GUILTY GA - Natalie Henderson, 17, & Carter Davis, 17, murdered, 1 Aug 2016 #1

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Has JH's Instagram account been taken down? I can't find it this morning. I used his first name _ his last name when searching for it.

It's still there. I just checked the pool selfie again - not a single scratch on his face and I don't think he uses filters (ha). It's jeff_hazelwood
I agreed and still agree. Definitely some sociopath in there. Also some break with reality. But no remorse and going on with his normal life the day afterwards. Sociopathic. :)

Yeah, totally agree with you. I didn't catch why the detective said LE could see the kids (on camera surv.) pull around the back of store and park but the "shooting" wasn't on video. Why was it ALL not on video? The feed cut out a lot so I'm certain I missed something. JMO.
Yeah, totally agree with you. I didn't catch why the detective said LE could see the kids (on camera surv.) pull around the back of store and park but the "shooting" wasn't on video. Why was it ALL not on video? The feed cut out a lot so I'm certain I missed something. JMO.

Yes, just from a security perspective doesn't make sense. If you are a huge company like Publix and you are installing cameras on your property, you are definitely going to place cameras behind the store pointed at the loading docks. From a theft perspective, I'm sure there are cameras pointed on this entire area as probably one of their biggest risk of loss is the huge trucks dropping off inventory everyday. They don't want to have a discrepancy with a trucking company on whether or not $50K of inventory was dropped off that day or not. I'm sure the cameras are up very high and would think they would capture a large area. I wonder if the murders were videotaped?
It's still there. I just checked the pool selfie again - not a single scratch on his face and I don't think he uses filters (ha). It's jeff_hazelwood

Unfortunately it's still there...along with a shout out to WS. We've made the comment section. It's on a matter of time before they jump over here. Good thing WS has firm rules--keeping it from turning into the circus that IG has become over...there. JMO.
Yes, just from a security perspective doesn't make sense. If you are a huge company like Publix and you are installing cameras on your property, you are definitely going to place cameras behind the store pointed at the loading docks. From a theft perspective, I'm sure there are cameras pointed on this entire area as probably one of their biggest risk of loss is the huge trucks dropping off inventory everyday. They don't want to have a discrepancy with a trucking company on whether or not $50K of inventory was dropped off that day or not. I'm sure the cameras are up very high and would think they would capture a large area. I wonder if the murders were videotaped?

Exactly what I was thinking, a loading dock area where stock is brought in would definitely have decent cameras...ON. Maybe LE was holding back info for a reason. If they were able to catch the kids climbing into the back seat of the car then how did they not see anything that occurred outside the vehicles? I wondered if the murders were video'd by him as well since he was spying and trying to get closer and closer to them for a better look. The posing of the bodies makes me wonder if he snapped photos as well. It's so evil. JMO.
Unfortunately it's still there...along with a shout out to WS. We've made the comment section. It's on a matter of time before they jump over here. Good thing WS has firm rules--keeping it from turning into the circus that IG has become over...there. JMO.

I saw our shout out. I was like, "oh no" Lol. Yeah I agree what a circus. I was also hoping they don't show up here. No offense if anyone here has commented there, but it's pointless and arguing never solves anything. I'll refrain from saying what else I think about what is going on on that page..... ;)
I saw our shout out. I was like, "oh no" Lol. Yeah I agree what a circus. I was also hoping they don't show up here. No offense if anyone here has commented there, but it's pointless and arguing never solves anything. I'll refrain from saying what else I think about what is going on on that page..... ;)

LOL I like you!! We are normally on the same page. :clap:

From driving by and from this picture - someone also posted the Google Earth shot of the spot (link below) the main 18-wheeler loading dock is around the corner from where they were. The big loading dock you see at the end is the end of the store. That's where they would have driven into the back (it connects onto hwy. 92 right there). I'm guessing they came from Waffle House, took a left onto the Publix property (the camera probably saw them pulling in passing the big loading dock). The spot the police had taped off where JH might have been parked and probably saw them pull in is right there where they would have pulled in from hwy.92. The camera probably saw him follow. I think they were parked where the angle of the cameras would not get the total picture. Looking at this, below, there is only one to the very right above the one door.!1sAJHk3Cl0ZIJKRTVJ1dXStQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I'll drive by again and look in person. I'm guessing the delivery guy was driving by and saw them. They weren't parked by the loading docks.

