GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

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I'm not sure if this question has been asked, did GBC mention whether Allison and he slept in the same bed? I noticed that one of the children said, 'mummy and daddy slept in the same bed.'
So are we to believe that GBC didn't know whether Allison was sleeping beside him that whole night? He awoke and she was not there? Or is his story she got up early and went for walk and killed herself?
I suppose I'm just trying to figure out what his 'story' is ahead of time. :scared:
I'm not sure if this question has been asked, did GBC mention whether Allison and he slept in the same bed? I noticed that one of the children said, 'mummy and daddy slept in the same bed.'
So are we to believe that GBC didn't know whether Allison was sleeping beside him that whole night? He awoke and she was not there? Or is his story she got up early and went for walk and killed herself?
I suppose I'm just trying to figure out what his 'story' is ahead of time. :scared:

We were having a bit of a natter about that late last night (Oz time)

You're right. At least one of the daughters was asked by police interviewers 'who made the beds' or something on those lines

and the daughter's response was 'Dad made his own bed' or words to that effect

If they were sleeping in the same bed, it seems an odd reply. How and why do you make half a bed?

Was he sleeping on a couch or stretcher, we wondered, which would fit more with 'Dad made his own bed'

Maybe police asked if Dad slept on the couch or on a stretcher? I don't know

<modsnip> for TM though if it were established GBC and Allison slept alongside each other each night
I'm not sure if this question has been asked, did GBC mention whether Allison and he slept in the same bed? I noticed that one of the children said, 'mummy and daddy slept in the same bed.'
So are we to believe that GBC didn't know whether Allison was sleeping beside him that whole night? He awoke and she was not there? Or is his story she got up early and went for walk and killed herself?
I suppose I'm just trying to figure out what his 'story' is ahead of time. :scared:

I seem to remember that when he went to bed she was watching TV. I recall him saying he was a heavy sleeper and when he woke up she had 'gone' (for a walk ) (! ?) Just recently it has been said that he was 'unwell' that night....

Funny how many of these men do not know whether their wife/girlfriend are in bed or not.....just saying re Pistorius too)
Maybe 'dad's bed' was the mattress which people have said were in some of the photos?

Maybe he dragged it out each night and they told the kids he slept on it because of his snoring or something?
Wouldn't he have the apnea machine in gaol. It is a health thing not just for not annoying other people with snoring.

I know too well, my OH has one. Apparently some people don't use theirs all the time. It is portable, but not easily. When discussed early on, it was mentioned that GBC snored, (which would mean he wasn't using it) it was regarding sleeping arrangements at a conference, I think. Bet GBC wishes he used his that night, surely he would have felt better in the morning. It wouldn't be the kind of thing you'd take to the living room couch.
Apologies if this has already been posted, but pics of home and video

It's a bit eerie and sad. :(

Sorry for the late post as I am still catching up.

Thank you for posting this link Champagne4lulu. It is nice to see pics of the place looking like a home. The only pics I had seen previously were of the house empty and it looked so cold and horrible. At least these pics help to see that Allison's home was inviting for her and the girls, except for the fact that they had to share it with GBC
I think the issue is whether it can be established how long ago the hair was bleached if it was, i.e. very recently (same day) or some time before.

The previous treatments were a tint (retouch of grey roots - 12 Apr) and an all-over semi-permanent (14th). It was only on the 19th she had the blonde foils (ie bleach).

Beyond that you can measure time by growth (hair grows about 1/2 an inch a month). eg, her previous visit was 8-9 weeks earlier - ie ~1 inch of regrowth.

Hairdressers statement
We were having a bit of a natter about that late last night (Oz time)

You're right. At least one of the daughters was asked by police interviewers 'who made the beds' or something on those lines

and the daughter's response was 'Dad made his own bed' or words to that effect

If they were sleeping in the same bed, it seems an odd reply. How and why do you make half a bed?

Was he sleeping on a couch or stretcher, we wondered, which would fit more with 'Dad made his own bed'

Maybe police asked if Dad slept on the couch or on a stretcher? I don't know

<modsnip> for TM though if it were established GBC and Allison slept alongside each other each night

I'm wondering if the daugter was referring to GBC making his own bed while they were staying with Nigelaine and then later returning to the Brookfield house?
Perhaps we're reading too much into the whole "Dad makes his own bed" thing? Maybe what the daughter meant was that "Dad makes the bed himself" - meaning that it's usually GBC who makes the bed. And not Allison. Maybe we're making assumptions that they slept in separate beds, when in reality they slept together as testified by the girls?

And when it comes down to it - it probably makes very little, if any, difference to the sequence of events, other than the credibility of him not knowing if Allison was beside him in the bed or not.

I have to say, however, I sleep like the dead, especially if I've been out working into the middle of the night. My other half can get into bed, get out of bed, get up and go to work, etc etc - and I can sleep through all of that completely oblivious. Maybe it's a boy thing? My other half, on the other hand, is a very light sleeper, and I only have to move slightly and she asks if I'm OK.

For all I know, she may get up to all sorts of skullduggery in the middle of the night, while I, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to get away with even scratching myself!

Different folks, different strokes...
what is this?
The photo of the front of the out house and carport.
There is a word written on the concrete below the stairs, looks like "SHE" and something else I can't zoom in on. Maybe done with a Gerny high pressure hose.
Just a strange thing to write it doesn't look like young children's writing.

I can see what you mean. My guess is that it may be the girls initials (which are S, H, and E) and may have been done by the kids themselves?

Just a thought

EDIT: Snap, Ali - posted at the same time :) Great minds, etc etc... :)
Doc, it's not often I beat you to it!
Are there no curtains or blinds in the house or are they some sort of hidden blinds? It's only a rental, but they'd lived there quite a while and it would have felt very exposed in there, especially at night

They used their vehicles for work, granted. But did they have to be the latest models and wonder if Allison would have preferred a few home-comforts and window coverings plus a gardener once a fortnight in exchange for one or two year old vehicles?
from the transcript of GBC's interview 20th, talking about one of Allison walking routes.

Out to the roundabout um and then right along Gold Creek Road
To the old peoples home.
Um theres a little bus stop there
My sisters driven it twice
(Then down a bit further he says we've measured that)
saying its almost a kilometre each way
so that you just know

What the?? Along with many things I find telling the police the distance as odd.
Maybe Im the odd one though :blushing:
from the transcript of GBC's interview 20th, talking about one of Allison walking routes.

Out to the roundabout um and then right along Gold Creek Road
To the old peoples home.
Um theres a little bus stop there
My sisters driven it twice
(Then down a bit further he says we've measured that)
saying its almost a kilometre each way
so that you just know

What the?? Along with many things I find telling the police the distance as odd.
Maybe Im the odd one though :blushing:

I don't think you're odd :)

Too much irrelevant info spilling from the old jerred. Police would have noted it all, for sure
from the transcript of GBC's interview 20th, talking about one of Allison walking routes.

Out to the roundabout um and then right along Gold Creek Road
To the old peoples home.
Um theres a little bus stop there
My sisters driven it twice
(Then down a bit further he says we've measured that)
saying its almost a kilometre each way
so that you just know

What the?? Along with many things I find telling the police the distance as odd.
Maybe Im the odd one though :blushing:

Funny that is the route I walked to work that very morning and if she say left the house at 6am or even a little earlier. I would have seen her! I didn't see her and she would be hard to miss since lots of that part didn't have footpaths then(I believe).
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