George A.Tells Reporters "I Feel Sorry For All Of You" *merged*

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I hear your frustration, but I think that it is very fair to think anyone here takes pleasure in the misery of this family. Furthermore, I can say that I have NEVER read anything to suggest that anyone hopes for negative resolve to this case. To imply that those who post here hope that this child is found/declared dead is heinous and I am deeply offended. We may have differing opinions but we are not without compassion.

There's a simple post in this steam that implies the Anhonys will divorce over this.

What would that be?
Looking back in retrospect I can say it is amazing how many of us live and breath this website.

I guess I have to ask myself why.....?

I read many posts that are intelligent and compasionate. Then I read many that are horrific. Assuming details and condemming fellow man.

And, again, I ask myself why.....?

What have we become? Where has our compassion gone? Did we replace it with sensationalism and the hope something bad has happened to somebody so innocent and dear. And then, further more, enjoy watching the family suffer in public?

By so innocent and dear? I assume you mean Caylee? No one wishes anything bad to happen to Caylee. This is a victim advocate site. That's an absurd suggestion. And yes, I do want the people responsible for depriving Caylee of a decent burial to suffer. I'd rather not watch it. I'd rather that the Anthony's stopped the show right now.
There's a simple post in this steam that implies the Anhonys will divorce over this.

What would that be?

You would have to ask the OP what they intended. I don't think it was malicious, just an observation.
I don't agree with the way the Anthony's have handled things, but I don't see how anyone can think having media camped out in front of your home 24/7 for months would not drive any person insane after a while. Now add to that some protestors spewing filth every time you come and go - destroying your property and any relationships you may have had with your neighbors. I am sorry - but I think the circus in front of their house should stop. It isn't right and I feel terribly sorry for the people that live in that neighborhood. It is affecting more people than just the Anthony's, and besides, exactly how is it helping find "the truth"? It isn't.
By so innocent and dear? I assume you mean Caylee? No one wishes anything bad to happen to Caylee. This is a victim advocate site. That's an absurd suggestion. And yes, I do want the people responsible for depriving Caylee of a decent burial to suffer. I'd rather not watch it. I'd rather that the Anthony's stopped the show right now.

But your assuming she is dead by that post.

I see no evidence of that.
Can anyone of us turn off this website and return to normal life?

I say no. That is probably the most pathetic realization I have come to terms with today.

I say yes, I can and I will--when I'm ready to. I did with another case I followed just as strongly, if not more so.

I had GREAT sympathy for George and Cindy, I started to question it with the "maggots, leeches and parasites comment. When I totally turned off on them is when Cindy went off on Tim Miller and they wren't commenting on Caylee as much as they were defending, Casey. Even making Caylee's vigil about how Casey held her head high yada. Who cares about Casey, it's about Caylee. JMO
I agree with him, the media has inserted themselves into this case far beyond what is necessary in reporting the news, and they haven't done if for the good of little Caylee. Unless they feel that Caylee is going to show up in the Anthony yard, there is no legitimate reason for the cameras to be filming the Anthony home 24/7. The media wants nothing more than for the Anthonys to lose their cool on camera. I have no idea if the media is paying protesters but the media presence alone certainly encourages the protesters to behave like imbeciles, to the delight of the reporters.

Willy I agree with you 100%. The media's constant presence is not encouraging the kind of people who would make a stance of their thoughts and feelings by protesting silently and respectfully. The media is encouraging only the thrill-seekers who intentionally create circumstances that will be coined the next "bombshell" on TV. These so-called protestors are actively taunting a family under the harshest possible stress.

I have STOPPED watching Greta, NG, and have not seen any of the videos lately because watching them hurts ME emotionally and mentally. The scenes are reminiscent of a hurt and bleeding animal (the Anthony family) being poked with sticks and hit with stones.