From driving by and from this picture - someone also posted the Google Earth shot of the spot, the main 18-wheeler loading dock is around the corner from where they were. The big loading dock you see at the end is the end of the store. That's where they would have driven into the back (it connects onto hwy. 92 right there). I'm guessing they came from Waffle House, took a left onto the Publix property (the camera probably saw them pulling in passing the big loading dock). The spot the police had taped off where JH probably saw them pull in is right there where they would have pulled in from hwy.92. The camera probably saw him follow. I think they were parked where the angle of the cameras would not get the total picture. I see two cameras on top of the building to the right pointing somewhat straight down - not pointed at where they were parked. Looking at this, there is only one to the very right above the one door.!1sAJHk3Cl0ZIJKRTVJ1dXStQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I'll drive by again and look in person. I'm guessing the delivery guy was driving by and saw them. They weren't parked by the loading docks.

Ohhhh. How unfortunate if they were JUST out of camera sight. SMH. I assume they have more than plenty to convict him with...the weapon, his fingerprints on them and their cars, etc. They recovered clothing from his car, so possible gun residue etc. Not to mention his confession. JMO TY for the map!
Agreed! Welcome! I'm in the area too! My mom and I actually drove behind the Publix shopping center last night - it is well lit behind there at night. I thought that interesting for some reason. Not sure why. I, too, saw how he could have gotten on the roof and seeing the green electrical box he spoke of was creepy - the thought of him watching them. I had chills the entire time - felt something strange. My mom had mentioned the first time we drove by there, only a few days after the crime, how strange it was that there were no flowers or memorials, too. I figured it was because of the nature of the deaths? Maybe they wanted to do that somewhere else? I also think they were at Waffle House and he saw them and followed them. Agree with that too! I also heard he had been out of town and had gotten back that day or the day before. She had been out of town right before that - so if there was a relationship brewing, they would have been anxious to see each other. There's much more to this than they are telling right now. Like I mentioned before, they have to keep some things for trial. They can't tell the defense everything they have yet - it could hurt their case. They only needed to tell enough for the Judge to rule it to go before the Grand Jury. I, also, think it is going to come out that it was a lot worse than they have revealed so far. Welcome!

The general feeling is Publix is mortified. They are such a truly wholesome, family-oriented store chain. I dont think they want to call more attention to the store, honestly. It could make people feel like the shopping center is not safe. It's bad for business. I know its sad to say that but it' true. Also, people hanging out around loading docks where big trucks are is not safe. That's a liability on property for people to loiter there. JMO.

It doesn't look like meth to me. Those look like he scratched himself. JMO

I have depression, severe adhd and an anxiety disorder (all which I am treated for with meds, therapy and some wonderfully supportive people in my life). I have occasionally self-harmed as in scratching or cutting but not often and not extreme, mostly I pick at scabs and I pick at bumps until they are scabs. I don't do meth, it's just a tic I have but without make up, I am self-conscious of looking like a meth addict.
LOL I like you!! We are normally on the same page. :clap:

Thanks! You too. :)

What's good here is that even when we do not disagree, we are mature about it. It's ok to disagree! I don't care if I'm wrong about something - tell me I'm wrong and show me how I'm wrong. I want the facts. We are all just trying to figure things out and make sense of senseless crimes. We are on this site because we are truly interested and concerned, and most of us probably have a passion for this stuff and for people in general. I have a Psychology degree and am a paralegal - and the mom of a teenage daughter - this stuff is what I love to analyze. I bet most of us here are ID addicts. LOL - we all have a common interest. The Instagram stuff is entertaining, but it's not going to get anyone anywhere. It is truly a circus!

In all seriousness, usually they take down accounts. I'm wondering if they are keeping it up to see if anyone comments anything important. Just a thought....
The general feeling is Publix is mortified. They are such a truly wholesome, family-oriented store chain. I dont think they want to call more attention to the store, honestly. It could make people feel like the shopping center is not safe. It's bad for business. I know its sad to say that but it' true. Also, people hanging out around loading docks where big trucks are is not safe. That's a liability on property for people to loiter there. JMO.

