George A.Tells Reporters "I Feel Sorry For All Of You" *merged*

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Although this is late in posting, I've transcribed the video of George. I may be off a word or two here or there, but did my best.

Q How ya doing?

A Why don’t you guys report about the family that you are destroying, OK. Why don’t you guys be responsible for that.

Q What?

A You are destroying my family, all of you. I wish you would get the hell out of here.

Q We're just trying to get some questions answered, (WFTV reporter Mark Boyle).

A No, what you are trying to do is incite me, trying to get me negative, you guys aren't even looking for my granddaughter. You guys are not. You guys are the ones bringing in the protestors. You’re paying them to be here, I know that! You know something? I feel sorry for all of you, I feel sorry for all of you. Someday you are going to have a judgment day. All of you are going to have that. You guys are not helping. You guys are destroying us. Have a little bit of sense and sensibility. Have a little bit of a heart. You guys don’t because you guys are worried about your job, about your journalistic careers. You guys careers are in the tank right now, because you guys aren’t doing the right thing.

Q Can you tell us a little bit about the search, George? Why don’t you tell us about it?

A You know something (voice cracks on the word something). The search is for a live little girl, no matter what you guys are saying, Equusearch, and all this kind of stuff. Why don’t you take it upon yourself .. and you’re on my property! As soon as you step on the grass. That’s my property! Don’t forget your making it worse.

Q Do you have any information about the search you would like to tell us?

A You can contact Mr. Mark Nejame, that is our attorney. He’ll give you any more updates and stuff that you will need. Why don’t you guys go and talk to him? Why don’t you do the right thing and look for Caylee Marie Anthony? She’s alive. Why don’t you guys talk to the protestors and keep them off our property?

Q What are you…

A You guys are inciting it even more.

Q What are you doing to find her?

A Hey, pal, I go 24 hours a day. Why don’t you guys have some sense and sensibilities about your families. And what you guys would you do if you were in my shoes?

Q What do you think about the judge saying no to the injunction? Boyle asked George.

A I'm done talking to you, I'm done talking to all of you. I want you off my property! I want you to leave us alone. Take the protestors with you, please. ( he said as he got into his vehicle)
i always find myself typo-ing cayless, i wonder why that is???

The mind goes on auto/habit and tries to type careless? Any way we color it, it's glaring at us, isn't it? :( ....casey was careless, caylee is talked of less, focused on less, we're careless

I'm guilty, I know, of not always keeping Caylee to the front of this ugly mess. I feel ashamed about that.

It is easy to get lost in drama queen's world and lose sight of who is important, Caylee.
The Media is their friend 20/20, TODAY SHOW, LARYY KING. ETC. The PR people are looking into movie/book deals last time I checked they are considered MEDIA. I guess they do not like local MEDIA they do not donate to the defense attorney's funds, but I do believe the MEDIA was somewhat instrumental in allowing bond to be raised for KC to be bailed out.
The mind goes on auto/habit and tries to type careless? Any way we color it, it's glaring at us, isn't it? :( ....casey was careless, caylee is talked of less, focused on less, we're careless

I'm guilty, I know of not always keeping Caylee to the front of this ugly mess. I feel ashamed about that.

It is easy to get lost in drama queens world and lose sight of who is important, Caylee.

Actually, I typed something different originally and backspaced over the wrong letters.

Nothing to see here. :waitasec:
Actually, I typed something different originally and backspaced over the wrong letters.

Nothing to see here. :waitasec:

I was replying to Laece and speaking for myself, wasn't directed towards you unless you want to wear it, too. It was me admitting I many times don't focus on Caylee. That's all, nuttin' directed at you.
I know this not the right to post on this thread this, but….
In looking at the raw feed, when GA was in the garage opening…. My hair stood up on the back of my neck when I saw all of rubber maid containers stacted on the side. It occurred to me imitatley of the day Casey backed her car into the garage . Are any of those missing?

Me too.
Looks like the high priced media attorney has done his job. George and Cindy are "victims" of the media and protesters. KC is a "victim" of the FBI and LE. What next? Caylee caused all of this??

George and Cindy have bodyguards who can hammer their signs and stretch their tape. KC is all fuzzy and pampered with her protector attorney. CAYLEE is not mentioned as a victim. How did that happen?

:clap: No kidding.:mad:
Although this is late in posting, I've transcribed the video of George. I may be off a word or two here or there, but did my best.

Q How ya doing?

