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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I know it's been talked about but the other PL also gives me a weird feeling
Without sleuthing Lowe, (since he in not a suspect or victim), we have to assume that he has worked in social media to some degree as he has stated. I am sure that considering he was around people that knew him for many years to varying degrees, if his story was bogus or he couldn't be trusted, he would not have been allowed "in" as far as he was.
I haven't posted much, but have been reading many of the discussions. It has become difficult to keep up. Anyhow, thought I'd share my theory. It likely has many holes in it and it's not logical because it comes from a dream that felt very real. I'm going on intuition and nothing else.

Two men drove the Yukon to TB's home. TB got into his truck with both of the men, DM and MS. DM got behind the wheel of TB's truck. MS was dropped off at the Yukon because it was parked down the road a bit. MS drove the Yukon behind DM and TB. They all pulled over at the location where TB's phone was found to make an unreasonable deal and shake TB up a bit with an intimidating offer. In my dream DM tells TB he wants the truck for $9 to which TB laughs and says they are both idiots for suggesting that. A confrontation, argument then struggle occurs and TB is killed by (ultimately) MS. In my dream both DM and MS seemed panicked (hence getting rid of the phone quickly and irrationally), because there was no intention to kill, it was more that TB ended up being seriously injured and they would have 100% been charged with assault or even death because they had knocked him out. DM tells MS to take the body to Ayr, while he takes TB's truck to the hanger to put into the trailer. DM meets MS on his property in Ayr to rid the body the best they can and later takes the trailer to mom's.

I realize a lot is missing. . .again it was a weird but vivid dream.

If the events played out in a similar way as above, it makes a bit of sense why they are pleading innocent. No intent to kill/not a thrill kill. No forcible confinement on either end. MS feels he is not directly attached to the disposal of the body because it's not on his property. MS also didn't end up with the truck (on DMs mom's property) and DM didn't actually do the killing. What's more, they likely think the way in which they got rid of the body provides insufficient evidence for proper conviction. They think they are innocent.
This is a long but great article in my opinion, chalked full of valuable information, but leaving me with so many questions. It gives us the opinion from one professional person's point of view as to how DM was more than likely perceived by others/many. I have copied and pasted and rearranged bits and pieces from the article which I felt were significant points. Why the need to lie to Millardair employees about the case of WM death? To me that in itself is very suspicious. Does anyone know if WM's ashes were buried in a cemetery? I think it would be interesting to know what happened to them if they were not buried. Did DM murder his father because he was fearful/resentful once his father remarried he would no longer be included in WM's will or would have to share WM's estate with WM's new wife? IMO I get the impression DM was not fully aware of the value/financial situation of the business until after WM's death (Otherwise why question Mr. Sharif about the value of the company). Did DM assume prior to his father's death he was sitting on a gold mine and after his father's death learn the business was actually in debt? If the business wasn't doing well in the 90's when Carl was still alive, where was the money coming from to support the business and how did WM come up with the money to fund the construction of the new hangar? Was this DM's reason for then trying to figure out other ways to make money, ie. stealing vehicles, the chop shop, dealing in drugs, involved in prostitution? If the business of the hangar was in debt, how was DM able to come up with money/cash to make the purchases of properties? The illegal things I listed above? Did he sell planes and other items from the hangar to make money? The business is a whole separate entity from the properties purchased/owned by DM. Could he have taken/borrowed money from the business to purchase these properties? So many questions. It is my own opinion that the business was not free and clear and we will find out eventually there is a huge debt load hanging over the business. Just because DP claims DM is a millionaire or has ample money, those are only words. I guess if we take into account the fact DM owns his properties outright, yes we could consider him a milllionairre. Question is, where did he get the money from to purchase these properties? My guess is illegal/shady dealings and borrowing money from the business. JMO

Al Sharif was happy to have only limited contact with Dellen Millard, the boss’s son and the guy in charge of hangar construction. As far as Mr. Sharif and other executives at the company were concerned, Dellen and his red mohawk spelled trouble.

“I thought he was just a spoilt little brat who had his way all his life and didn't appreciate what his father was doing for him,” said Mr. Sharif. “He was an impediment to the hangar operation” who didn't meet his deadlines, almost never arrived at work before noon, and refused to clear his collection of cars, jeeps, hot rods, jet skis and personal airplanes from the business premises.

Dellen began asking Mr. Sharif about the value of the company and why his 71-year-old father, Wayne Millard, should continue to fund a venture whose costs already far exceeded the original estimates. “He advised [me] that the family coffers were running low and that he was very apprehensive to keep pouring money into the facility.

