General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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Can I ask about deployed airbags? Once an airbag is deployed isn't there evidence of that in the vehicle? It's not like you can fold the airbag yourself and place it back in the steering column like you fold a map and place it in the glovebox, do you? Wouldn't LE have seen the deployed airbag in Ron's vehicle that night, if it did deploy? Do you have to have the vehicle repaired to replace the airbag? How are airbags replace? Anyone?
there would be no way to hide a deployed airbag. My husband hit a big dog on the interstate, & I heard a loud explosion, breaking glass, & then smelled gunpowder. I thought it was a driveby. & to top it off, my husband was driving @ 80 + mph, with a bag in his face. The airbag caused a lot of damage-broken windshield, ripped up steering wheel, torn up dashboard...& I don't know why, but as soon as he got pulled over, I grabbed my daughter from her carseat, & took off running. A trucker stopped & said he saw us hit the dog...which caused very little damage. That bag going off scared the u-know-what out of me, & I think they're more dangerous than hitting the steering wheel-not to mention, if someone passed out, he could suffocate in one of those things.
For those who have a theory that involve TN...


RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, maybe these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) won`t lock me up for the rest of my life anyway.

TERESA NEVES: They ought to let you out for helping them (EXPLETIVE DELETED), I mean, shoot.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I`m innocent. I tell you, I`m innocent.

TERESA NEVES: You are? Yes. I believe you are. I know you wouldn`t do nothing like that.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, you never know what they can prove, though.

TERESA NEVES: Oh I know they don`t got it all out there. They got it on audio and video and pictures, and so I mean, they`re --


What do you think this might mean? They don't got all of what? I am lost!
Highlighting in green part of what I want to address:

"I know you wouldn't do nothing like..." WHAT? Teresa Neves to Ronald Cummings

"Well, you never know what they can prove, though" Ronald's response to his mom, T. Neves.

They appear to be talking about two separate crimes. Drug trafficking and The Crime Against HaLeigh.

I think they mean that not all of the audio and video relating to the drug charges, and also the phone and visiting recordings. But, they could also mean any video evidence relating to the HaLeigh case, such as Ron's movements and maybe, Teresa's movements and possible purchases, also.

Because Ron appears to be attempting to be sly and slick and Teresa is trying also, I get the feeling they are not able to fully understand what the other is talking about.

What a tangled web they have woven; they are caught right smack in the middle of it.


Could someone please help me by answering my question about this certain info? ....
...I have searched around and I cannot find any info(esp. a statement or quote)of what the Kangaroo Express in San Mateo was time stamped as on the video of Ron visiting it in the very early morning hours of February 10, 2009. Can someone please let me know this or even just point me in the correct direction of where I can find this specific info?? TIA to anyone who will kindly help me cuz I'm makin myself crazy:crazy:searching for this info... I'd be forever grateful!

Jessigirl, if I understand you correctly you're wanting info on the time shown on the store's video camera? The only thing I'm aware of that has been reported with a time for the trip is a couple of different articles at AH:

Ronald was scheduled to get off at midnight, but wound up working until 3 a.m., then whipped into the San Mateo Handy Mart on the way home to buy beer and smokes. Sources say a video camera captured his visit about 3:15 a.m.

RE/BBM: Let me get this straight... Everyone, if asked, would honor LE's request not to speak about the case EXCEPT for a PDM employee(s)?? And because a PDM employee hasn't sold a story to the NE claiming that Ronald wasn't at work, that's your proof that Ronald must have been at work all night?? Okkie-Dokkie I'm backing away from the computer now...


:waitasec: I didn't say all people would.

I said when asked by LE "many people honor that request."

Has anyone spoken out saying Ron wasnt at work or even that he was at work?

Not my proof at all. I don't have to have proof of anything. LE said they are satisfied with Ron's work alibi. Its not my case.....its theirs.

San Mateo Handy Mart ? I thought is was the name of the store he stopped at was the kangaroo something?

once again I am so confused!
San Mateo Handy Mart ? I thought is was the name of the store he stopped at was the kangaroo something?

once again I am so confused!

