Found Deceased GA - Quinton Simon - Discovered Missing From Home By Non-Custodial Mom - Savannah #2

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...... I hope all the people who feel the need to judge her from afar and expound in public take a moment and think it through. I doubt there are many here who have walked in her shoes and even fewer who have managed to claw their way out of as massive a self-dug mudhole as she seems to have.

Just my 2 cents.

<Above post snipped by me for brevity>

Not wanting to sound argumentative or snarky in my reply, as that is not my intention and I actually enjoyed the thought you put into your post; I just wanted to politely point out, that although my view of the grandmother, the accountability of all parties and the situation as a whole may be extremely different than yours, my opinion wasn't formed as a knee-jerk reaction or without any thought or considerations put into it first. Please don't mistake someone's judgement or opinions on culpability as being formed just to jump on the "blame anyone bandwagon."

I think in terms of the responsibility and gift of raising children, 2nd chances are often given too easily to adults- as if kids are mere houseplants that simply need watered every day instead of fragile, developing human beings who can be permanently damaged and need parents/caregivers who not just love them, but are responsible and have developed the skills and resources to provide a consistently safe, loving, supportive enviroment for them. Loving your child or grandchild and not wanting them to be in the foster system does not automatically = ability to be a good parent. No need for perfection but circumventing a murder is a wonderful start and I believe this was preventable and that the signs of trouble/problems were present and either completely ignored or not dealt with properly.
I am not buying that LS doesn't remember. <modsnip> I believe she is simply saying she doesn't remember as a way to deflect responsibility and garner sympathy from investigator and her family. She remembers JMO. What she did simply doesn't align with her need to be a victim. MOO
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My thinking was that, if LS and BY did, in fact, marry during Q's disappearance, that would possibly provide them with immunity from testifying against one another.
Someone up thread said that "spousal privilege" didn't apply in the case of crimes against minors. But even if it does the jury would certainly infer certain things from that action. Although LS may not have known it doesn't apply since you see it on TV all the time, nor might she have realized that jurors would infer guilt based on that.
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<modsnip> But somehow I feel her memory loss is more like the killer of Mollie Tibbets initially claiming not to remember and nobody thought he had a disorder. I think she knows she has been caught so can't say " I didn't do it", but really doesn't want to have to retell the details of what she did. So she is not remembering. I do think maybe PPD and drug use (either she was high or she was tired from being high all day) led her to snapping. Having BJH away from the house might have allowed for a little more "partying" than normal.
I have been thinking she doesn't remember because it is easier to stick to that story than one she makes up and has to remember. I hope they find him and are able to determine what happened. Something like giving him meds to sleep won't be covered under the I don't remember unless she was passed out high.
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Someone posted this yesterday, mentioning that in regards to someone not having to testify against their spouse, it doesn’t include acts against minors IIRC. I’m summing that up terribly, sorry, I don’t remember all of the legal terms.

Are marriage licenses public info and available online? Hmmmm
Thank you, Slamalam (love your username, btw). I've actually followed this case religiously. Therefore, I haven't had to ask a question, because I've been able to stay on top of the thread.

However, following EMDR sessions, my brain is unable to concentrate and I have to nap. I also play Mom's Taxi for my 2 youngest, am studying for my End of Life Care certification, and working on required professional healthcare CEUs. I do take my tablet with me to try to keep up (when I'm waiting somewhere along the Mom's Taxi route), but I clearly missed that particular discussion.

Again, thank you for the kind and helpful response.
While we await the press conference, did anyone else notice LS wearing a wedding band when she left the home yesterday? Do we know if/when she and DY may have had a ceremony (assuming she married DY, of course)? There's a reason behind my curiosity.

We did discuss this upthread, and IIRC, the discussion focused on whether or not LS and DY are legally married and if that could lead to a situation where a spouse does not have to testify against their spouse. But one poster shared information that this might not be the case when it is related to the death of a minor child, that there would not be an exemption from testifying against a spouse in those circumstances, IIRC.

Hope this helps. Note that this is just me going by memory of reading upthread, you may want to check it out yourself if this information isn't helpful.

ETA There has been nothing reported in MSM to suggest that they are legally married, or that they are not, as far as I know.
Bolding mine:
IMO, the 5:30 AM text canceling babysitting COMBINED with the claim of seeing Q at 6AM almost requires a suspect #2. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Quinton’s mom’s and others’ interrogation answers suspiciously didn’t align.

Based on Q having belt marks on his body the other day, I would say COD is most likely a heat of the moment violent discipline/abuse taken too far.

For example, if he kept climbing out of his crib at 3 AM and waking everyone up, he was getting belted, but maybe that night the abusive punishment went too far. It could have been shoving him, throwing him against the wall, shaking him, throwing him into his crib.

Now it could have been that he died right then at 3 AM and the cover-up began then. Or it could have been that he was shaken and hurt and thrown into the crib, and then died in his sleep from the trauma. Then they would have discovered him dead at 5:30am when it was time to get ready for the babysitter, thus texted her to cancel.

in either scenario, the 5:30 AM text would mean he was known to be dead before then. So “last seen at 6 AM” would be fishy. That the mom doesn’t remember anything but is the only one involved would also be fishy. Moo
I was thinking about this, and there's a few very plausible scenarios in which MomsBoyfriendDY would bear no responsibility for what happened... (WHAT FOLLOWS IS TOTAL SPECULATION!)

