General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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Hey just saw your response. I have spent the last 30 minutes reading and trying to decide what reference to use to explain what I am talking about and there are 100's if not 1000's so please give me a while! LOL!

I agree Oxycontin is a very addictive drug but not all people have the chemical imbalance in their brain that makes them an addict. Addiction is a disease not a choice. Abusing drugs to get a high or feel good feeling is not addiction because you can take it or leave it. You use it because you want to. An addict has no choice they have to have the drug to survive or so they think. They have to have more and more to maintain their need. They cannot just walk away and say no more. I hope I am making sense. I am in no way arguing with you or anyone. I have taken Oxycontin a number of times over the last nine years and after the course prescribed my body did not need anymore. I was done, no more pain meds of any kind. Actually have disposed of left over Oxycontin. I have had 18+ surgeries in the last 10years from small to very serious so I know what pain is and the need for relief. Thank the good Lord I am able to stop as soon as needed others are not so lucky and not by their own choice. It is awful what can happen with the use of drugs.

I had a close family member who many years ago had a drug problem and was in rehab and we went every weekend for group family counciling to understand how to help our family member. The one big thing the doctors said over and over "it is a disease they will have the rest of their lives". They also told about a 76 years old woman who had been thru their program who had never had a problem ever until she retired and moved locally and joined other retirees socially. She had never in her life drank any type Alcohol until then, one drink and she became addicted and went into a downward sprial and had to be admitted to rehab. The doctor said if she had never had that drink after she retired she would not have become an addict. It is cause by chemicals imbalance in our brains. Some people have it some don't but it does run in families. I can have a drink and not have another for months and months if ever but someone addicted to alcohol can't have that one drink because their body wants/needs more. It's like trying to stop smoking some people can stop wham no problem just walk away others fight it for years and years. Now food addiction is something I can tell you all about! That is/was my drug of choice. I need carbs! No question that is true! After years of yoyo dieting trying everything possible I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 100 pounds to save my life! Do I still have to be careful of course GB is only a tool not a cure. It is a struggle everyday of my life not to give in to my carb addition even when I know it will make me so sick I sometimes throw up my body still wants the darn stuff. Through a lot of hard work I have managed to keep the weight off for eight years. The bad thing about food addiction is you have to keep eating or you will die. If you overeat to the point you loss control you will die. So even though it is no comparision to someone addicted to Oxycotin most of us have some form of addictions but not to all things. My new addiction is WS and wanting to bring closure to all these families who are missing a loved one!

I still believe RC is a drug abuser because he likes the good feeling he gets but he can put it down and walk away only to go back when he wants to have that feeling again not because his body is crying out because of the need. Just like I can go to a party and have several drinks feel a buzz enjoy the company then go home (not driving) and have absolutely no need for another drink ever. Google drug abuse vs. drug addiction or oxycotin drug abuse vs. addiction and you will get tons of info on the difference.

I think we can all agree RC is a seller/dealer/user. I think it all fills his addictive ego of being the "Man" and "Mr. Tough Guy". I just want him put away before he destroys more lives than he already has mainly Haleigh and Jr.s

I must have not have made myself clear on the Oxy issue. This isn't a recreational drug. I bolded the part of your post I maintain to not fit RC and his abuse of this drug. He cannot put it down, nor did he put it down at any time surrounding the time Haleigh went missing. He was allegedly walking around with them in his pocket (loose) around the time GR did the interview with him, yet he claimed he did not use drugs. Chelsea stated on the NG show, there were loose pills all over that house all the time and Misty has claimed that RC was injecting it IIRC from the jailhouse tapes with her father.

When you abuse this drug and try to stop on your own, you get very sick. If you took this drug for pain in the proper dosages as it was designed for, you most likely would not have a problem unless it was for an extended amount of time or taken in improper dosages. This drug is highly physically and psychologically addictive. But for a person in pain, a nondrug-abusing patient does not have euphoria after being administered opioids, possibly because their level of pain may reduce some of the opioid's euphoric effects making a patient less likely to become an abuser, (the category you probably were in while having to take this drug).

