GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

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Children said daddy went downstairs to iron a shirt. I thought maybe the laundry was downstairs-no it isn't. It's off the kitchen behind the big sliding doors because from the outside the is a door and a small window. Yep that's the laundry/utilities room.
Why was he going downstairs?
I searched for this article because I remember GBC told various people different routes Allison took and that she walked at night? It also mentions his sleeping habits.

In the police documents, officers said he told them he had gone to bed at 10pm and left her watching television.

He is such a heavy sleeper, he told them, that he had no idea whether she came to bed.

But the next morning, on April 20, he became concerned when he awoke about 6am and found her missing.

She was supposed to have gone to a real estate conference that morning and she needed to leave by 7am, police claim he told them.

But before he called police, he again allegedly logged onto his phone and searched for "self-incrimination".

From there, he searched the Queensland Police Service website before dialling Triple 0, the bail documents say.

That morning police claim he would give four different stories to friends and family about a walk Allison could have taken when she disappeared.

To some, officers say, he said Allison liked to take a walk early in the morning. To his sister, Olivia Walton, he allegedly described a particular route. He told a close friend of Allison's that she would walk at 10pm each night and he described to his parents two different walking routes.

But when police asked, they said he told them he had no idea where she would have gone walking.

A local hairdresser who had done Allison's hair on April 19 said she would never have ruined her new "do" by exercising, the police argued in court papers.
Are there no curtains or blinds in the house or are they some sort of hidden blinds?

Yes I wondered that while watching the 3D thing, esp in light of NBC's statement about Allison regularly being on the couch with the blinds drawn.

he had no idea whether she came to bed.

If she was on the couch watching tv as claimed, then he couldn't have slept there

And 'he had no idea whether she came to bed' pretty much confirms they shared a bed -- doesn't it?

So that part would appear to be clarified

Ouch, huh, TM ?
Are there no curtains or blinds in the house or are they some sort of hidden blinds? It's only a rental, but they'd lived there quite a while and it would have felt very exposed in there, especially at night

They used their vehicles for work, granted. But did they have to be the latest models and wonder if Allison would have preferred a few home-comforts and window coverings plus a gardener once a fortnight in exchange for one or two year old vehicles?
...and yet Nigel BC said that when they went to the house on a number of occasions, the curtains would be drawn, blinds closed and Allison would be lying on the lounge (he threw that in ...... not in response to any question re this from the Prosecution). Goes without saying that, although he said that he loved Allison as a daughter-in-law, didn't offer any information along the lines that he had observed her going into work at their Century 21 office ....... or that she had been giving ballet lessons up at the School.
Yes I wondered that while watching the 3D thing, esp in light of NBC's statement about Allison regularly being on the couch with the blinds drawn.


How long did they live in that house? Was it four years?

Maybe the house where she was 'manifesting' her depression ala NBC 's claims was another which possessed window coverings. If so, it means the alleged couch-reclining behind curtains took place at least *advertiser censored* number of years prior to NBC's testimony
Had Allison and Gerard ever owned a house that they lived in? The inside photos don't show much furniture and the yard and garage are really in need of a mow and clean up. I was quite surprised that they hadn't accumulated much furniture.

I have been thinking about Olivia Walton, I think she will be hard to crack, her military training will serve her well under cross examination and I don't think she will give anything away.

Olivia , apparently, was in Military Security.. so it beats me how she remained, (or, in my opinion pretended to remain ) in the dark about Gerards Toni nonsense, and the financials of the business...

She is living in a small house, after Alisons disappearance.. her 3 kids, Gerards 3 girls, Nige and Elaine. that's 9 people, and Gerard is ringing Toni, and NIGE is ringing Toni (according to police statements, found on a covert phone tap) keeping up the contact for Gerard, and Olivia is oblivious to all this carry-on??

What kind of Military Training in Security is that a demonstration of?? a Banana kind of military training , that's what..

I don't think she will be hard to crack at all, mainly because she isn't functioning on all spark plugs.. The Supreme Court of Qld is a far cry from a bunch of women trying how to learn 'living authentically in Christ..' .. either Olivia has to give a public demo of that, or redefine the theory..

From memory, it was Olivia who first floated publicly the story of Alisons depression.. said with a stern frown , as if Alison was a raving howling maniac, hidden down the shed somewhere, .. but Alison wasn't.. she was working in an industry far tougher that being a pastors wife in FNQ, bringing up her girls, maintaining her relationships with friends and family, with staff, with teachers, with other parents.. and doing all this with a raving howling unfaithful lying defrauding husband who couldn't add 2 and 2 together fiscally, couldn't pay a bill, wouldn't pay a bill, and whose business partners had had a gutful and walked out without their monies owed....
How long did they live in that house? Was it four years?

