General Discussion Thread No. 17

DNA Solves
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so they are fair game for every slur and innuendo from gay slurs , group sex to poisining and murdering their child ( that is just here ) - even if they in the end might be innocent -

I just feel a bit uncomfortable about that.

But that is just me -

No, I did not say that. Please check again what I said. I have not said that they were in for group sex, nor have I ever said that they deliberately murdered their child.

In fact, I don't think anyone has said that they murdered their child. Accidental death is the theory over and over repeated by anyone on this forum who thinks the McCanns might be involved in the disappearance of their child.

What I said, and I stand by, is that whenever the McCanns are given a hard question about their own response, they respond with how "hurtful" that is.

I will readily admit that any parent with a missing child who was not involved would perhaps feel angry at the thought they might have hurt the child they loved. But "hurt?" The McCanns refuse to admit even the slightest bit of responsibility for their decision that night. They repeatedly talk about how "safe" it felt and call it "a mistake if you can call it that."

Gord, you and I have discussed before how if there are predators out there stalking and snatching children, then we must begin (of course, that was my opinion) saying loudly and repeatedly that no child should be left alone, even with the "baby listening" services. We also used to drive our children around holding them on our laps (well, Brittney Spears STILL does that) but we know better and have car seats now. Time for everyone, even people who think the McCanns are completely innocent, to say NO MORE will we consider that a good alternative for our children.

However, as a parent, I would not give a rat's patootie what anyone said about me if I knew I was innocent. Find my child, yes I thought she was safe, I made a mistake, don't do it yourselves now, but help me find my child. I don't care what you say about me if you find my child. What could anyone say or do to me that would be worse than knowing my child was out there somewhere in the hands of a predator, or worse yet, deceased?

"Hurtful" is not an appropriate response.

The McCanns opened themselves up to these speculations and accusations because of their decision that night, as they stated, to leave their three young children alone in a resort room. That they seem to feel that their own "feeling that is was so safe! it felt so safe!" attitude should somehow give them a pass from any kind of judgment about their parenting abilities is odd, given that doctors, of all people, are trained to rely on facts and not feelings.

Honestly I think the "hurtful" comment is a spin doctor come back, intended to make anyone who criticizes the McCanns or examines their actions and words, feel guilty or bad for "hurting them." But as I said, the person who was hurt, is Madeleine McCann.
Twinkie, sorry if I hurt your feelings. I wasn't speaking of in vitro babies in general. But it has long been the practice in England for gay men to marry women and have families. An "arrangement" is agreed to. Funny that Gerry and O'Brien, who are such very close friends, needed their wife and gf to have in vitro.
Maybe this should have been investigated when Maddie first disappeared.:banghead:
Oct. 11. 2007,23599,22568084-401,00.html
POLICE are investigating secret child *advertiser censored* rings and websites for photos of missing British girl Madeleine McCann as investigators focus on whether pedophiles snatched her.

The Daily Mail in London reports that Portugese police, working with British police, are examining files found on 150 computers taken from 80 suspects in raids across the country which smashed a major pedophile ring.
Maybe it could not have been investigated on May 4, because when Maddie first went missing, they had not yet smashed this major pedophile ring???
I posted this on the Gerry's Blog thread, but I know everyone checks in here, so I'm posting it again. I found this on the Missing Forum, and it's really a good resource:

A new Archive of all the posts on Gerry's Blog

Edit: Looking at this again, there are dates missing at the bottom of the page, so it's not as "complete" as I thought. However, you can read it in order. If anyone has copies of the earlier posts that are missing, perhaps you could send them to the website owner?
No, I did not say that. Please check again what I said. I have not said that they were in for group sex, nor have I ever said that they deliberately murdered their child.

In fact, I don't think anyone has said that they murdered their child. Accidental death is the theory over and over repeated by anyone on this forum who thinks the McCanns might be involved in the disappearance of their child.

