General Discussion and Theories #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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At 45 seconds SB says, two strangers came down my driveway and... killed my husband. So there you go, she let the cat out of the bag so to speak. She had a brief slip of the tongue but figured to heck with it, I'm setting the record straight now. SB goes on line and reads all kinds of stuff about TB's case. She said she googles TB's name often or everyday. She is very aware there are devil's advocate out there and people who suspect TB was up to no good. She states this in the interview and clarifies there was nothing other then TB selling his truck. By SB blurting out, then carrying on with killed my husband, it's a strong indication she wants the information out there, she saw what she saw, she knows what she knows, and says it quite confidentially...those two devils who walked up her driveway (in her term), who showed up at her door are the same devils who murdered her husband.

BTW HTH years ago, in my prime, ;) I studied body language. I can tell SB is very uncomfortable talking to the media, reporters, and doing this interview but she is a very determined/strong willed person/stubborn. She has a war to win and will fight it until the bitter end. She comes across as having a hard shell exterior, but she truly is a marshmallow on the inside. I can tell from her demeanour she wore the pants in that family so to speak, at least tried to ;). TB was more than likely quite smitten with her and didn't mind letting her take the reins for the most part. But if TB was determined to have something his way, it wouldn't have taken much for SB to cave in. She truly is a sweetheart and I can tell she is the type of person who makes and has lifelong, sincere, friends and she is a true confidant. It doesn't take long for people to warm up to SB and once they do, most cannot get enough of her. MOO.
SWEDE I agree STRONGLY and posted similar on another thread the same time as you!....SHARlene Bosma knew and recognized DM & SM....there is no doubt in my mind!...I can read body lingo too...I am a trained SPecial ed Teacher for over 30 years !I hold a master degree in Special Ed. and a PYSCH degree( honors)...<modsnip> JIMO excuses are given which in MY MIND make no an Incinerator was bought and placed in DM farm cause birds may drop from the sky?"...respectfully written...I am surrounded by 400 acre farms where there is no livestock....neighbor is a live stock...NO ONE HAS AN INCINERATOR on there property...if there is no live stock >>>>animals....there is NO LAWs in S ONT. requiring farmers to have incinerators..................NEXT EXCUSE...robynhood
At 45 seconds SB says, two strangers came down my driveway and... killed my husband. So there you go, she let the cat out of the bag so to speak. She had a brief slip of the tongue but figured to heck with it, I'm setting the record straight now. SB goes on line and reads all kinds of stuff about TB's case. She said she googles TB's name often or everyday. She is very aware there are devil's advocate out there and people who suspect TB was up to no good. She states this in the interview and clarifies there was nothing other then TB selling his truck. By SB blurting out, then carrying on with killed my husband, it's a strong indication she wants the information out there, she saw what she saw, she knows what she knows, and says it quite confidentially...those two devils who walked up her driveway (in her term), who showed up at her door are the same devils who murdered her husband.

BTW HTH years ago, in my prime, ;) I studied body language. I can tell SB is very uncomfortable talking to the media, reporters, and doing this interview but she is a very determined/strong willed person/stubborn. She has a war to win and will fight it until the bitter end. She comes across as having a hard shell exterior, but she truly is a marshmallow on the inside. I can tell from her demeanour she wore the pants in that family so to speak, at least tried to ;). TB was more than likely quite smitten with her and didn't mind letting her take the reins for the most part. But if TB was determined to have something his way, it wouldn't have taken much for SB to cave in. She truly is a sweetheart and I can tell she is the type of person who makes and has lifelong, sincere, friends and she is a true confidant. It doesn't take long for people to warm up to SB and once they do, most cannot get enough of her. MOO.

I would say my impression of SB is the same as yours swedie - tough exterior/soft interior...and my general impression of the family/couple dynamic is also the same. I didnt study body language in my prime although I've always been interested and educated myself a bit on the side :( , however I've been told over the years I am a good judge as to these things. I can only imagine how difficult it is to feel you have to do these interviews to keep the story out there, while feeling guarded and protective of what you have left. But IMO, SB will do what she needs to do for Tim and I admire her for that.

I also tend to play the devil's advocate by nature, but not blindly. Will I be shocked to no end if MS and DM are both found guilty? No, but that also depends on the hard evidence. If they are put away with only circumstantial, there will always be that doubt. I will not "scramble" as it has been predicted some here will do if a guilty verdict is found for these two accused. I dont think any poster here will scramble! I think we will walk away with a clear conscience feeling we at least did what we felt was right...and that we were on the side of truth. And if the evidence is hard and clear they did it, "later guys! Enjoy life in prison!". Even if hideous details emerge I will not regret trying to determine the truth and explore all possibilities based on the evidence so far. It is the right thing to do.

