General discussion thread #14

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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They can take DNA from the parents and figure out of the DNA in the car is the child of the parents. They could also take dna from the twins and see if its the same as the dna in the car and show that its not theirs.

more simply, they take a hair from madeleines pillow.

Right, and that's why I'm wondering if they indeed did get to obtain DNA from the twins. That would be the only way to truly say the DNA was Maddie's, after ruling out the other family members.

The pillow wouldn't be a reliable sample, at least in my house. My kids use each other's pillows all the time (usually to hit the other one with.....)

I wonder if that's another reason to get the twins out of dodge--to not comply with a DNA sample request?
Interesting thoughts .... so it can be the sperm/egg of the parents or there could be donors ?

How DID we conclude that Maddie was an IVF baby ?

How do we conclude that both donors are her parents ?

..... just some random thoughts.
Interesting thoughts .... so it can be the sperm/egg of the parents or there could be donors ?

How DID we conclude that Maddie was an IVF baby ?

How do we conclude that both donors are her parents ?

..... just some random thoughts.

options are either 1. both their sperm/egg used, 2. her egg/donor sperm, 3. his sperm/donor egg, 4. donor embryos. If they are donor (any manner), Maddie and the twins could have different donors or could be the same, depending on situation...
Colomom, I thought I had read all of the posts but I guess not. Could you direct me to the posts from your friend that was in Portugal recently? Thank you. Rhett

Hi Rhett,

Her username is MoonGoddess and she does not post alot. If you search you will see 4 or 5 recent posts that give alot of details.

I also did some back and forth yesterday on the "Damning Proof Found" thread, first few pages. I gave some more info there...

Let me know if you have specific questions, I'll try and find an answer for you.
options are either 1. both their sperm/egg used, 2. her egg/donor sperm, 3. his sperm/donor egg, 4. donor embryos. If they are donor (any manner), Maddie and the twins could have different donors or could be the same, depending on situation...

I think Madeleine was their natural child, both of theirs, however she was concieved, she looked like BOTH Kate and Gerry, IMO.
I think Madeleine was their natural child, both of theirs, however she was concieved, she looked like BOTH Kate and Gerry, IMO.
Thanks. I thought the initial post about the IVF was leading to Gerry not being her natural father.
Ok, I have done two IVF/ICSI (injecting the sperm into the egg), so lets see if I can answer some questions...

Just because you have IVF, does not mean you have the need for an amnio any more than the general population. Depends on your reason for doing the IVF. If you have genetic issues (family historys of genetic problems or genetic problems that are inconsistent with being able to fertilize an egg or continue growing an embryo, downs, trisomy 18, etc) then you would be more likely to have an amnio, if you so chose. Alot of time, when you do an IVF and have genetic issues you can do pregenetic testing. They can take one cell of an embryo and test it before transferring it back to the uterus, making an amnio less necessary. otherwise, an IVF pregnancy is treated as a regular pregnancy and it in itself does not elevate a pregnancy to high risk.

IVF does NOT mean that you did not use each spouses egg/sperm. My husband and I both did. It depends again why you are doing IVF. I didn't ovulate, but my eggs are fine, so we just bypass the ovulation issue with ivf. Donor comes in when woman does not produce eggs or are not a good quality or when a man has no sperm or his sperm cannot fertilize an egg, or neither can conceive and both are donated or embryos themselves are donated.

Hope that cleared it up some....


(Not that it relates to the case, but just an interesting tidbit)

Madeleine and the twins could have even been created during the same IVF. If there were left over embryos from Madeliene's ivf, they could have been frozen and used to conceive the twins. They would be no more than siblings and DNA no more similar, just a interesting dynamic of IVF.

options are either 1. both their sperm/egg used, 2. her egg/donor sperm, 3. his sperm/donor egg, 4. donor embryos. If they are donor (any manner), Maddie and the twins could have different donors or could be the same, depending on situation...

Thanks for posting the above glezell.Helped me understand a lot more :)
Here is the DNA question answer....IMHO.

Early on it was reported that the PJ found "mystery DNA" in the apartment...remember? I could search for a link if you'd like, but trust me on this one.

Therefore, obviously the PJ swabbed the parents and the twins, ran DNA tests on other "samples" (hair, toothbrush, swab of the creepy cat, etc.) and through the process of elimination were left with DNA from Maddie. It was probably run through a maternal DNA comparison and Voila!!!

Believe me when I tell you that the British Police have been working VERY closely with the PJ on this case (an example is given in this article: and the DNA testing that was done in Birmingham (reportedly the best lab in the world) was done under the most careful process possible.