Less than two weeks later, 0n Nov. 29, 2012, Wayne Millard died, reportedly of a gunshot wound to the head in the family’s suburban Toronto home. Mr. Sharif says he and others were shocked to learn after the Bosma murder that Wayne had not died from natural causes. All things considered, Mr. Sharif still finds it hard to believe that the client he had grown so fond of as they worked closely together would commit suicide. “[There was] unfinished business,” he said. “He had more reasons to live than to die.” Police sources also told Toronto’s CityNews that Wayne had announced shortly before his death that he was in love and engaged to be married.
Does anyone know if WM's ashes were buried in a cemetery? I think it would be interesting to know what happened to them if they were not buried.

WM's ashes are interred at Riverside Crematorium in Etobicoke.
This is a long but great article in my opinion, chalked full of valuable information, but leaving me with so many questions. It gives us the opinion from one professional person's point of view as to how DM was more than likely perceived by others/many.

Why the need to lie to Millardair employees about the case of WM death?

Was this DM's reason for then trying to figure out other ways to make money, ie. stealing vehicles, the chop shop, dealing in drugs, involved in prostitution?

<bbm> <rsbm>

That's certainly one person's opinion. There are others in various articles linked to throughout these threads, that didn't match this particular one IMO.

I imagine there are a lot of people who don't share the details with the world when a loved one commits suicide. JMO

As far as I recall, there has been no evidence of DM dealing drugs, other than SL stating he gave them to LB (hearsay). Do you have an MSM link to the statement that DM was involved in prostitution? Can you post it please?
<bbm> <rsbm>

That's certainly one person's opinion. There are others in various articles linked to throughout these threads, that didn't match this particular one IMO.

I imagine there are a lot of people who don't share the details with the world when a loved one commits suicide. JMO

As far as I recall, there has been no evidence of DM dealing drugs, other than SL stating he gave them to LB (hearsay). Do you have an MSM link to the statement that DM was involved in prostitution? Can you post it please?

I can't remember where I saw the prostitution info, but there has been discussion on these pages about the "soft" *advertiser censored* photo shoot with him credited as the photographer.

"Meanwhile, Hamilton homicide detectives are also examining a photo gallery posted on a paid adult website credit Dellen Millard as the photographer.
A profile on Suicide Girls — a soft-core *advertiser censored* website - shows a young model named “Josie” posing in and around a vintage DC-4 airplane.
The name on the plane reads “MILLARDAIR.”
The profile says the photo gallery was posted February 17, 2005."

There were very explicit photos in this set but I can't find them now. Might find them in a search here?

I can't remember where I saw the prostitution info, but there has been discussion on these pages about the "soft" *advertiser censored* photo shoot with him credited as the photographer.

"Meanwhile, Hamilton homicide detectives are also examining a photo gallery posted on a paid adult website credit Dellen Millard as the photographer.
A profile on Suicide Girls — a soft-core *advertiser censored* website - shows a young model named “Josie” posing in and around a vintage DC-4 airplane.
The name on the plane reads “MILLARDAIR.”
The profile says the photo gallery was posted February 17, 2005."

There were very explicit photos in this set but I can't find them now. Might find them in a search here?


Thanks, Tikki. I'm aware of the photo shoot pictures. I don't really think taking Penthouse style photos really translates into being "involved in prostitution" though. JMO
<bbm> <rsbm>

That's certainly one person's opinion. There are others in various articles linked to throughout these threads, that didn't match this particular one IMO.

I imagine there are a lot of people who don't share the details with the world when a loved one commits suicide. JMO

As far as I recall, there has been no evidence of DM dealing drugs, other than SL stating he gave them to LB (hearsay). Do you have an MSM link to the statement that DM was involved in prostitution? Can you post it please?

bbm rsbm
A lot of people don't share the cause of death of loved ones with the world. Most times obits do not even list cause of death. To not share is one thing, but to tell an outright lie is another thing. I do not see Mr. Sharif and WM's employees classified as the world. Being Millardair was a small business I'm assuming WM knew his employees on a personal basis. Most small business owners generally treat their employees well and are close knit IMO and experience.

It's been stated the Millard family was pretty private as some families rightfully are but I do not understand the reason to lie...unless just maybe there was something to hid. Was DM not wanting to share with some people his father committed suicide because he was afraid someone might go to LE and report family difficulties? Did he assume telling people WM died from an aneurysm would satisfy people and no one would question a natural causes?

Snipped from article.
Mr. Sharif and the Millardair team were told that Wayne had died of a brain aneurysm. Mr. Sharif says he and others were shocked to learn after the Bosma murder that Wayne had not died from natural causes. Mr. Sharif still finds it hard to believe that the client he had grown so fond of as they worked closely together would commit suicide. &#8220;[There was] unfinished business,&#8221; he said. &#8220;He had more reasons to live than to die.&#8221;

It's a possibility WM may have shared private family issues with Mr. Sharif and/or other employees of his business. According to Mr. Sharif, in the first two paragraphs of the article, DM was no angel around the hangar. Could it be there might have been words exchanged? Between who? DM and his father? DM and employees? WM and employers? Who might have witness certain unruly behaviours from DM if they happened? Who might go to LE with concerns of verbal/physical abuse if they found out WM apparently committed suicide? MOO

To answer your question:
These are questions I was asking which you need to be read in full context. I did not say he was involved in prostitution, (nor drugs, chop shop, stealing vehicles), merely asking a series of questions and making questionable examples/suggestions. Notice my bold question at the end of this series of questions? HTH.