What I said, and I stand by, is that whenever the McCanns are given a hard question about their own response, they respond with how "hurtful" that is.

I will readily admit that any parent with a missing child who was not involved would perhaps feel angry at the thought they might have hurt the child they loved. But "hurt?" The McCanns refuse to admit even the slightest bit of responsibility for their decision that night. They repeatedly talk about how "safe" it felt and call it "a mistake if you can call it that."

Gord, you and I have discussed before how if there are predators out there stalking and snatching children, then we must begin (of course, that was my opinion) saying loudly and repeatedly that no child should be left alone, even with the "baby listening" services. We also used to drive our children around holding them on our laps (well, Brittney Spears STILL does that) but we know better and have car seats now. Time for everyone, even people who think the McCanns are completely innocent, to say NO MORE will we consider that a good alternative for our children.

However, as a parent, I would not give a rat's patootie what anyone said about me if I knew I was innocent. Find my child, yes I thought she was safe, I made a mistake, don't do it yourselves now, but help me find my child. I don't care what you say about me if you find my child. What could anyone say or do to me that would be worse than knowing my child was out there somewhere in the hands of a predator, or worse yet, deceased?

"Hurtful" is not an appropriate response.

The McCanns opened themselves up to these speculations and accusations because of their decision that night, as they stated, to leave their three young children alone in a resort room. That they seem to feel that their own "feeling that is was so safe! it felt so safe!" attitude should somehow give them a pass from any kind of judgment about their parenting abilities is odd, given that doctors, of all people, are trained to rely on facts and not feelings.

Honestly I think the "hurtful" comment is a spin doctor come back, intended to make anyone who criticizes the McCanns or examines their actions and words, feel guilty or bad for "hurting them." But as I said, the person who was hurt, is Madeleine McCann.
Very good post Texana:clap:
No, I did not say that. Please check again what I said. I have not said that they were in for group sex, nor have I ever said that they deliberately murdered their child.

In fact, I don't think anyone has said that they murdered their child. Accidental death is the theory over and over repeated by anyone on this forum who thinks the McCanns might be involved in the disappearance of their child.

What I said, and I stand by, is that whenever the McCanns are given a hard question about their own response, they respond with how "hurtful" that is.

I will readily admit that any parent with a missing child who was not involved would perhaps feel angry at the thought they might have hurt the child they loved. But "hurt?" The McCanns refuse to admit even the slightest bit of responsibility for their decision that night. They repeatedly talk about how "safe" it felt and call it "a mistake if you can call it that."

Gord, you and I have discussed before how if there are predators out there stalking and snatching children, then we must begin (of course, that was my opinion) saying loudly and repeatedly that no child should be left alone, even with the "baby listening" services. We also used to drive our children around holding them on our laps (well, Brittney Spears STILL does that) but we know better and have car seats now. Time for everyone, even people who think the McCanns are completely innocent, to say NO MORE will we consider that a good alternative for our children.

However, as a parent, I would not give a rat's patootie what anyone said about me if I knew I was innocent. Find my child, yes I thought she was safe, I made a mistake, don't do it yourselves now, but help me find my child. I don't care what you say about me if you find my child. What could anyone say or do to me that would be worse than knowing my child was out there somewhere in the hands of a predator, or worse yet, deceased?

"Hurtful" is not an appropriate response.

The McCanns opened themselves up to these speculations and accusations because of their decision that night, as they stated, to leave their three young children alone in a resort room. That they seem to feel that their own "feeling that is was so safe! it felt so safe!" attitude should somehow give them a pass from any kind of judgment about their parenting abilities is odd, given that doctors, of all people, are trained to rely on facts and not feelings.

Honestly I think the "hurtful" comment is a spin doctor come back, intended to make anyone who criticizes the McCanns or examines their actions and words, feel guilty or bad for "hurting them." But as I said, the person who was hurt, is Madeleine McCann.

I wasnt in my post meaning specificaly you - it was more and " in general " - sorry if it seemed i was aiming at you .

