Garrido Says Dugard's Rights Violated

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This is my first post. I have been reading websleuths for a while now and find the links many of you provide and information very interesting.
Thank-you for all the research you do.
I learned some shocking things from the links to Cheyvonne Molino.
I was very angry after her public threat to Jaycee. CM seems Nasty.
I believe she is hiding crimes and I hope LE discovers her secrets. JMO.
Now it seems like Garrido is trying to send a message to Jaycee. I hope threats and messages from these cruel people do not reach Jaycee. I'm relieved she has a strong team of professionals protecting Her & all her Family now.

If Molino's are involved in crime "*advertiser censored*" with Gariddo they will be trying to cover it up.
They want to keep Jaycee submissive and to control her. They probably want her to tell the world that she was living a normal life with them and didn't want to leave (sick).

I hope the public is told very soon if there is a connection found with the Molino's.
Also I have been curious about the search results at her rental house, the age of the children taken into government care that day. Any news on why the guy at the house was sent back to jail on parole violation and if there was *advertiser censored* found at that house?
Could these children have been the ones seen playing at Gorridos back yard?
Maybe PG has threatened Jaycee not to talk about anything they want kept private.
Well it is midnight for me. I'll be checking in tomorrow.

i dont know what molino's story is. but im hesitant to post anything because i was warned not to say bad things about other members and i guess technically she's still one
He makes a basic assumption that mankind is going to shocked as well as pleased when they find out about his "discovery" via the "heartwarming" story. He is mistaken in his belief that anyone will care. Talk about a grandiose delusion. This juxtaposed against a personal belief that (by the time he dropped his manifasto to the FBI) PG was begging to be caught. I am really interested to know whether his predatory violence ever stopped -- deep down, I really, really doubt it. Even if the focus was no longer sexual in nature, PG's hold over Jaycee was always coercive.

think its pretty clear his coercion of jaycee didnt end till she was seperated from him at the police station and felt safe to tell the tuth.
Once she felt safe "...Dugard quickly admitted to her real identity." That's an incredibly healthy sign. I mean, with Stockholm Syndrome you expect her to staunchly defend him, lie for him and as soon as she felt she and her daughters were safe, she immediately got herself out of that hell. Her unbelievable steel will reminds me of Elisabeth Fritzl. That woman had been kept in a cellar for 24 years (!) and as soon as she had a chance, she took it. She had been originally brought in on child abuse suspicions but she asked the police officer if she and her children would never have to see Josef Fritzl again. Truly staggering levels of grit by these two women.

@jjeny: Do you remember what page that misspelled "control" page was on?

Side note: from that story, it looks like I was wrong earlier about him not finishing up high school: the *advertiser censored* says he finished behind bars and was planning on taking some college classes. Still, his spelling is ridiculous.
Another quick correction from my earlier reply (#104): I meant to say with Stockholm Syndrome "you expect her to staunchly defend him, lie for him, *but* as soon as she felt she and her daughters were safe, she immediately got herself out of that hell."

@jjenny: Forget it, I found a link that shows he did spell it "controle" and also that he misspelled the judge's name as "Bruse."

"Weeks after the sentencing in 1977, Garrido wrote a federal judge asking to have his sentence reduced. He was contrite and pleading.

"When living at home and going to school, my life was free from the influences of drugs," his letter began after he misspelled the judge's first name as "Bruse."

"I was the baby of the family and spoiled in the long run," he said.

Garrido told U.S. District Court Judge Bruce R. Thompson that by 1969, marijuana had found its way to his rural neighborhood east of San Francisco. He also began using copious amounts of LSD.

"Slowly it began to take me to another style of living and thinking, in the long run I lost much of my reasoning powers," he wrote. "Seven years of using made me fall from reality."

He assured the judge, however, that he had rediscovered the right path after seeing a psychiatrist.

"'Of course that is because I wanted to, knowing this is my chance to get my life in line," he wrote. "Drugs have been my downfall. I am so ashamed of my past. But my future is now in controle (sic).'"
Another quick correction from my earlier reply (#104): I meant to say with Stockholm Syndrome "you expect her to staunchly defend him, lie for him, *but* as soon as she felt she and her daughters were safe, she immediately got herself out of that hell."


i think jaycee did what she had to do for her and her daughters to survive. she says she "formed a bond" with him but that was probably more out of neccesity then anything. once she was alone with the police she told them the truth. she has an incredible amount of courage to even have survived that long. my guess is his kids kept her focused..........
Maybe he's dyslexic or something. Just because someone can't spell, it doesn't necessarily mean they are stupid.
@jjenny: Forget it, I found a link that shows he did spell it "controle" and also that he misspelled the judge's name as "Bruse."

