GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

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This is the strangest case I have followed, with SD found in the lake and RD found in the garage with his head missing, it's almost like two people are having a contest to see who can commit the most sensational murder.
If I lived in the area my biggest gun would be loaded just in case.
We had to make a trip over to the Home Depot in Greensboro so I timed the drive from the real estate agent's street to GW entrance - 17 minutes.
What was being discussed when Sills replied."....don't want to elaborate on that because it could jeopardize the case...." ?
And if some type of ransom demands have been made, I don't think we would know about it. Not yet, but maybe later in the investigation. It would do nothing to let that information out since both bodies have been found now.

The home being in immaculate condition. Someone didn't want that home ruined. Someone didn't want the crime scene within the home. WHO? and WHY? If someone random came by, doubtful they would care if the home had blood in every room since they've nothing to gain from the home. Even when we've seen cases of husbands or wives killing their spouses, the care of the home is rarely thought about. Look how Travis Alexander was murdered. There was no concern about his home. No concern about a bloody crime scene within his home. Jodi knew she wouldn't benefit from the home in any way. Nothing for her to lose to kill him in the home.

From the few photos I've seen of the Dermonds, Mr. Dermond didn't appear thin and frail. He appeared heavy. I don't think one person could have killed him, beheaded him, and moved the body. Could one person have killed him? Sure. But moving him would have difficult, IMO, though not impossible. The term 'dead weight' is for a reason. People are MUCH heavier and harder to move when they aren't conscious. I've had many patients that were that way, as well as helped to clean the bodies of the deceased while working in nursing homes. It's difficult, though in the nursing home capacity, you're still paying respect to the deceased, so maybe that makes a difference. In a brutal murder, I doubt you'd care if bruises, or skin tears occurred.

This case just makes me scream!

I first thought keeping the crime scene out of the house, not disturbing anything in it, showed that the perp for whatever reason was concerned about the resale of the residence. If there is a body at the scene, there will be a mess before it's all over.
Then it hit me, CSI can really mess a place up. Not that they have a choice, but it's sad considering how SD kept it immaculate.

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My thought processes have been similar to yours. If more than one perp, I can almost hear one of them saying, "Dude! They're gonna trace that (knife, machete, bullet) back to you!" Then, as you say, "ad-libbing" begins. Living in Georgia, to me, the death of Meredith Emerson is still sorta fresh and tests the limits of what one lone, scrawny-looking psychopath is capable of. Additionally, he killed and dismembered an elderly couple in NC.

There are garden-variety petty criminals who would knock an elderly couple in the head, yes, but THIS level of depravity with the Dermonds exceeds that. Or maybe it wasn't so much depravity as practicality. Maybe Mr. D. was too heavy for perp to move and dispose of the entire body, so the perp did something he could never have imagined himself doing.

Seems there are holes in every theory posed--mine no exception!

I missed the HLN special. Can anyone provide synopsis?

<Respectfully BBM for Focus>

Imo, the perp/s were not concerned by the resale of the residence. Although blood in every room or the mess left by the CSI team would have presented cosmetic issues. They could have been easily cleaned up by a professional crime scene restoration company.

For years to come, the RP/GW community will be known as the lakeside gated community where the elderly couple was murdered and the Dermond home will be stigmatized for being where this horrific crime occurred.. The home's resale value has been considerably diminished...

Although the forensically aware perps left behind minimal blood evidence, etc. The amount of evil aura residue left in their wake will linger longer, than years or possibly even decades.

Imo, Sheriff Sills, has info indicating multiple offenders in the Dermond abduction/murder/decapitation. But for those that are skeptical that the crime could have been committed by a single perp, or that Mr D was too heavy to move. Mr John Bryant, was 6'8" and well over 240 pounds...
see link below;

Gary Hilton(61), Admits to Killing John(81) & Irene Bryant(86) -NC/2007
This is the strangest case I have followed, with SD found in the lake and RD found in the garage with his head missing, it's almost like two people are having a contest to see who can commit the most sensational murder.
If I lived in the area my biggest gun would be loaded just in case.

Im not sure if there were 2 murderers in competition but
I sure believe there were 2 who well planned these terrible murders.

Where IS Mr. D's Head? :(

Any abandoned homes near by but outside the D's neighborhood?
That's what I heard
And he has never eliminated the family.

We are all being good WS and not discussing this. However, I would venture to guess there are a number of people who have suspicions . . .? :confused:
Can't buy into the blind rage theory. In those cases, from what we've seen in prior instances, it's a bloody crime scene. Blood splatter on walls, ceilings, etc., from the frantic attack. And though Shirley is said to have died from blunt force trauma, the home doesn't show that. So where was the crime scene? Why would Shirley have been away from home with the perp? It's said their vehicles were in the did the Dermonds go to someone else's home? Go to a meeting somewhere with the perps? Why wasn't both bodies dumped in the lake?? The two different areas of leaving the bodies, as well as not knowing how Russell died has me baffled. IMO, it would have to be more than two perps! Otherwise, the perps only made more work for themselves, and more risk of being detected being at the home, or returning the body to the home!

IMO, at this moment anyway, I believe Mr. Dermond was killed very near the garage, and moved into the garage to delay being detected. Otherwise the mail person, or newspaper person, or anyone else in the community might have discovered him sooner laying on the yard, or driveway. Plus being outside would have gathered the attention of wildlife, particularly vultures, which I'm sure the neighborhood would have noticed.

