General Discussion Thread No. 16

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New suspect: Amazing twist in investigation as cops hunt for suspect with a grudge.

Can't wait to see how this one shakes out....I am sorry but this propaganda war is starting to make me suspicious of everything I read now. I really think it is making things worse, not better, for all of us that just want to find Maddie!


New suspect: Amazing twist in investigation as cops hunt for suspect with a grudge.

Can't wait to see how this one shakes out....I am sorry but this propaganda war is starting to make me suspicious of everything I read now. I really think it is making things worse, not better, for all of us that just want to find Maddie!
Hi colomom.
The news of the world is a "rag" tabloid.
I would be very surprised if there's any truth in it.
I very much doubt if the prince of Wales would deal with something like that via email!
It just gets weirder!
Sky News at 7.30pm Sunday Uk time programme about Madeleine
For some reason, I cannot post a link to this story. So go to, search Madeleine McCann, and click on arrange by date when the list appears.

Two high ranking police sources told the Portuguese newspaper 24 Horas there were "strong suspicions" the girl smashed the back of her head against ceramic tiles on the steps.

This is certainly within the realm of possibility, but unless they have blood evidence, it can't have happened. (IMO) Head injuries bleed mightily, and no one could have cleaned it up enough to fool the dogs.
Hi colomom.
The news of the world is a "rag" tabloid.
I would be very surprised if there's any truth in it.

Well, rag or not, I feel this may be the way to go. I have long been suspicious of the employees, especially since some have keys. The employees seemed to know a lot more about the clients than they needed to and, to me, that meant they were watching them very closely - for what purpose?

I've asked it before on here and I'll ask it again: Did the PLE thoroughly investigate all of the employees? One would think they had, but. . .I have about as much confidence in them as I do justice in Aruba.
For some reason, I cannot post a link to this story. So go to, search Madeleine McCann, and click on arrange by date when the list appears.

This is certainly within the realm of possibility, but unless they have blood evidence, it can't have happened. (IMO) Head injuries bleed mightily, and no one could have cleaned it up enough to fool the dogs.

There are close head injureis that could be lethal and not bleed.

There are close head injureis that could be lethal and not bleed.


True, but what evidence of that would there be? Anyway, the article mentions the dogs and what they found within the apartment, but doesn't come right out and say they found anything on the steps. I can imagine a police brainstorming session in which they discussed every possible way she might have died. I am beginning to believe that at least some of the leaks -especially the semi-impossible to believe ones- are being leaked in an attempt to find out who is leaking. (If that makes sense!)
True, but what evidence of that would there be? Anyway, the article mentions the dogs and what they found within the apartment, but doesn't come right out and say they found anything on the steps. I can imagine a police brainstorming session in which they discussed every possible way she might have died. I am beginning to believe that at least some of the leaks -especially the semi-impossible to believe ones- are being leaked in an attempt to find out who is leaking. (If that makes sense!)

It does make sense, actually, at least to me.

I ran across this article, which, if true, could come into play here.

Disgrace of Madeleine Cop
There are close head injureis that could be lethal and not bleed.


Right - I thought of internal injuries that make the brain swell. A four-year-old's skull is softer also because it is still growing - how sad to think about. :(

So I wonder if she fell down some stairs and one of the parents found her? That would be more of a cover-up than a murder.

Here's a link that works to that story:

Also, Gibralter News about one of the other Morocco sightings, and a Gibralter hotelier who supposedly saw her:

Mr Valarino claims to have tried to approach the little girl but the man is alleged to have rushed off. Mr Valarino further claiming to the Express that the girl looked “undernourished and appeared to be frightened of the man.”

The man was described as being English speaking, “very white, overweight and about 5ft 10in with fair hair. He looked to be in his mid-30s and appeared to be from northern Europe as he was so pale,” Valarino told the Express.

Although an attempt was made to report the sighting in Morocco, it was not until back in Gibraltar that the police were informed.
Actually weird doesn't even cover it. Try ridiculous. Madeleine has been missing for nearly five months, and only now are reports coming in about "mysterious" stocky strangers hiding in stairways and disgruntled maids who might have kidnapped her to get back at the resort? That's absurd!

