George and Cindy Anthony have new lawyers

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Can anyone think of one instance where the parent of a person accused of murdering his/her child (their grandchild), that has retained an attorney?

Kyron Horman's dad has just retained counsel Laura Rackne, Not sure what that means but it's interesting. To answer your question
Kyron Horman's dad has just retained counsel Laura Rackne, Not sure what that means but it's interesting. To answer your question

For his divorce and/or child custody concerns?
On In Session today Jean C. was asked what she thought of Cindy's recent court hearing. She felt Cindy was being truthful thru out her testimony. She did'nt pick up on her memory loss or her "stupid" answer concerning the smell from the car. Cindy does'nt
know why she said "the car smelled like a dead body" (DUH because it did?) Just wanted
to get Le she said the first thing that came to her. Please Beth, take over.
On In Session today Jean C. was asked what she thought of Cindy's recent court hearing. She felt Cindy was being truthful thru out her testimony. She did'nt pick up on her memory loss or her "stupid" answer concerning the smell from the car. Cindy does'nt
know why she said "the car smelled like a dead body" (DUH because it did?) Just wanted
to get Le she said the first thing that came to her. Please Beth, take over.

You don't believe that?! Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm a :loser:
What??? No wagers on how long these attorneys are going to last?
Red by me.

I believe we are dealing with an attorney.... er, excuse me, Law Office that is *very* inexperienced in dealing with the media.

Heck, he coulda asked Cindy for an intro to the local guys. Sheesh!

Do you think there's any chance that the new Law Office has a publicity stunt department? I do. :crazy:
My feelings towards Cindy are so confusing to me! There's still a part of me that feels sad for Cindy. I do not have these feelings for George, or Lee, and especially not for Casey! On December 19, 2008 when the remains of Caylee were ID I wrote Cindy a letter, I enclosed with this letter a rag doll with a muslin heart sewn on the front with the words "Find Your Strength" printed on it ( I make these dolls for victims) at that time I thought of Cindy as a victim and my heart went out to her. I told her in the ltter I sent I felt that things were only going to get worse for her and I hoped she would be able to be strong. And now here we are 20 months later, and the things she has done and said I just don't understand, I know without a doubt I would never do or say some of these things, I would never defend/protect someone who has harmed a child, no matter who that person is, but I still feel sad for her. Sometimes I don't understand how I can feel sad for a person like Cindy????
Kyron Horman's dad has just retained counsel Laura Rackne, Not sure what that means but it's interesting. To answer your question

He didn't just retain her. He's had her for awhile for the divorce and custody related issues, not with Kyron being missing. He is not even a suspect in Kyron's disappearance.

So see, he has one for good reason. The Anthony's? Because it's the "in" thing to have lawyers on retainer? I have no idea.
My feelings towards Cindy are so confusing to me! There's still a part of me that feels sad for Cindy. I do not have these feelings for George, or Lee, and especially not for Casey! On December 19, 2008 when the remains of Caylee were ID I wrote Cindy a letter, I enclosed with this letter a rag doll with a muslin heart sewn on the front with the words "Find Your Strength" printed on it ( I make these dolls for victims) at that time I thought of Cindy as a victim and my heart went out to her. I told her in the ltter I sent I felt that things were only going to get worse for her and I hoped she would be able to be strong. And now here we are 20 months later, and the things she has done and said I just don't understand, I know without a doubt I would never do or say some of these things, I would never defend/protect someone who has harmed a child, no matter who that person is, but I still feel sad for her. Sometimes I don't understand how I can feel sad for a person like Cindy????