Scenario 1: Q passes away due a violent action in the dead of night, while MomsBoyfriendDY is asleep. When he wakes for work at 5:29AM, MomLS convinces him to text SitterDM, knowing that it would look suspicious if MomLS texted, because (according to SitterDM's livestream) MomsBoyfriendDY is the one that usually communicates with SitterDM. MomsBoyfriendDY maybe thinks MomLS just wants to spend the day with her kids, since after the eviction, they presumably won't be allowed much time together. MomsBoyfriendDY might have seen Q's body in the playpen and simply assumed (or was told) that Q was still asleep.

Scenario 2: Perhaps MomLS really did plan on spending the day with the boys, asked MomsBoyfriendDY to text SitterDM, and then, after MomsBoyfriendDY left for work, something happened to make her snap. Then after Q passes away due to a violent action, MomLS panicks, disposes of the body, and then calls MomsBoyfriendDY, saying she doesn't know where Q is.
Just watched Inside Edition. They did a piece on Quinten!

I’m curious. How many children does Lalanie have? Is she pregnant now?

What kind of work do they do to afford such a nice home?

Is Lelanie an actual daughter or step daughter?

So many questions.
Because several people are still asking, this post clarifies spousal privilege laws in Georgia, and yes a spouse can be compelled to testify in a crime involving a child under 18, though I don't think anyone really believes she is married.

There are several important exceptions to the spousal immunity privilege in Georgia that can be found in O.C.G.A. 25-5-503. A person may be required to testify in the following scenarios:

  • Where one spouse is accused of committing a crime against a child under the age of 18. However, you can only be required to testify regarding the specific acts for which your partner is charged.
I do wonder if grandma having custody of the boys impacted L’s behavior. What I mean is that I’ve seen other cases here where a parent(s) doesn’t want the burden of parenting their kids but at the same time resent anyone else stepping in to do the job.

In this case not only was grandma raising Leilani’s kids she had also taken steps to throw her and her boyfriend out and then demanded support money.

I can imagine how angry it might have made Leilani. Did it make her feel powerless? Did she take it out on little Quinton?

I forget, what is it they call people who lack insight and empathy and who only see others in terms of how they serve a selfish purpose? MOO
Just watched Inside Edition. They did a piece on Quinten!

I’m curious. How many children does Lalanie have? Is she pregnant now?

What kind of work do they do to afford such a nice home?

Is Lelanie an actual daughter or step daughter?

So many questions.
Lelanie has (had :( ) three children
The home belongs to her mother and step-father.
Someone up thread said that "spousal privilege" didn't apply in the case of crimes against minors. But even if it does the jury would certainly infer certain things from that action. Although LS may not have known it doesn't apply since you see it on TV all the time, nor might she have realized that jurors would infer guilt based on that.

two little points/thoughts.
IF she is getting support as a single parent, there is no way she would give that up.

IF she was feeling some desperation of "keeping a man", she could try to force the 'engagement/potential marriage impression to "keep said man".

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I may have missed it, but doesn't LS have an adult brother who also lives in the house? If so, I wonder where he was when this transpired? Not suggesting that he's involved, but if LS did something to Q while the brother wasn't around, that suggests to me that it may not have been an accident. What are the odds that something happened when all the other adults weren't around to stop it, IYSWIM.
Just watched Inside Edition. They did a piece on Quinten!

I’m curious. How many children does Lalanie have? Is she pregnant now?

What kind of work do they do to afford such a nice home?

Is Lelanie an actual daughter or step daughter?

So many questions.
Leilani has three children, all by different fathers. We do not know if she is currently pregnant.

The house she lives in, with her bf and yougest child, belongs to her mother and step-father, who have legal custody of her two older children. She has a brother who lives there also. We do not know her work status.

Leilani is her mother's daughter,
Someone posted this yesterday, mentioning that in regards to someone not having to testify against their spouse, it doesn’t include acts against minors IIRC. I’m summing that up terribly, sorry, I don’t remember all of the legal terms.

Are marriage licenses public info and available online? Hmmmm
bolding mine.
Yes, I believe that's correct ?

I found this link :

Exceptions to the spousal testimonial privilege exist where a spouse:

  • is charged with a crime against the other spouse
  • is charged with a crime against a child of either spouse
  • is charged with a crime against a third party in the course of committing a crime against the other spouse
  • is asked to testify about matters pre-dating the marriage, or
  • is charged with human trafficking for immoral purposes (such as prostitution)
In each of these situations, even current spouses may be compelled to testify against an accused spouse in a criminal trial or grand jury proceeding.

Adding to this --- the police release used her legal name which is Leilani Simon, and not Leilani Youngkin.
Deception after deception.
So, if needed, the boyfriend can most certainly testify against her !

The most horrifying, imo, is the, "I cant' remember..." defense that she may use.
Her actions (and maybe other's actions ?) say otherwise.

And btw, I don't necessarily believe passing a poly -- means no involvement or knowledge of a crime, and/or a coverup.
My .02 is that there may be more charges and possibly a second perp ?
We shall see.
and she was sane enough to take the trash out and wait for the garbage pickup before calling 911, so i pray they arrest her and she never gets back out of jail, what a waste of air and that precious babyhad to sufer he abuse, im just sick!
Yikes. Waited for garbage pickup before calling 911? I think that poor baby went to the landfill. :mad:
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