General Discussion-Thread No. 24

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DNA Solves
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Another thing his attorney will say is the video still shows JLY heading for the side exit with no luggage. They will say that is because it was in his room and he was simply going out for something he forgot .
Unfortunately, the 14 video cameras just record a few seconds and then move to another view. He walked down the side stairwell with his luggage, leaving it at the bottom of the stairs. He then walked to the front desk at 11:59 pm and obtained a copy of his bill. He then headed for the side exit, grabbed his bag and left for Raleigh.
The video captured his image 1/2 down the hall. before he reached the side stairwell and the side exit


Is there video showing him taking luggage into the room after he checked in?
Here is a hush puppy (Sealy) with the same sole....similar slip on design


Here is the "Franklin"...TENNIS shoe....notice size stamped on sole (2 styles)



That's what I needed to see. Thank you very much!:)

Is there video showing him taking luggage into the room after he checked in?

DD, he is shown checking in with a bag over his shoulder.
We can assume he carried the bag in the room since he changed shirts.

He was in the room for about an hour....making a call to a friend and Michelle for a time / location stamp, (11 pm) Assume he also, scattered the towels on the bathroom floor and rolled around in the bed.
DD, he is shown checking in with a bag over his shoulder.
We can assume he carried the bag in the room since he changed shirts.

He was in the room for about an hour....making a call to a friend and Michelle for a time / location stamp, (11 pm) Assume he also, scattered the towels on the bathroom floor and rolled around in the bed.

Do we know if he walked to his room after checking in, for sure? Or, came in and checked in. Then found out his room was at the far end or something and then went back to his SUV and drove around to park closer. Thereby, could have left bag in SUV and carried his change of shirt? Dunno, but it's an idea. Reasonable doubt all the way around. DA might be able to use that on cross.

Also, it appears he never came back down to the desk after the time about midnight, right? I realize the exterior cameras tape on an intermittent basis. What about the camera at the desk? I'm thinking/hoping for good security purposes, that camera would be a constant 24/7 feed? Do you know?

One good thing is that all we've seen is the video tape of that midnight visit. What we aren't privy to, and LE would have, is the interview with the desk clerk, who can say what Jason did and said, as well as his demeanor. Since they were up there relatively quickly, and with the video tape, I'm sure the hotel clerk would remember Jason. (Used to work at a hotel in my college days.) If he went up there to ask for an early check-out receipt, they'd know what his excuse was. Or...did he happen to ask for a fast food place, convenience store, BAR, haha.
DD, he is shown checking in with a bag over his shoulder.
We can assume he carried the bag in the room since he changed shirts.

He was in the room for about an hour....making a call to a friend and Michelle for a time / location stamp, (11 pm) Assume he also, scattered the towels on the bathroom floor and rolled around in the bed.

He thought of everything, didn't he?

Obviously this evil sob had thought about killing Michelle for a long time! It is so chilling, and just seeing his smug face in those latest pictures (craigslist) makes me ill!

What else does LE want? My gosh, they have enough right now! When will there be an arrest???
Do we know if he walked to his room after checking in, for sure? Or, came in and checked in. Then found out his room was at the far end or something and then went back to his SUV and drove around to park closer. Thereby, could have left bag in SUV and carried his change of shirt? Dunno, but it's an idea. Reasonable doubt all the way around. DA might be able to use that on cross.

Also, it appears he never came back down to the desk after the time about midnight, right? I realize the exterior cameras tape on an intermittent basis. What about the camera at the desk? I'm thinking/hoping for good security purposes, that camera would be a constant 24/7 feed? Do you know?

One good thing is that all we've seen is the video tape of that midnight visit. What we aren't privy to, and LE would have, is the interview with the desk clerk, who can say what Jason did and said, as well as his demeanor. Since they were up there relatively quickly, and with the video tape, I'm sure the hotel clerk would remember Jason. (Used to work at a hotel in my college days.) If he went up there to ask for an early check-out receipt, they'd know what his excuse was. Or...did he happen to ask for a fast food place, convenience store, BAR, haha.

