GA - Tara Grinstead, 29, Ocilla, 22 Oct 2005 #1 *Arrests*

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Tara Grinstead blog update

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That update is about the bent up window screen. I find it hard to believe that Tara would leave her windows like this. What lone woman would leave a broken lock and a bent up loose screen on her bedroom window? Not many and not Tara IMO. This had to be recent, not sure about the "spider web placement theory".
Stitcher is a good app for listening to podcasts.

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Yes the up and vanished podcast is on Stitcher

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Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and have been haunted by Tara's case for years. I am also from a small south Georgia town not too far from Ocilla. I have been reading as much as I can the past few days to catch up on the case. During this time, I have had several random thoughts and questions. I am positive they have been answered somewhere here but if y'all wouldn't mind, help me catch up to speed. I am in no way trying to point fingers at anyone. Just questions is all. Observations too.
Here's some of the things running through my mind.
1.) The neighbor couple that always kept an eye out for Tara and made sure she turned her bedside lamp on every night to confirm she was home safe.
Why was this initially started? Had she been having issues or fears and they did this to help her feel more safe? How long had this been going on?
What was their protocol if she didn't turn the light on? Did they call her or go check on her?
If Friday night was the last time they saw it on, why didn't they become concerned when two nights passed and no light was turned on? (Saturday and Sunday)
While I am discussing the lamp, I might as well touch on what bothers me about this too. The screen to the window above the lamp was found to be loose. But because there was spider webs inside it, it was decided not to investigate this? No finger printing done? How did it even become dislodged in the first place. I know that a spider can weave complex webs over night. I don't see this as a good enough reason not to investigate it further. Supposedly the neighbor stated the screen had been like that for a while. Why didn't he help her fix it to keep her safe? Also the window above the lamp had a loosened/ broken latch. Tara being a single woman would have more than likely taken precautions to remedy this. Maybe even wedging a bar or board into the window to keep it from being raised. Add to that the lamp under this window was broken, it should have been ruled out as a possible entrance of an intruder.
Was this ever done? Was the lamp and window dusted for fingerprints?

2.) On a transcript I read on Nancy Grace while interviewing Tara's sister, Nancy stated that her phone was missing along with her keys and purse. Other places say her phone was charging by the bed. It's probably an oopsie on Nancy's part but still could be important if it was actually missing. Her sister confirms it is missing to Nancy.

3.) The broken necklace was or was not noticed upon first entry to her home?

4.) I also read or heard on video she was upset with MH for dating an 18 yr old and threatened to tell her (the girl's) parents?

5.) Is it known for sure if Anthony Vickers and Tara were ever in a relationship? He was 20 and when interviewed by Nancy said that a few people knew of their relationship but wouldn't ever tell on them. Have those people been identified and questioned?

6.) Is it possible if they were involved, that he became very upset when he found out she had someone over which lead to his arrest. Although Tara and Anthony's statements in regards to the arrest differed, she did seem concerned for him in my opinion.

7.) Did anyone witness the encounter with MH when he said she stated she "would commit suicide if he dated anyone else"? Or was that just something he said that wasn't confirmed. She seemed to be moving on so why would she make a comment such as that? That's a strong statement.

8.) Supposedly she was going home after the BBQ to watch a video of the pageant from earlier that day. I've read somewhere and heard there wasn't a video of it. So why would she state that? Was it just used as an excuse to leave the party? Was there anyone at the BBQ that she was concerned about? did she receive any phone calls or texts during this time to make her want to leave (possibly to meet someone)?

9.) What was her attitude at the BBQ? Happy, sad, quiet, friendly, etc.

10.) It doesn't sit well with me that MH had such a perfect alibi as well as Fletcher. It is too perfect.

11.) A possible scenario that keeps running through my mind is that she was attacked Sat night but not removed from the home. Maybe she wasn't removed until Sunday.... which would throw anyone's alibi for Sat night out the window. During that night it would be important for the perpetrator to make sure they had a iron clad alibi.

12.) Car seat was pushed back as if someone taller was driving it last. Have they tried to determine how tall that person would possibly be? Why was her car not impounded immediately as a potential crime scene? Why did it take the family to pay for the car to be privately luminoled and never done by the investigating officers? That seems like a huge lapse in judgement. The car was left under her carport for months.

13.) The $100 in the car in full view... was it fingerprinted?

14.) MH was known to shout out of the car window at Tara obscenities if he saw her with someone else. Seems to me that maybe he took the breakup hard also.

15.) Did Tara and Fletcher have issues stemming from the AV case? I know he told MH about it, but was there anything else concerning this like charges pressed against him? Did he have reason to be angry at her in other words.

Does any of the POI have family land possibly that they could have used as a disposal site? Were these areas searched with dogs? I feel like the perpetrator is right under everyone's nose. Probably been questioned too. I want to see this case solved. It broke my heart to know her mama passed without answers.

I appreciate any help in answering these questions. I have enjoyed the podcasts too. Very interesting!

Have a great evening!
I've checked out this site. Very interesting! That's one of the reasons for so many questions actually. It's an absolute shame that so many things were overlooked for so long. I'm glad Dr. Godwin gathered this evidence. I've even sent the debris picture from under her spoiler to several specialists to see if they could identify it. I have a similar plant that drops similar seeds but I don't think it's an exact match. They remind me of a marigold type seed. With the car seat being left in a different position than Tara would have left it, the seeds/dead flower petals could potentially lead to her discovery. In south Georgia there are fields of black eyed susan's for example that people go to take professional pictures in. Considering she was a beauty pageant enthusiast maybe she visited a specific field such as this for photographs. Maybe it could trigger a memory to someone that knew her well. Maybe they know some of these areas she might visit or of any areas with a large amount of the same flowers. I feel like it is a very good lead. Sometimes the smallest piece of evidence can break a case. Being the same age as Tara and growing up in the pageant world I truly want to see this case solved. I know how small towns are. I live in one. This case is haunting to me. So close to our town and the killer still remains at large. Scary thought.
New video from Brain Scratch on YouTube on Tara.

Wonderful video - thanks for sharing Colette. I have always wondered what happened to Tara and I pray that she is found some day soon. Interesting that a tip lead to a lake being searched fairly recently....and I guess I'm not surprised that possibly some of the evidence in Tara's case has disappeared, or at least that's what was inferred. Very good information.
Misinformation in this video. He used loosely based internet sites for his information many are not credible

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Misinformation in this video. He used loosely based internet sites for his information many are not credible

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True, but it brings more people to know about Tara. Maybe someone will have information to help solve the case.
Misinformation in this video. He used loosely based internet sites for his information many are not credible

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I only noticed that he may have mispronounced her first name and stated her ex-bf had been drinking (I thought I read he either didn't drink that night or he doesn't drink). (He may not have the story on the former student who was at her house unannounced, but I'm not going to take his word on the events of that day.) In any event he is getting her name out there as we've had CBS and the ID channels do segments on Tara and still that is not enough. He makes errors but he will do later videos with corrections or updates. Those, however, are based on a subsequent interview with a parent and in this case Tara's mother is deceased. If her sister can get in touch with him, he would likely do a follow up. The more we can do to keep her name and story out there, the better.
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