General discussion thread #14

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Who is Mrs. Fenn may I ask?

The lady who lives in the apartment over the McCanns' apartment in Portugal...she reported hearing Madeleine screaming for her father for 90 minutes the night before she went missing.
Who is Mrs. Fenn may I ask?

She's a British widow and expatriate (citizen living abroad) who lives in the apartment/condo over the one the McCanns rented.

In the photos, she looks very grandmotherly. Reportedly, she sits out on her balcony often at night.

(I think she's having a ciggie myself.):p
The lady who lives in the apartment over the McCanns' apartment in Portugal...she reported hearing Madeleine screaming for her father for 90 minutes the night before she went missing.

90 mins is a long time to let your child cry. I guess that is why they used sedatives the following night (to knock her out literally!):mad:
The lady who lives in the apartment over the McCanns' apartment in Portugal...she reported hearing Madeleine screaming for her father for 90 minutes the night before she went missing.

Thanks sweetie.:blowkiss:
I was going going to open another thread or make it a poll,but didn't really want to clutter up the thread.
I have been thinking on this days now.If it turns out the McCanns are gulity of just an accident cover up, what do you think would be a fair and reasonable sentence?Putting aside the fraud ect for the moment.Or factor it in.However your feelings may be.

If it happened the way I think, I am just not sure what would be the best.I could never be on a Jury.Especially on a case like this.I would have a nervous break down for sure.
I was going going to open another thread or make it a poll,but didn't really want to clutter up the thread.
I have been thinking on this days now.If it turns out the McCanns are gulity of just an accident cover up, what do you think would be a fair and reasonable sentence?Putting aside the fraud ect for the moment.Or factor it in.However your feelings may be.

If it happened the way I think, I am just not sure what would be the best.I could never be on a Jury.Especially on a case like this.I would have a nervous break down for sure.

If an accident= 1-2 years.
Plus covering up her death=6 months--1 year.

So I'd say probably 2-3 1/2 years total.
Awww, Heather, you're going to make me cry!!!

Thank you. I love you, too!!

YOU are the awesome person for all your hard work here!!! :blowkiss:

Oh, and by the way, I am American, too. =) I'm just a huge Anglophile.

OH YEA!! You are the big reader....just ignore me I am wasted and I am a compete dork...(hugs and *advertiser censored*)
Just sitting here thinking...... (do that sometimes). Anyway, IF the parents (mother probably) are charged with Maddie's death, I believe, from would I have been reading, she would be charged with an accidental death, not murder.

In any event, how much time would you possibly get for something like that? I mean they were supposedly willing to give her 2 years in the beginning if she came clean - what would it be up it to now, 3 years??????


IMO, they should get THAT for just leaving the kids alone in the room. :behindbar

Sorry, I am done now.....
+ child neglect charges, losing their medical license and probably their kids.

Absolutely! I think protecting their reputation and medical licenses has been uppermost in their minds.

Its a wash now!:cool:
Everyone in the world knows them now too, the life long glare of the world will be hanging over them as well.
Absolutely! I think protecting their reputation and medical licenses has been uppermost in their minds.

Its a wash now!:cool:

IF I had accidentally killed one of my children, as far as I would be concerned, my life would be over - the last thing on my mind would be my reputation or my career.
That may explain why she was calling out for her daddy rather than her mummy.

This is one part of the case that has always bothered me. I truly don't want to sound sexist but, for the life of me, I cannot imagine a child yelling for dad instead of mom. I have raised four children and ALL of them called for me when they awoke or something was wrong. And yes, my husband is VERY involved in their lives. Does anyone else think it is strange that a baby would call for daddy instead of mommy? I've always thought that Kate seems controlled by her husband but this makes me wonder what was really going on in that family.
This is one part of the case that has always bothered me. I truly don't want to sound sexist but, for the life of me, I cannot imagine a child yelling for dad instead of mom. I have raised four children and ALL of them called for me when they awoke or something was wrong. And yes, my husband is VERY involved in their lives. Does anyone else think it is strange that a baby would call for daddy instead of mommy? I've always thought that Kate seems controlled by her husband but this makes me wonder what was really going on in that family.

I think it depends. I have a boy so I don't know if that makes a difference or not but sometimes our son calls out for his dad and wants nothing to do with me. I think it depends on what's wrong and who he thinks can provide the bes resolution to his situation.
Someone mentioned polygraphs on the poll thread. Interesting that hasn't come up yet! (Unless I missed it.)
Screaming for daddy doesn't sound unusual to me. 'Only' children learn to play one parent off against another. When my daughter was that age, she used to yell for Daddy when I was making her do something she didn't want to do (like take a bath, sit to have her hair combed, or put on socks). And if Dad and I were both making her do something, she would yell for "Sissy!" (her half-sister who was 13 years old at the time). And when Sissy appeared, that little face would just crumple into such a mass of suffering, you'd think we'd been jamming bamboo under her nails. :)

Toddlers are very dramatic!

So ... I suspect the parents were not being mean to her, but rather that they simply lacked parental skills. Maybe they were a dysfunctional family. Duh? :)

My question is, how badly did the situation put them on edge ... enough to go for sedation?
I will freely admit that I'm very grumpy at night if I'm awakened from a sound sleep unless there's a very good reason (bad dream, child is sick, etc.) My kids who would come into our room and want to climb into bed learned to bypass me (next to the door) and go around to Daddy's side and ask him if they could sleep with us. He was a pushover and always said yes.
This is one part of the case that has always bothered me. I truly don't want to sound sexist but, for the life of me, I cannot imagine a child yelling for dad instead of mom. I have raised four children and ALL of them called for me when they awoke or something was wrong. And yes, my husband is VERY involved in their lives. Does anyone else think it is strange that a baby would call for daddy instead of mommy? I've always thought that Kate seems controlled by her husband but this makes me wonder what was really going on in that family.

I know all kids are different, but I have always joked to my husband that I wished babies would learn to call Daddy in the middle of the night instead of Mommy. My husband has always been involved, and he was like Mr. Mom when they were babies, but my kids would never have called Daddy when they woke up, especially as toddlers when they were ultra attached to me.

I can't remember any of my nieces or nephews doing that either, and my mother always joked about hearing "Mama!" in the night a million times when we were growing up. I find that rather unusual.

englishleigh said:
The lady who lives in the apartment over the McCanns' apartment in Portugal...she reported hearing Madeleine screaming for her father for 90 minutes the night before she went missing.
If I had heard a child calling Daddy for 90 minutes, I would have either knocked on the door to ask what was wrong, or called the police. That's disturbing. Were the parents even in that apartment when she was crying and calling?
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