George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

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How do you know that George and Cindy thrive on drama?

Another witty point. I'm finished posting on this thread for now. I know I'm right and I know you and Aimee are right. You can't teach logic and it's getting boring.
Because they never miss an opportunity to create or indulge in it?
People watch the webcams for hours and hours every day and rarely see George and Cindy out there interacting with the protesters, so I don't think it's at all accurate to say they never miss an opportunity to indulge.
Another witty point. I'm finished posting on this thread for now. I know I'm right and I know you and Aimee are right. You can't teach logic and it's getting boring.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :clap:
These protesters are keeping this case in the media. Everyone has pretty much quit looking for Caylee so all the protesters keep the news media focused on this case. I give it another month and something else will overshadow this case and the only place this will still be talked about is on this web page. You may not like it but it is the truth. Remember when that Levy girl was missing and it was in the news forever. 9/11 happened and that girls name was not in the news media until they found her poor body months later.
her name was chandra!!
At this point they aren't willing to accept that Casey has harmed Caylee. They have ever legal right to bail her out and have her in their home. Do we all agree with it? Of course not, but truly that's their business as a family. If someone wants to protest the fact that she's out on bond, take the protest to the courthouse.

Yep they do have the right to bail her out and KC has the right to be bailed out but she also has the right to tell the truth of where her kid is. The family has made this everyones business. I just have never seen a family in this situation act this stupid before a nation and world to see. There life is ruined and they have gone as far as (rumor) selling video and pictures of their own grandchild. They can't even pay their damn bills and they are taking what little they do have to bond her out of jail over and over again. Would they do this if she had molested a child or killed a family while drinking and driving????
That's giving her an option, it's not making her tell the truth. How do you make another person tell the truth?

Tell the truth or get out of our house.

Buy your own food , clothing and shelter or tell the truth.

Casey's become toxic to her old crew.

And as a bonus, the protestors would be under the bridge where Casey went to live, as LE has the car which I think C & G own anway.

OMG...I just watched it with sound. I don't think they give a darn about Caylee...instead just hoping to look 'bad' and get their 'face time' while they can. I can't stand the family for what they've done (or rather, haven't done), but this is way too much and for all the wrong reasons.
Another witty point. I'm finished posting on this thread for now. I know I'm right and I know you and Aimee are right. You can't teach logic and it's getting boring.

Good night and thanks for the debating...I can do it all night.
People watch the webcams for hours and hours every day and rarely see George and Cindy out there interacting with the protesters, so I don't think it's at all accurate to say they never miss an opportunity to indulge.
I've seen the webcams many times and often there are no protesters in camera range, which means they are not inching onto the lawn.

We've seen George go out on multiple occasions and accost the people who are waiting to accost him. He took it upon himself to march over to two guys in lawnchairs on the sidewalk and fling their property around until a neighbor held him back. Lee has attempted - and failed miserably and amusingly - to kill a protest sign and abscond with a dog bowl. Cindy, just last night, left her house in the wee hours of the morning armed with a baseball bat to confront a bunch of loudmouth kids.

And let's not even go into their media appearances, and George's infamous shut up! Shut Up! SHUT UP!

Trust me, as someone who works in Hollywood I am intimately familiar with drama queens, and this whole family qualifies for membership in the royal family.
OMG...I just watched it with sound. I don't think they give a darn about Caylee...instead just hoping to look 'bad' and get their 'face time' while they can. I can't stand the family for what they've done (or rather, haven't done), but this is way too much and for all the wrong reasons.

I watched it the first time without sound too. I was shocked when I watched the full video with audio. :eek:
:woohoo: Assault with a water riffle!! :woohoo:

LOL, I had a visual and it was too comical.

Also, the LE should also tell the Anthonys to stop provoking people with Hammers, Bats & waterhoses......IMO, they are only beating the hive with a thats prolly why the guardian angels are now staged outside their house....I bet their lawyer called them? More spin! Blah Blah Blah, what r they gonna do? :waitasec: smack em with their cute little red hats ??? :rolleyes:

I have yet to see George or Cindy come running out of the house provoking the protestors with hammers, bats or hoses.