Agree again! That is what I told my mom as well when she mentioned there being no "memorial" stuff. Bad publicity for Publix. They don't want any bad images surrounding their store etc. Safety and liability as well.
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From driving by and from this picture - someone also posted the Google Earth shot of the spot (link below) the main 18-wheeler loading dock is around the corner from where they were. The big loading dock you see at the end is the end of the store. That's where they would have driven into the back (it connects onto hwy. 92 right there). I'm guessing they came from Waffle House, took a left onto the Publix property (the camera probably saw them pulling in passing the big loading dock). The spot the police had taped off where JH might have been parked and probably saw them pull in is right there where they would have pulled in from hwy.92. The camera probably saw him follow. I think they were parked where the angle of the cameras would not get the total picture. Looking at this, below, there is only one to the very right above the one door.!1sAJHk3Cl0ZIJKRTVJ1dXStQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I'll drive by again and look in person. I'm guessing the delivery guy was driving by and saw them. They weren't parked by the loading docks.

The road behind the publix that comes out on 92 is an exit.!1sdAaVtQ12KpkO0vgYdl2IbQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I think the trucks would enter from King rd.!1s7dY-YS0m83JaeV7_BBKdVA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Seeing the dock doors it would be very hard to come in from 92 and back a truck up to the doors.!1sDJfJZNp_YDgJOm9mIUGXJw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

It could have been a box truck like the one below!1setrUoXzabU9ao3rhYZ4rZg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
The road behind the publix that comes out on 92 is an exit.!1sdAaVtQ12KpkO0vgYdl2IbQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I think the trucks would enter from King rd.!1s7dY-YS0m83JaeV7_BBKdVA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Seeing the dock doors it would be very hard to come in from 92 and back a truck up to the doors.!1sDJfJZNp_YDgJOm9mIUGXJw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

It could have been a box truck like the one below!1setrUoXzabU9ao3rhYZ4rZg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Awesome thanks! I've driven back there several times and never realized that arrow. What you say makes total sense. They would come in from King, pull toward 92 and back up to the dock - he must have passed by - that poor truck driver, too. Can't imagine coming upon that scene unexpectedly!!! He will have nightmares. :(
Awesome thanks! I've driven back there several times and never realized that arrow. What you say makes total sense. They would come in from King, pull toward 92 and back up to the dock - he must have passed by - that poor truck driver, too. Can't imagine coming upon that scene unexpectedly!!! He will have nightmares. :(

Watching the probable cause hearing and seeing the female detective/crime scene investigator? break down and cry I knew it had to be awful. She said she was at the autopsy as well. It truly affected her, iirc she has been doing this for 6 years with a one break. So I imagine she has seen lots. jmo idk
Could he have disabled or covered the camera that supposedly showed them parking but not what happened afterwards?
Just trying to catch up.
As a former truck driver I can see from the picture the truck driver would have driven from where we see the box where tje cars were found making a left to round the curve and drove alongside the back of tje building with the building being on his left (drivers side) so that when he cleared the dock woth his truck and trailer je would then open his trailer doors and it's almost a straight back for him on the side he can see from so he doesn't have to do what we call a blind side back. Plus in these type of set ups there's not room for a truck to u-turn. I delivered to places like rent a centers and Aarons who were almost always in these type of set ups and it's usually very narrow, only room for one truck to drive, think one lane road. And usually dumpsters are in the back as well making it even more narrow.

As far as the cameras, I struggle to understand why they did not emcompass the entire 360 of tje building. So are we to assume what was seen on camera was from a camera at a different area like where they drove into the lot?

I'm confused

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I forgot to mention, I did see a camera in the loading dock, which is visible in one of the google map images above. It is white and circular, above the stack of blue crates.

After viewing the whole back of the store in those images, there are multiple cameras visible. There is a camera above the door next to the fenced in green box, to the right of where they supposedly parked. So how did this camera not show the murders? Was it too dark to show anything? Was the camera pointed at the wrong angle? Was it not turned on? Was Natalie's SUV blocking the movement? Very strange.

There are multiple electrical boxes back there. He could have hid behind any of them, or more than one, as he was stalking them. The one that is fenced in definitely looks climbable. Maybe that's what he climbed "like Spiderman." If he was afraid he would be seen by the victims, he could have climbed up the structures next to the loading dock. There is an electrical box in the grass too.

I agree the delivery truck must have been coming from behind King Road. Now I'm not sure which way the victims came in. Since there are cameras all along the back, any of them could have caught their picture. I think Jeff walked around the Publix building close to the Highway 92 side, because it would have been a shorter walk, and there were more places for him to climb and hide behind.

There's also a Waffle House down Crabapple Road, close to Natalie's house, but that doesn't seem like an area Jeff would have been in because of his route that night, so that's why I was guessing it was the Waffle House on 92. Just throwing it all out there.


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