GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

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If someone had knocked off Gerard, there would be a plethora, a cast of hundreds , to choose from... .. some people would be actually proud to admit they did it, probably..

that's the thing that Gerard has to deal with, really.. no one wanted Alison dead except him. no one stood to gain from her death..... Even poor Toni only stood to gain a guy well past his use by date and prone to cheating on her as well.. not that she was that fussy.. she obviously wanted to be Mrs Someone, sometime...
I figured not one of Gerards long suffering and uselessly hoping lenders of money to Mr GBC would have offed Alison. .. they still would have to queue up for whatever monies he received , and what's more, Gerard had spend years murmuring to anyone , apparently , about how his marriage was over..wouldn't surprise me to learn sometime that Gerard had put out feelers for the job... he is that unreservedly stupid.

now.. if someone had offed Toni..... with revenge as a motive... there could be a few contenders...

And Liv declared quite brazenly at the Committal Hearing "My brother is innocent and all will be revealed". What does she know and why hasn't it been revealed? Thank goodness GerRED's legal team has shut them up until AFTER the verdict.

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If someone had knocked off Gerard, there would be a plethora, a cast of hundreds , to choose from... .. some people would be actually proud to admit they did it, probably..

that's the thing that Gerard has to deal with, really.. no one wanted Alison dead except him. no one stood to gain from her death..... Even poor Toni only stood to gain a guy well past his use by date and prone to cheating on her as well.. not that she was that fussy.. she obviously wanted to be Mrs Someone, sometime...

And let's not forget Tone's fury after being told by the police after Alison's death that she wasn't the only one GerRED was playing up with. Well well well! What do you know! Nice one GerRED! Top guy!

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Ah thank you I forgot it was Sue Heath and not Toni. For some reason I thought I had seen a photo of Tony there with a yellow VW. In the passage of time I have gotten them confused. Thank you for the clarification everyone :)
And Liv declared quite brazenly at the Committal Hearing "My brother is innocent and all will be revealed". What does she know and why hasn't it been revealed? Thank goodness GerRED's legal team has shut them up until AFTER the verdict.

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I am certain Ger's legal team tried to shut Olivia up long before the trial.. . maybe this time the warning has struck home.. ..

I'm looking forward to Olivia 'revealing all'... she did say the 'real story' would be told.. oh well. ..

Her words in one interview she insisted upon.. I cant recall the entire thing word for word, but she was pleading for Alison to be 'returned home'.. I thought at the time, that was so ominous, I had to go out on my balcony and whistle up the dog and try and screen from my mind just what a grown person being 'returned home' actually meant to Olivia..

Does anyone know if there are any other example of texts GBC had sent ABC as evidence?

Does his text seem 'normal'? lol

Are there any texts available between GBC and TM?
And let's not forget Tone's fury after being told by the police after Alison's death that she wasn't the only one GerRED was playing up with. Well well well! What do you know! Nice one GerRED! Top guy!

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that must have been the only time in this whole hideous , vile , calculated crime that bought an anticipatory smile to the detectives who laid that one out on Toni...

fleeting, brief, but a small smile, nonetheless..

Does anyone know if there are any other example of texts GBC had sent ABC as evidence?

Does his text seem 'normal'? lol

Are there any texts available between GBC and TM?

well we know that Gerd signed off on his Bruce Overland emails GM (gorgeous man) and called Tones GG (Gorgeous Girl).

These two texts are too full of info if you ask me. I'd expect more along the lines of a natural 'hey, where are u?' or 'answer your phone'
well we know that Gerd signed off on his Bruce Overland emails GM (gorgeous man) and called Tones GG (Gorgeous Girl).

These two texts are too full of info if you ask me. I'd expect more along the lines of a natural 'hey, where are u?' or 'answer your phone'

That's what I'm thinking. If we could see any other texts which were not so formal like these, it would be a strike against him, imo.
Too much info and fake. jmo
If you could all take note of the following & cut the derogatory comments towards players in the case thanks. I'm sure none of you would appreciate sitting outside for the trial

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that must have been the only time in this whole hideous , vile , calculated crime that bought an anticipatory smile to the detectives who laid that one out on Toni...

fleeting, brief, but a small smile, nonetheless..

Oh yes, & GBC couldn't discuss this one with old Tone could he after she confronted him with this new info relayed to her from the QPS. One has to wonder how many other flings he had while in a "committed" relationship with TWO women i.e. His wife and his mistress! How did GBC deal with all of this deceit on a day to day basis?