Why would the McCanns hide Madeleine's accidental death if it was truly an accident? Children get hurt every day, sometimes fatally. Nobody is really to blame if she slipped and fell- unless she was drugged at the time. I could see a cover-up if the reason for Madeleine's loss of balance had to do with sedatives.

Second, why would someone e-mail the POW with a tip when information is plastered all over about Crimestoppers, the Leic. police, etc? And the theory that the McCanns killed Madeleine in the apartment is anything but discredited. Unproven maybe, but not discredited. As for the family and friends wandering through the apartment, maybe this rag should note that it was done before the police were called.

Note to Kate- if your health is so frail maybe you should stop jogging.
Calikid said:
Second, why would someone e-mail the POW with a tip when information is plastered all over about Crimestoppers, the Leic. police, etc? And the theory that the McCanns killed Madeleine in the apartment is anything but discredited. Unproven maybe, but not discredited. As for the family and friends wandering through the apartment, maybe this rag should note that it was done before the police were called.

Note to Kate- if your health is so frail maybe you should stop jogging.
I agree with everything you say!

Calikid said:
Why would the McCanns hide Madeleine's accidental death if it was truly an accident? Children get hurt every day, sometimes fatally. Nobody is really to blame if she slipped and fell- unless she was drugged at the time. I could see a cover-up if the reason for Madeleine's loss of balance had to do with sedatives.
I see your point, but the reason I believe they would cover it up would be because they are doctors, and their reputations are important to them. We have seen the image they wish to convey to the world of success as parents, doctors. and even Christians.

Even if her balance wasn't impaired, there is the fact that an autopsy would be done and drugs might be found in her system. Even a small amount would raise questions. And she was definitely left alone in the room. So even if it was an accident, there's more than one thing wrong with the picture, in my opinion.
I agree with everything you say!

I see your point, but the reason I believe they would cover it up would be because they are doctors, and their reputations are important to them. We have seen the image they wish to convey to the world of success as parents, doctors. and even Christians.

Even if her balance wasn't impaired, there is the fact that an autopsy would be done and drugs might be found in her system. Even a small amount would raise questions. And she was definitely left alone in the room. So even if it was an accident, there's more than one thing wrong with the picture, in my opinion.

Exactly. Mr. Texana said that if he messed up and gave his child too much medicine, everyone would understand, because he's not a doctor.

But if a doctor gives a child meds to which they have an adverse reaction, we would immediately accuse them of malpractice. We just expect more of people who have spent so much time studying medicine, the human body, and healing techniques. Fair or not fair, the McCanns would be judged by much harsher standards than any of the rest of us as parents.

They would have to be crazy to not be aware of that.
Some people just freak out, they may have thought that they will lose the twins because of negligence and their careers would be over. Just based on the decision of leaving the three babies alone for a WHOLE WEEK proves that THEIR fun time was a priority for them and the kids were in second place. Hence, if they found Maddie dead or they killed her by accident, the first reaction once again would be ABOUT THEM, in this case saving their butts somehow!
If Maddie fell down the stairs and died of a head injury I see no reason why her parents would not have taken her to a hospital. I do not think the hospital would test for drugs as long as the injury was consistant with having fallen down the stairs. The parents are physicians and no reason that we have been told of that the hospital should have been suspicious of them. It seems popostrous to me that they would do this elaboarte of a coverup for what could have easily been deemed a horrible accident.

mjak, what about if one of them lost their temper and gave a fatal blow that caused death? (NOT meant to kill but that caused death) Can you see them covering the whole thing up?
Some people just freak out, they may have thought that they will lose the twins because of negligence and their careers would be over. Just based on the decision of leaving the three babies alone for a WHOLE WEEK proves that THEIR fun time was a priority for them and the kids were in second place. Hence, if they found Maddie dead or they killed her by accident, the first reaction once again would be ABOUT THEM, in this case saving their butts somehow!
Exactly, Sleuthmom. :clap: Well said.

They wouldn't be the first negligent parents to bend the truth to save themselves. :liar:
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