General Discussion and Theories

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Has anyone found any evidence that might have inspired the police source in this article to cite "The Following" as a possible theory?

Unless some witness, an individual within the circle of DM, or even DM himself said it, that would be inadmissible during the prosecution. There are so many things which could have influenced the decisions made to steal the truck and to kill Tim. Ultimately, it's the facts alone which will determine what really happened and reasonable doubt regarding those facts being removed.

The trials of the accused are so far away. In the meantime, we are left watching and waiting for more official details to be released. If it's hard for us, imagine what the poor family is going through night after night when a father, husband and son is no longer there.
After following the Russell Williams case, I never fully omit any theory. If someone stated early in the case that they felt that the head of our Canadian Military, broke into houses, modelled bra/panties/photographed himself, then stole the bra and panties for keepsake and kept a diary about it, then sexually assault, then eventually murder his victims......
ummm I would think you were off your rocker. In the end it was all true!!!!

Stranger things have happened, anything is possible!!!

Great point. Open minds are a good thing, when dealing with psychopaths.
Just so we're clear, this is your opinion, right? Not an official source, or someone else's opinion, or anything other than your own opinion?

lol most definitely it is MOO infact it could be JMO and not the opinion of anyone else !!!! So totally MOO !!!:moo:
lol most definitely it is MOO infact it could be JMO and not the opinion of anyone else !!!! So totally MOO !!!:moo:

Imo, you guys are quite the pair! We had this EXACT same discussion in other threads. How ironic.


Ernesto, I generally agree with your posts and we often both seem to come at things from a place of trying to be logical/realistic about what is likely to have happened. But I see in this thread you also do reject the "thrill kill" idea. That is my personal belief about what went down--"let's kill someone, and free truck as a bonus", just without the extra sensationalist stuff like satanism and snuff videos tacked on.

But if you don't think it was a thrill kill--which is a thing that happens--what do you think DID happen?

Thanks Ariane, I too appreciate your posts.

I don't follow the "thrill kill" theory for a number of reasons, chiefly because they could have achieved the same effect with far less traveling and far less risk. They could have chosen any street person, or abducted someone on an empty street where no one was watching... but they went through a lengthy process of tracking down a particular truck, and drove to Ancaster to get it (EDIT - from a person who would clearly be missed). It just doesn't make sense from that perspective. That, coupled with the fact that the whole idea of "thrill killing" is extremely sensationalist, it's not a common thing, and it would be extremely bizarre for these two guys to come together a participate in such a heinous act.

I haven't put together a cohesive theory because the facts are so incredibly disjointed for me. These are the problems I have with the case:

  1. DM is extremely wealthy, and could buy 10 of these trucks if he wanted them
  2. The evidence was left all over DM's properties, which seems implausible even for the dumbest criminal
  3. Both DM and MS made no attempt to further hide the evidence after depositing it at the hangar, the farm, and DM's mother's house - DM wasn't captured for days after allegedly doing all of this
Those issues lead to these questions for me:

  1. Why would DM involve himself in stealing a truck?
  2. Why would he allow himself to be seen by SB, and potentially anyone else who could have been home at the time?
  3. Why steal it in a way that could easily cause the situation that led to TB's death?
  4. Why would the two of them not spend more time getting rid of the evidence?
Let's say you are a who wants a truck but can't afford it, or you have the money but don't want to pay. You find this truck on Kijiji, way over in Ancaster. Let's say you know that hotwiring this truck is impossible, requiring the key fob, and loading it onto your trailer by the cover of night would be too loud and near impossible. What would your plan be? I think the first part makes sense. You use a burner phone, and you find out where the truck is by calling the owner and arranging a test drive. That's the easy part. The hard part is deciding how to take the key fob from the owner. There are three possibilities here.

  1. Carjack the owner when they come home in the evening or leave in the morning, using disguises - don't need to kill anyone, just take the guy out of his truck at gun/knife point, tie him up, and drive off to your waiting trailer
  2. Wear disguises, show up to your "test drive", accost the owner in his home, restrain him and the other occupants, and drive away to your waiting trailer
  3. Take the test drive without disguises, knowing full well the owner and any other occupants of his home will see your face, toss him out on some remote dirt road, and drive to your waiting trailer
I think the idea that DM and MS cooked up a scheme to steal a truck (just to see if they could get away with it) is entirely possible. The fantasy of robbing a bank or committing a heist is common amongst young men who think they're invincible... I just find it so incredibly hard to believe that these guys had no proper plan in place, and the idea was simply to walk up to his home, be seen by the occupants of his home, take him on a test drive, and then realize "crap, what do we do with this guy?!"... it defies logic! They've seen enough movies and TV, know enough about how this stuff works, and had plenty of time to plan how they were going to do it.

Also, a small curiosity - if a stranger came to your house, with a very tiny tattoo of the word "ambition" on his wrist, do you think you'd see it? I think the guy must have asked DM what it said. I have not seen a single photo in MSM or elsewhere where the tattoo is legible, it's so small.
I think the tattoo would be legible if the person who noticed it was sitting next to DM and his hands were on the steering wheel. JMO (!)
I think the tattoo would be legible if the person who noticed it was sitting next to DM and his hands were on the steering wheel. JMO (!)

Ahhh yes, very good point. I didn't think of that... lol
Also, a small curiosity - if a stranger came to your house, with a very tiny tattoo of the word "ambition" on his wrist, do you think you'd see it? I think the guy must have asked DM what it said. I have not seen a single photo in MSM or elsewhere where the tattoo is legible, it's so small.

