GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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Probably already been posted but found these awhile ago (!)


There are no words to describe this guy. Fox News just said (first time I've heard it) that 5 hours after Cooper's death JRH was asking police how to cash in his son's life insurance policy. OMG!!!

Wow. While he won't get to cash in on that, it sounds like per the above post, the $22K from youcaring was already deposited in "moms" account :(
I love where he starts grasping at straws....says "we don't even know it was a woman" and the judge replied..."what difference does it make?"

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Ya especially with an erect penis pic:floorlaugh::banghead:
I don't think that is the incriminating factor.

If she was innocent then she would have responded to the fact that Connor was not at nursery with the comment: "But his daddy just called/texted me to check I was picking him up! What do you mean he isn't here?"

There was absolutely NO innocent reason for her to come out with "He must have left him in the car" at all. None whatsoever.


Exactly! Stoddard is going to run her under! I can't wait !
I wonder if the car seat had one of those bonnet/hoods on it like the one in the photo? If Cooper was sitting very low in the seat, the hood would obscure him as well.
Cooper’s head would have been visible over the car seat:

"The 22-month-old had outgrown his rear-facing car seat, according to Stoddard. Investigators put a mannequin, which was smaller than Cooper, into the seat and said they were able to see the mannequin’s head over the top of the seat."

"When Harris arrived at work, he backed up before parking in his spot. He had no backup camera, according to Stoddard, and would have had to look in his mirrors (or turn around) to see behind him"
I was thinking about the malicious intent comment and my impression is he said it because he had thought about the outcome and that he would not be in trouble because there was "no malicious intent".

I think the defense might say he got the term from hanging around his 20 year in LE brother.

Oh please SStarr, I don't want to offend you but why do you go down this path on every case?

The defense might say alot of things............. and?

Oh blame his lingo on the LE brother. Justin "claims" he was a dispatcher. He already knew cop lingo.

Every single case:floorlaugh:
Do you all think it was a coincidence that the youcaring site was taken down the day before the hearing?

The funds were deposited directly into Leanne's bank account, per a bank official that posted in the comments there before it was taken down.

No kid, no husband. 23,000 richer, plus possible life insurance.

I can't go further, or I would break the rules.
During the investigation the surveillance video from Home Depot was reviewed. On the video Harris is seen pulling into the parking lot of his work the morning of the incident. Harris passes a parking space, backs the vehicle up several feet and then pulls into a parking space near the back of the lot. Harris then exits the vehicle and walks into his office building. At lunch time Harris left with several co-workers to go eat. When he returns the co-worker drops Harris off at his vehicle. Harris is seen on the video approaching the vehicle; he opens the driver side door and puts a bag into the driver compartment of the vehicle. He is then seen on the video walking back to the building. During that time he pulls his cell phone out and begins using the phone. At the end of the day Harris walks from the building to his vehicle. He puts a bag into the vehicle, gets into the driver's seat and drives off. During the interview with Harris the day of the incident he failed to tell the investigators that he had returned to the vehicle at lunch time to place an item into the vehicle.
In reading the transcript, it was said that Cooper had abrasions to the back of his head. What would cause this? Him thrashing around? ewww.
imo thanks.

According to an ME on NG. Yes I tuned in folks LOL he felt a combo of both. Fighting to escape and seizing. Poor little man.
Halfway through this pc hearing, and I'm thinking the defendant should have waived the hearing
There are no words to describe this guy. Fox News just said (first time I've heard it) that 5 hours after Cooper's death JRH was asking police how to cash in his son's life insurance policy. OMG!!!
5 hours??!!!! :furious:
The quote "I dreaded how he would look" involves projection into the future, not just using the past tense. If we change the word 'dreaded' to 'thought' it could sound like this: I thought he would look (different). It shows PLANNING IMO. He is so screwed. JMO
The article in your link states toward the end (BBM):

"The warrants also focused on the car seat itself. "Harris was questioned regarding the car seat that the child was seated in. Harris knew the specific make and model of the seat and what the weight limit was for the child to be seated in it. When the seat was inspected the straps for the seat were set on the lowest level for a small child."

In other words he strapped him in as tightly as he possibly could. :rage:

Thanks for the explanation. I have no children, so i was trying to figure out what that meant.
What's his user ID? I want to check something
RH frequently used the username RoscoeUA
What do y'all think of the wife?

Well, I can't express my thoughts appropriately, but will share a current experience I'm dealing with.

This case hits so close to my heart. I have a 2 1/2 yr old nephew who has a mother that's BPD. Sadly, my brother is no peach in the parenting dept., but she is pure evil. It is so sad and hard to have no control over protecting this precious boy in my own family. CPS has been involved since day one. NO LIE..she started S@$t in the hospital. My husband and I have offered a dozen times to take him in, no strings attached to give him a stable, loving home. She won't allow it. At this point, he is 100% supervised between the grandparents sharing responsibility. My mom lost her life after suffering a stroke and a heart attack this year which no doubt was a direct result to the stress of our family situation trying to keep him safe and cared for. I was on the phone with my mom one hour before her stroke and she was worried sick about him and planning to drive 3 hours to go there on a friday evening. I convinced her not too. She survived the 1st one, but suffered a 2nd stroke during heart surgery three weeks later and was on life support. Its been devastating. Since then, the other grandma has quit her job to be home and be sure he is taken care of when the "mom" has custody. My step dad has to be there now on his three days to be sure she doesnt come around. Its like a bad lifetime movie and nothing we have experienced in our life. I've been worried about my sweet nephew since he has been born. It defies logic, and hearing about Cooper hits my core. You dont know evil, until you look it in the face.

ETA: despite what we know privately, you see Facebook, instagram, or other comments from extended family and friends expressing how beautiful and loving she is in her selfies. She hashtags all the time, "love my son", "love of my life", "my number one man" etc. She presents herself as a saintly mother of the year and extended family who are not aware of the situation praise her for being so attentive, wonderful and loving.
Just speculation...

A couple of threads back there was much discussion about carseats and someone posted a picture of Cooper in one that had a red pad on it. I don't remember what brand it was - a couple of posters identified it.

If that was the same carseat that Cooper died in and if the picture shows which holes the straps were threaded through, and if they were higher up then that would be significant.

It would show that one of the parents actually took time to change the strap position. It makes sense to adjust the straps higher as the child grows but to move them lower (ie to make them tighter) is suspicious. Not that I need any convincing... just thinking in terms of circumstantial evidence.

There are no words to describe this guy. Fox News just said (first time I've heard it) that 5 hours after Cooper's death JRH was asking police how to cash in his son's life insurance policy. OMG!!!

I'm not sure what it is...can't put my finger on it...but something about this perp - this pseudo-parent...makes me snarl. I've followed many cases, and this one hit me instantly: Before all the nasty little details came out...snarling, instantly, I was. (ALSO Yoda speaking evidently.)

Almost literally. It's a visceral reaction I've had to each and every new piece of information on him.

He's the definition of repulsive. JMO

Via Kindle, like a true Amazon junkie
DUH!***my apologies. I posted before I got caught up. I see this was mentioned already.

I just made myself more angry!
" Harris knew the specific make and model of the seat and what the weight limit was for the child to be seated in it. When the seat was inspected the straps for the seat were set on the lowest level for a small child."
The LOWEST level. where they should be for a newborn!!!
So he wanted to make certain that Cooper could not possibly wiggle out from those straps.
Sounds like malice to me, not only did he know it was too small, but he must have had to place the straps the lowest position he or Leanna one.
Secured him tightly and gave him a kiss.

OMG it looks like a straight jacket! imo
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