But that rock in the door!
And he didn't use his keycard but one time!
That is very very telling, I think.
Do we know if he walked to his room after checking in, for sure? Or, came in and checked in. Then found out his room was at the far end or something and then went back to his SUV and drove around to park closer. Thereby, could have left bag in SUV and carried his change of shirt? Dunno, but it's an idea. Reasonable doubt all the way around. DA might be able to use that on cross.

Also, it appears he never came back down to the desk after the time about midnight, right? I realize the exterior cameras tape on an intermittent basis. What about the camera at the desk? I'm thinking/hoping for good security purposes, that camera would be a constant 24/7 feed? Do you know?

One good thing is that all we've seen is the video tape of that midnight visit. What we aren't privy to, and LE would have, is the interview with the desk clerk, who can say what Jason did and said, as well as his demeanor. Since they were up there relatively quickly, and with the video tape, I'm sure the hotel clerk would remember Jason. (Used to work at a hotel in my college days.) If he went up there to ask for an early check-out receipt, they'd know what his excuse was. Or...did he happen to ask for a fast food place, convenience store, BAR, haha.

He left the front desk at 10:51 after checking in.
6 minutes later, at 10:57, he opened the 3rd floor room door.

I don't think he could have gone back out to his car, returned , gone to the 3 rd floor, down the hall to his room in 6 minutes.

The front desk records constantly
the other 13 cameras record at random , as they switch around

He had the receipt in his vehicle, so he either got it from the desk or from under the door.
Did he 'prop' his door all night and then grab the receipt under the door around 7:30 am ???

So....he wanted the side door propped so he could slip back in.
The staff foiled that for him.
That would mean he had to walk in the front door Friday am past the recording desk camera.....hmmmm

"Or...did he happen to ask for a fast food place, convenience store, BAR, haha"

Good point. He goes to the desk and asks for all night restaurant info, ect.
He does this in case the clerk noticed him leaving at midnight out the exit and told the cops.
The clerk will now tell the cops he asked about a restaurant and he has verified excuse for leaving the hotel at 12 am
Maybe Jason Young put those girlfriend ads on just so they would be found, to show how (in his twisted mind) he is a Daddy first, a poor widower, wanting more children, and he knew he might get a woman like that. THEN, he figured he'd date women and they could vouch for how wonderful he was as a man/dad, when the were called to court if he got caught.

Never mind that he was using his child, being stupid, and arrogantly throwing himself out in public to be found by Websleuths!

Maybe Jason Young put those girlfriend ads on just so they would be found, to show how (in his twisted mind) he is a Daddy first, a poor widower, wanting more children, and he knew he might get a woman like that. THEN, he figured he'd date women and they could vouch for how wonderful he was as a man/dad, when the were called to court if he got caught.

Never mind that he was using his child, being stupid, and arrogantly throwing himself out in public to be found by Websleuths!



JLY did not actually post an ad
That was a response to a girl that posted an ad ...woman seeking man
Apparently, he responded via e-mail and she sent it to NCWanted.
Did he really think he would go under the radar ? Like, who hasn't heard about this case ?
If he did in fact prop his door (tape on latch or safety lock turned in), he likely left his bag in the room. That would explain why he was seen leaving at 12 am w/o luggage.

If he was not late cleaning up blood, he would have more than enough time to slip back in his room, grab the receipt, the newspaper in front of the door and head downstairs to get coffee and be seen hanging around the lobby like nothing happened.
Everyone on here is doing great work with this.

I just wanted to let you know what I found out this weekend.

One of my friends, was dear friends with Michelle. I don't know how, but apparently is pictured with her on some of the pictures that have been shown on WRAL.

