General discussion thread #14

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Thanks Shazza.
There are a few versions of this article, but the most damning and interesting part is right here:

"The traces are part of lengthy dossier of evidence which Portuguese police have been preparing. Britain's Channel 4 news reported that it included intercepted emails and transcripts from phone calls the McCanns made to others.
It has been suggested that the DNA may have come from Madeleine's favourite stuffed toy - Cuddle Cat - that Kate McCann carried around for months after the disappearance."

There's a lot more than we know in that dossier.

MrsG728, I totally agree about us not having all the information, there are facts in that dossier we have not heard about.
I was under the impression that the CAR was, in fact, previously rented by a member(s) of their party. I am wondering if the car "boot" was where Maddy was initially placed.

I am also wondering if, when that car was returned and the McCann's went back to rent a car if they requested that car in particular - that would be of great interest to me, and I'm sure the PJ already know the answer to this one.

What a coincidence that they would get the EXACT same car???!!!!
I think that Madeleines body was removed in that car before dinner that night when the McCanns were not being observed not 25 days later. Either Gerry borrowed it from the friend who had it or the friend drove the body away. The fact that the McCanns were being watched & could not have hidden the body later is a total smokescreen.
Does anyone know what time Maddie was actually seen by a credible witness? As far as I can tell, the only account of Maddie being alive was from a witness who heard her (assuming it was not one of the twins) crying for 75 minutes on the night prior to the disappearance.
Does anyone know what time Maddie was actually seen by a credible witness? As far as I can tell, the only account of Maddie being alive was from a witness who heard her (assuming it was not one of the twins) crying for 75 minutes on the night prior to the disappearance.

I think it has been established that the group all saw Madeline alive at about 7.00pm that night as she was going back to be settled in for the night - The kids all tended to play /get fed together before the adults went out -

I will try and find a link - hence as I said earlier it would have been fairy hard for Madeline to have beem murdered and moved to a very safe place in that 45 minute to an hour time frame before the Mcanns arrived at the restaurant
Oh Gord, there are so many thing wrong with that article....I can't even begin to pick it apart.
Oh Gord, there are so many thing wrong with that article....I can't even begin to pick it apart.

the times is generall accepted as being less sensational and circumspect than say our tabloid papers such as the mirror and the sun -

I am not saying it is verbatim - just giving the contex to my thoughts to avoid total specualtion
the times is generall accepted as being less sensational and circumspect than say our tabloid papers such as the mirror and the sun -

I am not saying it is verbatim - just giving the contex to my thoughts to avoid total specualtion
Gord, I would be interested in your thoughts on all the media outlets reporting. This has been a lot of my problem ... not knowing who/what is reputable.
the times is generall accepted as being less sensational and circumspect than say our tabloid papers such as the mirror and the sun -

I am not saying it is verbatim - just giving the contex to my thoughts to avoid total specualtion

No offense but, the media in the UK, as a whole, is not my primary source of information.

I have found that the Portuguese press has been much more thorough in their reporting.

I read everything, everywhere and then put it all together, with a bit of gut instinct thrown in, and that is how I put together what I believe to be the most plausible theories.

I absolutely do not believe that Madeleine McCann was seen, alive, by someone other than the McCanns, at 7:00PM on May 3rd.
Gord, I would be interested in your thoughts on all the media outlets reporting. This has been a lot of my problem ... not knowing who/what is reputable.

well over here the general rule of thumb is to take all what the papers report with a pinch of salt

but in general

The Mail , The Mirror , The Sun and Express are tabloids and in the whole never let thr truth get in the way of a good story - they go for the most sensationilst angle - they want to sell more copies

The broadsheets such as the Times , Telegraph , and Guardian tend to check their sources a bit more and be less sensational - hence I would take a lot more credence from the Times than say the Mail
Personally, i dont trust any media. I dont think it matters which country it comes from. I dont think Portuguese press are any better or worse than reports from UK, Dutch, US or anywhere else for that matter. Ofcourse, we can only go on what we have access to, which unfortunately are press articles/ reports, so thats where we start, but i take every article i read with a pinch of salt, dont care which country it originates from. I believe in instincts, mine and i think many others, smelled something funky in the parents story from the beginning, and my lurking on various threads here has taught me that alot of posters esp the veterans and heavy users have really good instincts and they're often right about alot of stuff so i prefer to read the posts and the opinion before i read the article (thats maybe a bit backwards to some people), i find thats easier for me to see the article in its true light as im probably a bit naieve when it comes to these things (although im learnin fast!)
No offense but, the media in the UK, as a whole, is not my primary source of information.

I have found that the Portuguese press has been much more thorough in their reporting.

I read everything, everywhere and then put it all together, with a bit of gut instinct thrown in, and that is how I put together what I believe to be the most plausible theories.

I absolutely do not believe that Madeleine McCann was seen, alive, by someone other than the McCanns, at 7:00PM on May 3rd.