I agree with some or most of what you say - I think though that in this case , it is slightly different from most -

the big caveat is if they are guilty of involvment in the disspearance death of Madeline then they deserve everything that is coming to them and more

I dont think any one disagrees with the fact that they were wrong in leaving the children as they did - it was wrong plain and simple - They will pay for that decision for the rest of their lives - If they are guilty - well it is imaterial - if they are innocent of her death / disapearance then the guilt and knowledge and what they have been through will haunt them for ever

All I am saying that some of the more colourfull theories - not just here - but in the press in general - does make me feel slightly uncomfortable - that is all -

At the end of the day mud does stick and whatever we might think - they do have the twins to protect and there is talk about them being taken into protection etc

I can understand it though - there is a huge vacum at the moment and until the PJ get their finger out and actually charge them or not this will continue

I am a bit dismayed to read that only now for instance are they talking about taking DNA from other holiday makers who stayed at the site and also looking at known Paedophiles and seeing what they either know or have on their PC's
Madeline threads are all about possibilities, and those possibilities include the McCanns. As has been said many times, a lot of the problems the McCanns are encountering were brought about by their actions.

Maybe the McCanns are wonderful people and have been misjudged. But, maybe, too, there's a darker side to them. I think the old saying, "Where there's smoke, there's fire," applies here - not necessarily to the McCanns murdering their child, but something is certainly amiss. And, if Madeline's disappearance includes their lifestyle, it's appropriate to the discussion.
Madeleine McCann: Police cheif breaks silence

To a tight trio of trusted colleagues he had confided that he was ''unhappy" about the inquiry and ''exasperated" with the constant leaks from junior officers who, in exchange for extravagant meals, were willing to either reveal snippets of confidential information, or to embroider vague facts if they felt that was what their moles in the Portuguese media wanted.

He has complained that while fellow officers were leaking information illegally — Portugal has strict secrecy laws — the same officers would instruct him to deny the stories when printed. The problem for Sousa was that the denials rarely got into the media.

The result has been endless column inches slandering the McCanns. ''Some Portuguese journalists were fairly convinced the so-called evidence passed on to them by police was nowhere near as concrete as their sources suggested," says Jose Lugios, a freelance reporter based in the Algarve.

Such lax practice has shocked even the country's politicians. ''The leaks to the press of some details that are supposed to be classified have been used as an easy way to manipulate and shape public opinion," says Francisco Louçã, leader of a Portuguese opposition party.
It isn't just rumour from the press on who "leaked"
It was admitted to by some within the PLE and "regretted"
I think the outburst to the press by Detective Amaral was just the final straw to those disgusted at the way he was running the investigation.

April, you left out the most important part of this artical...This entire story is based on more heresay. re-read it, here are some key points:

*In public he has said nothing.

*He has made it clear to friends that he feels his resignation has been vindicated – and why.

*"He has told me he always worried that the evidence against the McCanns was weak," says one former policeman.

In essance, he never admitted to anything. His "friends" and ex-coworkers did.
Just out of curiosity, how long after Madeleine went missing Gerry and Kate started jogging?

Hi SleuthMom. Jumping in a little late this morning with my first post. I searched Gerry's blog for the first reference to he and/or Kate going on a "run". May 20. Day 17. Kate is a keen runner and in the last few days has tried to include a run in the daily routine. Yesterday (Sat) at 7am we ran to the monument at the top of the steep cliff overlooking Praia de Luz. We reached it in 19 minutes.

A bit odd, IMO, considering how "devastated" they were over Maddie's "abduction". I'm a runner (for over ten years now) and found that running or trying to run while in the midst of a personal emotional crisis was either very difficult or impossible. Other runners I know have indicated the same. I remember trying to go for a run a few days after 9/11 and just couldn't. So here are Gerry and Kate - barely two weeks since their daughter has gone missing - running up a steep hill at 7 a.m. and timing it. And reading his entry again, they've been out running before May 20!
Twinkie, sorry if I hurt your feelings. I wasn't speaking of in vitro babies in general. But it has long been the practice in England for gay men to marry women and have families. An "arrangement" is agreed to. Funny that Gerry and O'Brien, who are such very close friends, needed their wife and gf to have in vitro.