I'm sorry, but the images I have seen on TV and on video give me the impression of being a spectator in the Roman Colosseum while the Christian were killed and eaten by the hungry lions. Go ahead and slam me for comparing the Anthonys with Christians. I am using this as an allegory only. I do not enjoy another's suffering, I can't stand it.
Hey, I agree with you. Yes, casey started this tragedy but the mob and the 24 hour media presence at the home are not doing anything to help resolve it and IMO are making it worse. The Anthony's have real problems. The constant hammering, the police tape, the denial, the protection of casey - it's bizarre. But I do not feel they should be harassed this way. They have lost their grandchild, IMO permanently, and they must know casey is responsible. They knew before what a mess she is! To have deal with that alone, is alot. Adding the rest is inhuman, I feel.
As far as the claim that they are searching, I think most of us know that's nonsense. Their "tips" are very vague and usually we hear no tips at all. They don't spend any money on travelling to possible locations where there have been "sightings". I have heard nothing concrete about PI's searching leads. Instead, they spend thier money on bodyguards, PR people, attorneys and bonds. I think this means it's obvious they know their grandbaby is no longer alive. I mean, really, if it was between spending money on tracking down the baby and letting your kid sit in jail, foregoing bond, don't you think they would let her sit and instead use the funds to track the baby? Because once they find Caylee, the protesters are gone, the neglect bond will be lowered, and there would be no looming murder case. Their claim that they are searching is just something to pretend to believe in order to keep from going nuts. Can you imagine what that must be like? To have to say to yourself, "I will never see my granddaughter again and the kid I created is the one responsible"? That must be horrendous. They should be left alone to come to terms with this in their own way. Goodness knows they will be called on all their attempts to protect and deny at time of trial. They won't be able to escape then. So now? Leave them alone.

Well said:clap::clap::clap::clap:
George, buddy, I don't think it's the press who is destroying your family. I think it's someone closer to home, in your home actually because you bailed her out of jail. She's the one who has done the hatchet job on your family. And please, for the love of all that is good and holy, STOP telling other people to look for Caylee alive when your daughter hasn't given anybody any place to start. When your daughter produces some verifiable information about the last place she saw Caylee and anything to show that Zanny the Nanny really exists and has ever lived anywhere in Orlando and babysat Caylee, then people can start looking for an alive Caylee. People all over ARE looking for little Caylee in very general way, but unless and until KC call be more specific than she's willing to be, I'm afraid it's just a wild goose chase. Please, yell at your daughter for a while, will you?!
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George Anthony lashed out at reporters Wednesday, one day after his daughter, Casey Anthony, was released from jail on home confinement for the third time. George and Cindy Anthony could get some relief from protesters in their neighborhood as early as next week.

"You are destroying my family, all of you. I wish you would get the hell out of here," he said. "I feel sorry for all of you. Some day you're going to have a judgment day, all of you."

He he trying to scare people? Not working here, George.
Willy I agree with you 100%. The media's constant presence is not encouraging the kind of people who would make a stance of their thoughts and feelings by protesting silently and respectfully. The media is encouraging only the thrill-seekers who intentionally create circumstances that will be coined the next "bombshell" on TV. These so-called protestors are actively taunting a family under the harshest possible stress.

I have STOPPED watching Greta, NG, and have not seen any of the videos lately because watching them hurts ME emotionally and mentally. The scenes are reminiscent of a hurt and bleeding animal (the Anthony family) being poked with sticks and hit with stones.

I'm sorry, but the images I have seen on TV and on video give me the impression of being a spectator in the Roman Colosseum while the Christian were killed and eaten by the hungry lions. Go ahead and slam me for comparing the Anthonys with Christians. I am using this as an allegory only. I do not enjoy another's suffering, I can't stand it.

Now THAT is funny. Greta hasn't covered this case since the conventions.
Can anyone of us turn off this website and return to normal life?

I say no. That is probably the most pathetic realization I have come to terms with today.

I say yes, I can and I will--when I'm ready to. I did with another case I followed just as strongly, if not more so.

