GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

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Have any of you that have read the HOA rules read what regular dues were? Now that Mr. D. was not playing golf, it would seem he would not want that exorbitant charge added to his yearly dues. For some reason, I doubt the sons or grandsons visited that often to continue the fee IF it could be dropped. Again, what is expensive in one person's eyes, is not in another's! Just the course fees are outlandish for a member to me - that is why golf has never appealed to me! I can't see paying outlandish fees to chase a little white ball around down here in the south! Southern belles don't sweat. . . Lol!

I don't think they cared about the HOfees or the dues.
I live in a gated community it all goes along with it!
they had the money to reside there.

Can we assume that the location of SD's body was at least downstream from their home?

at one point during the day, the other half would be upstream, the dam regulates the water in and out thus changing the "tide"
I am kind of losing hope. I thought for sure there would be a quick arrest on this one.

Remember that poster that came in early on and gave a few unknown 'facts' one being Mr.D was in his pajamas .

Is he/she still around? That was very strange to me.

Btw I think a lot of locals and posters shy away from this murder...any discussions due to the brutality of a beheading!

Don't know how to link to a closed thread but that was post # 1043 in the 2nd thread dedicated to this topic.

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Anybody here on the Sinclair side of the lake? Wondered if it was my imagination or if the water was extremely high a few days, it usually gets that high after a tremendous rain, wondering if oconee was down through the busy weekend in hopes to help anything surface?

NO, full pond during the daytime on Lake Oconee.
Some have said the sheriff is carefully parsing his wording to media
--- letting the perp(s) know 'he is onto him/them' or making them squirm.

If true, how does that benefit or enhance LE's case against perp(s)?

In some cases, it could totally be the opposite - LE might make public statements suggesting that it has no clue.
For ex:
Let's say LE learned something of value, identifiable & traceable and catalogued or documented w pix & ins. is missing from the home -- coin or stamp collection, jewelry, art, ___.

If LE announces it is missing, instead of trying to selling locally, perp(s), imo, would be inclined to try to sell elsewhere.
Without LE public announcement about missing items, perp(s), imo, would try to sell to local pawn shops, art dealers, jewelers, coin dealers etc .

W LE's notice to local businesses, the owners could notify LAE of attempts to sell.

Of course, this does not work (so well or at all) for some property, like TVs, certain electronics, etc . JM2cts

If there is no serial numbers on something sold to the pawn shop, there is no way to know who it belongs to, timing of the pawn sale might indicate something if pics of items sold were in the family possession, still............
Yes, and it catapulted me out of that it-can't-happen-in-our-family mentality. We felt fortunate they didn't shoot my dad, although it nearly scared him to death. The crime was pre-planned, as they had a weapon and get-away vehicle able to contain lots of valuables.

As for the Dermonds, I know how easily accessible lake homes are. We have friends who had a lake house much like the Dermonds'. Boaters drove their boats into the cove, nearly all the way up to the dock just to gawk. While staying overnight there, I often thought how vulnerable the house was.

Perhaps in the Dermonds' case, the couple was not as frail as the perps were led to believe: maybe plans were somehow hindered and they had to go to Plan B?

Granna6 so glad to hear your mom and dad were ok that had to be so scary for them! I live in Florida ( not bragging lol) and have my whole life and learned years ago to not think "it can't happen here" it's sad to have to feel almost paranoid about things but you just never know what can happen and it may just be a thing of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And as far as the girl falling to her death I believe in Karma! Although it may not come as fast as we may like it'll come, at least that's what my granny always used to say! :angel:
Snipped for focus...
I do wonder at their age if there weren't some other options already in place.
Being that RD was the wage earner, in the event of his death, that his estate was to be left to and handled by someone else.
Say a "banking agent"... Someone that would then in turn be financially responsible for her.

I don't understand all the ins and outs of how Power of Attorney works. I know when my mom died the power of attorney of my grandmother came to me. She only lived for 5 more weeks. I paid one month of her nursing home bills. She was my responsibility just like she was one of my children.

I thought sherrif Sills was pretty certain she too was deceased, but when the billboards went up all over it made me change my mind.

Sills knows what RD had worked out in his will in the event of his demise. I don't think if anything seemed odd he'd let it slide.

