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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Seriously, all that is required is removal of the hard drive and a hammer. Pound the HD to dust and no-one is ever retrieving that. Nice new clean HD and fresh OS install and it's all over but the crying. If I had the slightest inkling that "The Boys" were coming to seize my PC and there was even the slightest notion that there might even be something there...that's precisely what I would do.

AL, the CT school shooter deleted his hd then smashed the crap out of it with a hammer and screwdriver. LE computer forensics were still able to retrieve loads of data from his HD
What's not realistic is an innocent man went for a test drive, was murdered and burned.

What and who are depraved are the animals that did that.

Anything and any THEORY is possible.

Does depravity have a sliding scale of severity? Can you be only a little depraved?


I agree that what appears to be an innocent man has been murdered and burned.

I agree that anyone who murders someone in cold blood and then attempts to burn the evidence is a depraved act.

I actually do think that depravity has a sliding scale but thats JMO.
For example someone who enjoys watching a menage a trois may be considered depraved by some but not as depraved as the murder we are discussing JMO

I actually don't think any theory is possible imo, some theories are extremely unlikely based on the evidence available. It's easy to come up with theories but imo to come up with a viable theory has to be based on many avenues being investigated and eliminated, or discounted unless another piece of evidence should cause it to be reintroduced as a possibilty. JMO though at the end of the day...
It just so happens that the last person Babcock called was D, and his father commits suicide shortly thereafter...Well, coincidences do happen....right?

Yes, coincidences do happen, but there is no "clear" conclusion to any of the speculations you are making. WM's suicide and Babcock's disappearance are very lofty theories based on extremely shaky coincidental information.
You have stepped into trolling territory, my friend. Babcock and WM's suicide are WILD SPECULATION at this point. There is absolutely ZERO evidence that DM had anything to do with either of those cases. How exactly do these situations "clearly" label DM a sociopath?!

If it's wild speculation, why are LE looking into Laura Babcock's disappearance and probing a connection between her and DM? Also, DM's father's death is being investigated.
Why? Isn't it just as possible that they did anything else? Cannibalized the body? Made a sacrifice to a pagan god? Sure you can come up with all kind of wildly morbid theories, but they are not realistic. It is ridiculous to think that based on all of the events we know about, that they would film any part of this. There is absolutely no evidence to support that theory, including the fact that MS was an actor in a violent rap video. The photo of DM with the bloody eye? I can show you a hundred similar pics that are very likely photoshopped or are halloween makeup photos. It means absolutely nothing.

You have to try to imagine the depravity and the psychology that would be behind filming yourself murdering a person, it is not a simple thing that you can just apply to two seemingly normal people. Look at the very few reported cases of people filming a murder for kicks, and I guarantee you that NONE of those cases will be anywhere close to similar to this one.

Filming it is unlikely but still possible. Let's say DM did take part in all of this and it was an auto theft/robbery gone bad...but you posed the question to someone who knew DM pretty good and asked "Knowing that DM has money/property/vehicles, would you think he might ever rob a man for his $27,000 2007 truck?" that person is more than likely going to say you are crazy for thinking/asking saying he might have filmed it is not too far fetched when you consider the reason to be a botched then one can see ya he did not need the money but he needed the RUSH....well then of course he could have filmed the crime too because if he needs the RUSH, he would want to watch his actions from time to time when he needs his RUSH fix. So far nothing in this case seems what it is, so for now, many scenarios are possible I think.
AL, the CT school shooter deleted his hd then smashed the crap out of it with a hammer and screwdriver. LE computer forensics were still able to retrieve loads of data from his HD

Sorry to keep re-iterating this, but deleting files and then hitting the drive chassis with a hammer is still not the same as overwriting files. I know it is comforting to believe in unlimited technical powers of LE, but for every case where we hear about data retrieval I'm sure there are a thousand where the perp used the overwrite method instead.

This is easily google-able for anyone wants to understand how it works, so I'm going to drop it now.
It is not wild speculation, it is a very strong possibility.

I completely agree. So I wonder why mentioning this strong possibility is like entering "troll territory"???
I completely agree. So I wonder why mentioning this strong possibility is like entering "troll territory"???

Not sure, but I highly doubt an "innocent" DM had nothing to do with the TB murder (which he denies), or his fathers suicide by a gun to the eye, or the fact that TBs body was found on his property as well as TBs truck which was found at his mothers place.....oh and Laura Babcock just happened to make her last call to DM....He's gotta be a sociopath..

What do you think?
It is not wild speculation, it is a very strong possibility.

