GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

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I was thinking perhaps someone was trying to get power of attorney over one of Mr. Dermond's friends. Saying this person was no longer of sound mind when Mr. D knew good and well that they were.
Perp told Mr. D to butt out and he wouldn't do it. He might have even told this person
"Over my dead body'" so to speak.
I could see Mr. Dermond being very protective of a friend he perceived to be in danger of being taken advantage of.

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Intriguing! An entirely new perspective. Thank you! I could see this angering the friends of someone who was trying to get power of attorney ~ especially a wealthy elderly person. :seeya:
A few things dawned on me this a.m. as I'm cleaning my lanai. My screen enclosure. The Dermonds had a HUGE 2 story one. I am certain he needed regular maintenance on that especially with all the surrounding trees. I wonder, do most of the homes in there have screen enclosures?

Also, I'll have my gutters cleaned at the same time.

Once when my screen cleaner stopped by, she brought some friends to help. Times were hard and they were unemployed. One of the helpers said to me, "You have mold inside all your windows." He'd obviously been looking for more ways to make money. Fine. But what better way to scope out a house. I let two of them in the house to get something to drink. It only dawned on me while they were in my kitchen that this had been very unwise on my part.

We no longer use this particular person nor does anyone else in our neighborhoo.

She used to be on some resident's permanent lists which means she could get through the gate my giving the guard the resident's name and she would be let through. But instead of going to that home, she'd go to other homes looking for work. The residents and guards finally got wind of this and she's been banned from our particular neighborhood.
Glad to see some are still posting! It has really slowed down, it must be due to the holiday weekend.

I don't have anything to add ATM...just wanted to let you all know I appreciate your posts and am still here.
It had to happen, at least imo, at night. They were both kidnapped and taken to unknown location by boat by at least two people. Idk but maybe two boats. They demanded RD to take out money in the bank the next day but their plan goes terribly wrong when SD died during the night. RD wants to see his wife before going to the bank but they refuse and RD knows she is dead. They shoot RD, killing him in a fit of rage. One goes to dumped SD body and the other brings back RD to the garage where he cuts off his head. Sheriff did say they found no bullet holes so he had to be shot somewhere else but I believe RD was shot several times. LE is hoping if they find the head they will find the bullet.

All MY Opinion.

I can definitely see this scenario too. The whole plan falls apart and then everything goes awry and people die. Makes me think of the "Children of Thunder" and the Helzer brothers.

Finally, they (Taylor Helzer mainly as he was the leader) settled on a far more practical plan�-- extorting money from one of Taylor's former clients, a wealthy senior citizen who was an easy mark. Someone who knew and trusted Taylor enough to let him into his or her home. Someone weak enough to be easily killed.

As a stock broker, Taylor managed the money of numerous retirees with posh portfolios; he had a long list of victims to choose from. It seemed like such a simple plan.

A key element was missing from the plan: The trio needed a third person to launder the dirty money. Someone who would open a bank account, deposit and cash the extorted checks for them. Of course, they'd have to kill that person too, after they'd used them to hide the money.
In reading your post which I am attaching in part you say he left his home went to the Dermonds home then returned to his home. All within a few yards of each other.

There was much more to this if the Sheriff is to be believed that the murder of Mr. Dermond was someplace else and we know Mrs. was left far from the dock and cove of the Dermond residence.

OBE (partial)
So if he lived say a few hundred yards away from the Dermonds then all he has to do is get in his own boat....park at their dock which he would already know was unoccupied, and come up from the water's edge to do his deeds. Then he leaves just like he came, and then returns to wherever his boat is usually docked, and simply disappears back inside of his home. All of it done after nightfall imo. It is so simple but yet it makes a lot of sense and would work. imo

Ok, I admit I am not feeling well today so maybe that is why I am not understanding what you are trying to tell me.

I just shortened it down in that post. I just gave a shortened version, and when I said 'leaves' I meant leaves to discard Shirley and Russ' head in the deep open waters and then returns to his own boat dock and goes right back inside his own home.

Or maybe I should be clearer.

1. He gets in his own boat comes up to the Dermonds empty dock and docks. Or maybe he walks over since he knows the trees will give him cover and with it being done on the backside of the properties.
2. Does the deeds somewhere close by. The place where the murders really happened remains unknown but they could have been done on his own property if he forced or lured them to come with him.
4. Leaves the torso at the Dermonds garage.
5. Takes Shirley's body and Russ head down to his own boat wherever it is parked.
6. Navigates the small inlet to get to the open deeper water. Discards body and head.
7. Comes back to the inlet or cove and parks at his normal docking deck.
8. Walks up from the backside of his home and goes back in like nothing ever happened.