RC didn't just stop using once he got to jail because he's Mr. Tough Guy. At that point, he had no choice. I am fairly positive he was put on something like Suboxone to treat his withdrawal from the drug once in jail. Many people cannot withdraw from it on their own. It's not something you use a few times and stop, then do it again and stop. The human body does not react like that to opiates from the Heroin family and the normal person does not have loose pills laying around the house, in their pocket like M and M's nor do they inject it. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree GrannyL. RC IMO is an addict and always will be.
Misty's story has always been that she was sleeping and awoke to find Haleigh missing. The only thing her story has ever been inconsistent with is the order of that discovery. Tommy's story hasn't necessarily been inconsistent; just like Ron Cummings or Annette Sykes, we just found out that something else happened that night that they didn't think to speak about right away. If Ron's forgetting he went to the store is measured as an afterthought, then so too must Tommy's revelation that he knocked on the door at 10 and no one was there, as much as Annette's statement that she was there that night between 7 and 8.

It is taking as a whole who forgot to say what they were doing, and at what time those things were happening, which causes me to continue looking toward them and not at Joe, who no matter what people say, is being thrown out there as the boogeyman with nothing more than the word of people in jail who later on indicate that they're only saying it because they want out of jail.

Sorry, but it isn't flying.

I understand your position Debs and respect it but I disagree. I think LE knows all too well what is being said about Joe and his craziness and bizarre violent behavior in the past is true. If this man was not involved and knew absolutely nothing about that night LE wouldn't have interviewed him several times until he lawyered up.

Even Joe said he has lost all of his family and all of his family isn't just those cousins sitting in jail. I think he is feeling the heat and cold shoulder even from those that are kin and know him in TN. His own mom said he keeps close to home now. I just think a lot of people know about Joe and what he is capable of doing if he is crossed.

In the end he could very well be the boogeyman personified and the last person Haleigh ever saw before she died. If you wish to think that he is not involved in this and is only being used as a scapegoat then that is your entitled opinion of course but I will not do so. He has always been at the top of my list from the very beginning when LE seized his clothes and he will remain there unless LE comes out now, after the additional information was learn a few weeks prior to the boat ramp search, and says he had nothing to do with Haleigh's death.

It is very common for criminals to make the false statement that LE is wanting them to lie about someone. Especially if it is someone the criminal is trying to protect in order to protect themselves too. I don't think LE wanted Tommy or Misty to lie about one thing concerning Joe. They wanted the truth about Joe and they have wanted it for a long time now, imo.

I understand your position Debs and respect it but I disagree. I think LE knows all too well what is being said about Joe and his craziness and bizarre violent behavior in the past is true. If this man was not involved and knew absolutely nothing about that night LE wouldn't have interviewed him several times until he lawyered up.

Even Joe said he has lost all of his family and all of his family isn't just those cousins sitting in jail. I think he is feeling the heat and cold shoulder even from those that are kin and know him in TN. His own mom said he keeps close to home now. I just think a lot of people know about Joe and what he is capable of doing if he is crossed.

In the end he could very well be the boogeyman personified and the last person Haleigh ever saw before she died. If you wish to think that he is not involved in this and is only being used as a scapegoat then that is your entitled opinion of course but I will not do so. He has always been at the top of my list from the very beginning when LE seized his clothes and he will remain there unless LE comes out now, after the additional information was learn a few weeks prior to the boat ramp search, and says he had nothing to do with Haleigh's death.

It is very common for criminals to make the false statement that LE is wanting them to lie about someone. Especially if it is someone the criminal is trying to protect in order to protect themselves too. I don't think LE wanted Tommy or Misty to lie about one thing concerning Joe. They wanted the truth about Joe and they have wanted it for a long time now, imo.


Could you provide a link to where LE stated that they "seized" JO's cloths please - TIA.

Could you provide a link to where LE stated that they "seized" JO's cloths please - TIA.

NMS...I'll look.. It is somewhere around here in Haleigh's forum.. It is stated in an interview with his attorney..Jo states they took his clothes.. I never heard it from LE though..
NMS...I'll look.. It is somewhere around here in Haleigh's forum.. It is stated in an interview with his attorney..Jo states they took his clothes.. I never heard it from LE though..

