George A.Tells Reporters "I Feel Sorry For All Of You" *merged*

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As a grandmother, I can feel some compassion with the Anthonys for their grief for little Caylee. But the gramma part of me would not put up with my daughter's lying to LE about the whereabouts of my g-son. If this was my situation, she would not be living in my house for her own protection because I would beat the ever-living truth out of her.

The part I can't condone is how CA and GA are covering for KC. Cindy is a nurse, George was in LE- they both know the stink in the car is not rotting pizza. They know in their hearts that Caylee is dead. That's why they won't look for her, because the return of their g-daughter means KC goes to jail.

I've said from the beginning - I would shake the out of her! Her a$$ would be in jail!!
You know, I've wondered why the GPs didn't try to track Casey down after she left and now I'm thinking it was probably a welcome respite from the turmoil that Casey had been creating for a long time. Not to say they shouldn't have been worried about Caylee...especially considering Casey's state of mind...but they were probably relieved not to be living in that chaos.
i got an email from tim today .. and he isnt giving up and things are in progress

Thank you so much for this post!! :blowkiss: I had thought of contacting TES myself to find out their intentions. IMO, they do not need the A's permission to come back to Orlando to search for Caylee; they have the support of LE. Whether GA or CA want to accept that Caylee is probably no longer with us, it isn't hurting anything or anyone (except maybe Casey) for TES to search. The A's need to take lessons from Beth Twitty on how to be thankful for any support that you can receive when a loved one goes missing. I know Beth was at one of the searches, I would like to hear her take on what she thinks about the A's. She can relate to what they are going through minus the fact that their daughter most likely murdered their g-daughter.

Ok, i am going to put myself in the A's shoes for a moment (shudder).

If i was them - protecting/habouring a murderer but was in denial, I would be out on the front lawn everyday and all day with pictures and flyers. I would set up a big screen tv with videos of Caylee and BEGGING anyone, everyone to PLEASE search/keep a sharp eye out and come forward with any tip no matter how odd the tip may seem. I would be taking out food and coffee to the media and even the protesters (because I would understand why they were there even if i didnt agree with them).

NO WAY would i be biting the hands that could bring my babygirl home. The more people that see Caylee the more chance there is of someone spotting her. I would be outside making plea's to the "kidnappers" all day every day, asking them make contact and leave a bank account so i could pay them ANY amount of money if they would just leave her at a gas station or something.

The media is not their enemy. The media didnt allow the Zanny and My Sister Sam with the Gang of 3 Toddlers to drive off into the sunset with Caylee. But none that explains WHY they are not using the media and tv coverage to their own advantage. Obviously, they know there is no one to make plea's to. Caylee is no more and they know it :(

I have said this before (several times) - I have never seen a plea for Caylee's return. Not many tears shed either. They only like the media when it is for their convenience. They have the media at their front door and yet they are not using it to their advantage - to find Caylee. Sadly, this has become more about Casey and their family and not where Caylee is.

I don't understand how they can believe anything Casey has said if they have taken the time to listen to the interrogation tapes. After having admitted that she doesn't work at Universal - she tells LE that she left her phone on her desk at Universal; not to mention when she told them that she had to work late at Universal. HELLO CASEY - you just told them you didn't work there anymore. DUH! She may be a pathological liar but she certainly isn't a very good one. :bang:
Right back atcha there George. Don't let the karma door hit you on the butt on your way out. Oh already has.

I'm telling youse guys...I don't think I've seen a family so in need of therapy. The reporters are only reporting a story that their family created. The A's all need to look in the mirror to see where their problems come from.

You are so right. I just wish I could just tell George, "Reporters aren't destroying your family, George. Your daughter is. You want all this to end? Go inside and ask Casey where Caylee is and beat the truth out of her if you need to. Once the truth comes out, the circus will end."
Funny.......the reporters are basically paying the Anthony family as well. Without the reporters they would be getting no attention! Without attention they would be getting no donations..........
Depression is the one left out.

