George A.Tells Reporters "I Feel Sorry For All Of You" *merged*

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I have met a handful of PR's that do not speak English fluently. I'm only judging from my hubby's family though.

JB has always done interviews with the Spanish-speaking stations.
I remember when Casey was arrested live on NG and he gave those press statements--I specifically recall him saying, "I'll do Telemundo next".
This isn't some thing new for them, but I am a bit perplexed as to why Cindy didn't do this from HER attorney's office :confused:
Do they wake up every morning and flip a coin to see who is going to play the wackjob and who is going to be the wrangler? Because every day one of them goes out and starts flailing arms and spewing words at protesters and reporters and the other pretends to be reeling the flailer in. One day it's Cindy going wack and George or Lee trying to wrangle her back in and the next day they've scrambled positions.

Maybe it's just whoever gets to the coffee pot first and most often.
The only way GA and CA are going to find Caylee is if her body is lying on main street as they are hauling that stupid sign around.
An idea situation would be for the media to retreat from the Anthony home, and not cover the comings and goings of Casey or other family members. Don't give the family any media exposure.

In the meantime, focus media attention on finding Caylee. It would be wonderful if Tim Miller and TES returned to Orlando and an all out effort was made to find Caylee's body. And never once mentioning Casey, George, Cindy or Lee, except perhaps in passing saying that members of Caylee's family are not participating in the search.

Unfortunately, I don't think TES will come back. Tim Miller has so many families clamoring for his help, desperate to find their loved ones, even if it is just a body. I mean, he started TES out of grief that his daughter's body was out there for 17 months, with no one looking. But, the Anthony's don't seem to care to locate their grandchild. So, he'll go work on other cases where the families are desperate. What can you do when the family who has lost someone refuses to support a search for a body, despite all the evidence that she is dead, and has absolutely no credible leads to work off in the search for a live child? You leave and go to a family who is not in denial and desperate for answers and the truth. So sad.
Had they used the media properly and actually looked at the fact that they are blessed with the most prolific missing child's case in recent history and been a little more helpful in other regards - their attitude and the public's attitude may have been a bit more different. They could have easily stated that they wanted to take the lead and put initiative into finding a live Caylee while appreciating the efforts of so many looking for her in many ways. They decided against that, refuted their blessings, and took the victim route which has done them absolutely no good in any respect in public perception.

There are so many missing children in the world that have parents begging for attention from anyone that might be interested. This charade and this circus has literally sucked the oxygen out of other missing person's cases. This is like a surreal movie plot that has the nation in its grips.

I agree with you. They could handle themselves in a more acceptable manner when it comes to the media, however, I believe they are running on raw emotion. They are not logically thinking or planning their actions, they are simply reacting. The media knows this raw emotion will get them a story, so they put their sense of humanity aside just for the story. Do I think the Anthony's are contributing to this circus? yes, I do.
Do I think the media is contributing to this circus...yes, I do. And I hold the media most accountable for this circus because they can take control of this situation, instead, they want a story regardless of what damage may come of it. I don't believe the Anthony's are emotionally able to take control of anything at this point.
(besides, I gotta say that every time I see one of them with that hammer, I keep thinking of that song by Peter, Paul and Mary, "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land." I know, shame on me. )

Now that right there was funny lol
Honestly, I think it is a downright disgrace what is happening to those people. And yes the news media is very much to blame along with LE, who are trying this case in the public eye because they really have nothing very compelling in the way of evidence as yet.

Yes, Casey Anthony deserves scorn for her silence about her daughter's whereabouts. I personally don't know whether or not Caylee is dead. LE has released some tidbits that they say are indisputable evidence. A dead body is indisputable. Air samples of a "smell" taken at least 30 days after the fact are disputable. A single hair with an arguable "death ring" is again disputable. It is entirely possible that LE has other tangible evidence that will pillory Casey Anthony, but until that time, what good can come out of the constant harrassment of her parents.

