General Discussion and Theories #2

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Why would they immobilize him immediately? The fact LE have a video of a blue Yukon on video which appears to be follow TB's truck, is great evidence IMHO to show the accused were not planning on returning to TB's house. The third vehicle could have remained at TB's house (if in fact that's where it was captured on video at his home). If there was a third suspect, IMO they have come forward to LE and have cleared themselves of any wrong doing. I myself do not believe their is a third suspect now. I believe by June 6th, they had clearer evidence it was DM's blue Yukon involved as stated by LE. :moo:

June 6th report:
Police earlier alleged the two men climbed into Bosma’s 2007 Dodge Ram and were then followed by a second car — Millard’s dark blue GMC Yukon. A third suspect was believed to be the person driving that second car.

Kavanagh now says police are not sure whether Smich, who is said to have been in the back seat of the truck while Millard was driving, exited that vehicle after leaving Bosma’s home and got into the driver’s seat of the Yukon.
“That is possible right now, yes, but I’m not going to commit either way,” Kavanagh said.
If there is a third suspect, Kavanagh said, police do not have any leads on who it might be.
Millard’s girlfriend, whose identity is protected by a court-ordered publication ban, is not believed to be involved, the detective said.
“Millard’s girlfriend has been cleared of that,” he said.
Thinking about the truck, the quick immobilization of TB, the entire set up of the Yukon at the end of the driveway out of sight from SB & TB, IMO, the type of truck was important because of the extended cab having separate doors for the rear seats. Seems like not all extended cab trucks have this feature, so IMHO, it wasn't the Ram they were looking for as much as a truck with this important 4 door feature. A Ram may be more preferred because DM already had one and disposing of the parts of another one may be easier. For DM & MS to execute a plan like this successfully, they would need an independent exit for the one sitting in the back. JMHO
Why would they immobilize him immediately? The fact LE have a video of a blue Yukon on video which appears to be follow TB's truck, is great evidence IMHO to show the accused were not planning on returning to TB's house. The third vehicle could have remained at TB's house (if in fact that's where it was captured on video at his home). If there was a third suspect, IMO they have come forward to LE and have cleared themselves of any wrong doing. I myself do not believe their is a third suspect now. I believe by June 6th, they had clearer evidence it was DM's blue Yukon involved as stated by LE. :moo:

June 6th report:
Police earlier alleged the two men climbed into Bosma’s 2007 Dodge Ram and were then followed by a second car — Millard’s dark blue GMC Yukon. A third suspect was believed to be the person driving that second car.

Kavanagh now says police are not sure whether Smich, who is said to have been in the back seat of the truck while Millard was driving, exited that vehicle after leaving Bosma’s home and got into the driver’s seat of the Yukon.
“That is possible right now, yes, but I’m not going to commit either way,” Kavanagh said.
If there is a third suspect, Kavanagh said, police do not have any leads on who it might be.
Millard’s girlfriend, whose identity is protected by a court-ordered publication ban, is not believed to be involved, the detective said.
“Millard’s girlfriend has been cleared of that,” he said.

How could the third vehicle have remained at TB's house if it was seen on video following them as they left?

However, I suppose there could be a fourth option as well:

After the 3 of them got in TB's truck, they told TB that one of them had decided not to go along for the test drive after all and they dropped him off at the end of the driveway to follow in the Yukon.

Doesn't seem very believable though IMO.

Thinking about the truck, the quick immobilization of TB, the entire set up of the Yukon at the end of the driveway out of sight from SB & TB, IMO, the type of truck was important because of the extended cab having separate doors for the rear seats. Seems like not all extended cab trucks have this feature, so IMHO, it wasn't the Ram they were looking for as much as a truck with this important 4 door feature. A Ram may be more preferred because DM already had one and disposing of the parts of another one may be easier. For DM & MS to execute a plan like this successfully, they would need an independent exit for the one sitting in the back. JMHO

I dont think 2- or 4-door had been considered as yet. Good thinking (for your theory anyhow...)