All posts are my opinion only. Sent via Tapatalk

There are stipulations, it's not wide open to anyone doing ANYTHING but if the Dermonds were under a power of atty , it depends on how it reads

When people get to be 88, death is probably one thing that is more in the forefront of theirs and their family's minds, even if no real health issues, no one can live forever, but 100 was far away from 87 and 88, their children could have enjoyed them for 12 more years ! Or maybe not, I wonder if they did have any health issues

Just so so so so strange that they made it beyond an average age to only be killed and beheaded

How the heck does that happen?! I can see someone robbing them and taking their money, or valuables, maiming them or leaving them for dead,

but to take the time to behead and MOVE her to another location

yeah, that just tells me it was not random, someone wanted them dead, someeone didn't want LE to find out who they (perps) were, hiding evidence, delaying the case, perfect timing with no moonlight,

I mean why would someone want them dead? If only for some derby money? ok, as I said, i can see maiming or killing and leaving them there to die

that's not organized, THIS to me is organized, meaning, planned out

so no one could find out WHY or WHO killed them and the beheading confuses the whole case to me, so that was likely planned to and they broght their own tools

WHO wanted them dead, WHY, they were of no harm to anyone (it appears)

Maybe someone is hiding in the in the wide open, not hiding at all
at one point during the day, the other half would be upstream, the dam regulates the water in and out thus changing the "tide"

Not sure I understand that. If SD's body was dragged toward the dam while water flowed out, why would it be pushed bsck up stream as the dam closed and water rose. Eventually all should drift toward the dam.
paid to kill or debt not having to be repaid or financial scam not being outed or lawsuit threatened being avoided ...anyone else have other ideas on the possibilities ?

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Not sure I understand that. If SD's body was dragged toward the dam while water flowed out, why would it be pushed bsck up stream as the dam closed and water rose. Eventually all should drift toward the dam.

Maybe, maybe not

I wasn't aware the body was pushed back upstream or downstream
Went out for a morning walk, of course thought about this case the entire time. It has to be financial - that seems like the only motive; it's not sexual, jealousy, so greed comes to mind. If it was planned for them to be killed, I don't understand the beheading (unless that was "proof" to someone??). If it was kind of random, like people sneaking onto their property and getting caught, again why the beheading? I think that is what has us all so sadden by this case. That, their age, and the grief left behind. I hope by now they can tell what weapons were used and if it was one or two people.
The point I was trying to make is that SD was found downstream, closer to the dam. She could have been placed in the trees or drifted to the trees. Absent of any evidence of being tied or weighted down at the trees, it is as possible SD drifted with the current. I dont buy thst with the dam closed she would have reversed direction significantly.
Quick question, are most of you leaning towards this having been planned? I keep going from organized to unorganized. My very first thought upon hearing this on tv was that it was a somewhat young person (remotely related or not) who wanted something and Mr. D chewed him out. And that he wanted to dismember them but wasn't up to what it took. Sorry if I sound naïve, I don't know anything about lake living or crowbars and power tools, mostly a reader, fan of Dateline, etc. Feel so bad for this family.
Is it odd that friends might be that immediately concerned? As if they had a premonition that something bad might happen?

Not really!
I have neighbors in their late 80's and every day he puts up his flag if its not up I knock on their door.
I'm leaning towards a few things, one is that they knew something..........this was a way to shut them up and many or ANY other people or others the D's may have told
Quick question, are most of you leaning towards this having been planned? I keep going from organized to unorganized. My very first thought upon hearing this on tv was that it was a somewhat young person (remotely related or not) who wanted something and Mr. D chewed him out. And that he wanted to dismember them but wasn't up to what it took. Sorry if I sound naïve, I don't know anything about lake living or crowbars and power tools, mostly a reader, fan of Dateline, etc. Feel so bad for this family.

I believe it was planned out- taking advantage of the party when all their friends would be "occupied" at the party and wouldn't " drop by" unannounced. I believe it was retribution for something in the perp's past. Long, long ago. Just my opinion. I, too, am a big fan of Dateline. But I still think the perp maybe got the wrong house...can't say why I think this. Would most likely violate TOS.
Went out for a morning walk, of course thought about this case the entire time. It has to be financial - that seems like the only motive; it's not sexual, jealousy, so greed comes to mind. If it was planned for them to be killed, I don't understand the beheading (unless that was "proof" to someone??). If it was kind of random, like people sneaking onto their property and getting caught, again why the beheading? I think that is what has us all so sadden by this case. That, their age, and the grief left behind. I hope by now they can tell what weapons were used and if it was one or two people.

I still think there is a bullet in in his head.
I feel one person paid the other to do this!
the gun might identify the person!

all JMO
The point I was trying to make is that SD was found downstream, closer to the dam. She could have been placed in the trees or drifted to the trees. Absent of any evidence of being tied or weighted down at the trees, it is as possible SD drifted with the current. I dont buy thst with the dam closed she would have reversed direction significantly.

I'm not trying to sell anything, was making a point about the water flow in 2 directions, when water is emptied and when water enters, from the dam
Good morning! :seeya: We discussed machetes earlier and came to a consensus machetes are fairly common in the South. Very good for weed whacking, limb removal (of trees) and killing snakes, and yes, if it was very sharp and with enough force it could perhaps remove a head. I'm torn if the perp brought his own equipment or if indeed it was something right in Mr. Demond's garage. It would seem a great deal of planning and care was taken to commit this crime, said perp could likely have brought his weapon of choice for beheading someone. Perhaps it was a surgical saw that are used for amputating limbs, a very sharp surgical saw, sharpened just prior to the event.

An ax would do the job!
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