GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #6

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It is a different opinion. One I am entitled to.

Just because someone writes something, does not mean it needs a reply. People are all posting their own thoughts and both sides deserve consideration.

You absolutely are entitled to an opinion.

But a linked LE fact is a linked LE fact. Not drama.

Moving on.
I personally did not say that the odor in the car was decomp-it seems like there was a way to go before that occurred but idk. I do think that little man likely evacuated and even vomited. I can speculate that this at least would be the source of the overwhelming smell and it is hard to believe that it wasn't present when he went to his truck at lunch time. Even if the baby was *only* unconscious at that point, it seems reasonable that he wouldn't have held onto his bowels. 3 hours is a long time for a little child to stay dry under any circumstances, but again this is pure speculation.
Not to toot my own horn but I found it. I didn't link the video since she is off limits. I will guess the countdown will be on until the posts are wiped. JMO

am grateful for the links .... her comments were priceless and give validation to our hunches....thaks
so Leanna did the home searches and IS fact because she said so and it is twisting facts to speculate that she only said she did to cover for searches her husband did no home devices.

BUT it is NOT fact that the car reeked even tho an experienced LEO says so per MSM and its okay to speculate that the car did not in fact reek?

Aren't the two sort of the same thing?

No snark, asking a sincere question.

Her admitting searching is self incrimination. LE making comments like the car reeking are a way to influence public sentiment.

It is not the same thing. Not to me.
I am sure they have corroborative evidence from employees and footage. I don't know about Georgia, but there is video footage inside the chickfilas here.

All of the stores have them.
My question is to those staunch believers that this is an accident - the ones who believe there was no smell, that the internet searches make sense, that there is no way Ross is guilty -

What do you KNOW about this case that the rest of us don't? I have to assume you have inside info because I only know what has been on MSM, especially direct quotes from LE at the scene. I am a very logical person also, and there is no doubt in my mind that Ross is guilty as charged.

So I guess what I'm asking - what is it you know that makes you believe he is not guilty? I don't want reasons that have already been stated, because those have been discussed for 6 threads. I believe the LE's comments and the things that have been widely reported - I am not changing my mind, and those of you who disagree aren't changing your minds. So what additional information do you have that makes you able to explain away the actions of the parents that don't seem logical to a lot of us?

I'm not being snarky. I'm trying to understand. In my mind, his guilt is obvious in so many ways and it's hard for me to understand how anyone sees differently.

The only thing I have seen are people who believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Ummm, I do! Should I ever find myself in this situation-not likely now that my daughter is a teenager- but I would NEVER honor nor forgive the killer- even if it were my husband at the funeral! The funeral is to honor the life of the deceased, not tell how awful of a life they have been spared, particularly when it was the completely unnecessary death of a healthy child. If the child had had cancer or some other awful disease and a life of pain, maybe then I could see it, but otherwise to not wish them back??? Uhhuhh!:snooty:
I have major issues with this mothers' denial and support of her child's killer at the child's funeral! Her behavior at the funeral is strikingly similar to Cindy Anthony and Patsy Ramsey.

That is a shame. What if it turns out to be an accident.
wow! That had never occurred but it is an interesting theory. and might explain why LE has been so very non specific about the item he placed in the passenger seat via the driver's side.

food for thought

what about camera running with video and sound.....from a cell that was uploading to his cell at work? like the kids do at concerts?
"People" aren't misquoting. There is something hinky going on with the thread/forum. I did not attribute anything to you. I quoted and agreed with MissJ's post. MissJ had quoted your post where you mentioned distasteful behavior.
It happens when the quotes [] are broken in the HTML tags. It's not the forum. It's a simple matter to fix. There must be an open and close quote sign or you will end up with broken quotes.
He was not usually picking up his child after work. So that is just self explanatory.

Did he usually go out with his friends after work? If yes, his priorities seem a bit off. If no, why did he forget his SON but not his friends..again, his priorities are a bit off, unless of course, this was no accident as I believe the evidence shows.
am grateful for the links .... her comments were priceless and give validation to our hunches....thaks

Can you shed any light on how to find her channel? Very interested to read while it is still up. TIA.
Police statements are not facts. They are interpretations of the facts.

Everything is an interpretation of something. However, LE statements and assessments are considered evidence. By that logic, I guess we should cease having homicide investigations.
The only thing I have seen are people who believe in innocent until proven guilty.

That's what I'm getting at,

I thought it was a horrendous accident until I read the facts that have been released. Now, I believe the proof is there, in my mind, that he's guilty. I no longer have doubt. It's all the info added together -

I saw where there is supposed to be a doc dump on Thursday or Friday. Hope that's true.
Her admitting searching is self incrimination. LE making comments like the car reeking are a way to influence public sentiment.

It is not the same thing. Not to me.

I disagree but thanks for clarifying your position on it.
Are preliminary hearings typically televised there, or is the media allowed in? Just curious if we will be able to follow JH's July 3 hearing in "real-time". Do any locals know? TIA.
When I look the facts I see murder and so does LE

I agree; but I think much more is to come; hopefully another arrest. IF we find out they took out a Life Insurance policy and it is recent and it is a large amt both have to sign; and I will have to say that at that point special charges should apply. Esp to the wife as both must sign. It's normal to take out a policy on an cover funeral expenses. But donations paid for this funeral, WHY? And who; buries a child in a red casket? We always see little ones in a pure white casket...I have such a hard time with this...that I can't even put it into words. It's the color of blood.
Her admitting searching is self incrimination. LE making comments like the car reeking are a way to influence public sentiment.

It is not the same thing. Not to me.

What are you implying here? That LE had set out to frame this man and convict him of murder from the start? I'm confused why you think LE would at best stretch the truth and at worst lie about the condition of the vehicle on the scene.

Everything is an interpretation of something. However, LE statements and assessments are considered evidence. By that logic, I guess we should cease having homicide investigations.

It is a forum glitch. :banghead:
No, it's not and it's very easy to fix. I do it all the time. You just have to have a matching pair of quote tags []. An odd number, one too few or too many will result in broken quotes.
And see that word, COULD is in there and that kind of ended it right there for me. When ever I see words like if, could, maybe, I stop reading cause at that point someone is just guessing. No offense to Swampmama

CClark has been in the business for 30 years and swampmama is very experienced too--I believe she is an EMT.

Taking into consideration both of their posts and other research I have done leads me to believe they are correct.
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