Snipped from my previous post so you have clarity on the full context.
Did DM assume prior to his father's death he was sitting on a gold mine and after his father's death learn the business was actually in debt? If the business wasn't doing well in the 90's when Carl was still alive, where was the money coming from to support the business and how did WM come up with the money to fund the construction of the new hangar? Was this DM's reason for then trying to figure out other ways to make money, ie. stealing vehicles, the chop shop, dealing in drugs, involved in prostitution? If the business of the hangar was in debt, how was DM able to come up with money/cash to make the purchases of properties? The illegal things I listed above?
1) In a Dutch community, there is NOTHING weird about this.
2) In a Christian community, one with VERY strong support, there is NOTHING weird about this.
3) In a tight Dutch knit, Christian community, there is definitely NOTHING weird about this.

If you have ever had the privilege to be a part of this, or know someone who is part of a community like this, you would know that when something half as bad as this happens, it doesn't just affect the friends/family/loved ones, it affects the ENTIRE community (and by community, I don't mean just the town that they live in, but all Dutch/Christian Reformed all over the world).

There's a very popular phrase for a reason: "Don't mess with the Dutch".

It's not a bad thing to think everything wierd, and view everyone suspiciously from an investigative and/or LE perspective in a murder investigation IMO.

However, it is truly a bit of hope you provide here by bringing this information about religious community to our attention. From the many human tragedies we learn about through experience or various forms of media, I have noticed that people who have strong religious beliefs and community support tend to survive these events IMO. It's truly amazing. And I wish that for you, Bosma family and friends.:angel:
I can't remember where I saw the prostitution info, but there has been discussion on these pages about the "soft" *advertiser censored* photo shoot with him credited as the photographer.

"Meanwhile, Hamilton homicide detectives are also examining a photo gallery posted on a paid adult website credit Dellen Millard as the photographer.
A profile on Suicide Girls &#8212; a soft-core *advertiser censored* website - shows a young model named &#8220;Josie&#8221; posing in and around a vintage DC-4 airplane.
The name on the plane reads &#8220;MILLARDAIR.&#8221;
The profile says the photo gallery was posted February 17, 2005."

There were very explicit photos in this set but I can't find them now. Might find them in a search here?


Thank you Tikki :seeya: You may have read here on Tim's forum about the prostitution speculation. Some wondered if DM might have been involved in prostitution being as his missing female friend LB was involved in the sex trade. According to Det. Carbone LB was into internet escorting. HTH.

From article.
Authorities also said the two had a relationship of sorts.
"They were romantically linked although I would not say that they had a traditional dating relationship," Det. Mike Carbone said Tuesday.
Police revealed that Babcock had been involved in the sex trade as an "Internet escort" for several months before she went missing, although they don't know if Millard ever used her services.

Read more:
If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it usually is a duck. I see nothing but a loving, caring family in the Bosma's and anyone associated with them-their life is an open book and is continuously playing out in the public forum-nothing to hide, not even their grief. DM on the other hand? A family shrouded in privacy, no family member or friend coming forward to say anything-for such a philanthropically inclined family they are truly quite the loners. TB's Dutch community & family seems so rich in love-DM's family seems to be prisoners of money. JMHO
If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it usually is a duck. I see nothing but a loving, caring family in the Bosma's and anyone associated with them-their life is an open book and is continuously playing out in the public forum-nothing to hide, not even their grief. DM on the other hand? A family shrouded in privacy, no family member or friend coming forward to say anything-for such a philanthropically inclined family they are truly quite the loners. TB's Dutch community & family seems so rich in love-DM's family seems to be prisoners of money. JMHO

"Meanwhile, Hamilton homicide detectives are also examining a photo gallery posted on a paid adult website credit Dellen Millard as the photographer.
A profile on Suicide Girls &#8212; a soft-core *advertiser censored* website - shows a young model named &#8220;Josie&#8221; posing in and around a vintage DC-4 airplane.
The name on the plane reads &#8220;MILLARDAIR.&#8221;
The profile says the photo gallery was posted February 17, 2005."

The Suicide Girls site was started in 2001, and I recall that one of the pics had DM's copyright stamp of 2004. He would have been approx. 18, so seems he was taking those pics and copyrighting at a pretty young age. I wonder when he actually started.

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