General Discussion Thread No. 16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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For some reason, I cannot post a link to this story. So go to, search Madeleine McCann, and click on arrange by date when the list appears.

This is certainly within the realm of possibility, but unless they have blood evidence, it can't have happened. (IMO) Head injuries bleed mightily, and no one could have cleaned it up enough to fool the dogs.

Not always. My brother died from hitting his head on his nightstand in 1993 and there wasn't any blood at all. He died from the swelling going into the brain instead of swelling outside. (The knot you would normally expect to see when someone has hit they're head like that wasn't there. It swelled inward instead of swelling outward.) He hit it on the corner of the bottom. All he had was a hole the size of a sharpened pencil in the middle of his forehead.
I don't mean to disagree with you, however, this has been my experience and maybe something like that happened to Maddie. Maybe there wasn't any blood to clean up. JMHO
Thanks everyone for your answers.

OK. So, could be done, but, they'd have to have a mountain of evidence, and right now, I'm not believing they do or the McCann's would be in custody as others have been saying. WHERE IS SHE???
But not in Portugal. On the news this morning as attorny mentioned that even with the evidence the PJ beleives they have - without a body they can't go forth.
Now, this is interesting...........

Mrs McCann, who lives in Scotland and runs a pub, said: “I really believe they (whoever took her) gave her a drug.

“There is no way they carried her out of there without her awakening.

“If she was taken when she was sleeping by somebody she did not know, she would have screamed the place down.”
(The knot you would normally expect to see when someone has hit they're head like that wasn't there. It swelled inward instead of swelling outward.)
I have not formed an opinion on the thought of a head injury to Maddie. However, I do know that when a child falls and hits the head, they tell you it is a good thing to have an outward "goose egg", as opposed to not having one. Simply for the reason that you have mentioned. My sympathies to you browneyedgirl. Typically, that is why you would watch for a concussion for 24 hours when there is no outward goose egg. I would think that anyone with any medical knowledge would know this, especially a doctor.
I know one way there could be a conviction without a body that you all haven't mentioned.

A confession.

And not necessarily from one of the McCanns.

It's possible....
My first post here, I was thinking the police maybe closing in too, why did Gerry say he thought the abductor may have been in the apartment while he was there, and has only just remembered it, is he covering something that may come up later, and it also looks like granny is covering for any drugs that may have been given, very strange.
Welcome, whitedove!
I read your post about your brother here and on another thread.
{{{Hugs}}} to you. :blowkiss:
Welcome WhiteDove. Glad to have you with us...:dance: :dance: :dance:
I have not formed an opinion on the thought of a head injury to Maddie. However, I do know that when a child falls and hits the head, they tell you it is a good thing to have an outward "goose egg", as opposed to not having one. Simply for the reason that you have mentioned. My sympathies to you browneyedgirl. Typically, that is why you would watch for a concussion for 24 hours when there is no outward goose egg. I would think that anyone with any medical knowledge would know this, especially a doctor.

Much thanks Edward20 and exactly the point I was trying to make.....:blowkiss:
I thought it was pretty obvious that Gerry McCann was speaking "with hindsight" - that having gone over and over things in his mind, he realised that the abductor could have been in the flat when he checked at 9.30.

The way it's being interpreted by some is as though he has just suddenly decided to say that when he checked on the kids he thought (at that time) that someone was in the flat.

Years ago, I came home from having spent the day helping friends to move into their new house. My dog seemed subdued and when I opened the door to let her out, she sniffed outside the door but didn't want to go out. She was very old and I thought she was being fussy, so I made her go out and I merrily went about my business preparing dinner. Over the next hour, I answered a couple of telephone calls and made dinner and then my husband came home with our children whom he'd picked up from a friend's. A moment or so after he came in the front door, he called to me "Hey, what have you done with the television?" My first instinct was that the settings on the tv must be wrong and I was thinking 'powercut' but I replied "Why? What's wrong with the television?" My husband replied "It's gone". And sure enough, we'd been burgled. They'd taken the tv, two video recorders, money, jewellery, a camera, clothes... Our bedroom had been ransacked. I hadn't noticed because when I'd come home, I'd gone straight into the kitchen and had only emerged to answer a couple of phone calls in the hall.

It was only later that I recalled the dog's behaviour and that it made some sense to me. We discovered that the burglar had entered and probably left too by the patio door in the dining room next door to the kitchen. The dog was probably sniffing the air because she could still smell him. The police also thought I'd disturbed him because he took two of my husband's suits and we found them discarded in a lane behind the house. The police said that he probably grabbed them and ran with a view to going through the pockets when he was clear of the house.

I think if Gerry had thought at the time that there was someone in the flat, he wouldn't have just gone off back to the others in the restaurant.
who pointed out my bone-headed error regarding head wounds. I think I assumed that there had to be blood for the cops to have a stairs theory. Oh, browneyedgirl, I'm so sorry about your brother- my son has gotten knocked out a couple of times, and it is terrifying to consider the possible consequences.

Here's a quote from today's Portuguese Press link:

hair that presumably belongs to the English child, which was found behind a sofa at the McCann family's holiday place.

Does anyone recall Kate's statement of a week or so ago, about having washed Madeleine's hair and gently removing the pink bead? We had some discussion regarding why she would mention that...But what if she is trying to explain the clump of hair that we have heard about in the boot of the scenic, or the hair found behind the sofa? It can be difficult to get stuff out of kids' hair without accidentally pulling out a few. I couldn't help thinking that there was a hair argument--I used to cry when my mother washed or combed my long hair... Hair may be pulled out deliberately or accidentally. My mother never pulled mine out deliberately, even though I know she got tired of my struggles. She never snapped.
I thought it was pretty obvious that Gerry McCann was speaking "with hindsight" - that having gone over and over things in his mind, he realised that the abductor could have been in the flat when he checked at 9.30.

