General Discussion Thread No. 16

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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You know what my question is about this falling down the stairs report is?

WHAT stairs?

Same thing for the "person hiding in the stairwell" report.

The only stairs I saw in any of the pictures or diagrams of the apartment were those leading from the patio down to the street.

Am I missing something here?
You know what my question is about this falling down the stairs report is?

WHAT stairs?

Same thing for the "person hiding in the stairwell" report.

The only stairs I saw in any of the pictures or diagrams of the apartment were those leading from the patio down to the street.

Am I missing something here?

I think those are the stairs they're talking about, Colomom. (Your name is fun to type, BTW :))
I think those are the stairs they're talking about, Colomom. (Your name is fun to type, BTW :))

LOL IrishMist...I KNOW, I like to type it myself :D

I found this too:

I know it is a "rag" but...WOW...this one is brutal!!

Now falling down the outside steps brings up a whole different set of circumstances. Like if she did fall down those steps....who found her? And when? How long did she lay there? Was this before or after dinner?

I don't know about this....I don't recall the dogs finding blood outside the apartment. I am sceptical.
If Maddie fell down the stairs and died of a head injury I see no reason why her parents would not have taken her to a hospital. I do not think the hospital would test for drugs as long as the injury was consistant with having fallen down the stairs. The parents are physicians and no reason that we have been told of that the hospital should have been suspicious of them. It seems popostrous to me that they would do this elaboarte of a coverup for what could have easily been deemed a horrible accident.


I also do not buy that all 7 of the Tapas 9 know what happened.

I think a fall down the stairs is totally different than an out of control parent. Hitting too hard and causing death may be accidental, but it is still caused by an OUT OF CONTROL parent. As doctors - being out of control is not a good thing.

If the McCanns are covering up an accident, it must be one that they caused somehow. If it is fairly common at these resorts to leave your children to a "listening" monitor during the evenings, no one would think twice about Maddie's haven fallen and gotten hurt. It probably would never have even made the papers. And remember, the McCanns are trained to act in an emergency, so panic'ing would be illogical.

Either they don't know what happened or they know all too well what happened and telling would have serious consequences.


~snip~ Last night it was alleged that it was UK detectives – and not their Portuguese counterparts – who first raised suspicions about the possible involvement of Madeleine’s parents. ~end snip~

So now it is the British that are trying to frame K&G? Where is Clarence? Ohhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyy Myyyyyyyy........

And after reading that article (taken with a HUGE grain of salt), anybody else wonder if they don't already have her body?

How else could they determine the skull fracture?

And having her body would not necessarily mean they would know for sure who was responsible for her death.

Traces of Madeleine's blood found at the base of stairs, perhaps?

Of course, this is all speculation. :eek:
Well, rag or not, I feel this may be the way to go. I have long been suspicious of the employees, especially since some have keys. The employees seemed to know a lot more about the clients than they needed to and, to me, that meant they were watching them very closely - for what purpose?

I've asked it before on here and I'll ask it again: Did the PLE thoroughly investigate all of the employees? One would think they had, but. . .I have about as much confidence in them as I do justice in Aruba.

Great question!!!
I wouldn't be at all surprised if they haven't.
And every day it's sounding more like the incompetant Aruban investgation.
This scenario would give a reason to Kate's statement, "We have failed her."
It would also explain a man carrying a child in a blanket, a child who is not struggling. And Jane Tanner might've reported it, even knowing -- or suspecting -- who it was, as a pre-emptive move. In case anyone else reported it and her NOT reporting it would be questioned.
For some reason, I cannot post a link to this story. So go to, search Madeleine McCann, and click on arrange by date when the list appears.

Two high ranking police sources told the Portuguese newspaper 24 Horas there were "strong suspicions" the girl smashed the back of her head against ceramic tiles on the steps.

This is certainly within the realm of possibility, but unless they have blood evidence, it can't have happened. (IMO) Head injuries bleed mightily, and no one could have cleaned it up enough to fool the dogs.
Well, what if there is a witness who saw M tumble on the stairs and whack her head earlier, witnessed her cry, and her mommy/daddy tend to her. What if the McCs put her to bed with the Brit version of Tylenol, then came back later to find that she had died as a result of the head injury? A head injury they chose to ignore, in favor of dining out with friends, leaving her to die? What if she had a massive concussion?

I wonder where this story came from? Is it possible someone witnessed what appeared to be a typical fall on the stairs, and did not report it, as it seemed the parents had her under control. If I aw a chid fall on stairs, and the paretns tended to her, even if I heard she went missing later, I don't think I would link the two events.

LOL IrishMist...I KNOW, I like to type it myself :D

I found this too:

I know it is a "rag" but...WOW...this one is brutal!!

Now falling down the outside steps brings up a whole different set of circumstances. Like if she did fall down those steps....who found her? And when? How long did she lay there? Was this before or after dinner?

I don't know about this....I don't recall the dogs finding blood outside the apartment. I am sceptical.

I wonder if this is really true:

Last night it was alleged that it was UK detectives – and not their Portuguese counterparts – who first raised suspicions about the possible involvement of Madeleine’s parents.

. . . A Brit police source said: “Our detectives use a mantra in big investigations – ‘clear the ground under your feet’.

“Here, that meant look at the apartment and the circle closest to Madeleine – her family.
“They should have been the first to be looked at properly.’’

It would sort of make sense, since no one seemed to have suspected the parents at first.