I have no real way of knowing for sure - I would agree that it can be dangerous to believe everything in any of the newspapers . I am sure that both can have misleading articles

I did read somewhere that the routine the kids had was they played and ate together before bed time - maube the 3rd of May was different . But I suppose that if the PJ havent yet solved the case then it is going to be a bit more difficult sitting in front of a PC

I just find it very hard to believe that the body could have been hidden so well in say even a timeline of 1.5 hours - bearing in mind that this is the biggest manhunt in Portugal history

if I am going over old ground sorry - although I have read a lot - I probably havent read every post
I just find it very hard to believe that the body could have been hidden so well in say even a timeline of 1.5 hours - bearing in mind that this is the biggest manhunt in Portugal history

if I am going over old ground sorry - although I have read a lot - I probably havent read every post

Please accept my apologies if I came across as trying to imply that you should read every post. I believe that "going over old ground" is absolutely necessary when trying to sleuth a case such as this.

I was just offering a suggestion (searching for my posts) that would point you in the direction of some information that you may not have considered or even been aware of.

Alot of my explanations on how she could have been hidden, very well, in a very short period of time comes from information we have been given by one of our members who was in Praia da Luz within the last couple of weeks. You might find those details of the surroundings to be very interesting.
On the evening of May 3, the last moment when Madeleine was definitely seen alive by anybody other than the McCanns was at about 7pm as the group put their children to bed.

taken from

This is the same stuff we've been reading all summer. You pick almost any newspaper from the UK to read and it will say how the McCanns are innocent and the Portuguese are trying to smear them with "vicious lies and rumors".

The UK has a vested interest is this not being Kate and Gerry. For one thing, high-ranking politicians have publicly come out in their support, and they would look completely stupid to be proven wrong. Second, many Britons have bought the whole "McCanns are victims" point of view (stoked by the media, of course) and refuse to let go. And third, they would much rather the perp be some foreign kidnapper than two of their own, and middle-class doctors at that.

Take anything you read with a grain of salt.
Jacobean put together a very good overview for us here:

Post # 147

To go along with this I just received this information from one of our Portuguese friends on another board:

Colomom - I'll try to assess the portuguese newspapers, but it'll always be my opinion only, ok?

The most reliable of all sources would be Lusa, the central newsagency for Portugal. But they are no newspaper; they are just the main source for the media in general.

Let's start with the more 'serious' side of the scale, which would be Expresso (a weekly) and Publico (daily). They have devoted very little of their editions to the Madeleine case, and usually it's very 'dry' stuff. Circumspect & reliable.

Sol is a respectful weekly, in fact an offspring of Expresso and its closest competitor. The coverage from Sol has been more intense, but you'll have to distinguish between 'investigative' reports from Felicia Cabrita and news articles, which will cover the stuff they get from Lusa. Controversial in a well founded way.

At the center of the scale, there are dailys Diario de Noticias, Jornal de Noticias and Correio da Manha. CM is the most sold daily newspaper in Portugal. It is usually a bit 'popular' in a sense that it does cater for the 'masses', but they have built a reputation, over recent years, of having good police sources. Diario de Noticias & Jornal de Noticias belong to the same group, and they are in fact very similar. JN is mainly read in the North area of Portugal, while DN is maily read by the South. They are not very different from Correio da Manha, although they pretend to look more 'serious'. These three are the most popular papers and it shows. Exciting, but not tabloid style.

Then at the other end there is 24Horas. The closest thing that Portugal has to a tabloid - but they are mere apprentices when compared to what I've seen in the Sun, for example. Don't believe everything they print, I would advise. Saucy and mostly exaggerated.
To go along with this I just received this nformation from one of our Portuguese friends on another board:

Colomom - I'll try to assess the portuguese newspapers, but it'll always be my opinion only, ok?

The most reliable of all sources would be Lusa, the central newsagency for Portugal. But they are no newspaper; they are just the main source for the media in general.

Let's start with the more 'serious' side of the scale, which would be Expresso (a weekly) and Publico (daily). They have devoted very little of their editions to the Madeleine case, and usually it's very 'dry' stuff. Circumspect & reliable.

Sol is a respectful weekly, in fact an offspring of Expresso and its closest competitor. The coverage from Sol has been more intense, but you'll have to distinguish between 'investigative' reports from Felicia Cabrita and news articles, which will cover the stuff they get from Lusa. Controversial in a well founded way.

At the center of the scale, there are dailys Diario de Noticias, Jornal de Noticias and Correio da Manha. CM is the most sold daily newspaper in Portugal. It is usually a bit 'popular' in a sense that it does cater for the 'masses', but they have built a reputation, over recent years, of having good police sources. Diario de Noticias & Jornal de Noticias belong to the same group, and they are in fact very similar. JN is mainly read in the North area of Portugal, while DN is maily read by the South. They are not very different from Correio da Manha, although they pretend to look more 'serious'. These three are the most popular papers and it shows. Exciting, but not tabloid style.

Then at the other end there is 24Horas. The closest thing that Portugal has to a tabloid - but they are mere apprentices when compared to what I've seen in the Sun, for example. Don't believe everything they print, I would advise. Saucy and mostly exaggerated.

This is great information colomom!!Tell our Portuguese friends from the other board thank you!!This going to help so much on the Portuguese news media reports.

You are great!:blowkiss: Thanks sooo much!
The DNA of Madeleine McCann has been found in a car that was hired by her parents, although the DNA was previously thought to have come from the blood of Madeleine, it is now believed that the DNA came from other body fluids from Madeleine.

According to sources, the DNA has a 88% match to the missing Madeleine’s DNA.

Also found in the boot of this car that was hired by her parents was some hair of the missing four year old.
Where did they get a sample of Maddie's DNA to use as a comparison, I wonder....
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