all to see.

Imo, the two children to their mom were seen just like only beautiful ornaments hanging on her family tree.

She wasn't going let either live their own promising lives having a lasting relationship with their father or continue to richly bless anyone else's life.

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Morning all!

After thinking about the senseless murders of these two beautiful adults, I think out of the glare under the public eye, and also hers she was really a demanding mother dearest to both.

She demanded to be top priority throughout their lives, starting from when they were young children, continuing like a leech into adulthood before she took both of their lives away.

Imo, to appease the mommy dearest monster they were unfortunate to have, they knew giving into her demands was the only way to deal with her to have any semblance of peace. Their father had most likely done the same with this woman until he no longer could tolerate her constant emotional abuse.

She even used costly trips to keep them under her control. Narcissists often put material things as a top priority since appearances means everything to one. They want everyone to be fooled, and is a way of disguising what is reality underneath.

Imo, all she did materially trying to buy control was no longer working.

Despite her iron clad stronghold she had always used against them she saw it was no longer working.

She saw they were independent children with promising adult lives of their own.

Imo, just like a raging controlling narcissist she was furious with them, and put total blame on them for all of her own faults, downfalls, and wrongdoings.

I always detest it when murderers take the cowardly way out. She should have stood trial for double homicide so everyone could see what a troubling controlling cold unfeeling woman she had been all of their lives imo.

Morning all!

After thinking about the senseless murders of these two beautiful adults, I think out of the glare under the public eye, and also hers she was really a demanding mother dearest to both.

She demanded to be top priority throughout their lives, starting from when they were young children, continuing like a leech into adulthood before she took both of their lives away.

Imo, to appease the mommy dearest monster they were unfortunate to have, they knew giving into her demands was the only way to deal with her to have any semblance of peace. Their father had most likely done the same with this woman until he no longer could tolerate her constant emotional abuse.

She even used costly trips to keep them under her control. Narcissists often put material things as a top priority since appearances means everything to one. They want everyone to be fooled, and is a way of disguising what is reality underneath.

Imo, all she did materially trying to buy control was no longer working.

Despite her iron clad stronghold she had always used against them she saw it was no longer working.

She saw they were independent children with promising adult lives of their own.

Imo, just like a raging controlling narcissist she was furious with them, and put total blame on them for all of her own faults, downfalls, and wrongdoings.

I always detest it when murderers take the cowardly way out. She should have stood trial for double homicide so everyone could see what a troubling controlling cold unfeeling woman she had been all of their lives imo.

Well put, Ocean.
Well put, Ocean.

Aww, thank you for the nice comment, Nee. :)

Maybe I think too much or too deeply about all of the cases I put my own opinion on.

I was also thinking this morning about the common denominator in most all serial killers.

As their own history is retraced by LE/FBI profilers, including their childhood they are so often found to have a love hate relationship with their own biological mothers.

The male SKs project the raw hatred they feel inside for their own mothers onto countless innocent female victims because it's their demented twisted way of murdering their moms over, and over again.

What it alarmingly may show is how moms treat their children of both genders, during raising them to adulthood may set the path of very good or extremely bad. It may be an indicator of which children will turn to violence or become productive adults.

I think it solely depends on each individual's own tramau they may have endured, and how the individual abused child deals with it to either become one of the millions of survivors or takes their internal rage out on others instead.

While most all abused children in childhood DO become law abiding citizens, I think it also shows us a glimpse into why some do become violent, and go onto plague our society by very hideous violence they do against other innocent victims.

It does show how important the raising, bonding, and nurturing of any child is with their mothers. The children's lives may depend on it, and so does society's safety overall.

Even when female serial killers murders many others, which are often members of their own families, but not always, the research I've seen they too had a tumultuous love hate relationship with their moms, and/or even controlling grandmothers in their lives growing up.

Imo, I believe the highly dysfunctional love hate relationships with moms may be the underlying root cause as to why many murderers of both genders are spawned.

Jmho tho, and nothing more.
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Two adults were murdered by their own mother.

The police report needs to be made public.

The mother chose to kill herself but her adult children did not choose to be murdered.

They need to make the police report public to help save the lives of others.
It's DV technically we may have all the info that's going to be released. So very sad for this family, it's so hard move on after the initial shock wears off, people close to the family start putting pieces together and the survivors find it extremely hard to heal and move on with their lives. It becomes part of their lives. It's been going on for me since Oct 1989. MOO
Two adults were murdered by their own mother.

The police report needs to be made public.

The mother chose to kill herself but her adult children did not choose to be murdered.

They need to make the police report public to help save the lives of others.
I agree. If this had been a jealous father who had slaughtered his family in this manner, we instead would be hearing what a controlling abusive, horrible husband / father he was. IMO

This was a double homicide, first and foremost, before she turned the gun on herself.
Just horrific. :(
It's DV technically we may have all the info that's going to be released. So very sad for this family, it's so hard move on after the initial shock wears off, people close to the family start putting pieces together and the survivors find it extremely hard to heal and move on with their lives. It becomes part of their lives. It's been going on for me since Oct 1989. MOO

I'm so sorry for what happen to you. While I've heard others say they find a way to go on their lives are never the same, and they say they will struggle with their tremendous loss until they die.

My heart goes out to all who have lost loved one, but most especially for families, and friends who have had beloved cherished ones brutally taken from them. None of them should lose their lives because of others. It just isn't meant to be this way

God be with you all!

Two adults were murdered by their own mother.

The police report needs to be made public.

The mother chose to kill herself but her adult children did not choose to be murdered.

They need to make the police report public to help save the lives of others.

Hi OB!

In cases such as this one it rarely, if ever, happens, and I dont think it will happen here. How I wish it would save the lives of others to come, but sadly it will not.

These kind of child murderers will continue to do what others have done in the not so distant future, imo.

I would like to know if they are investigating her business dealings though. I think it's highly likely things were not as they appeared to be about that side of her life too. Imo, she had many secrets. Were they close to being all exposed? I think it's very likely.


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