GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #4

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Maybe she was covering for RH? Hoping that she can say that she did the searches. If she had searched and wasn't an accomplice, and was truly worried about this happening wouldn't she have text RH to make sure Cooper got to daycare safely?

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Yea, that is my thought as well. Because she KNOWS he is innocent. At this point, she has to KNOW he is innocent, because her broken heart cannot even for a second think something else.
It has been stated early on that his wife did the daily picking up.

OH, that is huge to me. I didn't know that. Makes sense. Then I wonder how he saw Cooper in the back seat (if he didn't see him at lunch).
I do agree with your speculation. I'm not so concerned (right now) about how many jobs he's had. My BIL must have gone through 8 or 10 before finally landing his VP job. My DH has been with the same company going on 9 years in Dec. It's all part of the economy, IMHO. I haven't worked since 2008. So I've seen many scenarios.

I do find it curious that the wife is supporting him. If the marriage was bad, I don't think we'd be seeing that. Unless my hinky meter is right and there is a mistress in the wings.



What I have seen over and over and over again is wife supports,hubby through school.

He graduates. He dumps old wife for hot new babe
Cherished babies are not "dumped" in daycare?
Sometimes daycare is the only option. Often times, both parents have to work. And I can assure you, MOST babies that are in daycare are cherished beyond belief by their parents.


I've already addressed this point several times. I'm not going to keep explaining it. Please feel free to read my comments about it after, it's not meant to be an indictment of parents who put their kids in daycare. :facepalm:
The problem with a lot of people who examine situations like this IMVHO is that they really have no idea what it is like to deal with a parent who simply doesn't want children deep down inside.

I'm normally loathe to bring up personal experience because I know nothing about this guy and I'm certainly not going to presume that my experiences have anything to do with him at all.

However, some people have kids because "that's what you are supposed to do" "that's the American Dream" "that's what proves success" etc etc

In my own experience my mother has 6 kids 6! And now later looking back I have absolutely no idea in the world why she did. She considered her kids an "extension of herself" "evidence that she was a fertile mama" and she actually had 12 pregnancies in total, but lost 6 because of RH factor issues back then. (or so we are told, but in hindsight, there were many incidents of her throwing herself down the stairs in a fit of hystrionics instead of just having an abortion because she was Catholic.)

At first she was the perfect mom. Girls dressed in matching outfits etc. But she eventually just lost it. Now I can see her and I can see she had no concept of what "loving your child" meant, in a way that is normal to others. It always fascinated me when I had my three boys before my sisters and I'd say to them "I can't wait for you guys to have kids" they considered it a snide comment that I wanted them to also go through the "hell that is having children" The way we were raised there wasn't a natural parental bond with the kids. My mother was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. She just couldn't even comprehend children outside her own paradigm of existence and eventually became a brutal vicious woman because she just didn't get it. Outwardly she went through the motions. Outwardly she was the mom that made cupcakes for the class and had Easter baskets every Easter and was a Sunday school teacher. But inside our home it was another dimension altogether.

This in some ways may make me seem biased. And I concede to that. But I also think that unless you've seen the dark side of the human experience of parents like this, you have no way of understanding what it can be like.

I don't know this man. But I do know that many parents, and not just my own, are ill equipped to deal with the reality of children. They "go through the motions" but deep inside they are adrift.


Thanks for sharing your story. You're right - if I look at the world through my own experience (of course everyone has to LOVE their child!!!), it's not reality. Just once though, I want my world to be a reality. :eek:
Yeah, that is a thing that doesn't make sense.

I agree. The mother could have been picking him up maybe after work, later on. The father could have been picking him up after he was meant to drop him off. This doesn't make much sense though if he had arranged to meet friends. Unless he was taking cooper with him. As wasn't that where he was heading when he left work?

If the daycare has a policy where they call to say the child has not arrived at daycare, the father could of called earlier on to day the child was sick to avoid them contacting his wife if his plan was to leave cooper in the car.

My opinion is, he was meant to drop him off, he called into the daycare saying connor was ill. Then his wife was meant to pick him up, as he had arranged to meet friends, and he called her from the scene to tell her what has happened.

Just my opinion.
Me too, Brownrice! Seems like there are only three possibilities and we will need to wait to hear more to know which...
1) there are logical explanations for things that we aren't aware of (they were sitting around the dinner table discussing a child death and wondering how hot it had to be... etc) Seems hard to see now to me, and if his search was at Home Depot even harder.
2) She is covering for him, either because of denial or some sort of brainwashing
3) There are some big pieces we don't know about their marriage or circumstances

Will be fascinating to see what is found with the warrants.

