GA - Marsha, Erin, & Chris Edwards, Murder/Suicide, Atlanta, 21 August 2019

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BS....if she wanted to go for whatever reason there wasn't any need to take her 2 beautiful children with her...The only thing I can think off is that she was so messed up...she wanted to protect her children for the loss.....Naaahhhhh....sorry...Don't get that.
BS....if she wanted to go for whatever reason there wasn't any need to take her 2 beautiful children with her...The only thing I can think off is that she was so messed up...she wanted to protect her children for the loss.....Naaahhhhh....sorry...Don't get that.

Hi there, Bit of hope!

Nope. ITA!, I don't believe that was the reason either not even for a nano second.

Imo, she blamed her own two adult children for their own murders because she was losing her own smothering iron chokehold she had been able to have throughout their lives.

The material things she did or bought for them even in adulthood were merely more controlling narcisstic tools she thought would continue to control them so they would always come running as she illogically demanded they do.

IMO, they got out of line by daring to have their own productive promising individual lives without her always being top priority.

So she had to banish them from this earth for good, and she did exactly that with total indifference. They were no longer beautiful ornaments she could take off, and on her family tree.

They had their own lives now. She would not tolerate either doing so.

She killed herself because a raging narcissist detest more than anything being exposed for all to see what they really are beneath the fake persona they have falsely projected to others their entire lives.

MARSHA EDWARDS SHOOTING: Cobb woman shot children multiple times before shooting self in chest, autopsies reveal

Erin Edwards was shot twice in the left arm and once in the chest, her autopsy revealed. Her body was discovered in the same room as her mother.

Christopher Edwards was shot six times, according to the autopsy result, once in the back of the head, once in the abdomen, twice in the back, once in his left arm and once in his shoulder. His body was found in his bed on a different level of the home than his sister and mother, authorities said.
MARSHA EDWARDS SHOOTING: Cobb woman shot children multiple times before shooting self in chest, autopsies reveal

Erin Edwards was shot twice in the left arm and once in the chest, her autopsy revealed. Her body was discovered in the same room as her mother.

Christopher Edwards was shot six times, according to the autopsy result, once in the back of the head, once in the abdomen, twice in the back, once in his left arm and once in his shoulder. His body was found in his bed on a different level of the home than his sister and mother, authorities said.

Why did she hate her own adult children so badly? This seems like overkill.

These poor kids had a very evil mother.
My theory is that she killed Chris Jr while Erin was out eating dinner with her father. Chris was found in his bed on a different floor than Erin and the mother. Chris may have already been dead when Erin got home and she wouldn't have known anything.

This article says Erin was found on the floor and her mom was found next to her.

Wouldn't the mother have had to reload the gun at least once?

Medical examiner's report provides new details in Edwards family murder-suicide
Wow! I am disgusted by this murderess being applauded and celebrated by her past circle of socialites! She murdered two young adults. Susan Edwards was never applauded by her community for murdering her 2 boys and this monster does not deserve any differential treatment than any other murderer because of her higher tax bracket. In fact, her entitlement and social economical comfort makes her decision to murder 2 young adults in cold blood, while not drowning in debt with 5 kids, single mother, working 3 jobs, exhausted, with no support system, worse! She killed them because she had lost control, not being able to keep them dependent in a web, (their father is likely aiding in their independence and success), them being able and capable of success, but she controls them so they cannot, aka a famous mother who loves to go on talk shows discussing her daughter personal business, although her daughter is a loving mother who is actively engaged with her children, unlike herself. She tells the masses her own daughters financial difficulties, and personal life, keeping her in control. I bet this 'cold blooded killer,' has a really ugly other face behind that fake pretentious shell. I know, I am unfortunate to have a selfish mother who does everything anything for validation, applause, and being told what great woman she is. She lives for it, but in reality she has no ability to volunteer any time to her own children. Why? Because they are hiding an ugly true self underneath Oscar winning performances, until, the pretend faked entitled good life, begins to crumble. She is a murder, not victim in this case as many are alluding to, imo.
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Hi there, Bit of hope!

Nope. ITA!, I don't believe that was the reason either not even for a nano second.

Imo, she blamed her own two adult children for their own murders because she was losing her own smothering iron chokehold she had been able to have throughout their lives.

The material things she did or bought for them even in adulthood were merely more controlling narcisstic tools she thought would continue to control them so they would always come running as she illogically demanded they do.

IMO, they got out of line by daring to have their own productive promising individual lives without her always being top priority.

So she had to banish them from this earth for good, and she did exactly that with total indifference. They were no longer beautiful ornaments she could take off, and on her family tree.

They had their own lives now. She would not tolerate either doing so.

She killed herself because a raging narcissist detest more than anything being exposed for all to see what they really are beneath the fake persona they have falsely projected to others their entire lives.

Why did she hate her own adult children so badly? This seems like overkill.

These poor kids had a very evil mother.
ITA...and the son being shot in the back of the head just seems to me especially brutal—that’s what they typically refer to in the media as an “execution-style” murder.