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However, I suppose there could be a fourth option as well:

After the 3 of them got in TB's truck, they told TB that one of them had decided not to go along for the test drive after all and they dropped him off at the end of the driveway to follow in the Yukon.

Doesn't seem very believable though IMO.


This is what I visualize ... what if the 3 get in Tim's truck, and by the time they exit right at the end of the drive, DM suggests to MS "hey, why don't you just follow us into Brantford .... so we don't have to drive all the way back. I'm staying at the Hampton .. we can meet there". They meet up at the Hampton cul de sac (I believe that's where Tim's cell was found, or ??). So Tim doesn't think it all that strange that he'll just drive home alone and DM and MS will stay at the Hampton or leave in the Yukon.
Q: How long does it take to get to Brantford from TB's with no traffic?

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This is what I visualize ... what if the 3 get in Tim's truck, and by the time they exit right at the end of the drive, DM suggests to MS "hey, why don't you just follow us into Brantford .... so we don't have to drive all the way back. I'm staying at the Hampton .. we can meet there". They meet up at the Hampton cul de sac (I believe that's where Tim's cell was found, or ??). So Tim doesn't think it all that strange that he'll just drive home alone and DM and MS will stay at the Hampton or leave in the Yukon.

That's possible. The phone was found in an industrial area near the Hampton. That would mean that, whatever happened, happened in Brantford. Or at the very least, they took control of TB in Brantford. Otherwise, DM would have had to manage it on his own while driving.

The truck was seen in downtown Brantford at 10:10. I'm not sure why they would go back through downtown if they were headed to the farm (or to the hangar). But if they left TB's at 9:20, that's a long time to get to Brantford. That's why I've felt that something happened before they went to Brantford, maybe at that empty building we talked about in Ancaster. Then they went to Brantford, dropped the phone and continued on to the farm. But that would mean that a 3rd person would have to be driving the Yukon.

Or, they had a different excuse for MS to drive separately and maybe going into Ancaster instead. Otherwise, TB would have gotten suspicious when they turned the wrong way at Wilson Street and headed away from Brantford. Sorry, I'm rambling while I think.

There's a map here of the area where the phone was found and pictures of the searches on Powerline Road.

This is what I visualize ... what if the 3 get in Tim's truck, and by the time they exit right at the end of the drive, DM suggests to MS "hey, why don't you just follow us into Brantford .... so we don't have to drive all the way back. I'm staying at the Hampton .. we can meet there". They meet up at the Hampton cul de sac (I believe that's where Tim's cell was found, or ??). So Tim doesn't think it all that strange that he'll just drive home alone and DM and MS will stay at the Hampton or leave in the Yukon.
Silly, I like the idea, but wasn't TB's cell phone turned off shortly after the test drive began?
Silly, I like the idea, but wasn't TB's cell phone turned off shortly after the test drive began?


Police say the cell phone was turned off shortly after 10:00 Monday night and hadn’t been turned back on since…


Police found the phone in an industrial area near Brantford; they say they’re able to get records of calls made to Bosma’s cell phone before it was shut off at about 10 p.m. on Monday
How could the third vehicle have remained at TB's house if it was seen on video following them as they left?

However, I suppose there could be a fourth option as well:

After the 3 of them got in TB's truck, they told TB that one of them had decided not to go along for the test drive after all and they dropped him off at the end of the driveway to follow in the Yukon.

Doesn't seem very believable though IMO.


Thanks for pointing that out AD. I meant second. But who knows, could have been three.
It is also possible that the Yukon innocently followed them the Brantford on their test drive, they parted ways and hopped back in the Yukon and headed elsewhere, while TB headed home from there. If it took 20 mins to get to Brantford, that would have put them at about 9:40. If TB then spent another 20 minutes driving home, that would put him back near his home near 10:00. When his phone was turned off a short time later, that would be when I would assume he was killed, and his truck was then driven back to Brantford, but by an anxious killer who made better time. Then the phone would have been dropped off, and I believe that I recall reading that the video footage near the phone drop site shows only the one vehicle, TB's, with no Yukon now following.