Not sure how reliable this source is, but if the information is true it may have quite an impact on the DNA findings and add a twist to some mentioned arrangements...

Gerry McCann ‘is not Maddie’s biological father’
Not sure how reliable this source is, but if the information is true it may have quite an impact on the DNA findings and add a twist to some mentioned arrangements...

Gerry McCann ‘is not Maddie’s biological father’

another 24 Horas special

I think that both Police forces should just put their hands up and hand the whole case over to 24 Horas - they seem to to be way ahead of anybody and the case should be over by Friday
another 24 Horas special

I think that both Police forces should just put their hands up and hand the whole case over to 24 Horas - they seem to to be way ahead of anybody and the case should be over by Friday

NO you know how much money they are making off of this tragedy? It would go on forever if they where in charge. They would have footage of Kate and Gerry in the nursing home, having wheel chair races.
A Gag order, secrecy laws, or what ever would certainly explain why the Tapas 7 haven't leaked anything to the press, but I find it odd that no one has come forward to offer any "off the record" info on Maddie or her parents. (Except family and paid employees) Didn't they have any other friends other than this group? Maybe I've missed it, I admit I don't read every single link listed, or I'd be here all day...BUT, you would think a former patient of the two, or their best friends, (besides the 7) would step up to the bat and defend them with every ounce of their being. On the flip side, you don't hear of any of these people, (Friends or former patients) pointing fingers either. In the Ramsey case, they dug up every pageant mom there ever was to talk about Patsy. The good, bad and the ugly.

You don't see or hear of interviews with Maddie's preschool teacher, Sunday school teacher or her Nanny. No play group Mom's, no Neighbors. No one seems to pour out any grief that's she's missing. Why is that?

Just kind of weird.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Maybe someone can help help me out here, why have the Tapas 9, including Maddie's parents, not been arrested for child endangerment if they all left their children alone that evening? Maybe if they were in jail someone in the group would breakdown with the real info. I CAN'T FATHOM HOW PEOPLE IN THIS HIGH PROFILE STORY WHO OBVIOUSLY LEFT VERY YOUNG CHILDREN ALONE, ADMIT BEING TOLD BY THE RESORT NOT TO DO THIS, STILL CONTINUED TO DO THIS AND ARE NOT IN JAIL?
Hi SleuthMom. Jumping in a little late this morning with my first post. I searched Gerry's blog for the first reference to he and/or Kate going on a "run". May 20. Day 17. Kate is a keen runner and in the last few days has tried to include a run in the daily routine. Yesterday (Sat) at 7am we ran to the monument at the top of the steep cliff overlooking Praia de Luz. We reached it in 19 minutes.

A bit odd, IMO, considering how "devastated" they were over Maddie's "abduction". I'm a runner (for over ten years now) and found that running or trying to run while in the midst of a personal emotional crisis was either very difficult or impossible. Other runners I know have indicated the same. I remember trying to go for a run a few days after 9/11 and just couldn't. So here are Gerry and Kate - barely two weeks since their daughter has gone missing - running up a steep hill at 7 a.m. and timing it. And reading his entry again, they've been out running before May 20!
Welcome, Bandini!
Good post.
I am Maddie's father, insists Gerry McCann

Clarence says:

"For the record, Gerry is the biological father of his daughter Madeleine. A newspaper report in the 24 Horas newspaper suggesting otherwise is nothing short of lies.

"It is indeed an absolute fabrication. Gerry and Kate's lawyers in both Britain and Portugal would remind editors in both countries that they are monitoring coverage very closely and will not hesitate from taking action at the appropriate stage in either country when and wherever it's felt necessary."
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