GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #4

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Where did you get the #400? Local tv reporter said the crowd was 200.

On the 2nd video link provided a page or two ago. I can get it if you really need it. Sorry I'm lazy and still trying to read news articles. Reporter was in a green dress.
I wonder if Cooper was sick, fighting a cold, teething or anything that might require medication to handle pain, fever or snuffy noses
me and my kids have all been late teethers. My 13 year old still has several baby teeth yet to loose.

She was FOREVER cutting her first ones.
I agree. Men don't handle sleep deprivation well, and even though I was pretty used to getting up in the night, teething times were hard and I admit I lost it and got a little angry at my non-sleeping baby once or twice! Not my proudest moment.
Again, something else for his defense. Sleep deprivation...

I don't think that mom meant it thst way, just an observation.
I wonder if they were Jehovah's witnesses? I saw that someone in their guest book online had mentioned "Jehovah." It just stood out to me, because most Christian faiths don't refer to God that way. It could just have been the guest's personal beliefs too, I guess...

Here's the church they attend in Georgia, with the link going to the minister who officiated at the funeral:

And here's the church the services were held at:

I know very little about the different religious affiliations - someone mentioned JRH was a creationist.

And while I'm here I'd like to say thanks to y'all for the insightful posts. I'm following the case but I don't have much to add at this time.

"She also recalled how Cooper had struggled to sleep in the two nights before his death and had spent the night sleeping in between her and Ross in their bed."

So the last 2 nights of his life he spent his night in the parents bed. because he was having trouble sleeping.

Is this something else to add to the list?

His Twitter had a joke/comment about a developing a baby snooze button but it was a while back. On 9/11
We got teeth in sets of four starting at 3 months. It was a raging nightmare, but we were done by 13 months, so there was a tradeoff!

His teeth came in so fast, there would be a little white bump and in a few days the whole tooth was showing. He never even drooled!

I had to wean at 3-4 months as he kept chewing the cross cut nipples off bottles in three minutes tops! I was afraid he'd choke to death!
Was easy though as he had reflux and the formula was mixed with so much rice, it was like mud already.

Mine never had teething pain until
He was 10 and the wisdom teeth started. Had to have them removed.

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I was weirded out by the "selfish world", her calling him a "leader" (of what?! Who?!) and the "I'm doing this for you".

I'm curious now in what kind of church they go to, if it's one of the uber patriarchal types.

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I wonder if they were Jehovah's witnesses? I saw that someone in their guest book online had mentioned "Jehovah." It just stood out to me, because most Christian faiths don't refer to God that way. It could just have been the guest's personal beliefs too, I guess...
I've got so much to catch up on after being at the beach this week, but AFAIK, the Harris' attended Capstone Church here before moving to Georgia. It is nondenominational. The funeral was held at UCC, a Church of Christ, which happens to also serve as our home school cover school. Very modern, casual churches....both of them. Women holding leadership positions, etc. Hth

We didn't roll into TTown until about 5:30pm, so I didn't see the "media circus" my friends are all discussing. My friends who attended the service said that media was asked not to attend, but they were there anyway. (Heresay from private FB posts.)
Again, something else for his defense. Sleep deprivation...

I don't think that mom meant it thst way, just an observation.

Sleep deprivation. Sounds like something the defense atty would advise them to throw out there to the public. He forgot to go to the daycare because he was sleep deprived?
Again, something else for his defense. Sleep deprivation...

I don't think that mom meant it thst way, just an observation.

I'd better shut up, don't want to give the defense anything to use because I think he's most assuredly guilty! I was thinking maybe it might establish some motive - troubled parenting times leading to an act of desperation, sort of thing.
:seeya: Folks please let us keep religious debate out of the thread. You can discuss religion as to what is reported on in the media (not comments etc) please and thank you most respectfully
I've got so much to catch up on after being at the beach this week, but AFAIK, the Harris' attended Capstone Church here before moving to Georgia. It is nondenominational. The funeral was held at UCC, a Church of Christ, which happens to also serve as our home school cover school. Very modern, casual churches....both of them. Women holding leadership positions, etc. Hth

We didn't roll into TTown until about 5:30pm, so I didn't see the "media circus" my friends are all discussing. My friends who attended the service said that media was asked not to attend, but they were there anyway. (Heresay from private FB posts.)

I promise I'm not being nit-picky. The United Church of Christ is quite different from the Church of Christ.

ETA: Shoot...just saw the mod post. Sorry.
I'd better shut up, don't want to give the defense anything to use because I think he's most assuredly guilty! I was thinking maybe it might establish some motive - troubled parenting times leading to an act of desperation, sort of thing.
I hear ya. That's more what I am thinking.
I'd better shut up, don't want to give the defense anything to use because I think he's most assuredly guilty! I was thinking maybe it might establish some motive - troubled parenting times leading to an act of desperation, sort of thing.

I for one, hope that he testifies at the trial! I'm sure he's a prosecutors dream. I could see someone like him demanding to testify against counsel.
Here's the church they attend in Georgia, with the link going to the minister who officiated at the funeral:

And here's the church the services were held at:

I know very little about the different religious affiliations - someone mentioned JRH was a creationist.

And while I'm here I'd like to say thanks to y'all for the insightful posts. I'm following the case but I don't have much to add at this time.


From your link, under membership

"Agree to submit to the Senior Pastor and leadership of StoneBridge in matters of conduct and doctrine [For a description of the discipline process please refer to the StoneBridge Church By-Laws Article Fourteen]."

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"Earlier a family member had come on to the stage and asked the audience to join him in a round of applause for baby Cooper.
After the claps slowed, the man said: 'Hey Ross that sounded pretty good.'"

"To which Ross responded: 'Yes it did.'"

I am not understanding this behavior. Do I live under a rock?

What am I missing?

NO you do not! I live in Ga.. and went to school in Alabama (also lived there several years) - this is NOT normal and is frankly distasteful and .....well.....tacky! What was the applause supposed to be for? Applauding a 22 month old who never had a chance to live his life? Sounds like a de-facto way to get the audience to applaud in support of the dad imho. Especially given that comment, "Hey Ross, that sounded pretty good!"

I still have that visual stuck in my brain of the mom walking out behind the casket while talking to him on her cell phone....

I could say a LOT more but I'm biting my tongue and sitting on my hands:twocents:
I promise I'm not being nit-picky. The United Church of Christ is quite different from the Church of Christ.
I don't know anything about a United Church of Christ, but I am very familiar with University Church of Christ where the services were held, as I am there weekly during the school year and have very close friends who are members there. Our female pediatrician is a member there, and her husband is a stay-at-home very modern and nontraditional families there. HTH
ITA. I just cannot fathom where this lady is coming from doing this sort of thing. I get that she's in shock but..........THAT would be the last thing I'd do even if it was an accident.

Clearly she is out of control with emotion. Think about the people who try to climb into the caskets. I think as time goes on we will see if different side of her. I don't think this is a good example of where her head is at. Burying a child of any age is said to be one of the most traumatic unnatural experiences and many never overcome it. Sometimes solid marriages don't survive as a result. I don't think we can take everything statement she made as carved in stone. IMO
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