I have, however, seen the protestors provoking the Anthonys and threatening them, calling them names, tresspassing, and making a public nuisance. No matter what you think of the Anthonys, that is their home, this is the United States of America -- not some Third World Country, and the Anthonys should be given the same freedoms the rest of us have.

I was appalled, and have been upset all day, over what happended to them last night. George was NOT hiding behind Cindy; he was supporting her and keeping her under control. This is his home, and I saw great fear and bravery in his eyes. George and Cindy are trying to protect their home, their lives, and their wellbeing, and I think, all things considered, they are doing so with incredible restraint.

It does not matter what you think of them. I think that a lot of people on this board, if suddenly found themselves on Hopespring Drive in Orlando, would behave just as badly as many of the protesters have. In fact, words can hurt and leave as lasting an impression as sticks, pennies, stones, etc. Would YOU like to live in the terror they are living?

Their beloved granddaughter is missing and is most likely dead. Their daughter is being accused and taunted day after day. Ya'll are not telling the Anthonys something they don't know. They are very aware of their situation. But there is no guidebook, no Dr. Spock, no connect the dots for the situation they are in. My God! I feel for these people. I'm not saying they are right in what they have done, I'm not saying that they are blameless, but THEY DO NOT DESERVE the public ridicule and humiliation and scrutiny they are going through. NO one does. No one.

Could any one of us handle this horror, this h3ll, any better? They have made mistakes, they are sometimes wrong-headed. Doesn't that apply to us all? The only difference is, instead of being able to just go "whew, no one saw, no one will know", they are living their horror minute by minute on a webcam trained on their front door, and with reporters dogging their every move.

Sure they are probably in denial. Wouldn't you be? Wouldn't you hold out hope after hope after hope that your grandbaby would be found safe? And if you were being attacked on a daily, hourly basis, would not that just make you dig your heels into your belief all that much stronger?

Certainly George wants retribution for the attacks last night. Wouldn't you? His home, his family, he's trying to protect and deal with the family situation the best he can, and people pound on his door in the middle of the night, damage his property, threaten his family. physically attack his person - what the h3ll would you do? Cower inside?

Casey definitely is responsible for what happened to Caylee. She either killed her, allowed her to be killed, or for some unknown reason gave, sold, or allowed someone else to have control over the child and now does not know where she is. That is wrong. She has been charged with child neglect and that is proper. I think JB, however, is definitely wrong in telling her to not show any emotions. As "inconvenient" as it may be for a 22 year old girl to have to deal with a 3 year old child, this mother is scared to death.

Sure she has lied, she has stolen, and she will face the court on those charges. She has made many wrong choices. Casey is no angel. She may have killed Caylee, or allowed Caylee to die. She certainly put the child in harms way. But a mob mentality, throwing rocks, intimidation, making the family live in fear, is no solution. It's just wrong. It's not the way Americans do things. And it's all just horrifyingly sad.

I wish Casey would or could speak up. I wish Caylee were alive and well and living on Hopespring Dr. I wish I had never heard of Fusion, Amy, TonE, Z, chloroform, The Body Farm, gas cans, cell phone records, cadaver dogs, LP, and on and on. I wish this wasn't so long, and I wish somebody would actually read it. I wish someone would find Caylee. I wish a long time in prison for whoever is responsible, and I wish for some kind of peace for Cindy and George.
I just want to know what protesting even accomplishes? It is pointless to me.

This is going to be off this topic, but trust me folks...its important to point this fact out:

Well I could give you many things protesting comes to mind is womens right to vote was one of them! And actually some of those women who protested in the streets to fight for your right to vote, were put in prison and beaten, fed mush with spit in it etc etc. There are many reasons why protesting is done and it can accomplish great long as its done properly....:blowkiss:
If someone wants to protest the fact that she's out on bond, take the protest to the courthouse.