Lets say they are put away on circumstantial evidence and even some carefully planted dna and ten years down the road "Ace" has some moment of epiphany and conscience and comes clean to LE with names and proof they were framed. I wont be one to gasp and say "how did we not know this?!!". I do appreciate that some posters have reluctantly considered alternative theories to demonstrate they are open minded - means a lot :thumbup:

Contrary to your interpretation, I dont think SB knows all the details of the investigation to have meant these two 100% walked off with TB and killed him. What she knows is he walked away with two strangers and was killed that night. She is crystal clear in stating that she doesnt know what happened and why.

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******CLARIFICATION on My POST #586*****...3.point....sorry HUGE typo...I meant to say:

3.Who would PUT TB RAM truck in his mother's driveway?...not TB Body....It was made clear that TB remains were found at DM farm..only ashes But there was enough there for the Le to make a positive identication that it was TB ...and notified FAMILY.....

IMO I agree this makes no Sense BUT again the Heinous crime of killing someone for RAm truck is INSANE...IMO...and it was Obvious from The Pay as you go phone DM was definitely after that diesel TRUCK...IMO it was the engine they wanted. There were 3 calls made from DM pay as you Go phone ( burner)...the man Positively ID DM and MS when they came to look at his Ram truck that Sun. may 5 (the day before they visited TB)That Truck was ad on Kijji too...That man ( forget his name) told police a detail description of DM and his AMBITION ( tattoo) ...definitely a unquie tattoo with a box around it and what he looked like he was identified( physical description match SB description too.......MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!I agree 100 percent with Silly billy's post today on this tread above #587.I also agree with Bessie post #580...THE INCINERATOR was Present ON DM FARM!

I must also add who knows how much $ DM really had and does it matter ...his plane hanger was full of stolen there was theft involved ...I think you need a lot of CASH when you are involved in DRUGS TOO.>>>JMO again...
******CLARIFICATION on My POST #586*****...3.point....sorry HUGE typo...I meant to say:

3.Who would PUT TB RAM truck in his mother's driveway?...not TB Body....It was made clear that TB remains were found at DM farm..only ashes But there was enough there for the Le to make a positive identication that it was TB ...and notified FAMILY.....

IMO I agree this makes no Sense BUT again the Heinous crime of killing someone for RAm truck is INSANE...IMO...and it was Obvious from The Pay as you go phone DM was definitely after that diesel TRUCK...IMO it was the engine they wanted. There were 3 calls made from DM pay as you Go phone ( burner)...the man Positively ID DM and MS when they came to look at his Ram truck that Sun. may 5 (the day before they visited TB)That Truck was ad on Kijji too...That man ( forget his name) told police a detail description of DM and his AMBITION ( tattoo) ...definitely a unquie tattoo with a box around it and what he looked like he was identified( physical description match SB description too.......MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!I agree 100 percent with Silly billy's post today on this tread above #587.I also agree with Bessie post #580...THE INCINERATOR was Present ON DM FARM!

I must also add who knows how much $ DM really had and does it matter ...his plane hanger was full of stolen there was theft involved ...I think you need a lot of CASH when you are involved in DRUGS TOO.>>>JMO again...

Please post the link where it was stated that the RBEG positively identified DM. From what I recall he provided a description of a tattoo that may or may not be accurate, but I do not recall reading that he positively identified any of the suspects. If a positive identification had been made via a line up or photo array, even the person doing the identifying is not told if they guessed the right suspect or not.

Please explain how it is obvious that having a pay as you go phone means he was definitely after a diesel truck?

If the hanger was being rented out to someone who was keeping stolen parts there, does that mean DM is guilty by association?
Well, he used the burner phone to call multiple people with similar trucks? Seems obvious? Unless test drive guy #1 is lying.
Well, he used the burner phone to call multiple people with similar trucks? Seems obvious? Unless test drive guy #1 is lying.

Or if someone borrowed his phone, (and then drew on a tattoo) RBEG wouldn't have to be lying. If your friend said to you "Oh no, my battery just died, can I borrow your phone to make a few calls?" Would you deny them that request, especially if you are they kind of person who buys his friends jet skis? For all we know, he bought the pay as you go phone for a friend, I mean, if you were going to buy a friend a phone, you wouldn't get the one with a monthly billing plan and contract, you'd get a pay as you go phone.
Or if someone borrowed his phone, (and then drew on a tattoo) RBEG wouldn't have to be lying. If your friend said to you "Oh no, my battery just died, can I borrow your phone to make a few calls?" Would you deny them that request, especially if you are they kind of person who buys his friends jet skis? For all we know, he bought the pay as you go phone for a friend, I mean, if you were going to buy a friend a phone, you wouldn't get the one with a monthly billing plan and contract, you'd get a pay as you go phone.