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I am sure I read a report on the prosecutions opening statement that Allison's phone was not located. Can anyone who was there on Tuesday confirm this?
The retouch of grey contained some peroxide, so probably the rest of her hair from 8-9 weeks ago did too (retouching is usually done to colour match). All strands would have been red between the 14th and 19th though. So, I guess we'll have to wait and see what was tested for and the results of those tests. :)

Yes true, but the presence of peroxide in the mix doesn't mean the hair was bleached as such, peroxide is also added to a tint to develop the colour. The grey retouch tint was 8NN + 8KG - so a reddish dark blonde tint applied to the hair.

You wouldn't be testing for peroxide on the hair (it breaks down into water and oxygen in the processing, and any left is removed in rinsing/drying - it's a fairly unstable compound that dissociates readily, esp with heat), but just seeing if the hair is bleached blonde.

And according to the hairdresser's history, the only time you should have been able to get a hair strand that was bleached blonde almost to the root would have been after the 19th.

So if you got lucky and
- the strand found was one that had been bleached in a foil that day,
- AND the root was present (growth/timing)
you could make an argument that it had to be from after the 19th

I s'pose someone could still come up with a story that it was from years ago and fell out of an old hairbrush and somehow got mixed up in a blood smear due to killer caterpillars, murderous light bulbs, blunt razors etc... :)
Oh yes, & GBC couldn't discuss this one with old Tone could he after she confronted him with this new info relayed to her from the QPS. One has to wonder how many other flings he had while in a "committed" relationship with TWO women i.e. His wife and his mistress! How did GBC deal with all of this deceit on a day to day basis?

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and its after this exchange of info from the QPS to Toni that she makes her statement# 5, which hasn't been made public yet... I expect it's the guts of her Statement #5 which will be a large part of her testimony as the Crown Prosecution witness...

and ... not to be forgotten, she has had to go Cold Turkey on Gerard since his arrest... part of being a Crown Witness is the undertaking to have absolutely no contact with the accused, his family, his friends, his contacts, from that moment on.. Has Toni been able to do it? I do wonder...
Oh yes, & GBC couldn't discuss this one with old Tone could he after she confronted him with this new info relayed to her from the QPS. One has to wonder how many other flings he had while in a "committed" relationship with TWO women i.e. His wife and his mistress! How did GBC deal with all of this deceit on a day to day basis?

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I thought she was still a bit moony and infatuatued at the committal hearing.. filled with triste, regrets, loneliness, pining, craving even... maybe time has done its work.. but...
well we know that Gerd signed off on his Bruce Overland emails GM (gorgeous man) and called Tones GG (Gorgeous Girl).

These two texts are too full of info if you ask me. I'd expect more along the lines of a natural 'hey, where are u?' or 'answer your phone'

So you’re rushing all over the place – getting yourself ready, making lunches, rushed you don’t notice great rivers of blood streaming down your neck from the gouges in your face, yet you have the time to send text messages with proper sentences, perfect spelling and punctuation.

Too many keystrokes, and you have to go to the 2nd page on iPhone to add the question marks and then specifically engage the shift key to write in upper case
and its after this exchange of info from the QPS to Toni that she makes her statement# 5, which hasn't been made public yet... I expect it's the guts of her Statement #5 which will be a large part of her testimony as the Crown Prosecution witness...

and ... not to be forgotten, she has had to go Cold Turkey on Gerard since his arrest... part of being a Crown Witness is the undertaking to have absolutely no contact with the accused, his family, his friends, his contacts, from that moment on.. Has Toni been able to do it? I do wonder...

I'm very much looking forward to what Toni had to say and to hear what's in Statement #5. Perhaps Liv's committal hearing "revelation statement" will come true. We will see.
I actually have some compassion for OW and her family. I agree that if she knows what happened and is covering for her brother this would be wrong and I hope this is exposed and dealt with if this is the case. However, if she legitimately knows nothing and genuinely believes her brother is innocent then I have genuine compassion for her. Such a lot for a sister to come to terms with. How does a sister comprehend what her brother is alleged to have done? I know that if I were her I would struggle to process and work through this reality whilst also dealing with grief. I am sure that she would have gone through or be going through the normal processes of grief that Kubler-Ross describes. I can't recall the details now, but there are various stages like denial, anger, acceptance and many more stages.
So you’re rushing all over the place – getting yourself ready, making lunches, rushed you don’t notice great rivers of blood streaming down your neck from the gouges in your face, yet you have the time to send text messages with proper sentences, perfect spelling and punctuation.

Too many keystrokes, and you have to go to the 2nd page on iPhone to add the question marks and then specifically engage the shift key to write in upper case

That's very informative, Jaguar. Thanks. I don't use a mobile phone, so had no idea about all that

I can just see the little grey matter saying to itself, 'This will work. It's good. Very convincing. Just the sort of thing a genuinely concerned spouse would say'

Guess genuinely concerned spouses weren't his area of expertise
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