Gardner pleads guilty in exchange for no DP

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>>On March 5th JAG led authorities to the body of Amber. The one condition was they couldn't use that against him in court. But they could use crime scene information against him. There was not enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, apart from JAG's cooperation, to pursue charges of murder against him in Amber's case.<<

oh we so called that!

Despite the naysayers we knew there was only one person who could have led LE to Amber's body. I am soooooooo thankful that the double life sentence was imposed. Although the families would have preferred to have had the death penalty, they were wise to agree to the plea.

Of all murders, a woman whose brother was killed shared, only 40% come to trial; of that 40% only 30% result in convictions. I am so thankful that Tyler King and Chelsea's parents (and the DuBois family) will not have to live through the frustration of the legal mechanisms of death penalty cases.

I was thinking about the Van Dam's whose older son is now a senior in high school. Westerfield has an attorney and the required death penalty review has been in the planning stage for more than a year. It goes on and on....and the family continues to suffer.

Wow! I'm am really impressed with the manner in which LE handled this case. There were almost no leaks...despite the rumblings about Gardener's presence in the Pala area, very little else surfaced about the investigation.

Lots and lots to learn about this guy's mental state. Maybe the professionals can learn something to help them identify others who might explode.
I don't put much faith in the Escondido PD. Look at what they did to Michael Crow after the murder of his sister Stephanie Crow. They coerced a false confession out of him, and put the whole family through he!!. Looks like they blew it again with Amber.
I don't put much faith in the Escondido PD. Look at what they did to Michael Crow after the murder of his sister Stephanie Crow. They coerced a false confession out of him, and put the whole family through he!!. Looks like they blew it again with Amber.
Yes, but it was the sheriff dept that made this happen, as far as I am concerned.
Yes, but it was the sheriff dept that made this happen, as far as I am concerned.

I think Bonnie Dumanis agrees. LOL.

She was effusive about the Sheriff, etc. and the LE involved in Chelsea's case and her comments about the EPD in Amber's case were very minimal.
I am very happy to hear this. It will save our city millions of dollars. It has brought a little closer to the Dubois and King families, and saved them the pain of many months of attending court and watching this guy everyday.

HOWEVER- I think that his Mother owes everyone-including this community an apology! Big Time.

I cannot tell you how angry I woud be with her if, I was supervised by her, or a neighbor. :twocents:
I think Bonnie Dumanis agrees. LOL.

She was effusive about the Sheriff, etc. and the LE involved in Chelsea's case and her comments about the EPD in Amber's case were very minimal.
Did you notice that EPD was draining the pond in Kit Carson, while the Sheriff was finding the body? That was no accident.
I would like to see in dead. but I agree that the parents should not have to go through
a trial.

No death penalty doesn't mean he'll remain alive in prison though...I'm sure there's some guys in there that just can't wait to welcome him home. kwim
This is very surprising to me and a great relief, I am sure, to the families and the community. Even if done for a cowardly reason, as I am sure it was, it may well be the best thing Gardner has ever done. The type of trial that Amber and Chelsea's families would have had to endured would be heartbreaking, stressful and full of emotions as well as the fear that somehow he might now get convicted, fear of mistiral or court errors. The slow process of gathering up the remnants of their lives can begin so much sooner than if they had to wait first, for the beginning of a death penalty trial which might be endlessly delayed, and the trial itself, the punishment phase if convicted, and years and years of appeals...
All of this is now avoided. Let's hope he is not allowed to change his mind, though it sounds as if it is locked up. As horrific as the crimes, this is the best outcome, IMO.
Life imprisonment is too good for this creep no matter who gets to him.

RIP Chelsea
:twocents::twocents:To the King Family: God bless for aiding LE to recover Amber's body so that her parents will at least have some closure. I know that you wanted Gardner to face the death penalty---but, your agreeement to the plea bargain helped bring Amber home. From the bottom of my heart may God bless you and may
God be with you forever.
Dr Dona
I still want him to have a very short life.

If he goes into GenPop, he will...

I have to admit, my jaw hung when I heard he'd pled...but now at least San Diego can save the $$, there aren't years and years of trials and publicity and emotional turmoil, and JAG can go sit in a prison cell for the rest of his life.

God be with the families of all he's destroyed; that first little girl, Amber and Chelsea, and all the rest whose names and stories we don't know. God be with all of you.

Herding Cats
RIP Amber & Chelsea
bless your families
and bless all the other victims
I'm from SoCal. so both these cases, Chelsea's and Amber's hit very close to home. I didn't really post on the cases here because they were a bit too close for me. I still remember the LA Times article about Chelsea, when she went missing and how I thought, "Oh no, not another sweet, perfect kid."
I was shocked to open my paper and see his plea staring me in the face. I really hope these two girls lives are the ones that, in California, can work to change the law.
We can put a crack head in prison for 25 to life but our politicians all over the country say it's too expensive to put a sex offender in jail for life? B.S.!!!!!!!!!!!! As you all know, both of these incredible girls would be alive if we had one strike for these type of sex offenders. What price can be put on that?
RIP Chelsea and Amber. May you wrap your families with your love and watch over them until you can meet again.
One point from me. To the folks that say the DP should be eliminated, just think - without it on the table he would not have been motivated to confess. While some argue that life in prison is a worse punishment than death, clearly Gardner feels differently.
While I do not personally support the DP, here in CA they should either fix it so the process works properly and they actually execute people,or do away with it.
I remember Midnite posted once, if DP was so much better than LWOP, then all the the LWOPers would be petitioning the court to get the DP. But we don't see that much. LOL.
I agree with you that it does provide leverage and that in and of itself provides value. But it would be even more powerful if it actually worked so that it was not such a financial drain on the state.
This is very surprising to me and a great relief, I am sure, to the families and the community. Even if done for a cowardly reason, as I am sure it was, it may well be the best thing Gardner has ever done. The type of trial that Amber and Chelsea's families would have had to endured would be heartbreaking, stressful and full of emotions as well as the fear that somehow he might now get convicted, fear of mistiral or court errors. The slow process of gathering up the remnants of their lives can begin so much sooner than if they had to wait first, for the beginning of a death penalty trial which might be endlessly delayed, and the trial itself, the punishment phase if convicted, and years and years of appeals...
All of this is now avoided. Let's hope he is not allowed to change his mind, though it sounds as if it is locked up. As horrific as the crimes, this is the best outcome, IMO.
I couldn't agree more, especially about what the families have to go through during the long process leading up to a conviction. And if only others facing trial with a rock-solid case against them would follow his example. MOO

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