George A.Tells Reporters "I Feel Sorry For All Of You" *merged*

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All this sympathy towards George and Cindy is puzzling. They got what they wanted. KC is fat and sassy....not in adoring attorney......bodyguards....all comfy and cozy and pampered. Caylee?? Oh! She's with the nanny....
How do we know it hasn't already ?

Do you think so?? That would be egregious and sick.

They seem to be mighty comfortable hefting them continuously. Maybe they juggle them in the house??

Don't they have a back yard?? Maybe there are too many memories there so they prefer to give themselves apoplexic fits in the front yard. Someone is going to have a stroke or a heart attack. The way he turns red...BP must be through the roof.
That makes me really sad that you don't think he will come back. I know he said he would later if and when conditions were better. I thought then to myself, he will come back to find her won't he? Now after reading your post I don't think he will. Your right there are people out there that actually want his help to find their loved one. He can't make the Anthony's want his help, and then say terrible things about Mr. Miller that was so wrong. I had a feeling he wasn't coming back. :( Caylee may never be found.
Well, maybe I'm wrong. Let's pray I am.
They need to just stay inside unless they are coming and going. As far as blaming others for their family life, they need to blame Casey. She caused this. I bet they dont say one word to her.
Lastly to the poster that asked why isnt Casey talking in that interview. Shes not talking because shes guilty. An innocent mother would speak, beg, plead for help from day ONE.

Even a GUILTY mother pleads for help, re: Susan S. who drowned her own least, at VERY least, she ACTED concerned....KC? CA? GA? Never have ONCE held a press confrence begging for help, pleading for help, begging for the safe return of Caylee.....if the believe she is alive then why NOT hold a press conference? Because they think something bad is going to happen to her if they go to LE? NEWSFLASH: LE and the Media already know! DUH! I just don't get it..............:furious:
These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild. Does anyone doubt for a second that George and Cindy do not torment themselves with thoughts of the unimaginable? To be constantly tormented by XXXXXXX XXXXX screaming in their faces, bringing little kids to do likewise at all is unconsionable that LE and the Florida courts are allowing this abuse of their rights to continue. If people want to protest Casey's freedom, they should be picketing the sheriff's office or the DAs office which cannot come up with a chargeable offense that will keep her imprisoned. Don't blame her already stricken parents for sheltering her from a pack of self righteous *advertiser censored* harpies who would love to get their hands on the girl and administer "street justice".

Hmmmm, it would be a cold day in H*ll before I'd defend and excuse ANYONE who was responsible for my grandkids going missing. They obviously aren't to broken up over Caylee. They aren't looking for her.

Heads up for you, you might want to edit out the name calling before a mod sees it.
Great song also for George
If I had a hammer, I 'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening all over this land, I hammer out warnings, I'd hammer out danger, I hammer out the love between a brother & sister...
Not sure if this is how it goes, but It is to George & Family for the picture.

Hello, My name is Cat, and I just joined this group today. It sure seems like this is the place to be. Thank All of you for allowing me to join.

:Welcome-12-june: catnron
That makes me really sad that you don't think he will come back. I know he said he would later if and when conditions were better. I thought then to myself, he will come back to find her won't he? Now after reading your post I don't think he will. Your right there are people out there that actually want his help to find their loved one. He can't make the Anthony's want his help, and then say terrible things about Mr. Miller that was so wrong. I had a feeling he wasn't coming back. :( Caylee may never be found.
i got an email from tim today .. and he isnt giving up and things are in progress
respectfully snipped:

These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild.

I believe that time will show that they are guilty of much more.

I stand for Caylee.
The reality is that there ARE protesters and the media in their front yard. It's no excuse!!!! They will use it as an excuse of why they can't focus on what they need to do but it's not okay to excuse them for THEIR actions. Their GRAND DAUGHTER is "missing"! Whether she's dead OR alive, she's missing and has been for a long time! Their own DAUGHTER has answers and isn't talking. If it were me and my husband in their shoes I can guarantee you people screaming in front of my house wouldn't distract me from what I needed to be doing! Which is finding my grandchild! I'm sure that most of us would agree that the protesters of late are a bit out of line and trashy but it is what it is... Caylee is still missing! I think I could find it with in myself to focus on that!!!
Did I hear George say, "Do the right thing" to the media?

OMG... Pot meet kettle....George & Cindy need to do the right thing and Have their daughter tell the truth.

That would be the right thing!
Looking back in retrospect I can say it is amazing how many of us live and breath this website.

I guess I have to ask myself why.....?

I read many posts that are intelligent and compasionate. Then I read many that are horrific. Assuming details and condemming fellow man.

And, again, I ask myself why.....?

What have we become? Where has our compassion gone? Did we replace it with sensationalism and the hope something bad has happened to somebody so innocent and dear. And then, further more, enjoy watching the family suffer in public?