It's my understanding that all Handy Marts were acquired by Kangaroo. Apparently the locals living in the area still call the pre acquisition Handy Marts by the old name even with a Kangaroo sign on the store now.
Can I comment on the bolded part of the timing of the arrest of Misty and Ron and what's called the second phase of the undercover sting?
That transaction was Misty and Ron purchasing controlled drugs from the undercover officer. In previous incidents, Misty and Ron sold to the undercover officer.
Once a suspect's purchases drugs and has the drugs on themselves, they have to be arrested. Cops can not let them leave the scene with the drugs.
Therefore it may appear Misty and Ron was the focus, but it's just the way an arrest comes down in these stings. Sell to suspect, they have the drugs in their possession, make an arrest and the undercover operation comes to a close. jmo

So the second phase of the sting is that they get Misty/Ron to buy drugs, the largest quantity of all the transactions with 100 pills, knowing they would have to arrest them but Ron and Misty were not the focus?

I'm sorry but they appear to be the focus because they were the focus. They could have busted all of them at any time but they waited until they had Ron and Misty on tape buying 100 pills and Ron clearly taking the lead as the person who would be paying for them.
So the second phase of the sting is that they get Misty/Ron to buy drugs, the largest quantity of all the transactions with 100 pills, knowing they would have to arrest them but Ron and Misty were not the focus?

I'm sorry but they appear to be the focus because they were the focus. They could have busted all of them at any time but they waited until they had Ron and Misty on tape buying 100 pills and Ron clearly taking the lead as the person who would be paying for them.

Just to clear this up. 1chump. In my post I do not say Ron and Misty were not the focus. I pointed out that an arrest had to come down when they were the buyers and it made it appear they were the focus.
Of course Ron and Misty were the focus because obvious LE suspected they were dealing drugs, that's why a sting was organized to arrest them. And, it worked.
Here goes my theory of the day.. LOL.. I truely believe that the fight over the gun is the core of this case...It's seems to come up over and over again.. Just different people saying different things...but the one thing they ALL agree on is a fight over a gun. It has been said that Ron and Misty's relatives where drinking beers and Ron showed off his guns...Tommy has said that Ron has asked him to help rob a drug dealer...What IF they decided that first night he met Joe to rob a dealer..and they agreed to do it, and some one got killed.. Maybe the body was disposed of at the Shell Harbor Docks.. Another thing that no one disputes is Misty on a 3 day binge with Nay-Nay and WBG.. Maybe, she in her anger at Ron, spoke of the murder infront of everyone and someone realized that Ron was involved in the death of a friend.. She realized what jeopardy she placed the family in and didn't want to babysit..I have NO reason to believe that Misty was anywhere around that MH on Mon. morning... I further believe that Haleigh and Jr. spent the night a GMS.. and that is why Ron was a bat out of he!! that morning cuz.. he over slept.. I don't want to go on , but I feel I've got the morning together anyways...
Here goes my theory of the day.. LOL.. I truely believe that the fight over the gun is the core of this case...It's seems to come up over and over again.. Just different people saying different things...but the one thing they ALL agree on is a fight over a gun. It has been said that Ron and Misty's relatives where drinking beers and Ron showed off his guns...Tommy has said that Ron has asked him to help rob a drug dealer...What IF they decided that first night he met Joe to rob a dealer..and they agreed to do it, and some one got killed.. Maybe the body was disposed of at the Shell Harbor Docks.. Another thing that no one disputes is Misty on a 3 day binge with Nay-Nay and WBG.. Maybe, she in her anger at Ron, spoke of the murder infront of everyone and someone realized that Ron was involved in the death of a friend.. She realized what jeopardy she placed the family in and didn't want to babysit..I have NO reason to believe that Misty was anywhere around that MH on Mon. morning... I further believe that Haleigh and Jr. spent the night a GMS.. and that is why Ron was a bat out of he!! that morning cuz.. he over slept.. I don't want to go on , but I feel I've got the morning together anyways...
this would also explain a reason for GGS being mad at Misty being let back in the trailer. not just because of WBG, but also because if she hadn't been gone that morning, Haleigh would've been with them & not running late for school. But why would they lie about that morning? Why was it important to insert Misty into the morning routine & make up the outfit story? Why didn't GGS just take Haleigh to school? People witnessed Haleigh at the busstop, after school, but why lie about Misty escorting Haleigh all the way to her class? There's something about all of those tardies that really bugs me. I guess it's the timing. & I don't think it's irrelevant that Ron was in trouble for tardies, more than likely, running late that day, & Haleigh comes up missing that night. too coincidental. & I don't find it hard to believe, that the prospect of going to court, caused Ron's temper to flare.
Gun theory: if there even was one...