And once again, his attorney stated that Joe volunteered any and all things LE asked for when requested to do so.
NMS..... I know elle posted the links to the interviews with his attorney somewhere around here but so far I haven't found it...JMO
I will NEVER believe that she was fed to alligators, and nor does Ron...that is how he is so matter of fact, without any sorrow or rage, in fact, he suggest how they would never find Haleigh because aliigators take their prey into burrows.. Now, if there's a time to "lose" it ., I would think that would be it...!!! Instead, he offers up someway that his daughter can not be found..ever...and he seems OK with that...It's in the Cobra tapes the day after she disappeared... "Do I think thats were my kid is??? ...(answers himself) Probably... Why would a parent say something like that unless, you want everyone to quit looking for her...!!! I honestly believe the Cummings have here buried somewhere significant to them.. Since Rons Grandpa pretty much raised him, and his job was in agriculture..Rons Grandpa helped agriculture the Seven Sisters Islands..which is directly of the dock at the end of Rons road of Green Lane..where the dogs lead the police..and other places as well...I think Haleigh is on one of those Islands. It has been said that Ron would help his Grandpa at work when he was young, but not confirmed...

Myles Kirby Sykes obit says: "Survivors include his wife of 22 years Annette Sykes of Welaka; a son Ronald Cummings of Crescent City; daughters Teresa Neves of Lady Lake, Melanie Kintzler of Oakfield Wisconsin, and Crystal Cummings of Wildwood; a stepson...; sisters...; brothers....; 10 grandchildren and a great-grandchild.",5413656&dq=annette-sykes+cummings&hl=en

I found it strange that not only is Ronald listed as his son but he is listed first over Mr. Sykes own family.

IMO, it shows Ron is and has been the favored son of both GGma Sykes and TN. I think it explains some of their behavior.
In this video, JO states the car he rode in, his clothes from his last day in Florida and "everything," were taken by the police.

04/14/10 11 p.m. Report
@ about 2:20

Also, LP (who believes if evidence had been found against JO would have led to his arrest by now), states that belongings that JO had dumped at a gas station on his return to Tennessee are in the custody of LE.

PADILLA: Now one of the things Joe keeps being brought up. His belongings that were dumped at a gas station before they got back to Tennessee or on the route to Tennessee, when the young lady gave him a ride back, they were searched by the authorities back there and they are in the custody of the authorities.

So in my way of thinking, if there was something incriminating in his belongings, he would not be free today. So there`s much left of speculation as to why Joe is being talked about by Tommy and Misty as being the culprit in this thing when they themselves have a lot to –

GRACE: Got it.
Myles Kirby Sykes obit says: "Survivors include his wife of 22 years Annette Sykes of Welaka; a son Ronald Cummings of Crescent City; daughters Teresa Neves of Lady Lake, Melanie Kintzler of Oakfield Wisconsin, and Crystal Cummings of Wildwood; a stepson...; sisters...; brothers....; 10 grandchildren and a great-grandchild.",5413656&dq=annette-sykes+cummings&hl=en

I found it strange that not only is Ronald listed as his son but he is listed first over Mr. Sykes own family.

IMO, it shows Ron is and has been the favored son of both GGma Sykes and TN. I think it explains some of their behavior.

Very strange indeed.
In this video, JO states the car he rode in, his clothes from his last day in Florida and "everything," were taken by the police.

04/14/10 11 p.m. Report
@ about 2:20

Also, LP (who believes if evidence had been found against JO would have led to his arrest by now), states that belongings that JO had dumped at a gas station on his return to Tennessee are in the custody of LE.

PADILLA: Now one of the things Joe keeps being brought up. His belongings that were dumped at a gas station before they got back to Tennessee or on the route to Tennessee, when the young lady gave him a ride back, they were searched by the authorities back there and they are in the custody of the authorities.

So in my way of thinking, if there was something incriminating in his belongings, he would not be free today. So there`s much left of speculation as to why Joe is being talked about by Tommy and Misty as being the culprit in this thing when they themselves have a lot to –

GRACE: Got it.

It makes me wonder if the clothes he was wearing on the night before Haleigh was reporting missing were also in there. Not the clothes he had on when putting up the fliers.

"In this video, JO states the car he rode in, his clothes from his last day in Florida and "everything," were taken by the police."

Myles Kirby Sykes obit says: "Survivors include his wife of 22 years Annette Sykes of Welaka; a son Ronald Cummings of Crescent City; daughters Teresa Neves of Lady Lake, Melanie Kintzler of Oakfield Wisconsin, and Crystal Cummings of Wildwood; a stepson...; sisters...; brothers....; 10 grandchildren and a great-grandchild.",5413656&dq=annette-sykes+cummings&hl=en

I found it strange that not only is Ronald listed as his son but he is listed first over Mr. Sykes own family.

