Garrido's Attorneys

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The girls may have saw the G's in a positive light but after finding out that their "older sister" was really their mother who was kidnapped when she was only 11 and repeatedly raped (which lead to their conceptions) for 7 years will no doubt leave both of them seeing the G's in a different, negative light. The longer all three girls are kept away (hopefully until they testify) from these monsters the better because they're going to break away from all the lies they were brainwashed to believe and see the G's for the monsters they are. NO juror who has a daughter, niece or common sense will have any sympathy for either G. I only wish both were facing the death penalty because they both deserve to die for their heinous crimes.

Loving people don't snatch, taser and then brutally rape and lock up FOR YEARS, an innocent 11 year old girl. Those crimes cant be undone and BOTH will pay for their crimes for the rest of their miserable lives.:furious:

Not only have th girls found out by now that they have been lied to about who JC is....But I am not so sure how that may effect them yet...they seemed to be bonded to SOB.
They used to cling to him...:waitasec: it can be fear, in can be habit, and it can be loving the devil you know.
I don't know if they don't miss that scenario out of no other reference point. I dont know that they learned a full range of emotions, so that they can feel all thier feelings yet.

But NOW they do not live in a dungeon, they do not live in a tent. they do live in a home, they go horse back riding, have nice cloths, and warm bed, a hot meal.
I am sure they get to see that how they did live is not OK or loving, and they have something good to compare it to.
Yes the SOB is not coming out, I hope neither will Nancy.
Because she may get instruction from PG to stop at nothing to find them. His ego and control is way to big for me to think that if he is in jail he cant do damage. especially if he gets dumb jerk wify out. :furious:
Parental Alienation Syndrome would not fit for Nancy G. She is not a parent. Also there is nothing to indicate that Jaycee is telling nothing but the truth about Phillip and Nancy and what they did to her. The girls are not mentally impaired. I am sure they will see for themselves what happened to their real mother was wrong.

I will probably be reamed big time for this but in my opinion I think Jaycee should take a really good look at her girls and ask herself if she would want to happen to them what happened to her. I am sure it will be a resounding NO.

In fact I think the Garrido's, if they had hearts, should ask themselves the same sort of question. . would they consider anyone NOT GUILTY if they (these unknowns) did to Jaycee's girls what they did to Jaycee even if time had lapsed.

*Gets ready to be yelled at*

No yelling at all just not sure about a few things.
I am not so sure people can see that something is wrong when they do not have another reference point.
Those girls do not have any other reference points at all.
to establish new reference points will take much time.

As far as the G's having a heart we can forget that.
they are selling an Inspiring family BS story. If they had a heart they would quit the BS now.

Yes JC can look at the girl and say she would not want that fear and terror she had known with PG early on for her girls.
But but but, she was 11 and captive for 18 years she has developed a getting used to that situation... has no other real solid memory of family, most of her 11 years were spent with a single mom, only the last 3 years prior to her abduction did she have Carl in her life and it took time for her to warm up to him.
So she has no real reference point to family either. HER LOVE reference points are Terry and Shaina.
She is learning everything all over again also.....
So I personally doubt that she has it so together as to have all the right instincts.
Nobody really knows that, nobody. Bonding is not always automatic, it is not.

We here at WS talk about things the way it should be, the way we think it is, the way we think it was.
But the reality is the details are not known. This is the kind of trauma that nobody should know from.
and its implications and ramifications are so many.
i personally see a very good reason for parental allienation in this case. he kidnapped jaycee at the age of 11, raped her and created two girls with her. I don't believe he deserves to see the girls. To treat him as if he deserves parental rights just adds to the sickness in my opinion.

I personally see a very good reason for parental allienation in this case. He kidnapped Jaycee at the age of 11, raped her and created two girls with her. I don't believe he deserves to see the girls. To treat him as if he deserves parental rights just adds to the sickness in my opinion.