JO wasn't even supposed to be in Fla.or have access to a weapon... wonder why he felt it necessary to go down there? Being that JO was an out of towner doesn't it make more sense that RC "used" him if something gun thing did go down? JO was not familiar with the area RC was. How could JO have known who to go after unless RC told him? Maybe JO did pull the trigger IF someone was even killed. It just does not jive with me.. .
I am just trying to make some sense!
RC says no fight over gun. He also said Dope boys don't take kids...
so is he telling the truth on both counts? or lying on both counts?

What do you think?
aprox 9:00 mark

Man: Let's talk about your husband for a minute..

Misty: ok

Man: Tell me what you think his involvement is in this - Do you think he's involved at all?

Misty: No- Ronald had nothing to do with his daugher- he loves his daughter more than anything in this world

Man: When I asked you that - when I just asked you that - It came up and said you are not sure - why is there a doubt in your mind?

Misty: I don't know - Idon't know why there's doubt in my mind- really-Ronald didn't have nothin to do with his daughter - I can tell you that

Man: ok

Misty: that's his heart

So YES people, Misty IS in fact lying... and they caught her on tape. She is lying for Ronald.

Has anyone pointed out that she says twice Ron had nothin to do with his daughter. Never does she add nothin to do with his daughter missing, just that he had nothing to do with his daughter..I wonder if that was the motive? maybe she was tired of playing mommy when Ron had nuttin to do with her and Misty thought she was doing him a favor and herself. I wonder if that is important or if I'm just tired... any thoughts?
I think the gun theory is "key" to this investagtion..and I don't believe for one minute that Ron would take Haleigh all the way to GMS, nearly running over parents and children over an outfit Haleigh wanted to wear...especially if she was tardy again, the courts would become involved...
I think the gun theory is "key" to this investagtion..and I don't believe for one minute that Ron would take Haleigh all the way to GMS, nearly running over parents and children over an outfit Haleigh wanted to wear...especially if she was tardy again, the courts would become involved...

not from where he stood in the eyes of the school. sounds like he sped past the bus stop while the kids were still waiting on the bus... why not just drop her there with the other children. I know at my kids school if you are on the bus even if it's late you are not considered tardy however if the bus was late and I drove my kids to school... arriving before the bus... they were tardy!
Go figure! RON was balls to the wall for some other reason entirely!
Ron was already being invested by children services...He almost resites it word for word on how you can correct a child...He even says the have a Daddy-Daughter agreement...what.?? Something was very wrong in that house...but Misty didn't come along for 3-4 months before Haleigh went missing... Not saying she is innocent, but somethings in that house where a mess before she got there..
Well DFS did make him move into a 3 bedroom home so each child could have their own bedroom. Yet he says they STILL all slept together?? New girlfriend and all???
Ron was already being invested by children services...He almost resites it word for word on how you can correct a child...He even says the have a Daddy-Daughter agreement...what.?? Something was very wrong in that house...but Misty didn't come along for 3-4 months before Haleigh went missing... Not saying she is innocent, but somethings in that house where a mess before she got there..

OK! If he did say that! That creeps me out! It's not like he was attending girl scout meetings with her! father/daughter weekend etc. maybe he just meant don't tell mommy MC is sleeping with us? shiver~~~
right ...DFS was on him hard...very hard...When Geraldo went there to interview him he ran to a friends that worked at DFS. hoping they could help him...He became disguested and warned them to keep an eye on their kids,....eeeeeiry..
oh the Geraldo Riveria tape...He says exatly that...and swears he does not do drugs too.. Sorry, puter illiterate here..or I'd send you a link...
right ...DFS was on him hard...very hard...When Geraldo went there to interview him he ran to a friends that worked at DFS. hoping they could help him...He became disguested and warned them to keep an eye on their kids,....eeeeeiry..

MOO if RC had to ask for someone to back him up... and he had lived there what? 2 months? He MUST have been awfully skeered of Geraldo.
That reeks ALMOST of conciousness of guilt IMO... but the last person I knew that did that is still a free man even tho everyone that knows him is certain he killed his wife... so MOO!!!

And why run to the DFS worker? How bout have his entire Family, including his x-wife's family speak on his behalf about what a great father he was? Even if I were to divorce my husband I'd tell ya he was a GREAT DAD!
That alone speaks volumes!
I think we have heard more friends of Casey Anthony praise her parenting skills than we have RON... WOW that kinda says a lot!
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