These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild. Does anyone doubt for a second that George and Cindy do not torment themselves with thoughts of the unimaginable? To be constantly tormented by trailer trash screaming in their faces, bringing little kids to do likewise at all is unconsionable that LE and the Florida courts are allowing this abuse of their rights to continue. If people want to protest Casey's freedom, they should be picketing the sheriff's office or the DAs office which cannot come up with a chargeable offense that will keep her imprisoned. Don't blame her already stricken parents for sheltering her from a pack of self righteous fat harpies who would love to get their hands on the girl and administer "street justice".

As for Caylee, I pray every day for her safe return and until I am told definitively that she is dead, I will continue to do so.
George did it again - he can't stay out of the media. Neither can Cindy. They really have some kind of sick fascination with the tape, the signs, the hammer etc. Unfortunately, they don't have a fascination with Caylee. The only question they should be asked at this point by the media, the protestors, and whoever else they come in contact with is "Where have you physically searched for Caylee today" and "Where are you searching tomorrow"?
Unfortunately, I don't think TES will come back. Tim Miller has so many families clamoring for his help, desperate to find their loved ones, even if it is just a body. I mean, he started TES out of grief that his daughter's body was out there for 17 months, with no one looking. But, the Anthony's don't seem to care to locate their grandchild. So, he'll go work on other cases where the families are desperate. What can you do when the family who has lost someone refuses to support a search for a body, despite all the evidence that she is dead, and has absolutely no credible leads to work off in the search for a live child? You leave and go to a family who is not in denial and desperate for answers and the truth. So sad.

That makes me really sad that you don't think he will come back. I know he said he would later if and when conditions were better. I thought then to myself, he will come back to find her won't he? Now after reading your post I don't think he will. Your right there are people out there that actually want his help to find their loved one. He can't make the Anthony's want his help, and then say terrible things about Mr. Miller that was so wrong. I had a feeling he wasn't coming back. :( Caylee may never be found.
I just noticed, once again, George is holding that hammer!! Sad to say, but eventually that hammer will be used as a weapon.:eek:

Is a hammer the latest fashion accessory?? I have not seen G or C out of the house without a hammer. I don't even know if I have a hammer. I generally use a shoe.:crazy:

Somebody needs to take all the hammers away from them. I have been saying that since this circus started. Enough already!
One reason I no longer have sympathy for Anthony's behaving badly, is that it hurts the efforts in the search for Caylee, alive or not alive. If they truly believe Caylee is alive they hurt her very much with their behavior. They hinder the effort with their image.

I really wanted ask them why the have the 06/09 date on their fliers also but George was too close and I didn't want him to flip out or anything

Hope you don't mind I used your post, Eastside. I thought it pointed out a feeling and I wonder how many have been nervous to step forward and help because of their actions? jmo
I agree with you. They could handle themselves in a more acceptable manner when it comes to the media, however, I believe they are running on raw emotion. They are not logically thinking or planning their actions, they are simply reacting. The media knows this raw emotion will get them a story, so they put their sense of humanity aside just for the story. Do I think the Anthony's are contributing to this circus? yes, I do.
Do I think the media is contributing to this circus...yes, I do. And I hold the media most accountable for this circus because they can take control of this situation, instead, they want a story regardless of what damage may come of it. I don't believe the Anthony's are emotionally able to take control of anything at this point.

I completely agree with you. I wish the media and protesters would leave the Anthonys alone and give them time to really think about Casey's lies and to miss the little girl they loved so much. Fighting with protesters and reporters isn't going to make them crack, it's keeping them from focusing on the truth of the situation.
Maybe if everyone just left the family alone...they could focus all their energy on finding Caylee, or getting the info from Casey, or even have the time and space to come to grips with the loss of the grandchild. Everyone is screaming they are in denial, yet the media circus and the protestors are doing nothing more than keeping them in denial. Maybe if they were left alone they would progress past the denial?
Oh, how I wish that reporter had said nicely " No, George. Your daughter destroyed your family. We are here because of what Casey did to Caylee"

This family seems so out of touch with reality. It's almost like they feel Caylee's gone, so what..lets just go on with our lives.

IMO, the Anthony's are pissed off because they want to move on, that we haven't and won't let them. I feel if the media and the protesters leave, it will give the Anthony's what they want. They don't deserve that. They should be inconvenienced every which way they turn.