For whatever reason, the perps wanted/needed BOTH Dermonds dead. Who gained from them being dead? What was their gain? Was it silencing them? Was it monetary gain?

Thinking back to a business deal gone wrong, or someone feeling it had gone wrong. IMO, most that move up that business ladder have stepped on or over several to get in the top position. Most don't get to the top by being nice, and generous. This is NOT to say anything bad about either Dermond! Not at all!! I'm only saying in a general sense of business and climbing that ladder. Please let me go ahead of you doesn't work so well. Money talks. But looking out for #1 also works in moving up. Can't drag along number two while climbing the ladder. Too much extra weight.

I did think about the derby party, but then realized we have the 'elite' in our area that also had a huge derby party with the fancy hats, etc. It isn't necessarily the elite that attended, but the social club type people. Those that enjoy rubbing elbows with others. I know two ladies that attended that aren't rich. They do have horses, but not as a huge business now. They are more into self sufficient farming than the horse business. BUT, they both keep their foot in the horse business. They attend horse shows and are often hired to judge the shows. So the need to keep those contacts.

I briefly wondered if the Dermonds could have interest in one of the horses that raced, but now I don't think so. Haven't seen or heard anything to make me really believe either way, just gut feeling. Having worked in horse rescue for decades now, I can say the racing industry is brutal. The horses mean nothing to most of those involved. Horse makes over a $1 million, but becomes lame, blind, etc., it goes to slaughter, or given to a rescue as a tax write off. I am not kidding either. They are given good care while they are making the money, but afterwards, they are discarded. If they don't bring in the money, they are discarded. The horses mean nothing to them. It sickens me, and I refuse to watch the races because I know the brutal training the horses endure as well. NO thanks! Most horses are not owned by just one person either. They have investors. They have a training team. Care takers, etc. MONEY! Sorry, got off topic, just very passionate about my animals.

Sheriff Sills has never said that the Dermond home IS the murder scene. We know that Shirley was bludgeoned to death so where is all the bloody crime scene in their home like you describe?

In fact he doesn't even believe Russ was murdered in his own garage but was brought there because he found no blood spatter or evidence that Russ was murdered there. If he was murdered anywhere on his property there would have been blood evidence and the dogs would have alerted to blood being elsewhere. Not once has he said he found blood on the property showing him Russ was even murdered anywhere on his own property.

So where is the murder scene? Imo, it has not been located yet and will only be located once the murderer is arrested and charged and a SW done of their home and property.

Sheriff Sills just said that he believes the murderer may not even be a close friend of theirs but someone they were acquainted with in someway. People murder for all sort of reason. Many of them are not for financial gain. Yes, the perp may have known that the Dermonds knew a secret about them and murdered to keep that secret hidden. It could have happened for a myriad of reasons that will never make sense to any of us even if its ever known.

He also said he believe that Russ' head was removed to hide evidence of either a bullet inside of his skull or because there were identifying took marks left on his skull. Why would the killer care about hiding bullets or tool marks if they weren't worried that either one of those could be linked right to them? There has to be something very unique about the weapon used for him to go to the trouble of removing the head in order to hide it.
We are all being good WS and not discussing this. However, I would venture to guess there are a number of people who have suspicions . . .? :confused:

I would not be one of those. Unless it is a very distant relative. jmo
Could the perp have beaten Mr. D so severely the he was ashamed of what he had done after the fact, eek sorry to say that. So thinking should he ever get caught, that is one secret LE would not know since the head would be gone.
Sheriff Sills has never said that the Dermond home IS the murder scene. We know that Shirley was bludgeoned to death so where is all the bloody crime scene in their home like you describe?

In fact he doesn't even believe Russ was murdered in his own garage but was brought there because he found no blood spatter or evidence that Russ was murdered there. If he was murdered anywhere on his property there would have been blood evidence and the dogs would have alerted to blood being elsewhere. Not once has he said he found blood on the property showing him Russ was even murdered anywhere on his own property.

So where is the murder scene? Imo, it has not been located yet and will only be located once the murderer is arrested and charged and a SW done of their home and property.

Sheriff Sills just said that he believes the murderer may not even be a close friend of theirs but someone they were acquainted with in someway. People murder for all sort of reason. Many of them are not for financial gain. Yes, the perp may have known that the Dermonds knew a secret about them and murdered to keep that secret hidden. It could have happened for a myriad of reasons that will never make sense to any of us even if its ever known.

He also said he believe that Russ' head was removed to hide evidence of either a bullet inside of his skull or because there were identifying took marks left on his skull. Why would the killer care about hiding bullets or tool marks if they weren't worried that either one of those could be linked right to them? There has to be something very unique about the weapon used for him to go to the trouble of removing the head in order to hide it.

Wonder if SheriffSills could ask ALL homeowners in Great Waters to open their homes for a dog & FBI agent to walk through.
Could the perp have beaten Mr. D so severely the he was ashamed of what he had done after the fact, eek sorry to say that. So thinking should he ever get caught, that is one secret LE would not know since the head would be gone.

Wish that it was that simple, 1&2&3... There are too many signs and indicators that the perp/s have no empathy for their victims and lack all human emotions, imo. The escalated sadistic malignant sexual predator/s responsible for these horrific murders likely kept the head for removing forensics and for reliving the crime, imo..
Theodore Robert Bundy, born Theodore Robert Cowell (November 24, 1946 ..... He kept the severed heads later found on Taylor Mountain (Rancourt, Parks, ... Some of the skulls of Bundy's victims were found with the front teeth broken out...
<sniped - read more>
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