Could it be possible her statement "I'm doing this for you" was right after the standing ovation at the funeral? The promotion of support for her husband? In any case, I fail to see how internet searches on how hot it had to be for death to occur would serve any purpose for normal parents. IMO, 5 minutes in a hot car is too long. What were they looking for? How much leeway time they might have? I don't get it.
I doubt he'd call in to say Cooper was sick. That would blow his story right out of the water immediately.
Warrants: Cobb toddler’s mom also researched kids dying in hot cars

By Alexis Stevens
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The mother of the 22-month-old who died after being left inside an SUV told Cobb County police she also researched children dying in hot vehicles, according to new court documents released Sunday morning.
Leanna Harris has not been identified as a suspect in the death of her son, Cooper. She was questioned in the hours after the boy’s death after he was left in his carseat for at least seven hours on June 18. Harris’ husband, Justin Ross Harris, was charged with murder after the boy’s death.
The boy’s father, who goes by Ross, told police he had searched online for information regarding temperatures needed for children to die inside vehicles because he was “fearful” it could happen, according to search warrant affidavits released Saturday.
Additional affidavits released Sunday and obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution state that Leanna Harris made similar statements.


Maybe that is the reference for her statement "I am doing this for you?"
However, some people have kids because "that's what you are supposed to do" "that's the American Dream" "that's what proves success" etc etc

And I do believe the expectation is VERY strong among many Southern families.

From what I have seen folks feel the need to "explain" if they didn't have kids for whatever reason as it is just "expected" in the culture.
OT for a second, but PM me if you want. It sounds like your son might be a high functioning Aspergers. Those students usually struggle with social skills but have high aptitude. Over time their aptitude scores can drop because of the difficulties and challenges they face in school. You might want to have him evaluated. (This is part of what I do for a living so please feel free to drop me a PM) But it has absolutely nothing to do with you putting him in day care or not. Zero.

OT - I'm glad you posted this! I almost did when I first saw the post. I homeschool my grandson who has Asperger's so totally understand.
I'm not sure how her admitting that she also - emphasis on the also since he already admitted it to the cops - researched hot car deaths helps his case. The fact is, all this does is underline that they clearly both knew about the potential for these terrible tragedies to happen and thus they both had a heightened awareness that should have made them take steps to prevent it happening to them. I don't know if she is is involved, I'd like to think not and this is just the Cindy Anthony effect at play, but I do know this case is becoming alarmingly more and more like the Casey Anthony case. I foresee one huge over-the-top circus complete with clowns. Yep, all we need now is a Jose Baez-style defense attorney......I shudder to think.
Jose Baez, this is a shout out to you-don't touch this one with a ten foot pole. This is not a 20 something shot girl. This guy is not going to be sympathetic to a least not as he is being portrayed via his online posts and media. Wouldn't that be something?
And I do believe the expectation is VERY strong among many Southern families.

From what I have seen folks feel the need to "explain" if they didn't have kids for whatever reason as it is just "expected" in the culture.

You may not be aware that his friends referred to him as a "soccer dad" even before he had kids. That's the lifestyle he clearly wanted, not just fell into reluctantly because it was expected of him.
from Ross reddit
no way in hell my "groom's cake" is having anything Auburn on it. It's the "groom's cake". Not the "our cake". The groom's cake is the one and only thing at the wedding that is only*his.

o boo boo!

That's hilarious!

My husband, "whatever you want honey, I'll love it"

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Could it be possible her statement "I'm doing this for you" was right after the standing ovation at the funeral? The promotion of support for her husband? In any case, I fail to see how internet searches on how hot it had to be for death to occur would serve any purpose for normal parents. IMO, 5 minutes in a hot car is too long. What were they looking for? How much leeway time they might have? I don't get it.

This is so true.

Do you google "how much rat poison does I take to kill a child? " NO. Because you will put that poison under lock and key.

Do you google how long can a toddler be underwater in the bath? NO. Because you are interested in that NEVER happening.

If I google "home fire prevention" and then my home burns, that is not suspicious, but if I google how long it would take to burn totally to the ground...that is far different.

The only way this makes any kind of sense ...other than if they planned to leave their toddler in the car for periods of time and wanted to know how long they could do it. "Okay, we can leave him in a hot car alone for 15 minutes and he'll be okay."

Someone was not googling PREVENTION...that person was googling how long till death.
You may not be aware that his friends referred to him as a "soccer dad" even before he had kids. That's the lifestyle he clearly wanted, not just fell into reluctantly because it was expected of him.

And what about her?
You may not be aware that his friends referred to him as a "soccer dad" even before he had kids. That's the lifestyle he clearly wanted, not just fell into reluctantly because it was expected of him.

I know people like that but for some it's all about the lifestyle, nothing to do with supporting and helping the team. It's about appearances, the image it projects and pillar of the community social status it confers. To me he seems the type that wants to be the sort of head of the housing association who's in it not for the good of the community but to throw his weight about and for his own sense of self-worth.
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