"Weeks after the sentencing in 1977, Garrido wrote a federal judge asking to have his sentence reduced. He was contrite and pleading.

"When living at home and going to school, my life was free from the influences of drugs," his letter began after he misspelled the judge's first name as "Bruse."

"I was the baby of the family and spoiled in the long run," he said.

Garrido told U.S. District Court Judge Bruce R. Thompson that by 1969, marijuana had found its way to his rural neighborhood east of San Francisco. He also began using copious amounts of LSD.

"Slowly it began to take me to another style of living and thinking, in the long run I lost much of my reasoning powers," he wrote. "Seven years of using made me fall from reality."

He assured the judge, however, that he had rediscovered the right path after seeing a psychiatrist.

"'Of course that is because I wanted to, knowing this is my chance to get my life in line," he wrote. "Drugs have been my downfall. I am so ashamed of my past. But my future is now in controle (sic).'"

how did anyone fall for this nonsense. know i have spread a lot of anger and hate around due to certian characters in this tale.......molino, slayton the fbi, the parole tools, the local police.......but stuff like this reminds me who my real target should be. this guy is beneath pondscum he is so stinking low
his lawyer's a public defender though. besides not being paid they are notoriously imcompetent. not like she's gonna go down in stature by losing this case.
Are you saying that El Dorado County does not pay their public defenders?

And, can you provide evidence that Susan Gellman is incompetent?

Maybe we could elevate the discussion a little bit.
Are you saying that El Dorado County does not pay their public defenders?

And, can you provide evidence that Susan Gellman is incompetent?

Maybe we could elevate the discussion a little bit.

of course she gets paid. but pubic defender departsments are notoroiusly under staffed, overworked ect. there imcompetence isnt so much due to there lack of legal skill as to there preperation due to lack of investigation and endless investigators like the prosecution has.
in this case though, a week public defender i have no issue with!
Here is an account from the interview in the San Jose Mercury News

At first, the girls and woman seemed reluctant to answer basic questions asked by the parole agent and Concord officers while the Garridos were in the room. So the officers separated them.

"They weren't suspected of anything. It just didn't sit right," Lardieri said. "The suspicion was so high that we couldn't just leave this as it is."

In a room by herself, Lardieri said, the woman now known to be Dugard quickly admitted to her real identity. Lardieri said he suspects that it was the first time she had come under serious interrogation and she succumbed to the pressure, implicating Phillip Garrido as her kidnapper.

"Through some additional probing "... she finally confided and said, 'This is what happened and this is who I am,' Lardieri said.

Garrido was immediately jailed at the Concord Police Department on a probation violation. Dugard and her two daughters, meanwhile, were questioned further by El Dorado County cold-case investigators, who happened to be in Stockton and headed over once they got word of Dugard's reappearance. A short time later, Nancy Garrido was arrested.

I read this and and i lol cause all i could imagine was the look on his face when they came back into the room and he knew the had hit the fan. I hope everyday from now on is going to be new surprise for him like this one. His days of fun and games are over and i think the panic has set in. :dance: And then JC said "'This is what happened and this is who I am,' wow she is strong!
Jaycee's attorny issued a statement saying that the letter was read to Jaycee but would not comment on her reaction.

Yeah, that sicko must be thinking that she is going to get him out of jail or something. Funny that he used her real name in that letter after he denied it to her all those years. But he still can't spell it.

Oh yeah, his lawyer had told him to not give interviews or try to contact Jaycee. He sent the letter without her knowledge and she did tell him to cut it out.

I heard this on the news this morning and immediately thought the same thing -- that he used her real name. I was thinking that maybe he never even knew her real name? (last name). That was weird.

And he had numerous spelling errors in his other letters and on his websites. Remember the letter he sent to the judge in 1988 about how he had reformed? It was riddled with spelling errors.
I read this and and i lol cause all i could imagine was the look on his face when they came back into the room and he knew the had hit the fan. I hope everyday from now on is going to be new surprise for him like this one. His days of fun and games are over and i think the panic has set in. :dance: And then JC said "'This is what happened and this is who I am,' wow she is strong!

that must have been priceless. maybe they should have taped the reunuion with jayce her girls, terry shayna and aunt tina and really rubbed it in his face 'you lose "
I heard this on the news this morning and immediately thought the same thing -- that he used her real name. I was thinking that maybe he never even knew her real name? (last name). That was weird.

