GA - Rapper Young + others indicted on RICO & other charges, May 2022. Trial ongoing April 2023, interruptions, lawyer arrested. Fulton County. #2

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And I can confirm that our photog was also warned not to film if Lil Woody got arrested.

This is a public courtroom. Lil Woody being held in contempt IS part of the #YSL #YoungThug trial that we DO have permission to film/broadcast. It's not right that we were ordered to not show video or have audio of it.

Back on the record. Lil Woody's attorney DID go back and talk to him. He will have another attorney appear on Monday since he'll be out of town. Copeland does intend to assert the 5th again on Monday.

I just want to reiterate that when a witness is held in contempt during a trial that we already have permission to broadcast, we should not be prohibited from doing that. This has happened many, many times in trials I've covered all over the country and the cameras are allowed to roll.

They won't let attorney Steel finish talking. He's remained respectful for quite some time now, and she should take a seat. moo

After #LilWoody pleaded the fifth in the #YoungThug RICO trial, the rapper’s defense attorney absolutely lost his cool on the Fulton County judge and prosecutor. “If I get another false allegation and you do nothing, I’ll be shocked,” Brian Steel screamed.

“I don’t care, I don’t care, I'll give over everything!” Steel said he was appalled at the “lack of professionalism” in this case and trial. Young is currently on trial for several RICO charges. Friday marked day 87 of the trial.

5:40 PM · Jun 7, 2024
Prosecutor Hilton has been in another courtroom this morning. The prosecution back row is present as well as all the defendants and defense teams. The judge hasn't taken the bench. Unknown if Hilton in another courtroom is related at all.

The court reporter has arrived.

Judge Glanville is on the bench.

Prosecution Hylton just walked in.

Prosecutor Love has entered the courtroom.

Judge Glanville: It's my understanding that he's (Lil Woody) going to testify.

Glanville: Mr. Copeland's spoken to his lawyer this morning and my understanding is he's going to testify. That's all I can tell you.

Hylton: Can you tell the jury how old you are?
Copeland: um................32
Hylton: On July 25?
Copeland: I guess.


Hylton: What are your three brothers' names?
Copeland: Noto, Trez and Boss (no idea if I'm spelling those correctly)

Copeland said he went to a lot of different schools. When asked the names he said he only remembers the name of one school he intended. Did you go to middle school?
Copeland: Um, I think...

Copeland looks up before every answer. These questions are just background questions but he really doesn't want to answer.


Copeland doesn't know the ages of his children.

Do you have any criminal convictions?
Copeland: Of course.
Do you know how many?
Copeland: I don't keep up with that.

"I got vision problems." Lil Woody testifies when asked to identify Shannon Stillwell in the courtroom. (You can't make this up)
He looks around for a LONG time, says he's light headed.... Ha!

Copeland asks for a drink. Hylton says she can get him some water.
Copeland: I don't drink water.

Copeland: Who am I looking for?
He then proceeds to pretty much identify everyone in the courtroom as Shannon Stillwell except Shannon Stillwell.

Is Shannon from Atlanta?
Copeland: I don't know
When you first met him, where did you meet him?
Copeland: Who?

Lunch recess until 1:35pm.
Mr Steel has been placed into custody by Judge
Glanville. Steel removed his jacket and tie and was led out of courtroom by Deputy carrying cuffs.
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Cathy Russon
She's trying to avoid delay but also appeal......

Jozsef Papp
Replying to @JozsefPapp_
Love asks Glanville to allow Steel to be present in the courtroom while still being held in contempt.
BREAKING: Steel said he was told that Kenneth "Lil Woody" Copeland ADMITTED in chambers this morning that he killed Donovan "Nut" Thomas, with the judge and prosecution present.

We're about to find out if Judge Glanville is going to hold #YoungThug's attorney Brian Steel in contempt for not revealing how he found out about the details in an ex parte meeting in judge's chambers this morning.

Judge back on the bench insisting Steel tell him who gave him the information about the ex parte meeting.

Steel won't give him the info.

BREAKING: Judge Glanville's holds #YoungThug's attorney Brian Steel in contempt.

Glanville tells Steel he has until 5pm to think about it.

Judge Glanville insinuates it was Lil Woody's stand in counsel that gave Steel the info.

Judge ordered Steel to be taken into custody but that's on hold for more arguments right now.

So now we know what was happening this morning with Hylton and Love missing. They were in chambers with Judge, Woody and Woody's counsel.

Prosecutor Love is asking that the judge strike everything that Brian Steel said. (It will live forever on Law&Crime YouTube)

Now Max Schardt, Shannon Stillwell's attorney moves for a mistrial.

Schardt argues that they were ordered to be here for a 9am start and they sat for 2 hours this morning not knowing that the judge, prosecutors and witness Kenneth Copeland were in judge's chambers having an ex parte meeting.

And remember, the judge had the opportunity to at the very least let the defense teams know he held an ex parte meeting this morning without disclosing the details. He did not. He called court into session, called for the jury and Lil Woody took the stand. This is after, allegedly, Woody admitted to Judge Glanville that he killed Donovan Thomas.

Schardt says having an ex parte meeting with a witness that has already been sworn in and not letting the defense know, is not right. Judge denies Schardt's motion for mistrial.

Huey's attorney, Careton Matthews, also moves for a mistrial.

BREAKING: Judge Glanville orders #YoungThug's attorney Brian Steel taken into custody for contempt!'s co-counsel Eric Adams says he will not continue with the trial today. Glanville tells him he will not extort the court.

BREAKING: WATCH - Here is the moment #YoungThug's attorney Brian Steel was taken into custody for contempt. The deputy whispered in his ear (I assume he told him he wouldn't cuff him.) He was held in contempt for not revealing his source that told him what happened in an ex parte hearing this morning with Kenneth "Lil Woody" Copeland.


BREAKING: Young 's attorney Brian Steel has been taken into custody after being held in contempt by Judge Glanville. Glanville told Steel to disclose where he got the information of a meeting between him and the state and Steel declined to provide that information.

"Mr. Williams does not wish to go forward without me being here. You are removing me against his will, my will, and you take away his right to counsel," Steel said before being escorted to the back of the courthouse.


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