Can anyone of us turn off this website and return to normal life?

I say no. That is probably the most pathetic realization I have come to terms with today.
Does someone have the stages of grief that could list them here in the order they go, please? Could this be the anger one, or is it the denial part?

There is no particular order and you can bounce back and forth between stages until you get to acceptance.=Each stage can also be any amount of time (that should be length)

denial, bargaining, anger, acceptance OOps I'm missing one.
Honestly, I think it is a downright disgrace what is happening to those people.

These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild.

Casey is not a CHILD ~ she is an adult who HAD a child, and now she is missing, probably dead as far as I'm concerned.

Her parents ARE as guilty as Casey for letting her lie and deny about what happened to Caylee!!! :furious:
Maybe the A's could send the reporters a list of appropriate times to use the media. Maybe something like this:

When we lose a grandchild but really don't want to find her ourselves, please film us pleading for the public's help. When we need a lawyer and can't pay for one, please put his name and face out there for us so he will do it for publicity and not money. When we need to sell some home video for cash, please make sure you tell the public what time the show is on.


When we say it is.

These need to go in the A Dictionary in the Jury Room please. Highly appropriate IMO
Looking back in retrospect I can say it is amazing how many of us live and breath this website.

I guess I have to ask myself why.....?

I read many posts that are intelligent and compasionate. Then I read many that are horrific. Assuming details and condemming fellow man.

And, again, I ask myself why.....?

What have we become? Where has our compassion gone? Did we replace it with sensationalism and the hope something bad has happened to somebody so innocent and dear. And then, further more, enjoy watching the family suffer in public?

Can anyone of us turn off this website and return to normal life?

I say no. That is probably the most pathetic realization I have come to terms with today.

I hear your frustration, but I think that it is very unfair to think anyone here takes pleasure in the misery of this family. Furthermore, I can say that I have NEVER read anything to suggest that anyone hopes for negative resolve to this case. To imply that those who post here hope that this child is found/declared dead is heinous and I am deeply offended. We may have differing opinions but we are not without compassion.
George did it again - he can't stay out of the media. Neither can Cindy. They really have some kind of sick fascination with the tape, the signs, the hammer etc. Unfortunately, they don't have a fascination with Caylee. The only question they should be asked at this point by the media, the protestors, and whoever else they come in contact with is "Where have you physically searched for Caylee today" and "Where are you searching tomorrow"?

I couldn't stay away from the media if they were camped outside my front door with a webcam trained on it 24/7 either.
Honestly, I think it is a downright disgrace what is happening to those people. And yes the news media is very much to blame along with LE, who are trying this case in the public eye because they really have nothing very compelling in the way of evidence as yet.

Yes, Casey Anthony deserves scorn for her silence about her daughter's whereabouts. I personally don't know whether or not Caylee is dead. LE has released some tidbits that they say are indisputable evidence. A dead body is indisputable. Air samples of a "smell" taken at least 30 days after the fact are disputable. A single hair with an arguable "death ring" is again disputable. It is entirely possible that LE has other tangible evidence that will pillory Casey Anthony, but until that time, what good can come out of the constant harrassment of her parents.

These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild. Does anyone doubt for a second that George and Cindy do not torment themselves with thoughts of the unimaginable? To be constantly tormented by trailer trash screaming in their faces, bringing little kids to do likewise at all is unconsionable that LE and the Florida courts are allowing this abuse of their rights to continue. If people want to protest Casey's freedom, they should be picketing the sheriff's office or the DAs office which cannot come up with a chargeable offense that will keep her imprisoned. Don't blame her already stricken parents for sheltering her from a pack of self righteous fat harpies who would love to get their hands on the girl and administer "street justice".

As for Caylee, I pray every day for her safe return and until I am told definitively that she is dead, I will continue to do so.

I agree completely. This situation has gotten way, way, way out of hand. I hate to see someone in the condition that George is currently in. I am really worried about what will happen to these people. I cannot imagine being in their situation. It must be like a nightmare that you can never awaken from. I truly wish I knew them because I would talk to them about how to calm this situation down by not engaging with ANYONE and not going out to their front yard at all ANYMORE until the media and the protestors are gone. I would also move the vigils to a church so that only people who sympathize with the Anthony's would be admitted. I just think it is safer for all concerned. I really just want the Anthony's to be safe and allow the law to work through this situation until it reaches it's conclusion. What really frustrates me is that the protestors don't seem to understand that they are part of the problem.

I am for Caylee, the truth and justice.
I hear your frustration, but I think that it is very fair to think anyone here takes pleasure in the misery of this family. Furthermore, I can say that I have NEVER read anything to suggest that anyone hopes for negative resolve to this case. To imply that those who post here hope that this child is found/declared dead is heinous and I am deeply offended. We may have differing opinions but we are not without compassion.

DITTO ~ :clap: :)

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