George A.Tells Reporters "I Feel Sorry For All Of You" *merged*

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Had they used the media properly and actually looked at the fact that they are blessed with the most prolific missing child's case in recent history and been a little more helpful in other regards - their attitude and the public's attitude may have been a bit more different. They could have easily stated that they wanted to take the lead and put initiative into finding a live Caylee while appreciating the efforts of so many looking for her in many ways. They decided against that, refuted their blessings, and took the victim route which has done them absolutely no good in any respect in public perception.

There are so many missing children in the world that have parents begging for attention from anyone that might be interested. This charade and this circus has literally sucked the oxygen out of other missing person's cases. This is like a surreal movie plot that has the nation in its grips.
It seems as if every single time GA or CA "lash out" at the media or demonstrators, they have a hammer in hand. I find that offensive and repulsive. And, instead of lashing out at the media, they need to be courting the media! I don't think the A's have gotten the message that wielding hammers while shouting obscenities at people only alienates them.

(besides, I gotta say that every time I see one of them with that hammer, I keep thinking of that song by Peter, Paul and Mary, "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land." I know, shame on me. )

My thoughts exactly!
George and Cindy both have the finger pointing thing mastered, along with holding the hammer in the other hand. As someone else said they do seem to be using as a weapon, or protection, whatever. They are really going to be in trouble if the hit someone with it. They need to put that dang thing away.
An idea situation would be for the media to retreat from the Anthony home, and not cover the comings and goings of Casey or other family members. Don't give the family any media exposure.

In the meantime, focus media attention on finding Caylee. It would be wonderful if Tim Miller and TES returned to Orlando and an all out effort was made to find Caylee's body. And never once mentioning Casey, George, Cindy or Lee, except perhaps in passing saying that members of Caylee's family are not participating in the search.

YOU ARE SOOOOOO RIGHT. No one to dress up for. No one to comment on stupidity like this. No attention what so ever.
I still think the media needs to go away, as the Anthony's wish. Allow them to figure all this out on their own since they all seem to bare the answers to this mystery. Let Baez find Caylee.. Once the media is gone, the Anthony's will realize what their true intentions are. The media is there for Caylee, and its going to take them leaving and refusing to come back for the Anthony's to begin to appreciate their presence there. Maybe with having to do it on their own, someone will begin to talk.
what any good reporter would have done is take advantage of what George said and responded with

"George, do you have any information on when searches will resume for Caylee and will your family participate in a search"?

I agree with you. That just shows what the reporters are really there for...drama and sensationalism.
Wow George has a temper, Everytime he talks lately he is yelling at someone. It's hard to feel sorry for them when he that kind of attitude. He is mad and upset at Casey and loosing his grandaughter and he is talking it out on other people, especially when they say things he doesn't want to hear. This couple is obsessed with signs in their yard. Everytime they are on tape they are putting up signs.
Being from NY and living in Fl most of my life I have to agree..I have never met anyone from PR who is not fluent in both...

I have met a handful of PR's that do not speak English fluently. I'm only judging from my hubby's family though.
Oh, how I wish that reporter had said nicely " No, George. Your daughter destroyed your family. We are here because of what Casey did to Caylee"

This family seems so out of touch with reality. It's almost like they feel Caylee's gone, so what..lets just go on with our lives.

And you know what..IF they had nothing whatsoever to do with this, then that is exactly what they need to begin doing. HOWEVER as long as they Blame the Media, Bloggers, LE, Friends, Nannies, etc. instead of FINALLY Entertaining the IDEA that CASEY DID DO THIS, whether intentional or accidental they will NEVER be able to go on with their lives! What would they do without the protesters/media really? Then their distraction would be gone and they might have to SEE the PINK ELEPHANT in the room! They can not protect her from this. She will HAVE to face concequences (sp?) for her actions. MOST LIKELY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE! JMHO - Sorry. Guess I Should Have Gone To The Rant Thread:furious::behindbar
what is with this family and hammers? OMG! Everytime you see them, someone is carrying a hammer!

I haven't touched a hammer in 2 years. :rolleyes:
Does it make it right though? I know I'm in the minority.... but I can't jump on this bandwagon.
Hey, I agree with you. Yes, casey started this tragedy but the mob and the 24 hour media presence at the home are not doing anything to help resolve it and IMO are making it worse. The Anthony's have real problems. The constant hammering, the police tape, the denial, the protection of casey - it's bizarre. But I do not feel they should be harassed this way. They have lost their grandchild, IMO permanently, and they must know casey is responsible. They knew before what a mess she is! To have deal with that alone, is alot. Adding the rest is inhuman, I feel.
As far as the claim that they are searching, I think most of us know that's nonsense. Their "tips" are very vague and usually we hear no tips at all. They don't spend any money on travelling to possible locations where there have been "sightings". I have heard nothing concrete about PI's searching leads. Instead, they spend thier money on bodyguards, PR people, attorneys and bonds. I think this means it's obvious they know their grandbaby is no longer alive. I mean, really, if it was between spending money on tracking down the baby and letting your kid sit in jail, foregoing bond, don't you think they would let her sit and instead use the funds to track the baby? Because once they find Caylee, the protesters are gone, the neglect bond will be lowered, and there would be no looming murder case. Their claim that they are searching is just something to pretend to believe in order to keep from going nuts. Can you imagine what that must be like? To have to say to yourself, "I will never see my granddaughter again and the kid I created is the one responsible"? That must be horrendous. They should be left alone to come to terms with this in their own way. Goodness knows they will be called on all their attempts to protect and deny at time of trial. They won't be able to escape then. So now? Leave them alone.
I know this not the right to post on this thread this, but….
In looking at the raw feed, when GA was in the garage opening…. My hair stood up on the back of my neck when I saw all of rubber maid containers stacted on the side. It occurred to me imitatley of the day Casey backed her car into the garage . Are any of those missing?

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