No one wants an international incident to happen because of shoddy investigations. Definitely, not the PJ and especially not the British Police. Also when I say British police I do not mean just any police, it was reported that Scotland Yard sent LE to PDL.
I am trying so hard to remain neutral here, but it is getting harder and harder by the moment. I don't want the media to tell me what the think, etc. I want the facts .... I am having to agree that even though not all of this might be factual, something has to be remotely close. They have to have something, huh ?
If the parents did any sort of crime then the pressure on them must seem unbearable. I think there needs to be a suicide watch kept on them by L.E. I am concerned one or both of them may crack and even the remaining children might be in danger if that happens.
I am trying so hard to remain neutral here, but it is getting harder and harder by the moment. I don't want the media to tell me what the think, etc. I want the facts .... I am having to agree that even though not all of this might be factual, something has to be remotely close. They have to have something, huh ?

HAS to be Edwards20...exactamundo!!!

1000 pages compiled and forwarded to the Ministry of Justice....HAS to be.

I think if people would step back and look at this case in the "big picture" they would see....HAS to be.

Just my opinion, of course :D
HAS to be Edwards20...exactamundo!!!

1000 pages compiled and forwarded to the Ministry of Justice....HAS to be.

I think if people would step back and look at this case in the "big picture" they would see....HAS to be.

Just my opinion, of course :D
I am still not ready to crucify them, but there seems to be SOMETHING there.
"Creepy cat". LMAO ColoMom! :D

Just sitting here thinking...... (do that sometimes). Anyway, IF the parents (mother probably) are charged with Maddie's death, I believe, from would I have been reading, she would be charged with an accidental death, not murder.

In any event, how much time would you possibly get for something like that? I mean they were supposedly willing to give her 2 years in the beginning if she came clean - what would it be up it to now, 3 years??????
Just sitting here thinking...... (do that sometimes). Anyway, IF the parents (mother probably) are charged with Maddie's death, I believe, from would I have been reading, she would be charged with an accidental death, not murder.

In any event, how much time would you possibly get for something like that? I mean they were supposedly willing to give her 2 years in the beginning if she came clean - what would it be up it to now, 3 years??????

But then I suppose you would have to add a charge for hiding a body, maybe abuse of a corpse (if it was moved around or tossed off a cliff), maybe fraud, maybe theft, maybe child neglect or child abuse, conspiracy, maybe a charge for being just plain stoopid...

You know how those prosecuting attorneys are they will pile it on just to make sure something sticks.
But then I suppose you would have to add a charge for hiding a body, maybe abuse of a corpse (if it was moved around or tossed off a cliff), maybe fraud, maybe theft, maybe child neglect or child abuse, conspiracy, maybe a charge for being just plain stoopid...

You know how those prosecuting attorneys are they will pile it on just to make sure something sticks.

Yeah, but what ticks me off about it all is that even through all this - all the lies, deceit and whatever else you said above - is that IF IT IS PROVEN THEY (the parents) DID IT, they won't serve enough time, IMO.
Also, I just read the latest on the thread translated from the Portugal news. In the piece it mentions that the cadaver dog hit upon a trail in the cupboard. I have heard this mentioned before and wondered what is a cupboard in this instance? Could someone answer that for me?

I believe it's what Americans would call a closet.

I found this site ( awhile back and we all agreed that this is the exact apartment that the Mccann's rented (note: 5A).

In the description it mentions: "various cleaning materials in the sink cupboard."

So from this picture (also on this site):


I would think that the cupboard would be those cabinets under the kitchen counter/sink. My other thought was that they might be referring to a wardrobe (the tall cabinet just outside the kitchen) as a cupboard.

I really believe it is one or the other.
From Sky News.... Breaking News.
"The public prosecutor in Portugal is reported to have asked the judge in the case to make an emergency order allowing him to seize a mystery object"

Wonder what this is?
Yeah, but what ticks me off about it all is that even through all this - all the lies, deceit and whatever else you said above - is that IF IT IS PROVEN THEY (the parents) DID IT, they won't serve enough time, IMO.

You might be right BUT since they may be serving time in Portugal perhaps the prisons there would be like those in Midnight Express....remember?

no tule, no tule :eek:

So maybe even short time could be hard time....

I would bet that the women in a Portuguese prison would make life for Kate quite miserable....

BTW, I did a Google search for portuguese women's prison (under images) and look what shows up on the first page:


:eek: :eek: :eek:
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