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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thanks My2, I would like to know anything local that we can find out about this.
I am sad to report that TES is not coming to Ocilla after all. The person who originally shared this has since found out that it is not the truth. They have apologized for sharing it without substantiating it first. But I am sure that many of us would have done the very same thing as she.

Tara is out there and it is my fervent belief that she will be found. We will not give up.

So lets just think of something. A new look at old details. Another look at newer details, such as the glove and a second person involved in Tara's disappearance. Tara deserves our attention and our prayers, so lets keep both going.
That's too bad. You are right though Tara still needs our attention, she is out there somewhere and somebody knows where!!
Tara's case is featured on the front page of CNN online. It is a Nancy Grace cold case synopsis. This is helpful to keep Tara's name out there and hopefully generate new tips. Someone knows what happened to Tara and where she is.

It would be great if a couple of these tidbits we have heard lately are getting the perp (s) nervous. Maybe one of them will slip up?
I didn't realize the results from the glove testing were inconclusive....

Unidentified male DNA and something that links Tara to the glove. This was all reported in the 48 Hours episode and an interview conducted by Greta Van Susteran given by GBI SAC Gary Rothwell in July 2008. GBI hasn't ruled out third party involvement. Maybe they found a match recently...wouldn't that be wonderful!!!!
Tara's case is featured on the front page of CNN online. It is a Nancy Grace cold case synopsis. This is helpful to keep Tara's name out there and hopefully generate new tips. Someone knows what happened to Tara and where she is.

It would be great if a couple of these tidbits we have heard lately are getting the perp (s) nervous. Maybe one of them will slip up?

Thanks Concernedperson, for this link. And for keeping up with Tara's case. There aren't many of us left.
I don't have anything to add really, just thinking about Tara this morning. The 3rd anniversary of her disappearance will be on October 22nd. I cannot imagine why it has taken this long to find her.

Would you please take a brief moment each day and ask for God to put His light around this case and bring it to a close?
It's been 3 years ago today since Tara was last seen. Tara, you are still in the thoughts and prayers of many, and we have not forgotten you.

Please everyone, light a candle for Tara, she is forever in many of our hearts.
I, too, remembered. This is also the date that Jacob Wetterling disappeared 19 years ago.
Dearest Tara,
It doesn't seem possible that you have been gone three years. Some say that we are no closer to finding you today than we were three years ago, but I feel that we are much closer. Because if time is the only reason for us not finding you yet, then we have three less years to wait.

Bless you for all that you experienced that fateful day. I pray that your heart is filled with God's infinite love and that you have found his peace as well.

I also pray for those whom you loved, who are still here and who still don't know what happened to you. They also need to receive our prayers for peace and love, and most of all an understanding of God's Divine timing. One of the mysteries in this case.

I am praying for the person who changed the course of your life that day. That he will see the light of wisdom shining on what he did to you and that he will make things right by what he did to you.

Last of all, I am praying for the people who are working diligently at the GBI and local LE in solving Tara's case.

God Bless all who continue to help find Tara.
When this case first happened I never dreamed that three yrs later we would still be looking and wondering what exactly happened to Tara.
Like you Esah, I pray that local LE and GBI are lead to the person responsible for this and that there will be justice for Tara.
Dearest Tara,
It doesn't seem possible that you have been gone three years. Some say that we are no closer to finding you today than we were three years ago, but I feel that we are much closer. Because if time is the only reason for us not finding you yet, then we have three less years to wait.

Bless you for all that you experienced that fateful day. I pray that your heart is filled with God's infinite love and that you have found his peace as well.

I also pray for those whom you loved, who are still here and who still don't know what happened to you. They also need to receive our prayers for peace and love, and most of all an understanding of God's Divine timing. One of the mysteries in this case.

I am praying for the person who changed the course of your life that day. That he will see the light of wisdom shining on what he did to you and that he will make things right by what he did to you.

Last of all, I am praying for the people who are working diligently at the GBI and local LE in solving Tara's case.

God Bless all who continue to help find Tara.

Beautifully said.
Beautifully said.

Esah is a beautiful person and one,in all this tragedy, I am proud to have known. I know I can pick up the phone and call her and she will always be receptive. I know that when I start to pull my hair out over this case, she will be the calming guiding light and make me get focused again. Most of all I know that the journey to find Tara is not a lonely isn't lonely at all.

Tara, if you are listening, we will never stop looking for you and what happened to you. Hours, days and years but we will never stop.
Thank you CP for such nice words.

Tara is filling my mind this morning. I have been to a few other sites just reading, but something is nagging at me that I just can't shake. So I figured that if I just start writing, maybe it would surface.

I don't want Tara to fade away and become a cold case. I made a promise to her, spiritually, that I would stay with her until she was found. This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would, but I couldn't close this door even if I tried. And honestly, I have tried three different times. Times when I felt spent and hopeless against the lack of real movement in her case. But something always happens when I try to close this door. Tara reaches out to me each time. Out of the blue someone will email me and ask me about Tara's case, or it may be a phone call, or it is just that God fills my heart with a new sense of courage to keep trying. The result is that I am still here after 3 years.

Sometimes, as I read others' posts, who have been here the same length of time, I think of what keeps them going too. I know that God must be working through their hearts as well. Tara is being blessed in so many ways. It is important that we don't forget that.