I had GREAT sympathy for George and Cindy, I started to question it with the "maggots, leeches and parasites comment. When I totally turned off on them is when Cindy went off on Tim Miller and they wren't commenting on Caylee as much as they were defending, Casey. Even making Caylee's vigil about how Casey held her head high yada. Who cares about Casey, it's about Caylee. JMO

I had GREAT sympathy for George and Cindy, I started to question it with the "maggots, leeches and parasites comment. When I totally turned off on them is when Cindy went off on Tim Miller and they wren't commenting on Caylee as much as they were defending, Casey. Even making Caylee's vigil about how Casey held her head high yada. Who cares about Casey, it's about Caylee. JMO

You know...that is another thing that is frustrating about this case. I still have sympathy for G & C because I truly believe they loved that little girl and wanted her back more than anything. I believe they are victims of Casey - even though it is quite possible they brought alot of Casey's behavior on themselves by being enablers. In spite of that - I feel very sad for them because they have lost their beloved granddaughter.

They have always tried to defend Casey...and I think that is a natural reaction. They are in denial about her...and sounds like they have been for many years. So I alternate between being understanding of their actions...and being angry with things they say to the media. I just wish they had kept their mouths shut from the beginning and not grabbed the mike every chance they got. I think if they had remained more neutral, they would be getting more sympathy and support now.

So I am constantly frustrated because I get mad at them, then stop myself because I feel so sorry for the position they are in and the loss they have suffered!
I don't agree with the way the Anthony's have handled things, but I don't see how anyone can think having media camped out in front of your home 24/7 for months would not drive any person insane after a while. Now add to that some protestors spewing filth every time you come and go - destroying your property and any relationships you may have had with your neighbors. I am sorry - but I think the circus in front of their house should stop. It isn't right and I feel terribly sorry for the people that live in that neighborhood. It is affecting more people than just the Anthony's, and besides, exactly how is it helping find "the truth"? It isn't.
They have begged for this - remember how Cindy makes an issue about the FOUR cameos she made?
But your assuming she is dead by that post.

I see no evidence of that.
Hits by two separate cadaver dogs? Decomposition in the trunk of the car? Pizza just doesn't smell the same. Even George says there was a body in that trunk.
They have begged for this - remember how Cindy makes an issue about the FOUR cameos she made?

Oh - I agree that I think Cindy has a hard time keeping her mouth shut. I think she enjoyed having all ears on her at the beginning. But come on...can you honestly think she "enjoys" or has "asked" for reporters and protestors to camp out on her lawn and scream at her? I think she may have relished the attention and appreciated the media attention at first...but this is so much more than she bargained for.
Hits by two separate cadaver dogs? Decomposition in the trunk of the car? Pizza just doesn't smell the same. Even George says there was a body in that trunk.

From what I recall of a video, George said that THE BODY in his daughter's car wasn't his grand- daughter's, but he's never said whose the body was.
Willy I agree with you 100%. The media's constant presence is not encouraging the kind of people who would make a stance of their thoughts and feelings by protesting silently and respectfully. The media is encouraging only the thrill-seekers who intentionally create circumstances that will be coined the next "bombshell" on TV. These so-called protestors are actively taunting a family under the harshest possible stress.

I have STOPPED watching Greta, NG, and have not seen any of the videos lately because watching them hurts ME emotionally and mentally. The scenes are reminiscent of a hurt and bleeding animal (the Anthony family) being poked with sticks and hit with stones.

I'm sorry, but the images I have seen on TV and on video give me the impression of being a spectator in the Roman Colosseum while the Christian were killed and eaten by the hungry lions. Go ahead and slam me for comparing the Anthonys with Christians. I am using this as an allegory only. I do not enjoy another's suffering, I can't stand it.

Thank you, Mohabi, that's exactly how I see it. Your comparison to poking a wounded animal with a stick is very accurate, and we all know that a wounded animal is liable to lash out when provoked.
Thank you, Mohabi, that's exactly how I see it. Your comparison to poking a wounded animal with a stick is very accurate, and we all know that a wounded animal is liable to lash out when provoked.

Ditto. I think if it had been me...I would have already hit someone with that hammer.

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