After I told her that I was truly sorry for her loss, I said "If you don't mind me asking, do you think the husband did it?" She then went into a rant about what an awful person he was and how she hopes it isn't long before he was locked up.

I realize most of us feel this way, but to hear someone close to her say it, really confirmed it for me.

If anyone has anything they would like me to ask my friend, just let me know, and next time I see her I'll see if she doesn't mind talking about it.
Well, Zelma, you can go ahead and tell us what she told you. TIA!!
He left the front desk at 10:51 after checking in.
6 minutes later, at 10:57, he opened the 3rd floor room door.

(snipped only for space)

"Or...did he happen to ask for a fast food place, convenience store, BAR, haha"

Good point. He goes to the desk and asks for all night restaurant info, ect.
He does this in case the clerk noticed him leaving at midnight out the exit and told the cops.
The clerk will now tell the cops he asked about a restaurant and he has verified excuse for leaving the hotel at 12 am

I really hope this comes down to biting him in his ugly azz...if they get the last little bits of evidence they need - they can wrap up premeditation with a big red bow. :crazy: I always fall back to the fact that odds are against him - most murderers are not as smart as they think. Let's just hope it will be an insurmountable number and levels of "coincidences" that get him.
If he did in fact prop his door (tape on latch or safety lock turned in), he likely left his bag in the room. That would explain why he was seen leaving at 12 am w/o luggage.

If he was not late cleaning up blood, he would have more than enough time to slip back in his room, grab the receipt, the newspaper in front of the door and head downstairs to get coffee and be seen hanging around the lobby like nothing happened.

Karma's kinda a beotch....
I really hope this comes down to biting him in his ugly azz...if they get the last little bits of evidence they need - they can wrap up premeditation with a big red bow. :crazy: I always fall back to the fact that odds are against him - most murderers are not as smart as they think. Let's just hope it will be an insurmountable number and levels of "coincidences" that get him.

When the jury considers each and every little piece of evidence, they will see the big picture and convict this SOB of 1st degree murder in the end.
When the jury considers each and every little piece of evidence, they will see the big picture and convict this SOB of 1st degree murder in the end.

Amen. That is what I'm praying for....let's hope that it happens sooner than later. Anyone have a feeling it's coming this week?
Amen. That is what I'm praying for....let's hope that it happens sooner than later. Anyone have a feeling it's coming this week?

Grand jury for WCSO is this Tuesday.....keep those prayers coming
Hello newMom!:Welcome-12-june:Websleuths is such a great place, and there are so many really great people here too! Glad you've returned!:)
This case grabbed me at the very beginning, and Michelle Young and her little unborn son, and little Cassidy all deserve justice. I have much confidence that we will soon see it happen:clap:. I have faith in the LE people of Wake county, and know they want justice as much, or more than anyone!

I think the rock left propping the door is a very incriminating find. Just the way in which it is detailed in the recently released warrent, I think, shows the importance of it.
The rock is found positioned to allow the door to stay open, someone finds that rock propping the door open. Jason Young is seen on hotel video approximately one hour after his checking in. He is dressed in different clothes. He doesn't use his keycard again. The next day a hotel maid uses a keycard to enter his room. I think we'll hear even more about this at trial, and it will be shown to have a lot of weight in this case. I believe the rock in the door incident will be big in this case, and it will help to 100% nail Jason!

I hope you stick around now and await the arrest we've all been waiting for!
Congratulations on both of your sweet babies!:blowkiss:

Thank you, sweetmop, for your warm welcome! And thank you for your congrats - we couldn't be happier that we are having another precious child. It does make me all the more aware, though, of Michelle's loss of her chance to raise her babies as well as Cassidy's loss of her Mama who loved her so much. I can only pray that there will be justice.

I was drawn instantly to this case. I feel like I had so much in common with Michelle - even a husband named Jason (although obviously NOTHING alike!). AND my husband graduated from NC State and even knew a Jason Young! It turned out to be a different Jason Young, though.
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