IMO, it shows Ron is and has been the favored son of both GGma Sykes and TN. I think it explains some of their behavior.

Not only that, why is Teresa not listed as a step daughter, I see there is a step son, who I assume is Don Squires. And where is any mention of Katrina?

Its so weird.
Myles Kirby Sykes obit says: "Survivors include his wife of 22 years Annette Sykes of Welaka; a son Ronald Cummings of Crescent City; daughters Teresa Neves of Lady Lake, Melanie Kintzler of Oakfield Wisconsin, and Crystal Cummings of Wildwood; a stepson...; sisters...; brothers....; 10 grandchildren and a great-grandchild.",5413656&dq=annette-sykes+cummings&hl=en

I found it strange that not only is Ronald listed as his son but he is listed first over Mr. Sykes own family.

IMO, it shows Ron is and has been the favored son of both GGma Sykes and TN. I think it explains some of their behavior.

I thought his grandmother and grandfather had raised Ron. I have known other grandparents who have done the same and they think of these children more like their own child rather than a grandchild.

Now that he is in jail they have nothing to do or say again MOO

I agree...You would think..TN..would still be active in passing out Haleigh flyers, on talk shows pleading to the public for tips, hiring a PI for help in finding her body, keeping the search active and moving forward...since R is in jail..

You would think the family would continue looking and PLEADING for tips.

UNLESS TN KNOWS...H IS deceased and WHERE her body is...

It's like ...all interest in finding H has stopped..WHY???..Even with the LE announcing it a HOMICIDE..STILL keep pleading for any tips..increasing the reward...

What I just explained is.. what... IMO what a NORMAL family would do ...that STILL believed their child/grandchild is truly missing/dead/murdered...KEEP VISIBLE..Pleading to the public..for ANY help..any info...ANYTHING..

But what are they doing....???? POINTING FINGERS AT EACH OTHER...

FINDING/LOCATING Haleigh has been ...forgotten..
all in my own opinion
I think TN and GNS have enabled him his whole life and that is why he is the way he is. They may be scared of him but I doubt it. They are covering and running interference IMO
I agree that Annette Sykes and Teresa Neves have enabled and encouraged and taught Ronald his entire life, and because they have witnessed what he is capable of, they fear him, also. They are aware and they are probably terrified of what he is physically capable of and, maybe even more than that, what he is psychologically capable of inflicting upon everyone around him. He has no loyalty and these women know it. This is my opinion.

I also agree that they are covering for him, but I also believe they are covering for themselves, as well. I believe that these two women are who Ron called once he harmed HaLeigh and that they all three coerced Misty into their cover-up of the crime, neatly making her the fall-girl as they did so.

I understand your position Debs and respect it but I disagree. I think LE knows all too well what is being said about Joe and his craziness and bizarre violent behavior in the past is true. If this man was not involved and knew absolutely nothing about that night LE wouldn't have interviewed him several times until he lawyered up.

Even Joe said he has lost all of his family and all of his family isn't just those cousins sitting in jail. I think he is feeling the heat and cold shoulder even from those that are kin and know him in TN. His own mom said he keeps close to home now. I just think a lot of people know about Joe and what he is capable of doing if he is crossed.

In the end he could very well be the boogeyman personified and the last person Haleigh ever saw before she died. If you wish to think that he is not involved in this and is only being used as a scapegoat then that is your entitled opinion of course but I will not do so. He has always been at the top of my list from the very beginning when LE seized his clothes and he will remain there unless LE comes out now, after the additional information was learn a few weeks prior to the boat ramp search, and says he had nothing to do with Haleigh's death.

It is very common for criminals to make the false statement that LE is wanting them to lie about someone. Especially if it is someone the criminal is trying to protect in order to protect themselves too. I don't think LE wanted Tommy or Misty to lie about one thing concerning Joe. They wanted the truth about Joe and they have wanted it for a long time now, imo.


The reason you gave for Joe to be at the top of your suspect list apply to Ron also.

Ron lawyered up and stopped cooperating with LE a little over a month after Haleigh disappeared. Six months after Haleigh disappeared, Ron said he was not cooperating because "“Besides ‘No I didn’t have nothing to do with my child being missing,’ what do you say?” he asked."