Again, how is it a "strong" possibility? How can you possibly label it as such? Of course LE are looking into other odd things that have happened in DM's life, but that does not directly lead to DM "clearly" being a sociopath, nor does that lead to a "strong" possibility that he was directly involved in those other cases.
Funny thing is none of us on WS has any evidence. All we have are the limited statements from LE as seen on Police pressers which hints at much more evidence in their possession and to come. Some here have been sleuthing, doing helpful stuff like that done around the truck and its specialness and a few other things. Most of us including me have been twisting in the wind. Thoughts of this crime haunt my mind day & night. As I'm sure it does others. I have my own take on this situation but it is not coherent or helpful at this point. I thank those who have tried to grapple with all of this, throwing out their thoughts. Some have been somewhat fantastical but others have stimulated my own thoughts. While we wait for more developments there really isn't much we can do but speculate and respond - respectfully - to those speculations as we are touched by them. I hope that our dark fears, and such they are, are not realized in the evidence to come. MHO
Funny thing is none of us on WS has any evidence. All we have are the limited statements from LE as seen on Police pressers which hints at much more evidence in their possession and to come. Some here have been sleuthing, doing helpful stuff like that done around the truck and its specialness and a few other things. Most of us including me have been twisting in the wind. Thoughts of this crime haunt my mind day & night. As I'm sure it does others. I have my own take on this situation but it is not coherent or helpful at this point. I thank those who have tried to grapple with all of this, throwing out their thoughts. Some have been somewhat fantastical but others have stimulated my own thoughts. While we wait for more developments there really isn't much we can do but speculate and respond - respectfully - to those speculations as we are touched by them. I hope that our dark fears, and such they are, are not realized in the evidence to come. MHO

Good post.

Some speculations, in the forum, I agree with, while others I do not - but it does not make others' speculations wrong/not possible/troll like...I just move past them with no comment.

After following the R.Williams case.......ANYTHING is possible!!!!
Good post.

Some speculations, in the forum, I agree with, while others I do not - but it does not make others' speculations wrong/not possible/troll like...I just move past them with no comment.

Sure it does. What if my theory was that they were probably going to use TB to make a special kind of jet fuel that would help them power a spaceship that would take them to Venus?

It's the theories that deal with snuff films, thrill-killing, satanic worship, sexual gratification etc that really bug me, because in the end they are just morbid fantasy. They aren't rooted in any kind of realistic precedent, more akin to a crazy movie screenplay. It's irritating to read that kind of nonsense in amongst the really thoughtful, interesting stuff based on fact and real-world knowledge.
I can see both sides here--I'm usually far more interested in what the established facts can tell us than in extrapolating / speculating scenarios that *require* us to suspend disbelief with a bunch of extra steps thrown in. I just don't see the point, honestly, but I can observe here that it's how many people choose to pass the time between released facts.

In short, I think there's a difference between "sleuthing" and "guessing".

I think the problems arise when people start framing their guesses as established facts.

Ernesto, I generally agree with your posts and we often both seem to come at things from a place of trying to be logical/realistic about what is likely to have happened. But I see in this thread you also do reject the "thrill kill" idea. That is my personal belief about what went down--"let's kill someone, and free truck as a bonus", just without the extra sensationalist stuff like satanism and snuff videos tacked on.

But if you don't think it was a thrill kill--which is a thing that happens--what do you think DID happen?
Sure it does. What if my theory was that they were probably going to use TB to make a special kind of jet fuel that would help them power a spaceship that would take them to Venus?

It's the theories that deal with snuff films, thrill-killing, satanic worship, sexual gratification etc that really bug me, because in the end they are just morbid fantasy. They aren't rooted in any kind of realistic precedent, more akin to a crazy movie screenplay. It's irritating to read that kind of nonsense in amongst the really thoughtful, interesting stuff based on fact and real-world knowledge.

I would wonder what you are smoking and skip your post. LOL

Ernesto, I generally agree with your posts and we often both seem to come at things from a place of trying to be logical/realistic about what is likely to have happened. But I see in this thread you also do reject the "thrill kill" idea. That is my personal belief about what went down--"let's kill someone, and free truck as a bonus", just without the extra sensationalist stuff like satanism and snuff videos tacked on.

But if you don't think it was a thrill kill--which is a thing that happens--what do you think DID happen?

That is what I think went down too. Both DM and MS fancy themselves film producers, that is why the filming the death is not so far fetched. Also, it does seem that we are seeing more crimes being recorded. Sometimes by an innocent by-stander and others by the criminal himself/herself. ie. Russell Williams, Benardo/Holmoka
What if by some fluke the 3rd suspect was a young offender/patsy ? just something I was wondering....
After following the Russell Williams case, I never fully omit any theory. If someone stated early in the case that they felt that the head of our Canadian Military, broke into houses, modelled bra/panties/photographed himself, then stole the bra and panties for keepsake and kept a diary about it, then sexually assault, then eventually murder his victims......
ummm I would think you were off your rocker. In the end it was all true!!!!

Stranger things have happened, anything is possible!!!
That is what I think went down too. Both DM and MS fancy themselves film producers, that is why the filming the death is not so far fetched. Also, it does seem that we are seeing more crimes being recorded. Sometimes by an innocent by-stander and others by the criminal himself/herself. ie. Russell Williams, Benardo/Holmoka

LE have pretty much confirmed he TB died inside the likely it was not filmed.
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