GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

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and we have Elaine, telling Phillip Broome , a stranger, about Alisons depression way back in the days when they lived in a flat.. who gave Elaine permission to blither about Alisons depression?? the MIL from hell.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Banana kinda military training :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Gerard tells TOni that Alison doesn't have 'constancy' in her parenting capacities.. like Gerard knows about this??

Worth remembering that Jocelyn Frost, in her aff, says that Gerard told her he often belted the girls..

and wouldn't you know it, when Toni runs into ALison at the Gym , Toni is so discombobulated she is terrified of being deserted by the trainer, . and naturally, as soon as she can she sends a message, an abusive one to Gerard..

And Gerard says, well whattya know, Alison sent an abusive message, too..

Suddenly that doesn't ring true.. Gerard was playing both these women off .. one overtly, ( Toni) and one covertly ( Alison. ) He had free reign to blab and blab about Alison to Toni, but not about Toni to Alison.. he really was able to let his hair down and gaslight both of them at will and at whim.. He seemed to like tightening the screws on both of them in different ways...
and what's this drivel Gerard is telling Toni and Toni is repeating it all to Detective Senior Constable Christy Smidt?

apart from the unintentional comedy of Toni blithering on about how Gerard tells her he and Alison haven't slept together since the last childs birth.. ( folks.. how many women over 14 in Australia, or anywhere else for that matter , would believe this?? DSC Schmidt must have rolled her eyes at that bit )

Here we have Gerard telling Toni about ALisons parenting skills... of which he is highy critical.. the irony of him having this opinion and telling his extra bonk about it obviously escapes him , and this leads into Toni forming the opinion of Alisons home decorating skills, which she is highly critical of, too..

WHAT is she doing in Alisons home?? well. the usual thing .... nothing extraordinary.. Alison goes away, and Gerard and Toni use the house Alison lives in to 'affirm their love for each other' in the same dreary old way.. a bit of mattress on the floor.. these people are in the 40's...

I agree, Trooper

It's like something from West Side Story meets B-grade *advertiser censored*

What women would go to the house her lover shares with his wife and children?

What woman would sleep with her married lover in the house he shares with his wife and children ?

No real woman would stoop so low or debase herself or show such disrespect to another woman, even if that other woman was her married lover's legal wife and mother of his children

And what man would take his lover into the home he shares with his wife and children and sleep with his piece on the side in the marital home?

We're not talking about a real man or woman when we sully ourselves discussing GBC and TM. I'm not sure what they are
from the transcript of GBC's interview 20th, talking about one of Allison walking routes.

Out to the roundabout um and then right along Gold Creek Road
To the old peoples home.
Um theres a little bus stop there
My sisters driven it twice
(Then down a bit further he says we've measured that)
saying its almost a kilometre each way
so that you just know

What the?? Along with many things I find telling the police the distance as odd.
Maybe Im the odd one though :blushing:

In that entire transcript he sounded extremely sleep deprived to me! I spoke like that when I had newborn babies.... :)
Pretty sure all of the front windows have blinds (I can see some timber venetians in the lounge in the pictures) and the back yard isn't exposed. :)

Yes, I can see timber blinds on some windows, but kitchen, dining room - that whole expanse? I can't see anything there, can you?
he had no idea whether she came to bed.

If she was on the couch watching tv as claimed, then he couldn't have slept there

And 'he had no idea whether she came to bed' pretty much confirms they shared a bed -- doesn't it?

So that part would appear to be clarified

Ouch, huh, TM ?

In Phillip Broom's statement item 51, Phillip speaks about a heated meeting and g says "I only continue to f*ck her for the sake of the business"

Who was he speaking about! Joscelyn told Toni and the porridge hit the fan.

Why would this business be a success with this type of backstabbing sneakiness dripping down from the top!!
How long did they live in that house? Was it four years?

Maybe the house where she was 'manifesting' her depression ala NBC 's claims was another which possessed window coverings. If so, it means the alleged couch-reclining behind curtains took place at least *advertiser censored* number of years prior to NBC's testimony

They'd been married for 15years when Allison was murdered. Fast forward to now & it would have been 12years ago.

June 12, 2014

He said he did not learn of his daughter-in-law’s struggle with depression until four or five years into his son’s marriage, when Allison had called his wife for help
If Allison's phone had been found wouldn't both legal parties know about it? Surely you couldn't hide that one?
In Phillip Broom's statement item 51 Phillip speaks about a heated meeting and g says "I only continue to f*ck her for the sake of the business"
Was he referring to t or Allison?

Mr Broome was referring to Toni.. the meeting this happened at was partly about the circumstances of Toni and Gerard and how it was affecting the business ... ( staff leaving, people embarrassed , etc ).. this was the partners imploring ( at first ) then demanding that Toni be eradicated out of the business, and out of Gerards life, although that was secondary to them as business partners..............

the Meeting was uncomfy for all.. nothing was achieved, and nothing changed, and things went further downhill at warp speed...
Yes, I can see timber blinds on some windows, but kitchen, dining room - that whole expanse? I can't see anything there, can you?