For a while, I thought that I was just a mediocre psychic. I mean, how could I keep missing the only detail that really matters in this case? That being where she is. But now I have come to realize that I am doing the best I know how to and that God has a perfect ending to this that none of us are yet to be privvy to. Some days, like this one, I find my self saying to God "Today seems like a good day to bring her home. Please let it be today". When it doesn't happen, I know that it will come, even if it's not today.

If Tara's family are reading this today, I want you to know that I feel that Tara is truly an angel. Because in my opinion, only an angel could capture so many people's hearts and keep us thinking about her every day for this long. And she will keep a light in our hearts long after she is found. That's what angels do.

In closing, I dont' know if I am any further along, then when I started this post, but maybe you will feel Tara too and that will just be enough for today. Just to know that she is with you and thankful for all that you are doing.
I can't believe it's been 3 years. I followed this case from the beginning, for I have been to the area where she lives and I teach school. I guess I just wanted some resolution for her poor soul. We have to keep the case on the fore front or else it will be relegated to the back burner.
Esah - what a beautiful post above. All so true that it brings a tear to my eye. Tara has been on my mind alot lately too. I know the 3rd year anniversary just occured on the 28th and that her birthday is arriving soon, 11/14, so I guess thats why she is on my mind lately.

I find myself having thoughts about her abducter/murderer and how he is coping with these anniversaries approaching. I wonder if Tara is still haunting his dreams? I would like to be able to agree with the poster who stated that they are not going to declare Tara dead, just missing...but I'm afraid that I wouldn't be true to my heart by stating that as fact, I do believe that Tara has met her demise and my prayer is that we are able to find her this year and bring her home.
Esah - what a beautiful post above. All so true that it brings a tear to my eye. Tara has been on my mind alot lately too. I know the 3rd year anniversary just occured on the 28th and that her birthday is arriving soon, 11/14, so I guess thats why she is on my mind lately.

I find myself having thoughts about her abducter/murderer and how he is coping with these anniversaries approaching. I wonder if Tara is still haunting his dreams? I would like to be able to agree with the poster who stated that they are not going to declare Tara dead, just missing...but I'm afraid that I wouldn't be true to my heart by stating that as fact, I do believe that Tara has met her demise and my prayer is that we are able to find her this year and bring her home.

I do believe Tara is dead and that this occurred sometime after 11 PM on the 22nd of October. I have gone back and forth for three years over this. I do believe that she was abducted from her home probably around 1 AM and she was lured by someone who sold her a story. The unknown DNA male.

I also think I know who is behind this and it doesn't matter what his excuses/alibis are. He only cares about himself and his needs for whatever time. He is just like every other abuser/murderer we see daily it is just that he is getting away with it longer than I would like or Tara's family would like.

His last girlfriend dissed him for a firefighter which was a good choice on her
part. This may have saved her life.
I do believe Tara is dead and that this occurred sometime after 11 PM on the 22nd of October. I have gone back and forth for three years over this. I do believe that she was abducted from her home probably around 1 AM and she was lured by someone who sold her a story. The unknown DNA male.

I also think I know who is behind this and it doesn't matter what his excuses/alibis are. He only cares about himself and his needs for whatever time. He is just like every other abuser/murderer we see daily it is just that he is getting away with it longer than I would like or Tara's family would like.

His last girlfriend dissed him for a firefighter which was a good choice on her
part. This may have saved her life.

HI CP. Its been so long since weve been here at the same time that I miss chatting with you. I agree with your post entirely, as I have always in the past. I do believe that Tara is gone from this earth and that she is with her mother in Heaven. Im glad that her mother finally has the answers that she longed for in life.

I hope that this will be the last birthday she has to spend alone in an unmarked grave. I hope by this time next year, she will be in a place where her family can visit with her.

I also hope that this will be the last year that her murderer is able to escape justice. I hope this time next year we will be gearing up for his murder trial.

How is the local gossip there? Anything being said at all or is it just a horrible memory fading from minds? I google the local news weekly but, nothing really ever in print, not that there ever has been. Just wonderin what was being said around town?

Im glad to know that his gf got rid of him before he wiped her off the face of the earth, too. I bet that didnt go over well with his arrogance. Do you think she was involved in anyway with Tara's plight? i have always wondered if they didnt show up at the BBQ that night? I dont know, the more I go over this case, the more it seems Im chasing my tail.

Ill look forward to maybe being able to run into each other on the board.
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I managed to get sick and didn't get to go to Grandmother's House for dinner! Since my whole family weren't feeling much better than me, my mom and dad brought all the fixins over and we ate very good food. I was thankful for a caring family.

I think about Tara's family at every holiday and how hard it must be for them to get together and enjoy themselves. Even though Tara would want them to be happy, I'm sure it's hard to just the same.

So many times in the past three years, I have tried to re-invent my search for Tara. Try to start over or look at old details in a new way.

I used to have a thread this site that I would post directly to "the person who took Tara'. It was very therapeutic to me to be able to tell this annonymous person what I thought of them and try so many times to encourage them to come forward. I miss that thread but after all that I have said to them, I dont' think that there is much more that I could say to them that would make any more difference than the other posts. I think it just made me feel like I was doing something when nothing else was happening.

Whether I am posting a message to this man publicly or not, I am still doing it in prayer every day. So please keep Tara's case in your prayers. I have seen the power of prayer displayed so many times in my life, and well... we simply don't know how our prayers will work. We just need to know that they do work.

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