A Why don’t you guys report about the family that you are destroying, OK. Why don’t you guys be responsible for that.

Q What?

A You are destroying my family, all of you. I wish you would get the hell out of here.

Q We're just trying to get some questions answered, (WFTV reporter Mark Boyle).

A No, what you are trying to do is incite me, trying to get me negative, you guys aren't even looking for my granddaughter. You guys are not. You guys are the ones bringing in the protestors. You’re paying them to be here, I know that! You know something? I feel sorry for all of you, I feel sorry for all of you. Someday you are going to have a judgment day. All of you are going to have that. You guys are not helping. You guys are destroying us. Have a little bit of sense and sensibility. Have a little bit of a heart. You guys don’t because you guys are worried about your job, about your journalistic careers. You guys careers are in the tank right now, because you guys aren’t doing the right thing.

Q Can you tell us a little bit about the search, George? Why don’t you tell us about it?

A You know something (voice cracks on the word something). The search is for a live little girl, no matter what you guys are saying, Equusearch, and all this kind of stuff. Why don’t you take it upon yourself .. and you’re on my property! As soon as you step on the grass. That’s my property! Don’t forget your making it worse.

Q Do you have any information about the search you would like to tell us?

A You can contact Mr. Mark Nejame, that is our attorney. He’ll give you any more updates and stuff that you will need. Why don’t you guys go and talk to him? Why don’t you do the right thing and look for Caylee Marie Anthony? She’s alive. Why don’t you guys talk to the protestors and keep them off our property?

Q What are you…

A You guys are inciting it even more.

Q What are you doing to find her?

A Hey, pal, I go 24 hours a day. Why don’t you guys have some sense and sensibilities about your families. And what you guys would you do if you were in my shoes?

Q What do you think about the judge saying no to the injunction? Boyle asked George.

A I'm done talking to you, I'm done talking to all of you. I want you off my property! I want you to leave us alone. Take the protestors with you, please. ( he said as he got into his vehicle)

Thank you for posting that, Im going to snip a few lines that really bother me-

A You are destroying my family, all of you.
Casey destroyed your family, no one else, George.

A Hey, pal, I go 24 hours a day. Why don’t you guys have some sense and sensibilities about your families. And what you guys would you do if you were in my shoes?

You search 24 hrs a day? Since WHEN? Ill tell you what Id do if I was in your shoes, Id start by kicking you-know-who OUT of your house, not bailing her out, and demand the truth from her and stop protecting her, as well as tell LE EVERYthing you know and do everything in your power to make sure Caylee is found, dead or alive.

Ya know, I do feel for George, the guy is angry 24-7, and I do think hes suffering the most in that household, but housing a suspected killer and not coming clean with the truth, as well as placing the blame on everyone but the real one responsible for Caylee's disappearance makes it VERY hard to have compassion for him.
Although this is late in posting, I've transcribed the video of George. I may be off a word or two here or there, but did my best.

Q How ya doing?

A Why don’t you guys report about the family that you are destroying, OK. Why don’t you guys be responsible for that.

I snipped it but MAN that really got me mad. The reporter was right on asking him, what are you doing for the search and where are you looking and he sure didn't get an answer, did he?

What I'm having a VERY hard time with is the fact that Casey's parents have heard the recordings by now like we all have...Don't they see what a :liar: she is? I mean, C'mon, these people are obviously the reason why she is the way she is! Poor little Caylee, rest her soul.
hmmmm, it would be a cold day in h*ll before i'd defend and excuse anyone who was responsible for my grandkids going missing. They obviously aren't to broken up over caylee. They aren't looking for her.

Heads up for you, you might want to edit out the name calling before a mod sees it.

What have we become? Where has our compassion gone? Did we replace it with sensationalism and the hope something bad has happened to somebody so innocent and dear. And then, further more, enjoy watching the family suffer in public?

We've become people who have had the experience of watching a woman who 'lost' her child roam free in her home and at her lawyer's office while she has absolutely refused to provide verifiable, truthful information to the police which could help find her child. I've become enraged that this woman does not have to stay in jail while her child is missing and she does nothing to assist in locating her.

My compassion is for a lost little girl whose Mommy won't help find her and whose grandparents are protecting the person who most likely was responsible for her demise while she is probably rotting somewhere, without a propper memorial and without justice.

