GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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Since Ross "had a dream" about Cooper being dead, I'm sure he told her. I'm also "thinking" she may be referring to the dream, taking as a fulfillment. I've also had people "con" me with "dreams".

Yes but his dream did NOT specify death via hot car, he just dreamt that little Cooper was "with Jesus in heaven".

Sorry but a normal mother would be bothered by such a dream, however they would NOT blurt out "Oh he must have left him in the car" when she found out the baby wasn't at daycare. She would be concerned, even terrified but she would NOT want to envision/assume that the kid was left in the car and likely dead!

Notice how the other folks quickly said "No, reason to think that..."

They said that because everyone here KNOWS that being left in the car = death.

And on another note...who in the heck has dreams about their kids dying and then happily shares them? Most folks would call those NIGHTMARES and wake up in a cold sweat!!!! But in his dream everyone was happy, he was playing his guitar, LH was busy having fun with babies at a nursery, etc....
Due to negligence!!!

The seat protects in a vehicle accident. The adult is responsible for protection all the time!

What about this case? Is it a case of negligence? Or premeditated murder?
When I initially heard about this case, I had similar feelings as those when a prominent businessman in my town did this to his son and walked away. I feel badly for someone who made this unconscionable mistake. BUT... I think that when you sign up to have a kid you sign up to not tune out and do something stupid when the kid is in your care (which is almost always). I understand that human beings get in the zone driving to and from work and don't even remember driving. But, having a kid basically means that you agreed/signed a pact/took on the responsibility of being ultra aware of even the most mundane things in order to provide adequate safety for your child. You are not allowed to forget that you have a child EVER. You signed up. It's the deal you asked for.

However, when I logged on here and followed the hearing a couple of days ago I was floored. Gross. This guy is a sociopath. I think of him along the same lines as Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. He thought he was smarter than everyone else and that he would get away with it. He was waaaaaay under the bar for that. I have cried about the horrible stuff he did. I am anti-death penalty, but sometimes even I wish to make exceptions. This might be one of those times.

I was anti-death penalty until I read an article in Texas Monthly almost 20 years ago, highlighting the case files of death row inmates in Texas. The crimes, like this one, were horrific.

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So far, RH has seemed much more upset with himself than LH has seemed at him. And he doesn't even seem to be too upset with himself. At least he shook a tree and screamed "what have I done?". This would probably be my reaction to finding out my partner killed my child accidentally. I would shake them and scream at them, I would probably end up needing to be restrained. Add to that the knowledge that they have been cheating on me and that the police are suspicious they caused the child's death, I would be going crazy wanting answers.

The fact that the mother seems so "meh" about the whole thing is really disturbing me.

I would have been very verbally abusive ((ashamed I should be ??)) if ''reuniting'' with person responsible for my 22month old child's I hear you.

My comments upthread were generously giving mom ''margin for plausibility''.....that would have been my tell (JMO)is coming face to face with the person responsible....I am unsure if she's tightly wound or just heavily medicated or just a really controlled personality.

The gum chewing insolent demeanor kind of rattled my chain -- (shouldn't be gum chewing in court)....but I wonder if she'd been heavily coached by her legal counsel to keep poker face going at all times.
Yes but his dream did NOT specify death via hot car, he just dreamt that little Cooper was "with Jesus in heaven".

Sorry but a normal mother would be bothered by such a dream, however they would NOT blurt out "Oh he must have left him in the car" when she found out the baby wasn't at daycare. She would be concerned, even terrified but she would NOT want to envision/assume that the kid was left in the car and likely dead!

Notice how the other folks quickly said "No, reason to think that..."

They said that because everyone here KNOWS that being left in the car = death.

And on another note...who in the heck has dreams about their kids dying and then happily shares them? Most folks would call those NIGHTMARES and wake up in a cold sweat!!!! But in his dream everyone was happy, he was playing his guitar, LH was busy having fun with babies at a nursery, etc....