Or they can protest it right on a sidewalk that's public property, where the protesters were this morning at 1:30. They're not protesting the legal system, they're protesting the fact that a mother refused to tell officers the truth 31 days after her daughter went missing, so I think they're right where they should be. Is it helping to find Caylee? Indirectly, maybe. The protesters are doing what they think is best to find Caylee since the searches were called off due to lack of information from the one source that would have it.
I have yet to see George or Cindy come running out of the house provoking the protestors with hammers, bats or hoses.

I have, however, seen the protestors provoking the Anthonys and threatening them, calling them names, tresspassing, and making a public nuisance. No matter what you think of the Anthonys, that is their home, this is the United States of America -- not some Third World Country, and the Anthonys should be given the same freedoms the rest of us have.

I was appalled, and have been upset all day, over what happended to them last night. George was NOT hiding behind Cindy; he was supporting her and keeping her under control. This is his home, and I saw great fear and bravery in his eyes. George and Cindy are trying to protect their home, their lives, and their wellbeing, and I think, all things considered, they are doing so with incredible restraint.

It does not matter what you think of them. I think that a lot of people on this board, if suddenly found themselves on Hopespring Drive in Orlando, would behave just as badly as many of the protesters have. In fact, words can hurt and leave as lasting an impression as sticks, pennies, stones, etc. Would YOU like to live in the terror they are living?

Their beloved granddaughter is missing and is most likely dead. Their daughter is being accused and taunted day after day. Ya'll are not telling the Anthonys something they don't know. They are very aware of their situation. But there is no guidebook, no Dr. Spock, no connect the dots for the situation they are in. My God! I feel for these people. I'm not saying they are right in what they have done, I'm not saying that they are blameless, but THEY DO NOT DESERVE the public ridicule and humiliation and scrutiny they are going through. NO one does. No one.

Could any one of us handle this horror, this h3ll, any better? They have made mistakes, they are sometimes wrong-headed. Doesn't that apply to us all? The only difference is, instead of being able to just go "whew, no one saw, no one will know", they are living their horror minute by minute on a webcam trained on their front door, and with reporters dogging their every move.

Sure they are probably in denial. Wouldn't you be? Wouldn't you hold out hope after hope after hope that your grandbaby would be found safe? And if you were being attacked on a daily, hourly basis, would not that just make you dig your heels into your belief all that much stronger?

Certainly George wants retribution for the attacks last night. Wouldn't you? His home, his family, he's trying to protect and deal with the family situation the best he can, and people pound on his door in the middle of the night, damage his property, threaten his family. physically attack his person - what the h3ll would you do? Cower inside?

Casey definitely is responsible for what happened to Caylee. She either killed her, allowed her to be killed, or for some unknown reason gave, sold, or allowed someone else to have control over the child and now does not know where she is. That is wrong. She has been charged with child neglect and that is proper. I think JB, however, is definitely wrong in telling her to not show any emotions. As "inconvenient" as it may be for a 22 year old girl to have to deal with a 3 year old child, this mother is scared to death.

Sure she has lied, she has stolen, and she will face the court on those charges. She has made many wrong choices. Casey is no angel. She may have killed Caylee, or allowed Caylee to die. She certainly put the child in harms way. But a mob mentality, throwing rocks, intimidation, making the family live in fear, is no solution. It's just wrong. It's not the way Americans do things. And it's all just horrifyingly sad.

I wish Casey would or could speak up. I wish Caylee were alive and well and living on Hopespring Dr. I wish I had never heard of Fusion, Amy, TonE, Z, chloroform, The Body Farm, gas cans, cell phone records, cadaver dogs, LP, and on and on. I wish this wasn't so long, and I wish somebody would actually read it. I wish someone would find Caylee. I wish a long time in prison for whoever is responsible, and I wish for some kind of peace for Cindy and George.

I read your entire post and agree with it completely.
Or they can protest it right on a sidewalk that's public property, where the protesters were this morning at 1:30. They're not protesting the legal system, they're protesting the fact that a mother refused to tell officers the truth 31 days after her daughter went missing, so I think they're right where they should be.

You think they should be out in the street at 1:30 in the morning throwing objects at windows, shouting out obscenities, and disrupting an entire neighborhood full of innocent people.

Okay. You're entitled to your opinion.

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