I would think, that if you had the choice to drive a recently murdered man around either on your own, or with a friend and trusted comrade trailing you, you would feel safer having an escort in case something happened. Therefore it wouldn't make sense to me to split up, unless they actually did go their separate ways after the test drive, DM and MS one way and TB, alive, went the other way.
One never knows the "real" truth/facts when reading MSM reporting, however wasn't it thought/reported that DM & MS may have explained away their non visible delivery vehicle by suggesting a friend dropped them off? I know it was reported as an investigative possibility in the G&M Jun. 6th 2013.

&#8220;In reality, it could have been Smich,&#8221; said Staff Sgt. Kavanagh. &#8220;Smich could have got out of the Bosma truck and into the Yukon. So that&#8217;s why I say I'm not sure.&#8221;

The other possibility under investigation is that a third person dropped the pair off at Mr. Bosma&#8217;s home and then followed them as they drove west to Brantford and beyond.

If the above reporting is accurate and the drop off was explained as such to TB then TB's suspicions should have been raised if suddenly the "missing" vehicle was mentioned at the end of the driveway. However, perhaps they were in control of TB by then anyway.

Sounds pretty good SB, but I personally suspect TB's phone was found elsewhere. JMO
Sounds pretty good SB, but I personally suspect TB's phone was found elsewhere. JMO

What makes you suspect that, AA?


A Hamilton police news conference on Friday morning revealed that Bosma’s cell phone was found late Thursday in an “industrial area in west Brantford,” but police would not narrow down where it was found.

Hamilton Police have revealed the missing man’s cell phone was found late Thursday in an industrial area in the west end of Brantford.

On Friday afternoon, a Brantford police officer closed a portion of Fen Ridge Court and searched the ground near the trail entrance at about 1:45 p.m.

Police kept the area blocked off until about 2:15 p.m., when two police ATVs and a motorbike pulled into the court.

Fen Ridge Court is an industrial zoned area of west Brantford. But yes ... would it actually take from "late Thursday" to "Friday afternoon" for LE to cordone off such an important area, and for only half an hour?

What makes you suspect that, AA?


Fen Ridge Court is an industrial zoned area of west Brantford. But yes ... would it actually take from "late Thursday" to "Friday afternoon" for LE to cordone off such an important area, and for only half an hour?

Just my guess, based on (MSM photos, the crime, timeline, LE response at the time, where they looked, etc.)
Just my guess, based on (MSM photos, the crime, timeline, LE response at the time, where they looked, etc.)

Your guess holds a heck of a lot more credibility than most, Arch. So, where do you think it was found?
I just watched a 48 hours about Christopher Porco being found guilty for murdering his father. It never ceases to amaze me in the face of overwhelming evidence that someone is guilty, there are always those people that still believe the person charged is innocent and they just sound so ridiculous. ( like the defense attorneys )
Great line the prosecutor said.... It is either one of two things, he is either guilty or he is the unluckiest person in the world.
Porco was living well beyond his means, had forged his father's signature on bank loans and when the father had found out then he killed his father and failed at killing his mother with an axe, for the insurance money. The mother when asked who had done this to her on the night in question nodded yes when the detective asked her if Chris had done this to her. 3 paramedics witnessed this. One of the defense's arguments was... do you think he would be so stupid as to park his yellow jeep in the parents driveway while he killed them. A neighbour witnessed the jeep in the driveway the night of the murder and the defense tried discounting the neighbours testimony by saying it was most likely a false memory. Yeah, OK.

I think sociopaths think they are so much smarter than the rest of us and that they cannot get caught.
His brother and he were estranged. The father at one point had told the mother he thought their son may be a sociopath.
I remember someone on this site at the very beginning of the TB murder, saying follow the money. This would of course be regarding the death of WM.
With TB I think DM just thought he was so much smarter and would never be caught. He wanted that truck, period.
Just me rambling and MOO.
Have we followed the money???
I am sure I will be glued to my TV on the night they air The TB story.
Great interview with SB. She is one amazingly strong, young, woman. I wish here continued success with "Tim's Tribute".