What a dream, huh? Cooper is dead, Leanna watches other people's kids, and Ross plays guitar, like Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

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"did you say too much"

to me, that says, "did you blow our plan"
So far, RH has seemed much more upset with himself than LH has seemed at him. And he doesn't even seem to be too upset with himself. At least he shook a tree and screamed "what have I done?". This would probably be my reaction to finding out my partner killed my child accidentally. I would shake them and scream at them, I would probably end up needing to be restrained. Add to that the knowledge that they have been cheating on me and that the police are suspicious they caused the child's death deliberately, I would be going crazy wanting answers.

The fact that the mother seems so "meh" about the whole thing is really disturbing me.

I think he's the drama queen in the family.......she's the zookeeper that shovels the u know what MOOO
Sorry to quote someone earlier in my reply about LH, but I kept losing my quick reply button and thanks button and didn't know how else to post! Now I see why...I keep getting logged out and not realizing it. Anyone else being logged outta here for no reason?
I started a "small details" thread in case anyone wants to discuss these issues.
When I initially heard about this case, I had similar feelings as those when a prominent businessman in my town did this to his son and walked away. I feel badly for someone who made this unconscionable mistake. BUT... I think that when you sign up to have a kid you sign up to not tune out and do something stupid when the kid is in your care (which is almost always). I understand that human beings get in the zone driving to and from work and don't even remember driving. But, having a kid basically means that you agreed/signed a pact/took on the responsibility of being ultra aware of even the most mundane things in order to provide adequate safety for your child. You are not allowed to forget that you have a child EVER. You signed up. It's the deal you asked for.

However, when I logged on here and followed the hearing a couple of days ago I was floored. Gross. This guy is a sociopath. I think of him along the same lines as Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. He thought he was smarter than everyone else and that he would get away with it. He was waaaaaay under the bar for that. I have cried about the horrible stuff he did. I am anti-death penalty, but sometimes even I wish to make exceptions. This might be one of those times.

I lived in your town when the incident you mentioned happened. I had mixed feelings but felt it was an accident. Not in this case.
I do think he (RH) thought he was smarter than LE and that no one would ever even think of arresting him or charging him. I agree he needs to die for his crime.:moo:
So far, RH has seemed much more upset with himself than LH has seemed at him. And he doesn't even seem to be too upset with himself. At least he shook a tree and screamed "what have I done?". This would probably be my reaction to finding out my partner killed my child accidentally. I would shake them and scream at them, I would probably end up needing to be restrained. Add to that the knowledge that they have been cheating on me and that the police are suspicious they caused the child's death deliberately, I would be going crazy wanting answers.

The fact that the mother seems so "meh" about the whole thing is really disturbing me.

I am genuinely starting to think he isn't the only one that wanted to be kid free. Perhaps, someone else wanted to be husband free as well. Look, she had to have known he wasn't the brightest color in the box. He probably reached his max on what kind of job he would get and the salary he made. He wasn't getting any better jobs or promotions. She knew who she married. She knew he was cheating. She knew is was a bumbling oaf. I think many of us wondered if she was the brainwashed woman in the beginning. I am now wondering if she married down to be a puppet master. What if he royally screwed up a plan he agreed with, but was not entirely his?

I don't say that to absolve him of anything. He is guilty, very guilty. I wonder how long until he starts talking to save his own butt.

ETA: I meant to say perhaps she was banking on him screwing it up and ending up in jail.
I started a "small details" thread in case anyone wants to discuss these issues.

am guessing small details refers to issues around the new format or would that be ....JRH's jpeg?
Sorry to quote someone earlier in my reply about LH, but I kept losing my quick reply button and thanks button and didn't know how else to post! Now I see why...I keep getting logged out and not realizing it. Anyone else being logged outta here for no reason?

YES! And thanks! I checked after I saw you post and I was logged out.
Wonder how long LH has known about his cheating? Did they plan this so they could each move on to the child free life?
Yes but his dream did NOT specify death via hot car, he just dreamt that little Cooper was "with Jesus in heaven".