I certainly felt compassion for her at first, but it was rapidly replaced with contempt when I saw how she insulted everyone that was trying to find Caylee, and saw how she lied without hesitation to suit her own convenience.
She has earned the contempt many times over by her own behavior I'm afraid.
My feelings towards Cindy are so confusing to me! There's still a part of me that feels sad for Cindy. I do not have these feelings for George, or Lee, and especially not for Casey! On December 19, 2008 when the remains of Caylee were ID I wrote Cindy a letter, I enclosed with this letter a rag doll with a muslin heart sewn on the front with the words "Find Your Strength" printed on it ( I make these dolls for victims) at that time I thought of Cindy as a victim and my heart went out to her. I told her in the ltter I sent I felt that things were only going to get worse for her and I hoped she would be able to be strong. And now here we are 20 months later, and the things she has done and said I just don't understand, I know without a doubt I would never do or say some of these things, I would never defend/protect someone who has harmed a child, no matter who that person is, but I still feel sad for her. Sometimes I don't understand how I can feel sad for a person like Cindy????

I think you can feel sad for Cindy because you are a compassionate person, as evidenced by the rag dolls you make for victims.

Hang in there! I feel certain Cindy will do something yet that will clarify for you your feelings about her... one way or the other. I'm guessing "the other"...

ETA: Wow!! I just read TWA's post...... mine comes nowhere close to explaining feelings the way hers did. She is dead on in everything she wrote, IMO.
TWA I didn't want to quote your post due to length but all I can say is;

:clap: :clap:
I am sorry. I must have really messed up.
After I read the excellent post by TWA, I was thinking how I wish I could do more than click the "thank" button. I must have double clicked it because it went and disappeared completely.
I've checked back two or three times and the post is still not back.
Again, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to mess up her post. It was great!
I wish everyone could have read it.
Tell me if you think I'm off my rocker here.

Could it be that this law firm agreed to represent the Anthony's if they would quit doing media tours. Barring of course the shoe donation thing because Cindy already had that planned?
My feelings towards Cindy are so confusing to me! There's still a part of me that feels sad for Cindy. I do not have these feelings for George, or Lee, and especially not for Casey! On December 19, 2008 when the remains of Caylee were ID I wrote Cindy a letter, I enclosed with this letter a rag doll with a muslin heart sewn on the front with the words "Find Your Strength" printed on it ( I make these dolls for victims) at that time I thought of Cindy as a victim and my heart went out to her. I told her in the ltter I sent I felt that things were only going to get worse for her and I hoped she would be able to be strong. And now here we are 20 months later, and the things she has done and said I just don't understand, I know without a doubt I would never do or say some of these things, I would never defend/protect someone who has harmed a child, no matter who that person is, but I still feel sad for her. Sometimes I don't understand how I can feel sad for a person like Cindy????

What a wonderful person you must be grammieto5! How kind of you to reach out to CA and other victims. While your message may not appear to have reached CA, IF she read the words and held the doll, I have no doubt your loving energy gave her comfort if nothing else. You meet the sweetest people here. :angel:
Added On March 31, 2011
As the trial of Casey Anthony approaches, Nancy Grace spoke with Mark Lippman, the attorney for her parents.

Just thought you all would like to see who Mark Lippman blitz on the rise...JMHO

and with JVM....
Added On March 31, 2011
Will Casey Anthony's defense team point the finger at Caylee's grandfather, George? HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell reports.

Justice for Caylee
The moment I heard George and Cindy had retained a new attorney this firms credibility went down in my opinion. It's one thing to take on a high profile client connected to a controversary when there is room to exploit a possible doubt. It's another to take on this same client who is beyond any doubt guilty of same controversary. The contents of this controversary being the deliberate choice to protect a murderer by intentional and willfully condemning innocent individual or individuals for this murder. And, this conspiracy has involved tampering with evidence, obstructing justice, committing perjury, conspiring with others that involve surreptitious behavior, communications, documents and agreements.

So, I ask myself why take this client? 5 minutes of fame
What sort of person would want to take this client? Again, for that 5 minutes
of fame.
So then I question what value does this attorney place on his ethics, morals, justice, integrity that would justify his/her decision to represent someone like George and Cindy.

After answering these questions within myself I have nothing but utter contempt for this attorney. Now that I have had the opportunity to observe Lippman making the media rounds, IMO, he's of the same class of Baez, Mason and the Anthonys deserve his counsel.

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