He didn't grow that hindsight at this first interview.,,31200-1267559,00.html

The way it's being interpreted by some is as though he has just suddenly decided to say that when he checked on the kids he thought (at that time) that someone was in the flat.

That is exaclty how I interpret it.

In this interview Kate mentions on one of her "checks" to the children is when she found Maddie gone. I have never read anywhere that she checked on the kids prior to finding Maddie gone. They got to the Tapas around 8:45, Gerry checked at 9:05, a friend at 9:30 then Kate.

This interview is prior to the timeline and their actions being under scutiny and their spin machine went into effect.
who pointed out my bone-headed error regarding head wounds. I think I assumed that there had to be blood for the cops to have a stairs theory. Oh, browneyedgirl, I'm so sorry about your brother- my son has gotten knocked out a couple of times, and it is terrifying to consider the possible consequences.

Here's a quote from today's Portuguese Press link:

Does anyone recall Kate's statement of a week or so ago, about having washed Madeleine's hair and gently removing the pink bead? We had some discussion regarding why she would mention that...But what if she is trying to explain the clump of hair that we have heard about in the boot of the scenic, or the hair found behind the sofa? It can be difficult to get stuff out of kids' hair without accidentally pulling out a few. I couldn't help thinking that there was a hair argument--I used to cry when my mother washed or combed my long hair... Hair may be pulled out deliberately or accidentally. My mother never pulled mine out deliberately, even though I know she got tired of my struggles. She never snapped

Thank God for that and thanks for the sentiments about my brother. I think that the McCann's are going back over what has been released and they are trying to come up with legitimate reasons for hair clumps..i removed a pink bead.....DNA in trunk....oh that's just sweat from sandals....(that's my favorite DNA is left from sweat in sandals or dirty diapers...)
I think you can tell alot about people in their actions...I've always been one that I listen to my gut and my gut screams that they are guilty.
I just wish we could find and sound
I know one way there could be a conviction without a body that you all haven't mentioned.

A confession.

And not necessarily from one of the McCanns.

It's possible....

If only we could get that lucky. It's nice to have positive thinking, though:)
Thank you for the Welcome Squishified and Bwowneyegirl, I have alway's had an interest in crime, and like to know how and why crimes are commited, and this one seems to swing from one thing to another, just when you think there may be a breakthrough, it all falls through again, its been a long time now, and this little girl really needs to be found.
I thought it was pretty obvious that Gerry McCann was speaking "with hindsight" - that having gone over and over things in his mind, he realised that the abductor could have been in the flat when he checked at 9.30.

The way it's being interpreted by some is as though he has just suddenly decided to say that when he checked on the kids he thought (at that time) that someone was in the flat.

Years ago, I came home from having spent the day helping friends to move into their new house. My dog seemed subdued and when I opened the door to let her out, she sniffed outside the door but didn't want to go out. She was very old and I thought she was being fussy, so I made her go out and I merrily went about my business preparing dinner. Over the next hour, I answered a couple of telephone calls and made dinner and then my husband came home with our children whom he'd picked up from a friend's. A moment or so after he came in the front door, he called to me "Hey, what have you done with the television?" My first instinct was that the settings on the tv must be wrong and I was thinking 'powercut' but I replied "Why? What's wrong with the television?" My husband replied "It's gone". And sure enough, we'd been burgled. They'd taken the tv, two video recorders, money, jewellery, a camera, clothes... Our bedroom had been ransacked. I hadn't noticed because when I'd come home, I'd gone straight into the kitchen and had only emerged to answer a couple of phone calls in the hall.

It was only later that I recalled the dog's behaviour and that it made some sense to me. We discovered that the burglar had entered and probably left too by the patio door in the dining room next door to the kitchen. The dog was probably sniffing the air because she could still smell him. The police also thought I'd disturbed him because he took two of my husband's suits and we found them discarded in a lane behind the house. The police said that he probably grabbed them and ran with a view to going through the pockets when he was clear of the house.

I think if Gerry had thought at the time that there was someone in the flat, he wouldn't have just gone off back to the others in the restaurant.

What an awful shock to come home and find your tv and other items gone Jayelles, poor dog, he knew there was something wrong. I understand what your saying, but it is on sky news today about gerry thinking about the abductor being in the apartment at the same time, has it taken gerry till now to think there might have been someone there at the same time, I expect you thought about your dog and the way she acted not long after it all happened, it did nt take you three months.
I, personally, couldn't agree with you more. I think it's sad that her parents are in front of the cameras, pleading, not for Madaeline, but for themselves. I think that is absolutely disgusting and I can't help feel sorry for the twins. :( All of which is jmho, of course.
I don't understand why not giving interviews would somehow slow down the search for Madeleine. Wasn't money from the funds going to be spent on billboards and a campaign in the countries most likely for an abductor to escape to?

I don't understand how talking to Barbara Walters is going to make a difference, honestly, anymore than some well-timed commercials or ads in newspapers.

The McCanns could continue to do the publicity events such as the balloon launch and papal visit, etc without any fear of legal action against them as well. They've just been warned not to give interviews publicly about the case, and they keep repeating that they won't talk about details of the investigation. So the only thing left to talk about is....

Sean and Amelie.

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