I still don't know why that wouldn't work but whatever. I think everyone believes all of this was done after dark and all of it was happening on the backside of the properties where no one would be able to see a thing, imo.

The security system going down scream that this was set up premeditated.
The person responsible knew this.

The security system going down seems strange to me too, and it was down for a while. Longer than necessary IMO. While it may be a red herring, it does make one say hmmmmmmmmm???? And yes I think premeditated too. The Dermonds probably a routine time set of when they turned their security system on and off. Who would know this information? Perhaps someone who had stayed with them for a time? Only pure speculation on my part. Hope the Sheriff has had good luck with digging up a paper trail, and I wonder how long before he will hear something from Quantico. Maybe 1 week or 2 at the most. Here's to hoping they are caught sooner rather than later! :please:
A few things dawned on me this a.m. as I'm cleaning my lanai. My screen enclosure. The Dermonds had a HUGE 2 story one. I am certain he needed regular maintenance on that especially with all the surrounding trees. I wonder, do most of the homes in there have screen enclosures?

Also, I'll have my gutters cleaned at the same time.

Once when my screen cleaner stopped by, she brought some friends to help. Times were hard and they were unemployed. One of the helpers said to me, "You have mold inside all your windows." He'd obviously been looking for more ways to make money. Fine. But what better way to scope out a house. I let two of them in the house to get something to drink. It only dawned on me while they were in my kitchen that this had been very unwise on my part.

We no longer use this particular person nor does anyone else in our neighborhoo.

She used to be on some resident's permanent lists which means she could get through the gate my giving the guard the resident's name and she would be let through. But instead of going to that home, she'd go to other homes looking for work. The residents and guards finally got wind of this and she's been banned from our particular neighborhood.

Hindsight is 20/20 and fortunately the light bulb went off in your head not a minute too soon. Something about the whole situation set your instincts off. Glad you realized the danger before something happened.
After reading Elliott Roger's manifesto and watching the U Tube 'Day of Retribution', I would believe any reason one can think of for this horrible crime. The lame reasons he gave for committing the mass killings in unbelievable. I think we are definitely dealing with some nut who totally went out of control. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more incidents before he is apprehended. jmo
Ok, I admit I am not feeling well today so maybe that is why I am not understanding what you are trying to tell me.

I just shortened it down in that post. I just gave a shortened version, and when I said 'leaves' I meant leaves to discard Shirley and Russ' head in the deep open waters and then returns to his own boat dock and goes right back inside his own home.

Or maybe I should be clearer.

1. He gets in his own boat comes up to the Dermonds empty dock and docks. Or maybe he walks over since he knows the trees will give him cover and with it being done on the backside of the properties.
2. Does the deeds somewhere close by. The place where the murders really happened remains unknown but they could have been done on his own property if he forced or lured them to come with him.
4. Leaves the torso at the Dermonds garage.
5. Takes Shirley's body and Russ head down to his own boat wherever it is parked.
6. Navigates the small inlet to get to the open deeper water. Discards body and head.
7. Comes back to the inlet or cove and parks at his normal docking deck.
8. Walks up from the backside of his home and goes back in like nothing ever happened.

I still don't know why that wouldn't work but whatever. I think everyone believes all of this was done after dark and all of it was happening on the backside of the properties where no one would be able to see a thing, imo.


Feel better soon OBE! I, myself, did not feel so good yesterday. I think it's the pollen and whatever else is floating around in the air doesn't jive with my sinuses!

I agree with everything in your post. The only thing I get hung up on is I think maybe the confrontation happened in the front of the house. Then after the Dermonds were under control or dead everything else happened in the boat. Why they would return Mr. Dermond's body is a mystery, or
perhaps, as others have suggested they wanted to leave a very strong message with Mr. Dermond's headless body? It's a mystery. I hope when they find out who did this our questions will be answered and the who, why, what, when and where will fall into place.

:therethere: Take care of yourself. I think cases like this take a toll on all of us. We're only human and it's frustrating when something awful like this happens that is beyond anybody's control. Try :read: a good book and sipping some hot tea, even a warm bubble :bath: with your favorite :rubberducky: and slip a favorite CD :flashback:. Or better yet :popcorn: and put on a good comedy "What about Bob", "Meet the Parents", Planes, Trains and Automobiles", "Groundhog Day". If you need something stronger, I'm with you on that too. :toastred: In fact, I feel safe in saying we all want you to feel better :grouphug: I think it will be Tuesday before Sheriff Sills gives us any more updates. But hoping something breaks between now and then too.
After reading Elliott Roger's manifesto and watching the U Tube 'Day of Retribution', I would believe any reason one can think of for this horrible crime. The lame reasons he gave for committing the mass killings in unbelievable. I think we are definitely dealing with some nut who totally went out of control. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more incidents before he is apprehended. jmo

Yes, I agree and there is a sense of urgency that this person or persons needs to be apprehended ASAP!
Ok, I admit I am not feeling well today so maybe that is why I am not understanding what you are trying to tell me.