My grisly vision of how it may have gone down between mother/son (warning, a little graphic):

I am picturing a fight/argument between the two kicked things off. Chris turns to walk away from his mother, she shoots him in the back, he turns around in shock, gets shot twice more in arm and abdomen, and collapses face-down on the floor where she delivers the last shot to the back of his head.

The amount of rage she evidently felt towards at yeast one of her kids is just bone-chilling to think about!

ITA...and the son being shot in the back of the head just seems to me especially brutal—that’s what they typically refer to in the media as an “execution-style” murder.

My grisly vision of how it may have gone down between mother/son (warning, a little graphic):

I am picturing a fight/argument between the two kicked things off. Chris turns to walk away from his mother, she shoots him in the back, he turns around in shock, gets shot twice more in arm and abdomen, and collapses face-down on the floor where she delivers the last shot to the back of his head.

The amount of rage she evidently felt towards at yeast one of her kids is just bone-chilling to think about!


It was brutal and overkill but:

Chris Jr was found in the bed (not the floor). The autopsy didn't reveal if he was sleeping or not. He was on a different floor (dead in a bed) than his sister or mother.

IMO, she was full of rage towards her own kids when it appeared to me that her kids did everything possible to appease their mother.

She did the unthinkable towards her own adult children.

She wasn't a licensed physician.

Her business had a gross 200k income so how was she travelling all over the world, eating in the best restaurants etc.

This woman was all about appearances and bragging etc. It was all about her and how her children could make her look to her friends.

It is shameful that the funeral/thoughts etc were all directed towards this woman who murdered her children in a premeditated and violent manner.

They were young adults and they had many accomplishments on their own. Why were they overlooked as victims?
It's true her victims were overshadowed by her social status within the community -- by the city officials, in the news articles, and at their funeral service with her picture right up there in the middle. I can understand why some of the posters here felt her life was being celebrated more than her victims.

I'm not convinced there was any one event that made her angry. This might have been part of a premeditated plan after all the wonderful accomplishments and travels. I wish she went to therapy instead of on those lavish trips, but I have to agree, Marsha was all about boastful appearances right up until the very end.

I'm disgusted hearing how many times she shot her own children. She said she couldn't have asked for better children. She was so grateful that she shot them dead in the prime of their lives.
It's true her victims were overshadowed by her social status within the community -- by the city officials, in the news articles, and at their funeral service with her picture right up there in the middle. I can understand why some of the posters here felt her life was being celebrated more than her victims.

I'm not convinced there was any one event that made her angry. This might have been part of a premeditated plan after all the wonderful accomplishments and travels. I wish she went to therapy instead of on those lavish trips, but I have to agree, Marsha was all about boastful appearances right up until the very end.

I'm disgusted hearing how many times she shot her own children. She said she couldn't have asked for better children. She was so grateful that she shot them dead in the prime of their lives.

I think it was premeditated. She had clips of her saying Goodbye (on Instagram) while walking away and champagne glass toasting plus that final post that was after 4 am in the morning. My guess is that she had just murdered both of her adult children and then posted that she couldn't have asked for better children.

Erin was booked on a flight for the next day but never showed up.

I have read that Chris Jr had his own living place.

My belief is that she asked her son Chris Jr to come over and spend the night. She murdered Chris while her daughter Erin was out to dinner with her dad. She murdered Erin then she posted the creepy Instagram post then killed herself.

Not only were Chris Jr and Erin murdered by their own mother but they were displaced by their murderer at their memorial service. It is disgraceful imo.
I think it was premeditated. She had clips of her saying Goodbye (on Instagram) while walking away and champagne glass toasting plus that final post that was after 4 am in the morning. My guess is that she had just murdered both of her adult children and then posted that she couldn't have asked for better children..... snipped ………

Not sure I remember checking out any on Instagram.
Sorry, but I got my fill of her "showing off" face. I found many of her fb posts on that last trip with Erin were a bit premeditated creepy. And yet, although I do think she planned this some time ago, I still search for some way to understand how she could do such a thing to her trusting children with great lives of their own.

I don't know if anything set her off to start thinking of killing herself and including her adult children . It's the most selfish, inexcusable act. I guess I search for a reason, or more to the story. Was she angry mainly with her ex-husband? Did she resent it when Erin or Chris Jr. associated with their father? Was this some sort of pay back? I can't help wondering if Marsha was out for revenge and to completely destroy her ex-husband by killing their grown children. After all, he will never be able to have dinner with them again, or attend their weddings, or enjoy grandchildren from them. All the relatives and friends left with her selfish act blotting out those two young, beautiful lives. We don't own our children.

I think of that quote by Kahlil Gibran about children.

Not sure I remember checking out any on Instagram.
Sorry, but I got my fill of her "showing off" face. I found many of her fb posts on that last trip with Erin were a bit premeditated creepy. And yet, although I do think she planned this some time ago, I still search for some way to understand how she could do such a thing to her trusting children with great lives of their own.