Maybe the house where she was 'manifesting' her depression ala NBC 's claims was another which possessed window coverings. If so, it means the alleged couch-reclining behind curtains took place at least *advertiser censored* number of years prior to NBC's testimony

So NBC is painting a picture of how Allison was recently before her death but recounting her on couch, drawn blinds, that was years earlier? That's cheating, no? jmo
How long did they live in that house? Was it four years?

Maybe the house where she was 'manifesting' her depression ala NBC 's claims was another which possessed window coverings. If so, it means the alleged couch-reclining behind curtains took place at least *advertiser censored* number of years prior to NBC's testimony

and we have Elaine, telling Phillip Broome , a stranger, about Alisons depression way back in the days when they lived in a flat.. who gave Elaine permission to blither about Alisons depression?? the MIL from hell.
Oh Trooper --- Trooper --- Troooper :floorlaugh:

You're such a TONIC :yourock:
The phone app showed that Allison's phone was at 61 Boscombe Road at the same time that Kellie Thompson and Sergeant Curtis were talking with GBC and showing him that "There it is!".
Scraps the dog lived at 61 Boscombe Road Brookfield. Scraps was going ballistic (for some unexplained reason) on the night of Allison's disappearance.
What was happening at 61 Boscombe Road (behind the BC residence) that would a usually quiet dog to be acting so unusually?

Why didn't the police look for the phone immediately when it showed up on the app? Does the app show you when you are getting closer to the phone. I find this really annoying that they didn't go for it then.
The previous treatments were a tint (retouch of grey roots - 12 Apr) and an all-over semi-permanent (14th). It was only on the 19th she had the blonde foils (ie bleach).

Beyond that you can measure time by growth (hair grows about 1/2 an inch a month). eg, her previous visit was 8-9 weeks earlier - ie ~1 inch of regrowth.

Hairdressers statement

The retouch of grey contained some peroxide, so probably the rest of her hair from 8-9 weeks ago did too (retouching is usually done to colour match). All strands would have been red between the 14th and 19th though. So, I guess we'll have to wait and see what was tested for and the results of those tests. :)
Why didn't the police look for the phone immediately when it showed up on the app? Does the app show you when you are getting closer to the phone. I find this really annoying that they didn't go for it then.

'Annoying' is mild compared with how I feel

unless they did find it and (hope, pray) are keeping it as an ace card

Otherwise, did they post police around the perimeter preparatory to conducting a search asap?

The police were so canny at the start. Let's hope they didn't drop the ball re: the phone
I wish Scraps the dog could speak, maybe he has a story to tell.

Here's the gorgeous Scraps.

Now Scraps, tell us everything you saw and heard on the night of Thursday 19 April 2012. There's a big juicy bone in it for you. :please:

If only!

and what's this drivel Gerard is telling Toni and Toni is repeating it all to Detective Senior Constable Christy Smidt?

apart from the unintentional comedy of Toni blithering on about how Gerard tells her he and Alison haven't slept together since the last childs birth.. ( folks.. how many women over 14 in Australia, or anywhere else for that matter , would believe this?? DSC Schmidt must have rolled her eyes at that bit )

Here we have Gerard telling Toni about ALisons parenting skills... of which he is highy critical.. the irony of him having this opinion and telling his extra bonk about it obviously escapes him , and this leads into Toni forming the opinion of Alisons home decorating skills, which she is highly critical of, too..

WHAT is she doing in Alisons home?? well. the usual thing .... nothing extraordinary.. Alison goes away, and Gerard and Toni use the house Alison lives in to 'affirm their love for each other' in the same dreary old way.. a bit of mattress on the floor.. these people are in the 40's...
From Nigel BC's unsolicited comments in the Trial, there appears to be no doubt about them still working on building a case based on Allison's depression....still towards suicide or 'someone else' being involved in her death. Of course, if suicide is debunked then it still remains that 'someone else' is responsible for her death ....... but certainly not their GBC. It was not a random murder, so WHO ELSE can they skew things toward? Next week will absolutely, without a doubt, take a twist.
We've been imploring Scraps for a couple of years now

Scraps is a teaser

just laughs -- look at that cute little Scrapsy face --- laughing at all the frown lines staring at her from behind a hundreds computer monitors
From Nigel BC's unsolicited comments in the Trial, there appears to be no doubt about them still working on building a case based on Allison's depression....still towards suicide or 'someone else' being involved in her death. Of course, if suicide is debunked then it still remains that 'someone else' is responsible for her death ....... but certainly not their GBC. It was not a random murder, so WHO ELSE can they skew things toward? Next week will absolutely, without a doubt, take a twist.

I ruled the random scenario out within days of her going missing. We had the property searched and we were all interviewed(briefly by police). I lived in a large house with multiple entrances not once did the police tell us to take extra precautions ie locking all the doors, cars etc etc.
Are there no curtains or blinds in the house or are they some sort of hidden blinds? It's only a rental, but they'd lived there quite a while and it would have felt very exposed in there, especially at night

Pretty sure all of the front windows have blinds (I can see some timber venetians in the lounge in the pictures) and the back yard isn't exposed. :)
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