IMO, there is no stage listed in which partying, pole dancing and high fiving euphoria fits.


I just sprayed coffee all over my laptop!
Yes, Beth Twitty is a better example of how a missing person's parent should act. But she also suffered from nastiness. Some people in Aruba just wanted her to leave and blamed her for the bad press the island was getting. She even had friends go order her food because she was afraid of tampering.
Funny.......the reporters are basically paying the Anthony family as well. Without the reporters they would be getting no attention! Without attention they would be getting no donations..........


I agree with ya on that!

I've said several times, if the protestors go away, the media goes away & the freakin web cam, they will lack of attention and prolly more than likely implode from within, starting with their daughter!!! But because they are getting this attention they have a scapegoat they can blame it all on.
I can't help but wonder what these protesters are getting out of this. Don't they have jobs? They can protest at 1:30am and not have to worry about working the next day? I just wish one of them could give a good answer to what they think they are gaining by doing this?
OTOH I cannot understand why the A's have to respond to all of this BS with hammers and baseball bats.
I just think if it was me I would lay low and when the protesters saw that I wasn't getting rattled they would go away.
Cindy and Lee are showing signs of really unstable say the least.
The protesters appear to be losers. The A's appear to play into the hands of bullies.
I just watched the noon news on Local6 and I must say watching George did tug at my heart. The guy looks beaten, on the verge of tears. And he seemed to have an abrasion below is right eye. Not sure what it was but that's what it looked like to me.

Now he's pleading with the media to both catch these people from last night and to help find Caylee. He gave out a letter to the media asking for help finding the protesters from last night. He also stated his garage door was dented and alluded to other possible damage.

The protesters last night seemed to be young adults. And they did go too far and should be charged. George stated he will have them charged and prosecuted.

Thing is, George participated too, by baiting them with a hose and CA carrying a baseball bat. He's got to back off. I don't blame them, they've just had enough. But anyone knows that to go out and hose a bunch of young people will only egg them on, especially in front of cameras rolling. Let LE handle it.

I pray this harassment of them ends soon. And one way to do that is for the A's to stay inside their house and just phone LE, repeatedly if necessary. If they don't, there's likely to be real violence. And that breaks my heart to even think of it.

It would be so easy to end this now if Casey would just tell the truth, no matter what the truth is.
How is a protester grabbing his arm different from George pushing them?
Honestly, I think it is a downright disgrace what is happening to those people. And yes the news media is very much to blame along with LE, who are trying this case in the public eye because they really have nothing very compelling in the way of evidence as yet.

Yes, Casey Anthony deserves scorn for her silence about her daughter's whereabouts. I personally don't know whether or not Caylee is dead. LE has released some tidbits that they say are indisputable evidence. A dead body is indisputable. Air samples of a "smell" taken at least 30 days after the fact are disputable. A single hair with an arguable "death ring" is again disputable. It is entirely possible that LE has other tangible evidence that will pillory Casey Anthony, but until that time, what good can come out of the constant harrassment of her parents.

These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild. Does anyone doubt for a second that George and Cindy do not torment themselves with thoughts of the unimaginable? To be constantly tormented by trailer trash screaming in their faces, bringing little kids to do likewise at all is unconsionable that LE and the Florida courts are allowing this abuse of their rights to continue. If people want to protest Casey's freedom, they should be picketing the sheriff's office or the DAs office which cannot come up with a chargeable offense that will keep her imprisoned. Don't blame her already stricken parents for sheltering her from a pack of self righteous fat harpies who would love to get their hands on the girl and administer "street justice".

As for Caylee, I pray every day for her safe return and until I am told definitively that she is dead, I will continue to do so.

Well said...and I would imagine if the GP's turned their backs on Casey, they would still be harassed by some of the posters on this thread for doing just that. They are in a lose-lose situation.

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