Haleigh is his daughter. He has a responsibility to help. But Ron won't even speak to LE with his attorney present.

Joe "lawyered up" after the national media was saying that Tommy told LE Joe killed Haleigh. But Joe, who has no responibility to Haleigh, and his attorney still met with LE. Joe not only met with them but met with them late at night after work. He did not ask them to wait until the next morning. He went when they asked. Joe may have "lawyered up" but he is still speaking with LE.

We have only heard about Joe from people who have a reason to lie about Joe, ie Croslin/Cummings. His Mom said he keeps close to home after people in Florida started making wild accussations suggesting he had something to do with Haleigh's disappearance and they did not stop once LE said he was not a suspect. Joe is not out doing drugs, selling drugs or even living like nothing happened. Because something did happen, Joe is being vilified in the media for a missing child. Yet Joe is not pointing fingers publically towards anyone. He talks to LE and keeps to hiimself.

I know a lot of people have heard about Ron and know what Ron is capable fo doing. Not only do we have people talk about it. But Ron himself has talked about it. Ron has threatened lives. Ron has threatened to kill himself. Ron has talked about crushing Joe's hands for alledgely stealing a gun. As angry as Ron is/was over a stolen gun that he got back, he sure is not acting that way towards Haleigh, his "heart." Instead of trying to find Haleigh, instead of staying home so the media does not have dirt to report on his personally life, Ron has continued to live his life like nothing happened to Haleigh. Ron who did not marry Misty like Haleigh wanted when she was here, married Misty shortly after because Haleigh wanted him too. Haleigh was only gone a month. IMO, they seemed pretty sure she was not coming back or they would have waited for her to be the flower girl they all told us she wanted to be. Even after the marriage, Ron did not stay home or search for Haleigh but he did sell drugs.

Finally, they seized Ron and Misty's clothes the morning Haleigh disappeared. Ron was at work but they seized his clothes for testing.

IMO, the very reasons you suspect Joe apply more to Ron than to Joe. The only difference is except for both of them having their clothes seized, the allegations about Joe have no proof while Ron has told us in his own words that he stopped cooperating, is violent, and is sitting in jail by his own actions.
It makes me wonder if the clothes he was wearing on the night before Haleigh was reporting missing were also in there. Not the clothes he had on when putting up the fliers.

"In this video, JO states the car he rode in, his clothes from his last day in Florida and "everything," were taken by the police."


Most likely the reporter was referring to JO's clothes from the night in question. Probably, a lack of precision in language used by the reporter asking the question of JO.
I thought his grandmother and grandfather had raised Ron. I have known other grandparents who have done the same and they think of these children more like their own child rather than a grandchild.

Anger and a sense of remoteness had marked Cummings for years, said his grandmother Annette Sykes, who reared him and his sister until Sykes' husband became debilitated by Alzheimer's. Annette and Kirby Sykes had guardianship of the two children beginning when Ronald was 3. He moved out as his grandfather became increasingly ill and was back with his mother, Teresa Neves, in Sumter County by the time he was a young teenager.
I don't think she is and I don't think any of these characters are capable of fooling LE including Ron Cummings.

This is a hard case to solve just like so many other missing person cases now declared homicides. Evidently Haleigh was strangled or smothered so there would be no DNA to find in her home that foul play had been involved then.

There were no other eye witnesses as far as we know. Misty's story at the time was she was sleeping and woke up to find Haleigh gone. Now they have inconsistent stories. Misty and Tommy.

It is like Haleigh had vanished into thin air with no trace of her anywhere and that is the reason that LE has struggled to solve this case.

I do feel LE received new information in the prior weeks before the search at the river and that tip and whomever it is put them in the right direction. I also think LE has long known who are involved but just knowing isn't good enough to bring a case to trial and prove it BARD.

Only about 67% of cases ever get solved and I am sure the perps in the other cases weren't mensa material either. The perps just didn't leave an evidence trail enough to solve the cases.



Ronald Cummings, HaLeigh's father has inconsistent stories. From the very beginning he has LIED.

1. First, HaLeigh was in bed with Misty. Next, Haleigh was in her own bed, four feet away from Misty. Later, he claims the bed was made, so that means he was lying in the beginning. While he and Misty repeated their musical beds stories in a very short time period; I believe it was Feb 12, 13, and 14, 2009, on different national shows and in news articles, HaLeigh's sleeping arrangements were constantly shifting~all according to Ron and Misty.