I have no symphathy for them. None. They need to suffer every single day that baby is laying out there rotting.
Honestly, I think it is a downright disgrace what is happening to those people. And yes the news media is very much to blame along with LE, who are trying this case in the public eye because they really have nothing very compelling in the way of evidence as yet.

Yes, Casey Anthony deserves scorn for her silence about her daughter's whereabouts. I personally don't know whether or not Caylee is dead. LE has released some tidbits that they say are indisputable evidence. A dead body is indisputable. Air samples of a "smell" taken at least 30 days after the fact are disputable. A single hair with an arguable "death ring" is again disputable. It is entirely possible that LE has other tangible evidence that will pillory Casey Anthony, but until that time, what good can come out of the constant harrassment of her parents.

These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild. Does anyone doubt for a second that George and Cindy do not torment themselves with thoughts of the unimaginable? To be constantly tormented by trailer trash screaming in their faces, bringing little kids to do likewise at all is unconsionable that LE and the Florida courts are allowing this abuse of their rights to continue. If people want to protest Casey's freedom, they should be picketing the sheriff's office or the DAs office which cannot come up with a chargeable offense that will keep her imprisoned. Don't blame her already stricken parents for sheltering her from a pack of self righteous fat harpies who would love to get their hands on the girl and administer "street justice".

As for Caylee, I pray every day for her safe return and until I am told definitively that she is dead, I will continue to do so.

yes..yes..yes! You put my thoughts into words much better than I do.
Honestly, I think it is a downright disgrace what is happening to those people. And yes the news media is very much to blame along with LE, who are trying this case in the public eye because they really have nothing very compelling in the way of evidence as yet.

Yes, Casey Anthony deserves scorn for her silence about her daughter's whereabouts. I personally don't know whether or not Caylee is dead. LE has released some tidbits that they say are indisputable evidence. A dead body is indisputable. Air samples of a "smell" taken at least 30 days after the fact are disputable. A single hair with an arguable "death ring" is again disputable. It is entirely possible that LE has other tangible evidence that will pillory Casey Anthony, but until that time, what good can come out of the constant harrassment of her parents.

These people are guilty of nothing more than trying to protect their child and grieving terribly for their lost grandchild. Does anyone doubt for a second that George and Cindy do not torment themselves with thoughts of the unimaginable? To be constantly tormented by trailer trash screaming in their faces, bringing little kids to do likewise at all is unconsionable that LE and the Florida courts are allowing this abuse of their rights to continue. If people want to protest Casey's freedom, they should be picketing the sheriff's office or the DAs office which cannot come up with a chargeable offense that will keep her imprisoned. Don't blame her already stricken parents for sheltering her from a pack of self righteous fat harpies who would love to get their hands on the girl and administer "street justice".

As for Caylee, I pray every day for her safe return and until I am told definitively that she is dead, I will continue to do so.

Wow a voice of reason. Great post!!! :clap:
IMO, the Anthony's are pissed off because they want to move on, that we haven't and won't let them. I feel if the media and the protesters leave, it will give the Anthony's what they want. They don't deserve that. They should be inconvenienced every which way they turn.

I have no symphathy for them. None. They need to suffer every single day that baby is laying out there rotting.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I agree with him, the media has inserted themselves into this case far beyond what is necessary in reporting the news, and they haven't done if for the good of little Caylee. Unless they feel that Caylee is going to show up in the Anthony yard, there is no legitimate reason for the cameras to be filming the Anthony home 24/7. The media wants nothing more than for the Anthonys to lose their cool on camera. I have no idea if the media is paying protesters but the media presence alone certainly encourages the protesters to behave like imbeciles, to the delight of the reporters.

Totally disagree. The traditional and nontraditional media HAVE RIGHTLY KEPT THIS CASE IN THE SPOTLIGHT. Much to the chagrin of Casey, her family and Baez.

If not for the completely outlandish behavior by first Casey, and then subsequently by George, Cindy and Lee, there wouldn't have been much of a story to begin with, would there?

My suggestion? If you don't want your family fronting every tabloid in the US, then making your daughter tell the truth as well as not brandishing hammers while screaming at "the damn media" would probably be a smart move. Just a thought.

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