And he had numerous spelling errors in his other letters and on his websites. Remember the letter he sent to the judge in 1988 about how he had reformed? It was riddled with spelling errors.

I feel he not only knew her name but kept track of her family. JL's mother is a graphic artist? Wasnt that JL's job for PG's printing co.?
I'm assuming he used the threat of her family agianst her until the end. Letting her know, he knows where they live and where they work.

Didnt he keep track of KH with hang up calls and finally going to her work in 95?
@i.b. nora: Don't you think that would have been discovered by now? In 1976 Garrido was desperate to paint himself as some sort of victim (e.g., victim of drugs), so I can't believe he would have left dyslexia on the table during the trial. During the battery of psychological exams and meeting with his lawyer, surely he would have asked them to get someone to be able to diagnose him as dyslexic.

I know a couple people with dyslexia and they usually have trouble with words being inverted (think: "b" and "d") but that usually wouldn't result in misspellings like "controle" with an extra "e" being attached. And yes, I personally do think he's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed considering his mediocre grades in high school (and I'll just assume he's telling the truth--for now--that he did finish high school behind bars) and his behavior.
Jaycee's attorny issued a statement saying that the letter was read to Jaycee but would not comment on her reaction.

Yeah, that sicko must be thinking that she is going to get him out of jail or something. Funny that he used her real name in that letter after he denied it to her all those years. But he still can't spell it.

Oh yeah, his lawyer had told him to not give interviews or try to contact Jaycee. He sent the letter without her knowledge and she did tell him to cut it out.

The first thing I wondered when I read the letter, is why is he calling "his Allissa" ,"JC" now? I do find that curious, other than that, the letter is all about Phillip. IMO Phillip Garrido wrote this letter becaue he likes to be on the soapbox. (For example the preaching tent, the website, the "manifesto".) He is so full of himself and that soapbox has all but been taken away from him, so this is why he defied his attorney's wishes with this letter. Having to sit silent is probably killing him. :behindbar (Yay!!!) I agree with whomever said he should have no pen or paper. In fact, it would be okay with me if they locked him away for a few years in sound-proof room and let in the other prisoners once an hour! What goes round should come round! :smiliescale: JMO
This is my first post. I have been reading websleuths for a while now and find the links many of you provide and information very interesting.
Thank-you for all the research you do.
I learned some shocking things from the links to Cheyvonne Molino.
I was very angry after her public threat to Jaycee. CM seems Nasty.
I believe she is hiding crimes and I hope LE discovers her secrets. JMO.
Now it seems like Garrido is trying to send a message to Jaycee. I hope threats and messages from these cruel people do not reach Jaycee. I'm relieved she has a strong team of professionals protecting Her & all her Family now.

If Molino's are involved in crime "*advertiser censored*" with Gariddo they will be trying to cover it up.
They want to keep Jaycee submissive and to control her. They probably want her to tell the world that she was living a normal life with them and didn't want to leave (sick).

I hope the public is told very soon if there is a connection found with the Molino's.
Also I have been curious about the search results at her rental house, the age of the children taken into government care that day. Any news on why the guy at the house was sent back to jail on parole violation and if there was *advertiser censored* found at that house?
Could these children have been the ones seen playing at Gorridos back yard?
Maybe PG has threatened Jaycee not to talk about anything they want kept private.
Well it is midnight for me. I'll be checking in tomorrow.
Welcome to WS!
@i.b. nora: Don't you think that would have been discovered by now? In 1976 Garrido was desperate to paint himself as some sort of victim (e.g., victim of drugs), so I can't believe he would have left dyslexia on the table during the trial. During the battery of psychological exams and meeting with his lawyer, surely he would have asked them to get someone to be able to diagnose him as dyslexic.

I know a couple people with dyslexia and they usually have trouble with words being inverted (think: "b" and "d") but that usually wouldn't result in misspellings like "controle" with an extra "e" being attached. And yes, I personally do think he's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed considering his mediocre grades in high school (and I'll just assume he's telling the truth--for now--that he did finish high school behind bars) and his behavior.
Well, I am not privy to his psychological records, and dyslexia is just dyslexia, its not a mania, its not a mental illness, and in my experience it seldom goes along with a stupid person. Anyhow, I was just throwing that idea out there as a possibility of why he spells funny.
Had you initially said, you think he is stupid, that would be one thing but, you seem to want to tie your opinion to things like his "mediocre grades" in high school, which you at first erroneously said he did not complete, and his spelling abilities.
In my opinion, none of those things are necessarily indicative of a stupid person. I personally, have not formed an opinion on his intellect. I don't know enough about him.

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