I guess the issue with the phone is the caller called three people [who owned Dodge Rams] over two days. It wasn't a "can I borrow your phone for a sec" kind of thing.

Also SB saw DM and MS first hand and would be available to LE to make an ID...she didn't notice the tattoo, so her ID must have been based on DM's face.
Well, he used the burner phone to call multiple people with similar trucks? Seems obvious? Unless test drive guy #1 is lying.

Who is 'he' ? We do not know who actually called from that phone do we?

We know that the phone somehow linked to DM or to someone claiming to be DM or to someone calling for DM...or even to someone who left that number for someone to call and gave the name DM..... but who was it????

So nothing seems obvious to me at all..... We do not even know that 'multiple' people were called imo.

The RBEG gave a description of two guys who test drove his truck. They apparently didn't kill this guy ! LE claims it was because the guy was too big to bother with. However if someone is prepared to kill someone, their size is irrelevant IMO. A taser, a knife, and a gun will work just as well on a big guy as a smaller guy. If RBEG was in front seat I am quite sure someone behind him could have killed him in one fell swoop if they had been so inclined. The neck/head area being a very easy target and a perfect place to strike IMO. Could have drove the body straight to the farm and rolled him out within 45 mins if the plan was just to kill someone !!! JMO Pour gasoline on him strike a match and destroy forensic evidence and off to Kleinburg....

Something else is going on here IMO.... and other people are involved imo..... In fact I would go as far as to say several other people are involved. JMO
Who is 'he' ? We do not know who actually called from that phone do we?

We know that the phone somehow linked to DM or to someone claiming to be DM or to someone calling for DM...or even to someone who left that number for someone to call and gave the name DM..... but who was it????

So nothing seems obvious to me at all..... We do not even know that 'multiple' people were called imo.

The RBEG gave a description of two guys who test drove his truck. They apparently didn't kill this guy ! LE claims it was because the guy was too big to bother with. However if someone is prepared to kill someone, their size is irrelevant IMO. A taser, a knife, and a gun will work just as well on a big guy as a smaller guy. If RBEG was in front seat I am quite sure someone behind him could have killed him in one fell swoop if they had been so inclined. The neck/head area being a very easy target and a perfect place to strike IMO. Could have drove the body straight to the farm and rolled him out within 45 mins if the plan was just to kill someone !!! JMO Pour gasoline on him strike a match and destroy forensic evidence and off to Kleinburg....

Something else is going on here IMO.... and other people are involved imo..... In fact I would go as far as to say several other people are involved. JMO

We know that the burner phone was bouncing off of cell towers near DM's home, was used to call others aside from the RAM owners, and that at least three people were called: RBEG, the guy who made a date for a test drive but slept through it, and TB. If the burner phone was used to call friends of DM, it would be hard for him to explain how both his buddies and TB received a call from someone who was "not him", bouncing off the Mississauga cell towers by DM's home.
Well, he used the burner phone to call multiple people with similar trucks? Seems obvious? Unless test drive guy #1 is lying.

Or the phone was linked to a "Dellen Millard" the credit card account holder and name on an email address that is used by his friends. Maybe the calls were made on this phone but not by him.

If you can do some serious damage stealing a stranger's identity (and it happens every day) imagine what you can get away with when you steal an extremely trusting friend/boss' identity.

Perhaps this is the person that brought the chop shop to the hangar maybe less criminally at the beginning and the OC started to take over and call the shots slowly.

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Or the phone was linked to a "Dellen Millard" the credit card account holder and name on an email address that is used by his friends. Maybe the calls were made on this phone but not by him.

If you can do some serious damage stealing a stranger's identity (and it happens every day) imagine what you can get away with when you steal an extremely trusting friend/boss' identity.

Perhaps this is the person that brought the chop shop to the hangar maybe less criminally at the beginning and the OC started to take over and call the shots slowly.

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The stupid thing the phone owner did was assume that by providing a fake name when setting up the phone, that they were then anonymous. In fact, every time the phone is used the phone ID, carrier, cell tower used, number called, duration of call is recorded...and the phone, LE says, was not used only to call the RAM owners. If the phone bounces off towers local to DM's home and never calls DM himself but does call his buddies...well, that's telling.
Who is 'he' ? We do not know who actually called from that phone do we?

We know that the phone somehow linked to DM or to someone claiming to be DM or to someone calling for DM...or even to someone who left that number for someone to call and gave the name DM..... but who was it????

So nothing seems obvious to me at all..... We do not even know that 'multiple' people were called imo.