Umm....parental alienation involves inflicting significant psychological damage on the child, leaving scars that last a lifetime. Usually when this sort of thing happens one parent is so blinded by anger towards the other parent that they use their children as weapons against the other side and are oblivious to the effect it has on the kids. Doing this deliberately is VERY bad, I find it hard to believe that you are seriously advocating it.

The proper responsible course of action for Jaycee would be to be up front and open to the kids about all that happened, but still permit contact between the children and their father. She needs to make it clear to them that no matter what happens the conflict is between her and the father, and it does not involve them. She also needs to make it clear that as far as their immediate future (school, where they live, how they live, the rules of personal conduct, etc) will be supervised by her until majority, and those decisions would be made by her alone. And then allow them to chart their own course forward as far as their familial relationships are concerned.

From a practical point of view the situation these kids are in is not unlike a particularly nasty divorce, and a responsible parent would take steps to shield them from the ugliness that goes with that process.
will this put this garbage to rest yet?
or are we gonna hear the excuse that her parents have brainwashed her now?
what news...i am so glad they are forcefully objecting to these crazy requests from the defense. i haven't posted in a while here, but the information in these confirms what many of us thought regarding the first part of her captivity, being forced to stay in one of the building for the first year and a half and then not leaving the backyard for the first four years. can you imagine, being in a room for a year and half? that alone would break someone, but what he was doing to her during that time and for years after. it is so unbelievably horrible and frightening to think of what has happened to her. to be continuing on with attempts at manipulation and control STILL TO THIS DAY is testament to how much power he had over her....i broke down and cried reading those few short journal entries, especially the one about her kitten. they had convinced her that no one else would do these kinds of things for her. and to people who didn't think she suffered from Stockholm Syndrome, the other entries should put an end to that. so so heartbreaking and i really hope that they are doing OK. i know this type of information coming out has got be hard for them, but they are strong and willing to put up the fight. massive love to them all the time, but especially in times like today.
one of these entires is dated 2004 so it's not even the early days
Now it comes out why Garrido wanted Jaycee to have a lawyer- to help his lawyer. Too bad he didn't plan on McGregor Scott NOT accomodating his defense!
Umm....parental alienation involves inflicting significant psychological damage on the child, leaving scars that last a lifetime. Usually when this sort of thing happens one parent is so blinded by anger towards the other parent that they use their children as weapons against the other side and are oblivious to the effect it has on the kids. Doing this deliberately is VERY bad, I find it hard to believe that you are seriously advocating it.

The proper responsible course of action for Jaycee would be to be up front and open to the kids about all that happened, but still permit contact between the children and their father. She needs to make it clear to them that no matter what happens the conflict is between her and the father, and it does not involve them. She also needs to make it clear that as far as their immediate future (school, where they live, how they live, the rules of personal conduct, etc) will be supervised by her until majority, and those decisions would be made by her alone. And then allow them to chart their own course forward as far as their familial relationships are concerned.

From a practical point of view the situation these kids are in is not unlike a particularly nasty divorce, and a responsible parent would take steps to shield them from the ugliness that goes with that process.

I can tell from the very begining you were on PG side. :eek:
But that is your right and my judgment :innocent:
Just a few entries from JC Journal may speak to your questioning of psychological damage but in 18 years there must be many many journal entries we cant see. Green is JCs enteries....
JUST A REMINDER-must be a reason for it :yes:: The Garridos, accused of holding Dugard prisoner for 18 years, face 28 charges each of kidnapping, rape, and false imprisonment.

"I am afraid he doesn't see how the things he says makes me a prisoner . . . Why don't I have control of my life!" Dugard wrote in an entry from 2004.

An excerpt from September 5, 2003 read, "I don't want to hurt him . . . sometimes I think my very presence hurts him . . . so how can I ever tell him how I want to be free. Free to come and go as I please . . . Free to say I have a family. I will never cause him pain if it's in my power to prevent it. FREE."