I hope Caylee is alive, but the police seem to imply she's not and her own mother hasn't provided any proof that she left Caylee alive anywhere or with anyone, which seems to support the police appraisal. If the Anthonys want to suffer in private, they need to stay off the air, in their house, off lawn patrol and stop yelling at people outside their home and start yelling at one person inside!
Wonderful post yolorado! So true! :clap::clap::clap:
I haven't seen them shed a tear for their beloved granddaughter, have you?

To be fair, yes, I did. It was in the earlier weeks, Cindy cried on TV a few times, it wasn't fake, either. She even looked really worn out on her first (GMA? one of the morning shows, anyhow) she was with Baez. She looked as if she had cried all night.

Lately, no she's been on protect Casey mode, that's what I've seen anyhow.
Surely GA & CA have heard why most of the nation is angry & upset with them hiding out in the house 24/7. You would think their "spokesperson" or whoever would tell them instead of going to church or fixing their tape, it would be advantageous to actually go LOOK for Caylee. GA told the reporter that he is looking 24 hours a day.

What is wrong with these people?
I agree with him, the media has inserted themselves into this case far beyond what is necessary in reporting the news, and they haven't done if for the good of little Caylee. Unless they feel that Caylee is going to show up in the Anthony yard, there is no legitimate reason for the cameras to be filming the Anthony home 24/7. The media wants nothing more than for the Anthonys to lose their cool on camera. I have no idea if the media is paying protesters but the media presence alone certainly encourages the protesters to behave like imbeciles, to the delight of the reporters.

Chilly, I can understand how you might believe the media is up to no good in covering this case and its principal characters.
However, having been a reporter for 22 years, I see it differently. It has become a vicious circle. The press is at the Anthony's home because the protesters are there. And it seems the protesters are there because the media is there. And, I am not above believing the media can cause the tide of the news.
From my professional experience those who protest the most, have the most to hide and become the most frustrated and lash out at the media. (Remembering Scott Peterson).
Think of how many parents and family have used the media to plea to the public to help find their missing or lost child. The media can play an important part in getting the message out when victims look for help.
Regardless of whether Cindy and George believe their granddaughter is dead, she is still not at home where she needs to be. Have they taken the opportunity to use the air time to encourage the public and the media to help find Kaylee or any clues to her location?
From my experience, Casey's parents are reacting to the possibility that Caylee will be found. But her dead body will be found. That means their daughter would certainly be in more jeopardy then she is in currently. That situation causes them to strongly strike back bitterly at the public and the media. I can't excuse their behavior but I can certainly understand their negative reaction to the media and protesters present at their home.
I'm not the most informed on this case, but I had to have my say here- it is after all - just my opinion.
I agree with him, the media has inserted themselves into this case far beyond what is necessary in reporting the news, and they haven't done if for the good of little Caylee. Unless they feel that Caylee is going to show up in the Anthony yard, there is no legitimate reason for the cameras to be filming the Anthony home 24/7. The media wants nothing more than for the Anthonys to lose their cool on camera. I have no idea if the media is paying protesters but the media presence alone certainly encourages the protesters to behave like imbeciles, to the delight of the reporters.

Chilly, I can understand how you might believe the media is up to no good in covering this case and its principal characters.
However, having been a reporter for 22 years, I see it differently. It has become a vicious circle. The press is at the Anthony's home because the protesters are there. And it seems the protesters are there because the media is there. And, I am not above believing the media can cause the tide of the news.
From my professional experience those who protest the most, have the most to hide and become the most frustrated and lash out at the media. (Remembering Scott Peterson).
Think of how many parents and family have used the media to plea to the public to help find their missing or lost child. The media can play an important part in getting the message out when victims look for help.
Regardless of whether Cindy and George believe their granddaughter is dead, she is still not at home where she needs to be. Have they taken the opportunity to use the air time to encourage the public and the media to help find Kaylee or any clues to her location?
From my experience, Casey's parents are reacting to the possibility that Caylee will be found. But her dead body will be found. That means their daughter would certainly be in more jeopardy then she is in currently. That situation causes them to strongly strike back bitterly at the public and the media. I can't excuse their behavior but I can certainly understand their negative reaction to the media and protesters present at their home.
I'm not the most informed on this case, but I had to have my say here- it is after all - just my opinion.
Poor George, when will he learn to stop hitting the hive with a stick?

click to see what I mean... of George pounding in the stakes.......again........Poor George, maybe after aerating his lawn, he can then go look for Caylee??? Just a thought.

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