Which guy do you mean asked DM what it said? first truck owner or TB
After reading my own post a couple of times, here's my theory (assuming that DM would do this, despite having enough money to buy the truck):

DM and MS fantasize about stealing a truck and chopping it. They know the 5.9L Cummins Ram is rare and worth a lot of money, so they go about finding a worthy candidate. They buy a burner phone, make a few calls, and finally settle on TB's after the failed test drive with the first guy. The plan is to take the test drive (hopefully without TB), and if he insists on coming, take his phone from him and kick him out in a remote area where it will take him a while to reach a phone to call the police. They would then take the truck to the waiting trailer, and they're gone. Unfortunately, TB fought back, and was killed in the struggle, likely by MS (as I don't think DM has it in him, and MS is more of a "" type). They panic, and attempt to get rid of all the evidence.

I think this theory works up until here... and then it breaks down. The evidence was left in such a way that if DM was identified SOMEHOW, he was toast. All of those properties were registered in his name (and I know this because I have electronic access to the land registry, and I actually identified the Roseville Road farm as his 2 days before it was reported). They scattered evidence all over his own property, and left it out in the open. If DM was an extremely stupid, ignorant person, I could almost believe this part.. but there is no indication he is that dumb. I just can't figure this part out.
Which guy do you mean asked DM what it said? first truck owner or TB

The first truck owner, but as matou pointed out, he could easily have seen it while sitting beside him during the first test drive.
Can anyone bear one more observation about wiping hard drives?

Absolutely there is software out there that will make your data unrecoverable...either by wiping a whole disk or on a file by file basis.

If you want to wipe a whole disk by overwriting it repeatedly, you're going to have that software running for hours. Afterwards your computer will be as useful as a paperweight.

From that point you are looking at formatting the disk, another hour to reinstall Windows, MS Office is another common long install, you have to reconfigure email, you're going to have to reinstall all your games, weird drivers and other applications one by one

You probably put in at least an hour of prep time if you are totally organized to get a list of installed applications, preserve documents, application data and the email you want to keep, make sure you have all your logins/passwords, etc.

In other words, to wipe a hard drive and reconfigure it to where it was anew, less anything incriminating, is going to take you at least the afternoon if you have done it before and pretty much the whole day if not (because sometimes dialog boxes pop up during the middle of a long install and if you are not expecting them your install can be hung up waiting for your input until you get back to it. It takes too long to do a manual install to sit there in front of the computer and wait with baited breath for the next dialog box.) And you can still screw up if you reintroduce files from before the wipe.

If you chose to use an application like File Shredder to wipe files on a per file basis....well there are too many ways parts of a file can remain buried within the system.

So...easier said than done
The first truck owner, but as matou pointed out, he could easily have seen it while sitting beside him during the first test drive.

Interesting...going a bit further with this train of thought, if first truck owner saw it, but said nothing then DM could go on the assumption he was basically unidentifiable, however if TB saw it and asked what it said(being that it was in the dark and not as easy to read it), DM then knows he could be identified if they went ahead with theft of the truck, so either DM or MS panics in the truck, and whatever happened from there causing TB to be killed
Does it seem most plausible that MS would be the one to do the killing? He seems like a looser cannon, riskier lifestyle than DM.
Ernesto, I have to say that your theory rings truer than anything I've heard so far. Well thought out and well said.
Please remember we do not allow the calling out of other posters or accusing someone of being a troll.

Thank You
After reading my own post a couple of times, here's my theory (assuming that DM would do this, despite having enough money to buy the truck):

DM and MS fantasize about stealing a truck and chopping it. They know the 5.9L Cummins Ram is rare and worth a lot of money, so they go about finding a worthy candidate. They buy a burner phone, make a few calls, and finally settle on TB's after the failed test drive with the first guy. The plan is to take the test drive (hopefully without TB), and if he insists on coming, take his phone from him and kick him out in a remote area where it will take him a while to reach a phone to call the police. They would then take the truck to the waiting trailer, and they're gone. Unfortunately, TB fought back, and was killed in the struggle, likely by MS (as I don't think DM has it in him, and MS is more of a "" type). They panic, and attempt to get rid of all the evidence.

I think this theory works up until here... and then it breaks down. The evidence was left in such a way that if DM was identified SOMEHOW, he was toast. All of those properties were registered in his name (and I know this because I have electronic access to the land registry, and I actually identified the Roseville Road farm as his 2 days before it was reported). They scattered evidence all over his own property, and left it out in the open. If DM was an extremely stupid, ignorant person, I could almost believe this part.. but there is no indication he is that dumb. I just can't figure this part out.

Your first paragraph, outlining what you think transpired, I agree with as a very strong possibility and perhaps the likeliest! I think that MS, the guy who probably sat in the back, went berserk and was completely out of control (adrenaline surge mixed with fear and maybe some drugs), choking out Tim to the point of no return -- MOO. The plan was blown, they panicked, a lot of fast exchange of ideas on what to do with Tim (don't forget the effect of stress, especially stress with a time element to it), and the body of Tim was burned in a hasty effort to rid themselves of a corpse. Again, JMO.

What everyone overlooks, in my opinion, is that crimes are never perfectly planned, and that is why we have so many people incarcerated in jails, and so many ex-cons walking in our midst. Stealing a large, very visible object like a truck is risky business from the get-go and even more so when you have an owner in the truck with you. I know I keep quoting him, but James Van Allen has pointed out that DM has a risk-taker personality, according to his profile, and that he is also characterized as being exploitive. To exploit a situation is something natural to him. Plus, he's in his 20s, a young man who has done amazingly exhilarating feats from his early youth, and this will form part of his approach to challenges.

If it really does come down to this, then the proper thing to do would be to take Tim to emergency at the hospital and then turn themselves in.

Instead, their screwed up and arrogant minds were revealed when they chose to burn him.
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