The RBEG gave a description of two guys who test drove his truck. They apparently didn't kill this guy ! LE claims it was because the guy was too big to bother with. However if someone is prepared to kill someone, their size is irrelevant IMO. A taser, a knife, and a gun will work just as well on a big guy as a smaller guy. If RBEG was in front seat I am quite sure someone behind him could have killed him in one fell swoop if they had been so inclined. The neck/head area being a very easy target and a perfect place to strike IMO. Could have drove the body straight to the farm and rolled him out within 45 mins if the plan was just to kill someone !!! JMO Pour gasoline on him strike a match and destroy forensic evidence and off to Kleinburg....

Something else is going on here IMO.... and other people are involved imo..... In fact I would go as far as to say several other people are involved. JMO

BBM It been determined the burner phone was tracked, traced, lead to be DM's, in his name and possibly found on DM in his possession or on his property. We've been through this so many times and it seems very clear the phone was DM's and he was the one interested it the trucks and coincidentally showed up at the test drives arranged through the burner phone. :deadhorse: I don't find it to be rock science in putting two and two together, connecting the dots and having an open mind when considering the evidence. :cow:

UBM Too big to bother with or too big to fit into the incinerator in DM and MS's thinking? Hmm. I believe they wanted to make it as simple as possibly and not have to act as butchers leading to more evidence to cover up. :cow:
We know that the burner phone was bouncing off of cell towers near DM's home, was used to call others aside from the RAM owners, and that at least three people were called: RBEG, the guy who made a date for a test drive but slept through it, and TB. If the burner phone was used to call friends of DM, it would be hard for him to explain how both his buddies and TB received a call from someone who was "not him", bouncing off the Mississauga cell towers by DM's home.

Not really, I am sure his friends and employees were often in said area.... For all we know DM may have lost his phone in the days prior...or maybe someone conveniently helped it to disappear and loaned DM their nice 'burner' phone as a real good friend and employee might do.... its all up for debate IMO
Or if someone borrowed his phone, (and then drew on a tattoo) RBEG wouldn't have to be lying. If your friend said to you "Oh no, my battery just died, can I borrow your phone to make a few calls?" Would you deny them that request, especially if you are they kind of person who buys his friends jet skis? For all we know, he bought the pay as you go phone for a friend, I mean, if you were going to buy a friend a phone, you wouldn't get the one with a monthly billing plan and contract, you'd get a pay as you go phone.

You mean a doppleganger friend of DM not only borrowed the phone, but also went for test drive with DM's pal MS? :waitasec:
Not really, I am sure his friends and employees were often in said area.... For all we know DM may have lost his phone in the days prior...or maybe someone conveniently helped it to disappear and loaned DM their nice 'burner' phone as a real good friend and employee might do.... its all up for debate IMO

You can buy a phone or SIM card anonymously, but in order to activate it you have to go online. You don't have to enter anything personally identifying, but the computer IP may be traced.

Patterns of calls will be telling. If DM is never called by the phone, that suggests it may be his. If the calls tend to connect to the tower nearest DM's home at all hours, that suggests it may be his.

LE has the phone records for this phone - we do not. Whatever excuses DM makes are going to have to fit with the pattern of use of the phone.

If it was a friends phone, you would expect most calls to originate from the cell tower nearest the friends home. It will all come out in the wash.
BBM It been determined the burner phone was tracked, traced, lead to be DM's, in his name and possibly found on DM in his possession or on his property.

The phone may have been activated with the fake name but may have been paid for with a credit card belonging to DM. I still highly doubt that a phone purchased in January wasn't used for 3 to 4 months until the test drives were arranged, so presumably there were other calls on record prior to May that LE was able to trace to DM.

The phone may have been activated with the fake name but may have been paid for with a credit card belonging to DM. I still highly doubt that a phone purchased in January wasn't used for 3 to 4 months until the test drives were arranged, so presumably there were other calls on record prior to May that LE was able to trace to DM.

LE did confirm other calls were made.

You don't actually have to tie the phone to a credit card. You can go into a 7-11 or Petro Canada and buy a phone + SIM or just a SIM, set it up online, and return to the same chain to buy prepaid cards with cash.

In this case only the store's security camera and possibly the application accessed online to set up the phone would record any trace of the purchaser. If only a SIM card was purchased, perhaps the phone purchase could be traced back from its IMEI.
You can buy a phone or SIM card anonymously, but in order to activate it you have to go online. You don't have to enter anything personally identifying, but the computer IP may be traced.

Patterns of calls will be telling. If DM is never called by the phone, that suggests it may be his. If the calls tend to connect to the tower nearest DM's home at all hours, that suggests it may be his.

LE has the phone records for this phone - we do not. Whatever excuses DM makes are going to have to fit with the pattern of use of the phone.

If it was a friends phone, you would expect most calls to originate from the cell tower nearest the friends home. It will all come out in the wash.

Why necessarily excuses? Maybe he has perfectly good reasons .... and hopefully it does all come out in the end/wash
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