Sorry but a normal mother would be bothered by such a dream, however they would NOT blurt out "Oh he must have left him in the car" when she found out the baby wasn't at daycare. She would be concerned, even terrified but she would NOT want to envision/assume that the kid was left in the car and likely dead!

Notice how the other folks quickly said "No, reason to think that..."

They said that because everyone here KNOWS that being left in the car = death.

And on another note...who in the heck has dreams about their kids dying and then happily shares them? Most folks would call those NIGHTMARES and wake up in a cold sweat!!!! But in his dream everyone was happy, he was playing his guitar, LH was busy having fun with babies at a nursery, etc....

Thank you! I have been asking myself that same question. Maybe (and that is even questionable) - you first wake up - you are half in and out of the dream feeling - you share with your spouse....but considering the implication - our child was dead in my dream - I don't even know if I would share that. BUT to share with your parents? I just DO NOT understand that at all....What 33 year old man calls up his parents to tell them his dreams anyway? Especially a dream about death of their grandchild??? Adding this to my BIG pile of "strange things these people do and say" and that pile it WAY up there!!
I wonder if we will have confirmation of paternity of the deceased.

Hardly a reliable source of information then and certainly not a medical diagnosis. I think it is one of those things that has been repeated until people start to think it is a definite fact.

I'm not buying it anyway. I also wonder if any of those friends are now regretting rushing to his defence.

No, I know friends aren't reliable... that's why I was asking if anyone knew anything else.
I give up! Had major things going on yesterday and tried to catch up this AM for 3 hours. For every page I read, one or more gets added, so I'm jumping ahead to try and just stay a little behind.

Some general comments from reading this AM.

1. Looking at the picture of the car seat at the lowest (newborn) position and the picture of Cooper (probably at a younger age) shows that the belt had been in a higher position to accommodate his size. It sure took planning (premeditation) to lower the straps to secure him tightly. That had to be so uncomfortable for Cooper.

What almost-two-year-old would not wiggle around and make a lot of noise in such a situation? Deaf in right ear or not, JRH just HAD to have heard or felt the child's movements.

2. There's no way this guy doesn't have a sense of smell. I have a friend who, due to surgeries has lost her sense of smell twice. It hasn't returned. Since she can't smell, she has also lost most of her ability to taste food... they are connected. She was very over-weight prior to the surgeries but has lost more than 100 pounds since. The reason? She either can't taste her food or the taste is terrible. She has a hard time eating. JRH doesn't seem to have a problem with his appetite!

3. I don't always trust people's lack of reaction to horrible news. A lifetime of severe anxiety disorder (runs in the family) has affected me in a peculiar way. To avoid anxiety, my brain tends to suppress strong emotional reactions. Where a lot of people will fall apart in a terrible situation, my tendency is to remain calm and cope. Someone close to me dies, my first thought is to say, "What do you need me to do?" And, I am strong in any kind of emergency. It's only that my mind goes first to coping. My body might react with a sick feeling, but my demeanor is calm, cool and collected. Once through the worst of things, my body and my mind fall apart, but only in private. LOL! I worry that, were someone in my close vicinity to be killed, I might be suspected due to my "lack of emotion" which is actually bottled up inside and waiting for a safe place to come out via tears and panic attacks. Thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, things have improved for me as I've reached beyond age 60.

From my personal experience, I am cutting Mom a little slack for the moment. It is possible JRH and she had discussions about his leaving Cooper in the car while he was running errands which sent them both to Google. I also commented way back that her negative view of what Cooper's life was spared from at the funeral may reflect more of her own bad experiences as a child. Also, when she commented that she was "doing it for you" at the funeral indicates to me that, based on her religious beliefs, she felt she had to tolerate her husband's "leadership" in the family. She didn't say she was doing it for herself.

I'd love to know what those closest to her have observed of her demeanor when not in public.

Nevertheless, it's only a LITTLE slack. I can't get over her comment to her husband asking if he said too much.

What do you think about the fact that when LE offered for her to see Cooper, she told them no. She wanted to see Ross.

What do you feel about her first statement when she found out Cooper wasn't at day care?
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