I found it very telling in the first video around 5:00 minutes in the first segment, SB appears very reassured she recognized DM and MS. She smiles and nods her head yes and says um hm, not only in recognition of what the reporter had read, but in recognition of how she still feels about the accused. Although she said she cannot answer that question from the reporter, physical ques speak loudly. MOO
I just watched a 48 hours about Christopher Porco being found guilty for murdering his father. It never ceases to amaze me in the face of overwhelming evidence that someone is guilty, there are always those people that still believe the person charged is innocent and they just sound so ridiculous. ( like the defense attorneys )
Great line the prosecutor said.... It is either one of two things, he is either guilty or he is the unluckiest person in the world.
Porco was living well beyond his means, had forged his father's signature on bank loans and when the father had found out then he killed his father and failed at killing his mother with an axe, for the insurance money. The mother when asked who had done this to her on the night in question nodded yes when the detective asked her if Chris had done this to her. 3 paramedics witnessed this. One of the defense's arguments was... do you think he would be so stupid as to park his yellow jeep in the parents driveway while he killed them. A neighbour witnessed the jeep in the driveway the night of the murder and the defense tried discounting the neighbours testimony by saying it was most likely a false memory. Yeah, OK

I think sociopaths think they are so much smarter than the rest of us and that they cannot get caught.
His brother and he were estranged. The father at one point had told the mother he thought their son may be a sociopath.
I remember someone on this site at the very beginning of the TB murder, saying follow the money. This would of course be regarding the death of WM.
With TB I think DM just thought he was so much smarter and would never be caught. He wanted that truck, period.
Just me rambling and MOO.
Have we followed the money???
I am sure I will be glued to my TV on the night they air The TB story.

IMO strongly again....another great examole of a heinous murder was the OJ SIMPSON CAse...remember how it was PUBLISHED on T>v...I was gliued like millions...and to be HONEST...embarrassed to say the time of the trail I thought..." hey maybe O.J is INNOCENT..his children were sleeping in that house while Nicole ...OJ murdered his wife...My mind thought how could someone murder their wife with his kids inside!

As you all know in the civil TRIAL he was found GUILTY...and was abusing her for you may wonder why am I saying this...Because when murder is commited ...THERE seems to be no LOGICAL rules....Obviously a murderer does not have a conscioius like your average person...and IMO I believe like many here.....DM was desparate ...I gotta hide TB truck and get rid of his body....and do it fast....I think Panic set in...and I am not sure if this was a planned murder ...something MAY have gone terribly Idea who actually killed TB....IMO it was done QUICK in his RAM Pick up truck Police said..".that night" and" the TRUCK was the target"...all else remains to be seen.......IMO I must admit I do NOT understand some of the posters NOT wanting to Believe BOTH accused are GUILTY....YA I know everyone is entitled to their OPINION( I RESPECT THAT ONE) my mind it is OBVIOUS...just stating my personal opinin here....some explanation in my mind are very outrageous....JIMO..respectfully posted...hey reminds me of Christopher Columbus..robynhood..
Great interview with SB. She is one amazingly strong, young, woman. I wish here continued success with "Tim's Tribute".

I found it very telling in the first video around 5:00 minutes in the first segment, SB appears very reassured she recognized DM and MS. She smiles and nods her head yes and says um hm, not only in recognition of what the reporter had read, but in recognition of how she still feels about the accused. Although she said she cannot answer that question from the reporter, physical ques speak loudly. MOO

Sometimes gestures and silence appear to mean what we want them to mean. I think people who know SB personally might know how to read her, but we don't. The smile and hesitation could also be her polite acknowledgement to interviewer that he knows she cannot answer that question and why. Instead of saying "you know very well I cant answer that, so why bring it up?" she smiles because she's on tv and answers like a decent person would.

And someone else can interpret it a third way, etc. So its not so telling, IMO.

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