I don't know if anything set her off to start thinking of killing herself and including her adult children . It's the most selfish, inexcusable act. I guess I search for a reason, or more to the story. Was she angry mainly with her ex-husband? Did she resent it when Erin or Chris Jr. associated with their father? Was this some sort of pay back? I can't help wondering if Marsha was out for revenge and to completely destroy her ex-husband by killing their grown children. After all, he will never be able to have dinner with them again, or attend their weddings, or enjoy grandchildren from them. All the relatives and friends left with her selfish act blotting out those two young, beautiful lives. We don't own our children.

I think of that quote by Kahlil Gibran about children.

Wonderful!!! I agree totally!

This was all about herself, ego, outside looks (maybe her children wanted to show the world who this woman really was and she couldn't handle that, because she was leading a fake live) and she is a miserable so called "human being".
Why did she hate her own adult children so badly? This seems like overkill.

These poor kids had a very evil mother.

Morning all!

I'm not the least bit surprised she overkilled her two beautiful children.

It's almost humanly impossible to appease a narcisstic monster.

It's truly like trying to walk through a mine field never knowing if the wrong step will be made to ignite the very ones they try hard to appease. Imo, these children have had to walk that tight rope all of their lives knowing that would be the only way for them to have any semblance of peace. Their father had done the same until he wouldn't tolerate it anymore.

Maybe their father had talked with them both, advising them the only way they were going to have individuality in adulthood would be if they began to concentrate more on being individuals instead of trying to make their mother the center of attention she had demanded of them.

I perhaps have a different take on how she felt about them as she stood there, and took their lives. I dont believe she was in a rage at the time at all. She felt very much entitled to do what she did to both.

She looked at them with total contempt, and total disdain. Imo, like all narcissists do, she put the full blame squarely on them for their own murders. It was like 'look what YOU have made me do.'

Narcissists often are the main trait seen in psychopaths, which I also believe she may have been one.

The one factor that never changes for either one is they always see themselves as the victim instead of the extremely very cold unfeeling abusive victimizer they truly are. All throughout their lives they paint themselves as blameless.

As she killed them both I dont think she was enraged, but was methodically calm as she carried out her goal to eradicate both.

Imo, unfortunately I believe many, many children right now are also struggling to live with their own terrifying mommy dearest monster disguised as mom.

Even if these type of individuals don't wind up murdering their own children they still make their children's lives a living hell. Imo.

I can’t wrap my mind around the level of violence of her actions. It’s almost as though ME was possessed.
Has anyone read the book, People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck? I’m planning to hunt down my copy and read it again.
I found this interesting discussion on the book.
Some People Are Evil: Thoughts On M. Scott Peck’s People Of The Lie | Jonathan Timar
As a psychiatrist himself, Scott Peck does not discount the existence of various psychiatric disorders, including those that can cause people to behave in an evil way, but rather views evil as being a distinct problem that straddles the line between a personality disorder, and spiritual disorder, perhaps leaning towards the latter. He describes evil people as being aware of their conscience, but actively choosing to ignore it, as opposed to a sociopathic person who appears to be devoid of conscience altogether. In other words, an evil person knows that they are doing evil, while a sociopath does not, even though their actions may be very similar.

Peck describes evil as “militant ignorance”. Evil people are obsessed with maintaining their self-image of perfection through self-deception. In addition, evil people will be very selective about who they inflict their evil upon, while going to great lengths to maintain an image respectability and normality with everyone else. As a result, evil people are often well liked by the majority, and their victims come across as being overly sensitive, having a persecution complex, or even being crazy.
Evil people, unable to face the painful reality of their character, will often place themselves in positions of power, or moral superiority.
Wonderful!!! I agree totally!

This was all about herself, ego, outside looks (maybe her children wanted to show the world who this woman really was and she couldn't handle that, because she was leading a fake live) and she is a miserable so called "human being".

Hmm...a phony life pretending she was on some "rich housewives of some city" show. The façade of a fake life takes a lot of props and perfect kids. It's true her children were trained from a very young age to bolster their mother's image. You can see on fb that they bolstered Mom all the time. I bet they had something to do with that business award Marsha got. I didn't think it was all about empty nest syndrome, but I can see her children were absolutely crucial to the image she wanted to show the world. I guess there must have been some anger and entitlement going on in her mind to do what she did.

Everyone here has said something that seems to ring true about her situation. Normally, we might not feel we know about this woman, but she had her whole façade of a life on social media before blowing her "gift" children away. Did she really think we'd be impressed by her travels and overlook her final acts? MOO, it was sick, weird, and heartbreaking.

While I don't think they threatened to expose her, I do think the adult children were fighting to have more freedom away from her. I get the feeling she felt they were her possessions. Who knows, maybe she was constantly planning trips and vacations for them or they showed some resentment at her intrusions? Other things in their lives were starting to take away her importance with them. Her children could no longer supply her with enough to keep her image. Not to mention, she may have felt her ex ruined her life. Hmm... there must have been some deep seated anger under all those selfies.

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