"It feels like I'm sinking. I'm afraid I want control of my life . . . this is supposed to be my life to do with what I like . . . but once again he has taken it away. How many times is he allowed to take it away from me? I am afraid he doesn't see how the things he says makes me a prisoner . . . Why don't I have control of my life! I feel I can't even be sure my thoughts are my own."

I got [a cat] for my birthday from Phil and Nancy . . . they did something for me that no one else would do for me, they paid 200 dollars just so I could have my own kitten."
that must have felt great after being in one tent locked up for 1.5 years....and raped repeatedly .... poor little angel :(

Natal - none of what JC is saying is OK - she is a human being, but from the start you wanted to disprove her case
and I find it very curious.:waitasec:
Most people are fighting for her rights, for her case, not against her case....:waitasec:
From the San Jose Mercury News: Pierson says Dugard has "emphatically stated to our office that she does not want any contact with the defendants or their attorneys."

Next to Jaycee being alive and safe with her family and children this is the best news yet to come out of this case. I especially like that word "emphatically."
the entries from her journal are so heartbreaking.

But I get the impressions that she is a strong really intelligent woman. Congratulations to you, jaycee, on getting your life back.
From the San Jose Mercury News: Pierson says Dugard has "emphatically stated to our office that she does not want any contact with the defendants or their attorneys."

Next to Jaycee being alive and safe with her family and children this is the best news yet to come out of this case. I especially like that word "emphatically."
the entries from her journal are so heartbreaking.

But I get the impressions that she is a strong really intelligent woman. Congratulations to you, jaycee, on getting your life back.
DITTO !!!!!!!!:woohoo:
But I get the impressions that she is a strong really intelligent woman. Congratulations to you, jaycee, on getting your life back.

I agree. I think she came across as very open and articulate about her thoughts and feelings. She seemed so tormented and conflicted, desperately wanting freedom, but unable to attain it. She didn't want to hurt PG, for one, and he more than likely used her children as leverage. Words cannot express how glad I am that she finally has the freedom she thought and dreamed about all those years. Her words in this recent motion are the equivalent of a big "eff you" to PG/NG, and I love it! Go, Jaycee, go!

Oh, and another thing: Jaycee must've had a good hiding spot for her journal.
You can see from her entries how much she wanted to let her girls know that she was their mom

"Free to say I have a family".

He is such a manipulator. He kidnaps her. Holds her, probably in that sound proof shed with no windows, for 1.5 years and then on her 13th birthday he and Nancy (which would be shortly after releasing her from that shed) gives her a cat saying "no one else would give you a $200 cat". Like he is this great person or something. Well I know for a fact that in 93 you could get a cat for next to nothing. I recently adopted 2 for less than $100 with their first shots and fixed. He was just trying to make her think they did something great. Lies are what he always tells.

However, also from her journal you see that Nancy was right there with good old Phil. So much for the defense that "she didn't know what was going on in that back yard." which someone on here once suggested she could claim.
next to the day they released her people magazin cover photo, this is the best day since august 27th from my point of view.........
i wondef if when she said 'free to say i have a family' if she was talking about her girls, her other family, or both?
Most people are fighting for her rights, for her case, not against her case....:waitasec:

Well, the Garrido's will get convicted and Jaycee will have her day in court. Hopefully everything will be done by the book and in accordance with the laws of the land, but that isn't the point. You are forgeting in all of this that there are two other people involved, and it those two people's rights I am championing. They are not just posessions to be fought over, they have their own souls. I'm sorry if you have an issue with that.
Well, the Garrido's will get convicted and Jaycee will have her day in court. Hopefully everything will be done by the book and in accordance with the laws of the land, but that isn't the point. You are forgeting in all of this that there are two other people involved, and it those two people's rights I am championing. They are not just posessions to be fought over, they have their own souls. I'm sorry if you have an issue with that.
By the two others are you referring to Jaycee's daughters or the Garrido's?

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