No, I can't see any. But the kitchen faces out to the back yard (same with the glass doors in the dining room) and the backyard is not exposed. Maybe I don't find it unusual that there are no blinds on those windows because I don't have any on my kitchen windows that face out the back yard either. Nobody can see in, so I just prefer to have no blinds on those windows. :)
I really think the phone is a bigger issue than we realize. If Jerr-redd really was so concerned about Allison's whereabouts that phone app would have been activated on his phone much earlier. At least when he claimed he started wondering about Allison taking so long on her walk. The fact that the police officer was the first one to activate the find my phone app on Jerr-reds phone when he had tried using it prior to the police being called in my eyes paints quite a picture of the deceit and lies that are piling up around his story.

Boscombe rd is by Brookfield school could dear Livy have swung by and retrieved it after dropping the girls at school? Bit too early for that timeline I think but she was out an about pretty much free agent so who knows what she was up to that morning.

But let's not forget his other bits on the side. Wonder if he criticised TM to them?

I've never thought he was particularly virile. Just the opposite in fact. Watching a show the other night and a psychiatrist described the main character as 'latent homosexual' who was attempting to compensate by playing lothario

To my mind, only a man who hates and fears women does them so much deliberate harm. Well, his chuckles are over. And those women will now nail his coffin, we can but hope

no argument from me on those matters, Laser... it was Jackie Chrane who thought she had Gerard all to herself at the Sydney Seminar, until Toni showed up... ( Phillip Broome Statement) I would be interested in what line Gerard used, as well...
No, I can't see any. But the kitchen faces out to the back yard (same with the glass doors in the dining room) and the backyard is not exposed. Maybe I don't find it unusual that there are no blinds on those windows because I don't have any on my kitchen windows that face out the back yard either. Nobody can see in, so I just prefer to have no blinds on those windows. :)

You're braver than I

Years ago, when my other half was interstate for a month, all I had at the rear kitchen window was a café curtain. Built up suburb, not out in the wilderness like Allison's place. Our little dog stood stock-still in the kitchen, staring at the window, then suddenly erupted with furious barking. I was sewing with a view of all this. Went to look out of the window to see what the matter was and there was a face. And it didn't duck away when it saw me. Your mind stays cool, or mine did. But the body turns to jelly
Children said daddy went downstairs to iron a shirt. I thought maybe the laundry was downstairs-no it isn't. It's off the kitchen behind the big sliding doors because from the outside the is a door and a small window. Yep that's the laundry/utilities room.
Why was he going downstairs?

In addition, there is a fridge in the kitchen. Maybe there was another one downstairs?
It was TM, from memory

of course, in that office, nobody kept anyones secrets... Jocelyn Frost told Toni what Gerard had said.. probably to emphasise to Toni that she was backing the wrong horse still... but it made no difference.. Toni , apparently , according to Ms Frost, confronted Gerard with this unkind but probably truthful statement and he managed to ride it out with Toni still enchanted...

You're braver than I

Years ago, when my other half was interstate for a month, all I had at the rear kitchen window was a café curtain. Built up suburb, not out in the wilderness like Allison's place. Our little dog stood stock-still in the kitchen, staring at the window, then suddenly erupted with furious barking. I was sewing with a view of all this. Went to look out of the window to see what the matter was and there was a face. And it didn't duck away when it saw me. Your mind stays cool, or mine did. But the body turns to jelly

Oh, horrors! That would be awful! Luckily, my place is on a small acreage, so a bit 'out in the wildnerness' compared to a built up suburb I suppose. I'd probably feel very differently if it wasn't. :)
In that entire transcript he sounded extremely sleep deprived to me! I spoke like that when I had newborn babies.... :)

having a look at GBC's phone habits displayed on his Telstra bill (court documents), it seemed he was on that thing every waking moment. Interesting to see on the night of the 20th, his phone activity stopped around 8.30pm and resumed the on the 21st at 7.30am. I'm guessing he had himself a 'well-deserved' 11 hours sleep after the previous nights business... His phone bill showed he must have gone to the Gold Coast on the evening of the 20th to meet with Allison's parents/drop the girls off, as his phone connected with the tower at Yatala.
Sorry to post a random thought out of the blue and I am sorry if this has been recently discussed...just trying to catch up with all of the posts since the trial began.

I just remembered seeing a photo when we were all speculating about who the women involved in the affairs were. There is a picture of Toni McHugh at NBC and EBC's house only a day or so after Allison went missing. I am sure there is a photo of EBC giving Toni a hug. There is no way they didn't know about the affair and I have always believe NBC helped dispose of Allison's body.

I am sure everyone who has been following the case feels the same way...but yeah it just struck me after listening to all of NBC's ridiculous denial. I also believe Toni is more involved...
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