2. He said he installed a lock that was too high for a child to reach. NO he didn't. We saw pictures of the back door. (There is a description for a person who lies without caring that his lies will be easily found out. The type of person who does this continual type of lying doesn't care that he is caught in a lie, shows no remorse, and seeks only his own gratification, usually at the expense of those around him).

3. He told the pastor he worked his "regular" eight hour shift. He told others (His attorney, T. Shoemaker comes to mind) that he worked...well, 10 -12 hours on Feb. 9-10, 2010. Sorry can't have it both ways, so Ron has made himself into a sorry LIAR.

Just a few examples. I have always found it frustratingly fascinating that many people focus on Misty just because LE and news outlets point to her. If we look at REALITY, trust what we see and hear, then it is Ronald Cummings who stands out as number one, front and center, as "The Inconsistent One."

No statistic, no other case has anything to do with this one. I believe that Justice will be served in the case of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings. It's in the process right now.

MY OPINIONS, based on observing and listening to Ron Cummings, himself.


Ronald Cummings, HaLeigh's father has inconsistent stories. From the very beginning he has LIED.

1. First, HaLeigh was in bed with Misty. Next, Haleigh was in her own bed, four feet away from Misty. Later, he claims the bed was made, so that means he was lying in the beginning. While he and Misty repeated their musical beds stories in a very short time period; I believe it was Feb 12, 13, and 14, 2009, on different national shows and in news articles, HaLeigh's sleeping arrangements were constantly shifting~all according to Ron and Misty.

2. He said he installed a lock that was too high for a child to reach. NO he didn't. We saw pictures of the back door. (There is a description for a person who lies without caring that his lies will be easily found out. The type of person who does this continual type of lying doesn't care that he is caught in a lie, shows no remorse, and seeks only his own gratification, usually at the expense of those around him).

3. He told the pastor he worked his "regular" eight hour shift. He told others (His attorney, T. Shoemaker comes to mind) that he worked...well, 10 -12 hours on Feb. 9-10, 2010. Sorry can't have it both ways, so Ron has made himself into a sorry LIAR.

Just a few examples. I have always found it frustratingly fascinating that many people focus on Misty just because LE and news outlets point to her. If we look at REALITY, trust what we see and hear, then it is Ronald Cummings who stands out as number one, front and center, as "The Inconsistent One."

No statistic, no other case has anything to do with this one. I believe that Justice will be served in the case of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings. It's in the process right now.

MY OPINIONS, based on observing and listening to Ron Cummings, himself.

Nicely written :)

The thing that gets me is when the heat is turned up to RC, he says his famous saying "i was at work, i don't know" it is funny to me, that he is able to KNOW where everyone is located at that time in the MH when he was at work.

the second thing that blows my mind about the door and the locks, is Ron himself when asked stated he thought the door had been pried open with a crowbar. C'mon, for real? Anyone could visually see that door or any door in the MH was not pried open with a crowbar, it just blows my mind.

i have said all along that "Misty is the key" is being said by LE b/c they know she isn't the person who harmed HaLeigh, they have had enough dealings with Ronald to know they will not get info out of him.

all of this is JMO :)
Nicely written :)

The thing that gets me is when the heat is turned up to RC, he says his famous saying "i was at work, i don't know" it is funny to me, that he is able to KNOW where everyone is located at that time in the MH when he was at work.

the second thing that blows my mind about the door and the locks, is Ron himself when asked stated he thought the door had been pried open with a crowbar. C'mon, for real? Anyone could visually see that door or any door in the MH was not pried open with a crowbar, it just blows my mind.

i have said all along that "Misty is the key" is being said by LE b/c they know she isn't the person who harmed HaLeigh, they have had enough dealings with Ronald to know they will not get info out of him.

all of this is JMO :)

bolded by me....One would think...if a father..was at work...when his child went missing..wouldn't that father show sadness..and regret..that HE HAD been at work..and unable to protect her...Does R EVER make any statements that he WISHES..HE had NOT been at work????? I know my question has posted here before...but it keeps coming back to me how R does sadness..over ....being AT work...and working the Xtra hours..

Plus..IF the LE has stated there is no evidence of FORCED entry..why would R EVEN say that???..Didn't M and R get their stories straight about the lock on the 911 call???all in my own opinion
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