I just shortened it down in that post. I just gave a shortened version, and when I said 'leaves' I meant leaves to discard Shirley and Russ' head in the deep open waters and then returns to his own boat dock and goes right back inside his own home.

Or maybe I should be clearer.

1. He gets in his own boat comes up to the Dermonds empty dock and docks. Or maybe he walks over since he knows the trees will give him cover and with it being done on the backside of the properties.
2. Does the deeds somewhere close by. The place where the murders really happened remains unknown but they could have been done on his own property if he forced or lured them to come with him.
4. Leaves the torso at the Dermonds garage.
5. Takes Shirley's body and Russ head down to his own boat wherever it is parked.
6. Navigates the small inlet to get to the open deeper water. Discards body and head.
7. Comes back to the inlet or cove and parks at his normal docking deck.
8. Walks up from the backside of his home and goes back in like nothing ever happened.

I still don't know why that wouldn't work but whatever. I think everyone believes all of this was done after dark and all of it was happening on the backside of the properties where no one would be able to see a thing, imo.


It very well could be someone in the neighborhood who killed them, but could you please explain your #2 & 4 as to WHY They would take the chance of taking Mr D back to his own property. Why not dispose of it in the lake with Mrs. D...that would make life easier for the killer.
It very well could be someone in the neighborhood who killed them, but could you please explain your #2 & 4 as to WHY They would take the chance of taking Mr D's head back to his own property. Why not dispose of it in the lake with Mrs. D...that would make life easier for the killer.

I think it coud be a neighbor also. The head was taken because of a bullet in it that would be traced back to said neighbor. He took the head because he couldn't carry or drag the body from the garage. Jmo
It very well could be someone in the neighborhood who killed them, but could you please explain your #2 & 4 as to WHY They would take the chance of taking Mr D's head back to his own property. Why not dispose of it in the lake with Mrs. D...that would make life easier for the killer.

I think his head was burried jmo
After reading Elliott Roger's manifesto and watching the U Tube 'Day of Retribution', I would believe any reason one can think of for this horrible crime. The lame reasons he gave for committing the mass killings in unbelievable. I think we are definitely dealing with some nut who totally went out of control. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more incidents before he is apprehended. jmo

From CNN...Elliott Rodger. "In the manuscript of his life's story, Rodger often mentioned feeling slighted or inferior, such as when he was denied entry on an amusement park ride at age 6 while other boys his age got to go on.
"Being denied entry on a simple amusement park ride due to my height may seem like only a small injustice, but it was big for me at time," Rodger wrote. "Little did I know, this injustice was very small indeed compared to all the things I'll be denied in the future because of my height."

My #1 theory is still that the Ds were killed by someone who had it in for them because of a long ago injustice, real or not. A festering wound. Elliott Rodger carried this around for 16 years. What if someone held a grudge against the Dermonds, one or both, for 25 years? 35 years? 45 years? A festering wound and gangrene had set in.
I still think it was one guy. My opinions are my opinions.
I think his head was burried jmo

I agree, or it was burned and the remnants buried. The killer can't take the chance of having it found. It would be easy to bury a head, there isn't much dirt disturbed.

All posts are my opinion only. Sent via Tapatalk
Some have said the sheriff is carefully parsing his wording to media
--- letting the perp(s) know 'he is onto him/them' or making them squirm.

If true, how does that benefit or enhance LE's case against perp(s)?

In some cases, it could totally be the opposite - LE might make public statements suggesting that it has no clue.
For ex:
Let's say LE learned something of value, identifiable & traceable and catalogued or documented w pix & ins. is missing from the home -- coin or stamp collection, jewelry, art, ___.

If LE announces it is missing, instead of trying to selling locally, perp(s), imo, would be inclined to try to sell elsewhere.
Without LE public announcement about missing items, perp(s), imo, would try to sell to local pawn shops, art dealers, jewelers, coin dealers etc .

W LE's notice to local businesses, the owners could notify LAE of attempts to sell.

Of course, this does not work (so well or at all) for some property, like TVs, certain electronics, etc . JM2cts
If the killer buried Mr. D's head that certainly means the killer never watched Alfred Hitcock's movie Rear Window.
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