In the U.S., the parents would have definitely been the first suspects.

In reading the report about the possible fall on the stairs, I keep thinking of this quote from an early interview of Kate's:

"I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances."

Asked about whether the decision to leave them meant she and her husband were responsible for their daughter's disappearance, she said: "It cannot be considered a crime.

"Someone committed one, but not us."

That is a fascinating quote - she is exhonerating herself completely through rationalization. Because the "circumstances" are actually the same whether someone took Maddie or she wandered out.

The "circumstances" were that Maddie was in the room alone with her brother and sister, and if someone took her, they were just taking advantage of the circumstances and not making new ones.

Unless Kate is looking at this a totally different way than we think:
The following is all speculation on my part:

Leaving Maddie in an unlocked room asleep did not lead to the disappearance, but "other circumstances" did. That is very careful wording because if the child died accidentally, then she isn't really lying at all. The "other circumstances" would be that Maddie did not obey them and stay in bed. It would also be a reason that she keeps saying Maddie would never get out of bed and leave the room - more denial of her own culpability.

"It cannot be considered a crime" - that sounds like denial to me. If they were the responsible adults, then it "can be considered" a crime.

What if she has convinced herself that they did nothing wrong in leaving the kids alone (obviously they feel that way - so safe, and they were in the "backgarden" at the Tapas Bar, and everyone else left their children also, and it was better than leaving the kids with strangers, etc).

But when she says that a crime has been committed but not by them, what if she means that someone moved the gate from the stairs, and that is the crime?

Did one of the other parents remove the gate from the top of the stairs and not shut it or replace it when they were "checking" on the kids? Is that why other people in the party need to be interviewed again, and why doubt is being cast on some of the stories?

In other words, Kate would "know" the circumstances, because she would believe that Maddie would never have removed the gate herself, so the crime is that the barrier was gone?

Or was the crime that another parent left the door open or the door unlocked?

Anyway - just something that keeps coming to mind as I'm reading these new theories.
If Maddie fell down the stairs and died of a head injury I see no reason why her parents would not have taken her to a hospital. I do not think the hospital would test for drugs as long as the injury was consistant with having fallen down the stairs. The parents are physicians and no reason that we have been told of that the hospital should have been suspicious of them. It seems popostrous to me that they would do this elaboarte of a coverup for what could have easily been deemed a horrible accident.


To me it makes perfect sense that they would want to cover up such an accidental death.

Firstly: It IS uncommon to leave three tiny children alone in an apartment. Salem says that it is common with listening monitors, but they didn't have one of these. I'm sure they would be heavily critisized already for that. (Leaving small kids and not taking a baby-monitor with you). If in addition they have to tell the police that they didn't lock the door, the police would probably ask them how they could be sure the kids wouldn't wander off. A question that would again lead to a drug test, I'm almost certain that it would.

The M's have A LOT to lose. Much more than any of us, I guess. They would not only lose their reputations if everyone found out they drug their kids and leave them alone. They would most certainly lose their jobs, maybe even the twins. There is too much at stake.

However, I still cannot believe they found her, took her back into the apartment and then continued the tapas dinner. It seems impossible, even though we know from other cases that it can be done- and has been done by other parents.
Have just heard on the news that now the Royal family are involved, as anyone else heard this if it is already posted, sorry, but this is just getting beyond anything I have ever heard in my life.
I just heard it too...something about an email being sent to Princes Charles website:confused:
I just heard it too...something about an email being sent to Princes Charles website:confused:
Apparently there was a maid that was sacked and kidnapped Madelaine for revenge, the person who sent the email to Prince Charles is being investigated because there is a lot of truth and information relating to this case and this person could help with further enquiries.
Have just heard on the news that now the Royal family are involved, as anyone else heard this if it is already posted, sorry, but this is just getting beyond anything I have ever heard in my life.

It's really getting bizarre, isn't it?

Here's the story about the Prince and the E-mail:,22049,22510574-5006003,00.html

That story is related to the "new" information about someone hiding under the stairs, as well as a disgruntled maid. So all these new stories seem to be one huge blob of a story. (Sorry if I sound skeptical - these sound like red herrings to me.)

You can always find links to the top Maddie stories here:
Oh, gosh - here comes another theory from the Team McCann - this time from a Granny!

Maddy was drugged by abductor, claims gran on 150th day of hunt

Madeleine's grandmother, who now lives in Scotland, said that the family have been "going through hell" since the little girl's disappearance.

"I really believe they (whoever took her) gave her a drug. There is no way they carried her out of there without her wakening," she told the Sunday Mirror.

"If she was taken when she was sleeping by somebody she did not know she would have screamed the place down."

Well, that's really interesting! So they forced drugs into the kid before they carried her away! Who would have thought? :waitasec:

I think she just contradicted herself - if Maddie would have screamed while being carried away, wouldn't she have screamed first when they were giving her the drugs? I mean . . . yeah, you know?

She also slammed the Portuguese investigation, as well as rubbishing claims that DNA evidence found in the car hired by Madeleine's parents after she vanished proved her body had been in the vehicle.

"The thing is that little Amelie is wearing Madeleine's sandals and she is in and out of the car," she said.

"Cuddly toys are in it. Madeleine's toys are in it. Madeleine's tops are in it that Amelie is wearing. It's nonsense."
Again - those darn sandals are being used to explain body fluids and DNA? :rolleyes: And here comes Cuddle Cat again! It's almost funny, but it isn't.
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